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The bike shop that is fixing my bike is never open anymore.


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So I can't get my (my daughter's, actually) bike.  I brought it in over three weeks ago, and he was supposed to call me in about a week, when it was repaired.  After the end of the week and I hadn't heard from him, I stopped by, but it was closed.  And the next day.  And the next day.  It's been over three weeks now, coming up on four.  The mail is piling up in the little mailbox there (including notes I've left).  I can even look in the window and see our bike!  I wonder if this guy has left town!  No one seems to know anything about him.


Not sure what my next step should be...  Maybe there was a family emergency out of state, who knows!  I guess I can wait awhile longer, but then do I file a report at the police station?  We'd really like our bike back...



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Is there a Facebook page?  Maybe the owner has updated there is there is one.


That's a good idea too!  I just checked, and there is a Facebook page.  It looks like the last time it was updated was around the time I brought it in, in May.  Hmmm....

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Have you tried calling?


There is no phone number.  It's a real hole-in-the-wall type place.  I know there are a lot of big bike events in the summer in this part of the country (bike ride across the state for MS, etc.).  Perhaps he takes part in some of those...

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Maybe post your concern on the FB page? If being nice doesn't get attention, leaving a more...assertive...message there might. If its not a popular place, I'd probably inquire at the police station or the local business association. If you have other bike shops in your area, I'd ask there too. Around here anyway, it's a pretty close knit and supportive community--and you're not the only one whose bike is stuck there!


What a weird situation. Good luck!

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There is no phone number. It's a real hole-in-the-wall type place. I know there are a lot of big bike events in the summer in this part of the country (bike ride across the state for MS, etc.). Perhaps he takes part in some of those...

It's very odd that there's no phone number. What business doesn't have a phone number? A landline, cell, or both? I bet there is a number, even if the owner didn't give it to you. I hope you get your bike back soon!

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I was thinking you might want to find out who owns the building and contact that person. The owner will know if the guy is sick or injured, but this could also be a case of the guy skipping out on his rent in the middle of the night and the property owner now has possession of your dd's bike.

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It's very odd that there's no phone number. What business doesn't have a phone number? A landline, cell, or both? I bet there is a number, even if the owner didn't give it to you. I hope you get your bike back soon!


Well, I imagine he keeps a cell phone, though I don't know the number. 


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I would start by leaving a message on the FB page.  If you don't get a response in two days, then I would contact the police and ask what you should do since he has possession of your property and there appears to be no way for you to get it back.  


I hadn't thought to leave a message on his FB page, but that's a good idea.  I'll do that.  I did also find one connection... someone who has liked several of his FB posts is actually a friend of mine, so I can see if he knows anything.  Unfortunately, this friend of mine is a rather eccentric, older artist who lives as a hermit with no phone number miles out in the country...  Lots of characters in this area! 

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Did you try Google for the phone number? If he has used his cell number in connection with the bike shop, it may be found online. 


Do you know his personal name? Try Google to see if he was listed in an accident?  Or see if his address shows up listed. I wouldn't go knocking on his home door, but I would do a drive by to see if anything seems amiss. 


Otherwise, I would call the police first and see what they suggest.  Or call the property owner to see if they have a connection to him.


Most business owners put up a sign to say they are going to be on vacation and have someone pick up the mail, but it is possible that those things just got over looked....or the person who was supposed to pick up, isn't available due to some unforeseen reason.

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So, I really think you should simply drop by the police station and mention this.  It's a talk to the guy at the front desk thing, or a cop sitting in a car thing, at this point. They may know already what's up.


About a month ago we brought our bikes to the old guy that does repairs and also sells used bikes out of his yard on a Saturday. We were leaving the next Friday for a camping trip, so he said they'd be ready by Wednesday. Every time I drove by, the place was closed up with a closed sign I'd never seen before (we'd been going there for two years). I finally called the number on his card and was informed the man had died in his sleep the night we dropped off our bikes :(  I had no idea he even had family living in his house, as I'd never even seen anyone there except him in two years worth of interactions. Most people still didn't know several weeks later when someone finally asked about it on our town FB page. Lack of opening up is one thing, when you were not warned he'd be away. Piled up mail, though, is very much another. (Our local post office will actually stop delivery and pick up all the uncollected mail and take it back to the office to "protect it". It's the piled up mail that I'd find concerning. Plus, you know, my recent personal experience that has me touchy about AWOL bike repairmen...but I think perhaps the mail is sufficient enough just to go ask at the station.

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So, I really think you should simply drop by the police station and mention this. It's a talk to the guy at the front desk thing, or a cop sitting in a car thing, at this point. They may know already what's up.


About a month ago we brought our bikes to the old guy that does repairs and also sells used bikes out of his yard on a Saturday. We were leaving the next Friday for a camping trip, so he said they'd be ready by Wednesday. Every time I drove by, the place was closed up with a closed sign I'd never seen before (we'd been going there for two years). I finally called the number on his card and was informed the man had died in his sleep the night we dropped off our bikes :( I had no idea he even had family living in his house, as I'd never even seen anyone there except him in two years worth of interactions. Most people still didn't know several weeks later when someone finally asked about it on our town FB page. Lack of opening up is one thing, when you were not warned he'd be away. Piled up mail, though, is very much another. (Our local post office will actually stop delivery and pick up all the uncollected mail and take it back to the office to "protect it". It's the piled up mail that I'd find concerning. Plus, you know, my recent personal experience that has me touchy about AWOL bike repairmen...but I think perhaps the mail is sufficient enough just to go ask at the station.

