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It's that time of year again... The Cincy convention!

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Anyone else going?  It's looking like I'm going just Friday for the day, just the vendor hall.  If anyone wants to meet up and gab, that's where I'll be.  :D


I haven't even looked at the vendor list yet.  Anything thrilling?  VP will be there and is bringing the Detweilers, so that will be interesting.

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Dust, I don't know how the Cincy convention does it, but if you get on the website you could find out.  If you have never gone, you ought to try if you can.  Maybe see if someone else who is homeschooling would go with you if you like bonding time.  It can be a real eye opener and very informative.  I have never been to the Cincy convention, although I very much want to.  I HAVE been to several others, in Texas, of varying sizes, and they were all interesting.

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I've never been to one of these conventions. Do you have to pay to go into the vendor halls? or just to hear the lectures?

I've heard it's now the biggest convention in the country.  Yes, they're doing a 1 day vendor hall pass for $10 at the door.  If you want to go to workshops, you pay the full fee, which is on their website.  You could also do the vendor hall and then just buy cds of the talks you wanted to go to.

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I want to go so bad but I don't want to go alone :-(  Weighing the pros and cons...


I'd love to meet up with people from here!!

You could bring your 6 and 9 yos and put them in the children's program.  I'm never alone at the convention, but that's because I seem to find new people every time I turn around, lol.  Lots of boardies are there and somehow you find each other.  It's big but not big, if that makes sense.  :)

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I only live 30 minutes from there and will be out of town that weekend :( I really want to go to the vendor hall. I have a few things I want to see. So bummed!

Wow, you mean you didn't mark the date a year ahead of time and tell those people to move their wedding date?   :D    :lol: 


(I don't know if you're actually going to a wedding, just saying, lol.)  


Well there's the convention up in Sandusky...  


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You could bring your 6 and 9 yos and put them in the children's program.  I'm never alone at the convention, but that's because I seem to find new people every time I turn around, lol.  Lots of boardies are there and somehow you find each other.  It's big but not big, if that makes sense.   :)


Thats a good idea, I"ll look into it :-)  Thanks for the suggestion!


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I am not sure if they still offer this but it used to be that you could buy a pass to the exhibit hall only, and it was a good amount less than for the whole conference. There are a lot of great sessions this year though. I plan to buy some CDs for the talks because I will be working part of the conference.  

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I'm going all three days, all ALONE!! I'm so excited!! I've never been and it seems a little scary. Lol.

Ooo, that's exciting!  You'll definitely have fun.  Have you thought about bringing your 14 yo?  She'd have a lot of fun.  Or maybe she needs to stay home to take care of the other dc?  Just saying if you can bring her, I would.  :)

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Ooo, that's exciting! You'll definitely have fun. Have you thought about bringing your 14 yo? She'd have a lot of fun. Or maybe she needs to stay home to take care of the other dc? Just saying if you can bring her, I would. :)

She has to stay behind to help with the littles. Dh is working on his masters, so he'll be doing schoolwork part of the time. Otherwise, I know she'd love to go.

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I'm coming with one of my best friends for all 3 days. The struggle will be how to get all my shopping done and go to all the seminars as well. there is such a great line up of speakers. Some of the slots have 3-4 I want to attend. I suppose that's a good problem to have. I just wish SWB was going to be there!

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I've been counting down the days because it's my vacation alone for the year!  I think I should be worried because my younger kids are also counting down the days because, and this is a direct quote from my 7 yods, "I like it when you're gone, Mommy".    Thanks, Pal - LOL!

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I've been counting down the days because it's my vacation alone for the year!  I think I should be worried because my younger kids are also counting down the days because, and this is a direct quote from my 7 yods, "I like it when you're gone, Mommy".    Thanks, Pal - LOL!

:lol:   Too funny!!!  

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Do any of you ladies know what the admission price is if you didn't pre-register? I'm thinking about attending with my 12 and 6 year olds. I can't find the info on their site.



I'm not 100% on this, but I think it's $65 for at the door family registration.

Yes, it's $65 at the door for family. https://www.greathomeschoolconventions.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/MIDWEST-HOMESCHOOL-CONVENTION-WALK-UP-REGISTRATION-FORM.pdf

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Does the Sandusky one have an "exhibit hall only" pass too? Didn't see it on their site.

Sandusky's convention (Teach Them Diligently/CHEO) is not associated with the Cincinnati convention (GHC).


This is what I found in their FAQ: 

Are there individual, single-day, or exhibitor-only passes available?

Starting in November, 2015 we will be selling registrations for one person for the entire convention. We do not sell individual day or exhibitor only passes. 


I think the date is wrong, because the Sandusky convention is in May of this year, but you get the drift.


Can I buy tickets for individual days or for just the exhibit hall?

No, we offer one reasonable price for the entire Convention. Our family price is extremely competitive with most conventions' single day or exhibit hall only passes. In the coming months, there will be an individual pass for one person to attend the entire convention.

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Hi Ladies!


We've decided last minute to go to Cincy.  Our daughter wants to go with us and hear  a couple of the teen track workshops.  Does anyone else have a teen doing this?  If you might be interested in our teens meeting during the conference and possibly going to the workshops together, would you pm me please?  Thanks!

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I actually made it to the convention last night for free Thursday. I can't make it for the rest of the weekend because we are leaving town. Let me tell you... 3 hours is NOT enough time. I was so tired from hurrying through the hall trying to see everything I wanted to see, haha.  I've never been to the convention for the whole time. I so want to do this next year. Is it worth it? 

