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If You Type 7 18 1972 Into A Google Search, What's Your Top Hit(s)?

Spy Car

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Yep, it's Grateful Dead for me too, and I don't think I could name a single Grateful Dead song. ;)  Wait, do they sing that song that says "Riding that train, high on..." or is that someone else?


ETA: That must have been a slow news day, as not only is GD the first Google hit, there's a whole page of them, to the exclusion of anything else...

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Yep, it's Grateful Dead for me too, and I don't think I could name a single Grateful Dead song. ;)  Wait, do they sing that song that says "Riding that train, high on..." or is that someone else?


ETA: That must have been a slow news day, as not only is GD the first Google hit, there's a whole page of them, to the exclusion of anything else...


Yea, that song is called Casey Jones. I hit the "forward" button on that one when wee ones are present.



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Same and I don't even know what genre of music The Grateful Dead play, don't have a clue what they sound(ed) like. The only reason why Google would give that to me would be because I've clicked on plenty of welltrainedmind.com links in the past, and as we all know, WTM-ers are into The Grateful Dead (at least since 6 hours ago). Or because those are the top results for everybody.

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Yea, that song is called Casey Jones. I hit the "forward" button on that one when wee ones are present.




My older brother didn't share your delicate sensibilities, so I grew up hearing the song.  Hmmm.......


(I don't recall Mom getting upset about it.  No clue how that worked, since I remember quite a few things she objected to.)



In spite of my shady background, Anwar Sadat was my 5th Google hit.

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Yea, that song is called Casey Jones. I hit the "forward" button on that one when wee ones are present.




Having had a 3-4yo who was obsessed with "The Old 97" and fascinated by most of the songs on Smithsonian Folkways Classic Railroad Songs[1]... I can't see the Dead's version of Kasey Jones as being any more troublesome... cocaine is a stimulant... should be a cautionary tale right ;)


[1] http://www.folkways.si.edu/classic-railroad-songs-from-folkways/american-folk/music/album/smithsonian

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Grateful Dead in #1


Wikipedia for that date & dscn of Anwar Sadat in #2


Then back to GD

Grateful Dead in #1, 2, and 4.

Wikipedia for "July 1972" in #3.

This thread for #5.


And I've never googled Grateful Dead from this computer and browser.

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History Orb.com this day in history, then Anwar Sadat Wikipedia page, then Famous birthdays.com, Labor force statistics (google books), this thread and THEN the Grateful Dead links start. 


I am not in the US, I wonder if that made a difference?  I also search a lot more history than music stuff. 

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