I agree. I'd go to the police at this point.

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Oh, a mystery! Hopefully with a happy ending.


Maybe the owner won the lottery and skipped town to deliver bikes to orphans in a poor country...

Maybe. :-) but the OP said she can see her daughter's bike in the window of the shop. I hope the mystery is solved soon and you get the bike back, OP!

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Thanks for checking in everyone!  I was going to give him until the weekend -- because on his Facebook page Saturday hours were for some reason listed (even though he used to be open every other day too, and those hours were not listed).  No luck, and all of his mail was still sitting in his mailbox.  So, I was on my way out the door just this morning to go to the police station when I checked my email.  I had emailed all of my friends in this area so see if anyone by chance knew the owner.  One person emailed me back!  They were able to tell me his name and that he had been in an accident and is unable to work. My friend doesn't have his address or a phone number, but gave me another number to call of a mutual friend who might have more info...  So, I'm hoping I can track him down in the next day or so.  If not, I still may check in at the police station to see what next steps I should take.



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Thanks for checking in everyone!  I was going to give him until the weekend -- because on his Facebook page Saturday hours were for some reason listed (even though he used to be open every other day too, and those hours were not listed).  No luck, and all of his mail was still sitting in his mailbox.  So, I was on my way out the door just this morning to go to the police station when I checked my email.  I had emailed all of my friends in this area so see if anyone by chance knew the owner.  One person emailed me back!  They were able to tell me his name and that he had been in an accident and is unable to work. My friend doesn't have his address or a phone number, but gave me another number to call of a mutual friend who might have more info...  So, I'm hoping I can track him down in the next day or so.  If not, I still may check in at the police station to see what next steps I should take.

Thanks for the update, OP.  Hopefully you can get the bike back and the man will be o.k.


Honestly, I might still contact the police, especially if someone were able to meet you to get the bike back.  I wouldn't want to remove anything from the premises unless someone neutral and official were there.  That way no one can say that other things were taken that shouldn't have been.  Just as a precaution.

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I would just take photos and see if someone could meet me there to get it in broad daylight before involving police maybe?

That might work.  I would still want some third party neutral person as witness, though, so it isn't one person's word against another.


ETA:  I wonder why no one he knows is trying to help out by at least picking up the mail.  Goodness that's just sad.

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I was thinking something similar... Why has no one posted a sign with some info? Maybe he is afraid someone will break in, though.

That makes sense.


You'd think even if he was in a coma there would be someone he knew that knows his situation that would at least go pick up the mail., though.  I hope I am never in a situation where I literally have absolutely no one who would step in and help out in a crisis.  That's just really sad. 

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Thanks for checking in everyone!  I was going to give him until the weekend -- because on his Facebook page Saturday hours were for some reason listed (even though he used to be open every other day too, and those hours were not listed).  No luck, and all of his mail was still sitting in his mailbox.  So, I was on my way out the door just this morning to go to the police station when I checked my email.  I had emailed all of my friends in this area so see if anyone by chance knew the owner.  One person emailed me back!  They were able to tell me his name and that he had been in an accident and is unable to work. My friend doesn't have his address or a phone number, but gave me another number to call of a mutual friend who might have more info...  So, I'm hoping I can track him down in the next day or so.  If not, I still may check in at the police station to see what next steps I should take.


Thanks for the update! Hopefully you can get more information and get your bike back. I feel badly for the guy though! Hopefully he isn't as alone as it sounds. :( I'd definitely talk to the police and see what they suggest. Keep us posted!

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I had the same reaction: I hope this guy isn't as alone as the situation suggests.



He seemed like the kind of guy who lives kind of on the fringe, and I would not be surprised if he has no family in the area.  But, I think he is loosely part of a post-hippie environmentalist group (that's the best way I can think to describe it  :)) in our area which is usually a very supportive group.  Hopefully I'll find out more information.  On a side note, my daughter injured her leg yesterday afternoon and is now on crutches for awhile, so is not in such an urgent hurry to get her bike!  ha

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Just another update!  I was able to get ahold of a sort-of friend of the owner of the bike store this evening, and it turns out he had fallen down some stairs, broken his hip, and was in the hospital all this time until just this past weekend.  Thankfully, it sounds like he is mending.  The person I spoke with said he had friends who were helping him and bringing him places when necessary.  She thought it likely that they could drive him to the bike shop and let me in to get our bike.  AND she was able to give me his phone number.  So there you go. 

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Just another update!  I was able to get ahold of a sort-of friend of the owner of the bike store this evening, and it turns out he had fallen down some stairs, broken his hip, and was in the hospital all this time until just this past weekend.  Thankfully, it sounds like he is mending.  The person I spoke with said he had friends who were helping him and bringing him places when necessary.  She thought it likely that they could drive him to the bike shop and let me in to get our bike.  AND she was able to give me his phone number.  So there you go. 

Oh, good. Glad you are getting answers, will probably get the bike back in the near future, and the guy is on the mend.


Sorry about your daughter's leg, though.



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