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Please pray for my babies. They lost a pet tonight.


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When they wake up in the morning their beloved cat will be gone and they're too young to understand why. We don't know what happened. When he woke up he was in pain and it's become unbearable throughout the day. The story's longer than that but I don't care to tell it now. This cat has shown incredible patience with the kids and I can still remember John dragging him across the couch by his ears at barely a year old. The cat is only 6 and we didn't see this coming.



R.I.P. Paul


If you have any advice on this I'll gladly take it. We've asked John what he wanted to do tomorrow so we have a day of fun planned, and they both got to say goodnight and give him pets and hugs before they went to bed.

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Sorry y'all are losing your furry friend too soon :(

I would suggest that you explain to them what went wrong in as much detail as you think they can handle, because not knowing is the worst thing, and they need to be reassured that it wasn't their fault, that the pet didn't want to leave them, and of course that you and other important people aren't going to disappear overnight. We usually have little funerals for pets too, and that seems to help the kids cope better with the bereavement.

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I'm so sorry for all of you.   When cat #1 died, it was very tough on my two eldest...even though they were maybe 4 and 2?For both of them, their first "word" was "Na" for Sabrina.


Two or so years later, another homeless cat adopted us.  When I asked the kids what they wanted to call her, they said Sabrina.  So now, just like the Simpsons, we have Sabrina #2.


There is a wonderful book by Cynthia Rylant called "Cat Heaven."  (She also wrote "Dog Heaven.")  It's great for kids of all ages.  It may be at your library.



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I am so very very sorry.  We've been through the loss of a beloved pet, too (a few years back).  Many hugs to you all.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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So sorry--loss of a pet is hard. We've gone through the same thing recently. Be prepared for the possibility the kids may have trouble at bedtime. We've had to work through ours being afraid to go to sleep for fear something else bad (e.g. another pet dying) would happen during the night. Lots of reassurance and some accommodation (being allowed to sleep near the remaining pet) for a few nights seemed to help. It's tough guiding kids through the grieving process, especially when death is unexpected.

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We made a nice photo collage when this happened to our family pet.  We still have it and we are fortunate we had photos of him in his "favorite places" so it helped us remember him just as he was.  I'll be thinking of you and your little ones.  ((hugs))

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