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Poll time, How much open credit do you have?

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Ridiculously too much!!! We have such good credit that the limits on our credit cards are absurd. I know one of them is $15,000 and another is $6,000. I'm not sure about all the store cards. Thankfully we only charge what we know we can pay in full every month, but it sure could be tempting, YKWIM?

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Ridiculously too much!!! We have such good credit that the limits on our credit cards are absurd. I know one of them is $15,000 and another is $6,000. I'm not sure about all the store cards. Thankfully we only charge what we know we can pay in full every month, but it sure could be tempting, YKWIM?


Yep! That is us. I have no idea, but I am guessing $50,000 or so.

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guess I should answer my own, we have $4,000 credit limit on one card that we keep for emergencies. We rarely have much on it, and pay it off unless it's a true emergency, then it might take us several months to pay it off.


I started this as a regular poll, but something happened and it didn't go through. I had it set up n increments of $1,000.



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Ridiculously too much!!! We have such good credit that the limits on our credit cards are absurd. I know one of them is $15,000 and another is $6,000. I'm not sure about all the store cards. Thankfully we only charge what we know we can pay in full every month, but it sure could be tempting, YKWIM?



We used to have that much too and closed the accounts because of theft concern.

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Wow, that's a lot, we don't keep much because I'd worry that someone would use it.


The cardholder's liability is limited to $50 in case of fraud. The issuing bank is the one that loses if someone steals your card or your number. Debit cards are much more risky than credit cards in this respect.

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We had over $16,000 in credit and maxed them out in a year when starting my husband's business. We paid them off from refinancing our home and but them up over 5 years ago and have never owned another cc since. We've contemplated getting one for emergencies, but I'd worry DH would spend too much.

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Not really sure what our credit limit is--it is at least $50,000. Visa raises it periodically unbeknownst to us. We pay off our credit cards monthly, so I don't worry much about it. (I remember one month being offered $250,000 in credit cards. Our annual income was only $30,000 then. I have contempt for unrequested credit cards. It's a financial disaster waiting to happen.)

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About $20k in OPEN credit (that means, not used). We have two accounts that we are going to close, and will just have a MC, a VISA and a Discover...


I do have a couple of store cards I use when those extra bargain days roll in (extra 10% off sale price... :D) But, they get used like, twice a year and paid off immediately.

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My dh has two credit cards that he uses for his traveling expenses related to his job as a consultant. He pays them off every time he is reimbursed for expenses. We do not have any credit cards for personal use. Unfortunately we do have a mortgage, car payment and student loan debt. Our cars frequently get paid off but I don't know if I will live to see the end of the mortgage and student loan payments.

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We have one card we use regularly and pay off completely every month. This card loves us and was raising our credit limit by thousands of dollars every six months. That was ridiculous. So we called them and told them we wanted it capped at a certain amount.


We have two, maybe three other credit cards for specific stores that dh 'just had to have' but have been used once just for the initial purchase.


So, I guess all together our open credit would total somewhere between $10,000-$15,000.

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Not a thing. We are able to use our savings account cards as credit cards for the purpose of buying books from Amazon and whatnot, but it's our own money. I think dh's account can go about $50 into overdraft, if that counts. I wouldn't know if mine can. Not being the proud owners of a mortgage as yet, we don't have any debt. We bought the car outright.



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I've closed all but one of our credit accounts, and I think the remaining one has a pretty low balance. Don't know why--our credit is so good, our mortgage guy asked us if we wanted it in $10s and $20s in a paper bag, or just in an immediate bank draft.


We only took out half the mortgage we qualified for. That's not really open credit, but it gives me a pretty good idea of the kind of credit I could have open, if I were just an ounce dumber. :D

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yeah, but just the hassle of having to deal with that if it did happen. Oy, oy, oy.




We've had our cc number ripped off twice. It was no hassle at all. The bank called to verify charges that turned out to be fraudulent so they cancelled our card and sent a replacement within a couple of days. We didn't even lose the $50. OTOH, I would never use a debit card because you can lose your balance.

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We probably have $50,000 and would never use close to that. However, it isn't even tempting.


That is us too. As I said above, we probably have that much open - not in use. We pay our balance off each month. The one credit card we use is used for everything we purchase. I pay it off once every two weeks or so. It has a credit limit of like $22,000. I didn't ask for that amount of credit, they just up it at least once a year without me asking.

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About $20k in OPEN credit (that means, not used). We have two accounts that we are going to close, and will just have a MC, a VISA and a Discover...


I do have a couple of store cards I use when those extra bargain days roll in (extra 10% off sale price... :D) But, they get used like, twice a year and paid off immediately.


I do this with Kohl's. I pay with my Kohl's store card to get the 15% to 30% off. Then I buy a gift card with my VISA right there at the register and pay off the Kohl's card. This way I not only get the discount, I get my VISA points and I pay my VISA off in full each month.

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