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Son sick with a virus, what can I give him to boost his strength?


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My son (13) was dx with a viral infection that acts just like croup... and laryngitis on Sat.  My neighbor's dd had something similar and she was sick for 12 days!  This is his spring break from school and our Holy Week, I'd really like him to get better sooner.   He was feeling better yesterday, but today he's worse again and his temp is back up.  And he's in tears because he's sick on break.  I feel so bad for him.


So I'm wondering what I can give him to help boost his body's fighting power.  I have Elderberry syrup but I don't know if that will help as he's 4 days in.  Would the Oscillococcinum work after the fact?

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Vit d and c.


Grapeseed extract helped me kick a major illness over the winter, but I think it was bacterial. I'm not sure that it would help at all for a viral infection. I've read that elderberry is a great anti-viral, but in my experience, it hasn't made a difference.


Water. Make sure he's pounding it.

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you can try allicin. http://www.amazon.com/ALLI-C-Allicin-Vitamin-Bioflavonoids-vegetarian/dp/B002OSHSBU/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1428336323&sr=8-4&keywords=allicin  it's a stabilized form of a specific compound found in garlic.   that is supposedly antiviral as well as antibacterial.  it actually came up in one of dd's classes. 



beware labels with mcg instead of mg.  they do that so it looks like they contain more . . . nope, sorry, 6000mcg is not remotely the same as (let along more than) 300mg of the compound . . .



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When any of us get sick with something that involves a sore throat or lung infection, we increase D3 and eat more raw garlic that's been crushed and allowed to sit for about 10". Usually, we eat the garlic -- a lot of it -- on garlic toast.


If your son does not have asthma, you could also try blasting a humidifier. That works like magic here. Springtime seems more humid where I live but the humidity in our house is still only around 25%. When our lungs are having problems, I crank our three humidifiers until the humidity is around 50%. I had many decades of annual bronchitis and/or pneumonia and I'm now convinced it was the dry winter air. In the past five years or so, I haven't even had a slight cough or sore throat since I began using the humidifier. I use it from about October until the beginning of June. For some, it can make a big difference. This is probably not a good idea if your son has asthma, though.

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Is that the same as Vit. D3? Because I have D3 here at home.

Please be careful on vitamin D - it is well known to be immunosuppressive in even moderately high doses (2-5000 IU daily can cause problems, depending on the individual). That's not something I'd supplement right in middle of an infection because it could very likely slow his healing or make him more prone to additional opportunistic pathogens.


Elderberry, zinc, and loading up on antioxidants are all good moves. Sleep is absolutely crucial to healing as well.


There is lots of research available on D, but this is an easy, layperson starting point if you don't want to fall down the pubmed rabbit trail:


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Not to be the one bearing bad news, but two of my girls got this (or something similar) and it has been a bugger to get rid of.  They have both been sick for going on 6 weeks now!  They're both on steroid inhalers and that is helping.  That and getting plenty of rest and water.  They were mostly able to carry on with their activities after the first few days, but my one daughter couldn't sing (she's in the college choir) for a month and my other daughter had to stop running.  For both of them, it began with a fever, a mad cough plus laryngitis, and then turned into bronchitis.  For every two steps forward they'd go one step backward.  But, they are slowly getting better.


The good news is that you caught it early and it's during break so he can take it easy and get lots of good sleep.  It's a bummer to be sick though over break.



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Thanks everyone for the tips.   I had zinc with Elderberry tablets plus the syrup.  And I bought EmergenC.   He's been resting all day and it's so beautiful outside (last day this week without predicted rain too)...so I let him play outside for a bit in the warm sun.  Hopefully, it won't set him back.




Not to be the one bearing bad news, but two of my girls got this (or something similar) and it has been a bugger to get rid of.  They have both been sick for going on 6 weeks now!  They're both on steroid inhalers and that is helping.  That and getting plenty of rest and water.  They were mostly able to carry on with their activities after the first few days, but my one daughter couldn't sing (she's in the college choir) for a month and my other daughter had to stop running.  For both of them, it began with a fever, a mad cough plus laryngitis, and then turned into bronchitis.  For every two steps forward they'd go one step backward.  But, they are slowly getting better.


The good news is that you caught it early and it's during break so he can take it easy and get lots of good sleep.  It's a bummer to be sick though over break.






Ugh... Thanks for the heads up.  That would be much worse than 10-12days of a virus.  So sorry your kids have been sick for so long.  That sucks.

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Not to be a Debbie Downer but...this has made the rounds at my house, too. I was the one who had the worst of it - when I finally went to the doc after almost 3 weeks (I'm Mom! I can't be sick!!) I was diagnosed with pneumonia. Pneumonia?!! I never even considered that - I figured it was just a bad cold & cough. Thanks heavens I have adult daughters nearby; they went grocery shopping and made dinners, etc. for me.


It really does take a long time to get over - I missed the month of March :( and am just now feeling back to normal. My kids all had some version of this but no one was down for over 10 days.


It sounds like you are right on top of things and your son will recover quickly (quicker than me, I'm sure!). :grouphug:

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I sympathize....two years IN A ROW  dd was sick over our entire winter break.  She had sleepover plans, all kinds of things that got cancelled.  One time I went in and she was just crying over how miserable she was and missing all the fun.   :(


This year she made it through though!

Although came down sick this morning with the fever/sore throat thing...

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We had that here, Ds and I went through two rounds of antibiotics, two different steroids, breathing treatments, and the whole shebang. I was sick for about four weeks and nearly ended up in the hospital but I already have asthma and we weren't yet recovered from strep/flu when we got that virus so it hit us extra hard.


We had a bad winter. :(

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Please be careful on vitamin D - it is well known to be immunosuppressive in even moderately high doses (2-5000 IU daily can cause problems, depending on the individual). That's not something I'd supplement right in middle of an infection because it could very likely slow his healing or make him more prone to additional opportunistic pathogens.


Elderberry, zinc, and loading up on antioxidants are all good moves. Sleep is absolutely crucial to healing as well.


There is lots of research available on D, but this is an easy, layperson starting point if you don't want to fall down the pubmed rabbit trail:



All the research I've read states that vitamin D modulates the immune system, but doesn't suppress it, and is actually beneficial to immune function.



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I push vitamin C and D here along with organic yogurt.  


I've also found apple cider vinegar a teaspoon full orally a couple of times a day very helpful with throat issues.  My family finds it disgusting and will avoid it at all costs, but I believe it helps me avoid some viruses or diminishes them.  It's cheap and easy.  


Hope he feels better soon.  

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