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What I appreciate about ...

Peaceful Isle

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..this board:


I have learned so much here about schooling, health, being a friend, a teacher, the Lord, and so much more.


...Susan wise Bauer :


My children hated history until they were taught with Story of the world. Now they love it. My son loves his language lessons because of FLL. I learned I could really teach because of The Well trained mind.

She is so gracious to us when we get out of hand here, she carries many burdens we have no clue about, and she allows us to keep this community of friends.


Please, if you choose to, write what you are thankful about, amidst the conflicting topic of the day.

Let's encourage each other in this thread with thankfulness, what we have in common, and a love for each other, despite our differences.

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Oh goodness! I'm thankful for all the mommies whose schedules and organization helped me sort out my own. Very, very helpful. Between Susan's books and the boardies, our homeschool has been greatly enhanced. So much so I probably couldn't elucidate all the benefits even if I tried!

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In addition to SWB and JW and all the wonderful WTM curricula and resources I used over the years:


I'm thankful for all the friends who kept me company while waiting for news and celebrated or consoled me depending on what the news brought.


I am also grateful for all the people and threads that made me LOL when I needed it most.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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One is supposed to learn something new everyday.  I think most days I learn my "thing" on here.  I love the diversity and depth of knowledge fellow Boardies are willing to share about anything and everything, both homeschooling and life.  I love following Boardie kids and Boardie families.  


And I'm purposely staying away from conflict.  I often purposely stay away from conflict.   :coolgleamA:  It's there for the rest of y'all who want to enjoy it.  There truly is diversity among the threads we can choose to read - or not.

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I don't have homeschool friends in real life. They all put too much stress on it and burnt out. If it weren't for you guys I'd be using Abeka, stressed about what I wasn't covering and I'd have my son sitting at a desk instead of writing letters in the dirt.


I'm grateful for the wisdom, laughter and friendship. Thank you Susan, and thank you hive.

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I don't have homeschool friends in real life. They all put too much stress on it and burnt out. If it weren't for you guys I'd be using Abeka, stressed about what I wasn't covering and I'd have my son sitting at a desk instead of writing letters in the dirt.


Oh darn, looks like we messed one up...  :lol:

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I'm incredibly thankful for this board!  People who approach their homeschools thoughtfully, bouncing ideas off one another, explaining what has and hasn't worked for them (from curriculum to schedule to everything else), commiserating and rejoicing with one another, and just generally getting to know one another.  

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While I am grateful for the book/curriculum suggestions that came from this forum, I can honestly say that I do not know if I could have made it through the college counselor process without the significant hand holding that I received over on the high school/college boards. Thanks Susan and all!


"The Boy", as he was known, is now a college grad, a working archaeologist.  Or should I say a Well Trained Archaeologist?  It seems a more accurate description.


I continue to hang out because of friends made here. 

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I know all the controversial topics are making SWB :banghead: :banghead:  but generally I love how this board has such a diverse group of people who are willing to discuss an issue thoughtfully from different points of view. So often I will see an argument online and think, "I wish this was happening on the Hive, it'd be SO much better!" :)


I love the curriculum suggestions, the awesome education discussions. I like that this board does not accept that homeschooling done badly (or not at all) is still the best educational option. I can't tell you how many times I've come here and gotten just the motivation or kick in the pants I've needed. I've been here for, what, five years or something? Not long compared to some. Sometimes I post a lot, sometimes not much at all, and I know I'm not the most well known or active member but this board is still a valuable part of my life.


So thanks SWB for putting up with us when things get out of hand around here. :) I really do appreciate it.

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I appreciate this thread, and I feel for SWB, and appreciate her efforts to keep this a civilized place.  I don't spend a lot of time on the Chat Board, so most of what I gain from the Hive is homeschooling talk and book talk, but I will say that I really, really appreciate that this a place where diverse views are expressed. There are POVs that I wouldn't even know existed if I didn't read about them here.  And that is a good thing! I know it's good for me to get out of my bubble. I bet it's healthy for most of us, most of the time.


Thanks, SWB!! Sorry we've given you a rough couple of days.  This parenting thing can be tough, can't it?  ;)  :grouphug:

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I appreciate this board for all the help its members have given me over the years and for the community it continues to give me.  It's also my source of education in popular culture. 


Thank you very much, Susan Wise Bauer!




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