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I actually made it to the convention last night for free Thursday. I can't make it for the rest of the weekend because we are leaving town. Let me tell you... 3 hours is NOT enough time. I was so tired from hurrying through the hall trying to see everything I wanted to see, haha. I've never been to the convention for the whole time. I so want to do this next year. Is it worth it?

I was there last night too. I wasn't planning on buying much so 3 hours was just about right but it went quickly!


I think the whole convention is worth it especially when you are starting out. This year I couldn't work out childcare but I do intend to go next year.

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I thought attendance seemed down, like dramatically down.  I'm interested to see what happens with TTD/CHEO in Sandusky next month.  


And no, I thought the hall was totally odd this time.  There were TONS of junk vendors and these super-huge, GARGANTUAN new booths for Abeka, VP, etc.  The booths were staffed to accommodate huge crowds, but they didn't seem to materialize.  They had tucked Timberdoodle into the corner, which meant I found them at the end, bummer.  I just felt really bad for the small vendors that had come, because this year was the first year, of all the years I've gone, that I didn't bother to walk a lot of the aisles.  I just looked down, saw nothing interesting, and skipped.  



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I thought attendance seemed down, like dramatically down.  I'm interested to see what happens with TTD/CHEO in Sandusky next month.  


And no, I thought the hall was totally odd this time.  There were TONS of junk vendors and these super-huge, GARGANTUAN new booths for Abeka, VP, etc.  The booths were staffed to accommodate huge crowds, but they didn't seem to materialize.  They had tucked Timberdoodle into the corner, which meant I found them at the end, bummer.  I just felt really bad for the small vendors that had come, because this year was the first year, of all the years I've gone, that I didn't bother to walk a lot of the aisles.  I just looked down, saw nothing interesting, and skipped.  


I thought there were a lot fewer odd vendors--maybe the odd booths were just camouflaged better among all the booths that had a facelift. It was definitely the year for booth redesign! 


I wonder if they put Timberdoodle on the end like they do Rainbow so that they don't stop up the traffic flow in the middle of the hall. 


I've been enough times now that some of the stuff is just background noise at this point. It's kind of nice to feel like I don't have to be so alert that I'll miss something important.


For those that like Hickory Grove Press, they had a lot of new books this year. It's worth checking out their catalog if you haven't looked at it in a while.

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I thought there were a lot fewer odd vendors--maybe the odd booths were just camouflaged better among all the booths that had a facelift. It was definitely the year for booth redesign! 


I wonder if they put Timberdoodle on the end like they do Rainbow so that they don't stop up the traffic flow in the middle of the hall. 


I've been enough times now that some of the stuff is just background noise at this point. It's kind of nice to feel like I don't have to be so alert that I'll miss something important.


For those that like Hickory Grove Press, they had a lot of new books this year. It's worth checking out their catalog if you haven't looked at it in a while.


I agree about the odd booths . . I thought there were less this year, too, but maybe they were more spread out. 


I wondered about attendance being down but then realized that they did change the placement of a lot of booths and maybe that helped with congestion.  I thought the same thing about Timberdoodle and Rainbow being at opposite ends to improve crowd flow.  Last year, I think they were pretty close together so that whole section was really, really busy.  It seemed like the booths were designed better to accomate crowds but maybe attendance was down. It was definitely easier to navigate the exhibit hall this year for whatever reason. I actually enjoyed it because it was possible to really slow down and look at different items, ask more questions and make more calm decisions.


Do they publish the attendance numbers anywhere because I'm very curious now?  The second floor seemed really crowded at times so maybe people were there but just weren't shopping like in the past.


I had a great time attending sessions.  I heard Martin Cothran speak the very first night on the importance of math and Latin and I'm now inspired to get Latin back into our schedule.  I'm not sure my kids are quite so thrilled - LOL!  I decided to cut back on English grammar a bit in order to get the Latin back into the schedule and hopefully cover both subjects in the same amount of time.  We'll see.  

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I was there for the whole conference and thought attendance did seem a bit down. I'm a "younger" mom, 32 yrs. with little kids and I wonder if there's a kind of sea change going on in the homeschooling world that might account for this. It seems to me like a lot of women in the generation just ahead of me homeschool with the explicit purpose of teaching their children in a Christian environment. While my faith is important to me I don't think I'd give it as my reason for homeschooling because I feel that I have quality, Christian options locally. I KNOW not everyone does but hear me out. I homeschool because I want to give my children a BETTER education than they could get in any school, Christian or otherwise. I find that I meet more and more Christian parents who feel the same way. With that in mind, the Cinci conference (this is my 3rd year attending) and others do not seem very academically focused to me. This year when I printed the list of speakers and session topics (as soon as it was available) I found that there were few I wanted to attend. I still think it's a great place to shop but I so wish there was less focus on Christian parenting, relationships, marriage, talks selling a particular product, etc... and more meat and potatoes academic help in the content. My church hold's a Women's Conference annually and I could easily copy and paste much of the content from the Cinci line-up into the brochure. Christian character IS important, but I attend the conference for academic inspiration and support. Intrinsically related? Yes. However...

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I agree it seemed less crowded this year.  There were also missing vendors.  SCM.  I think they may have been at Teach Them Diligently in Atlanta (makes sense as they are from Georgia, I think).  Also, the used curriculum booth wasn't there this year.  And it seems like some others were missing too.  I heard MCT for the first time and enjoyed his talk on poetics. 


OhE, I saw you across the way once, but didn't get a chance to speak.  Hate that we didn't get a chance to catch up.  Hope you had a good time. 



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I agree it seemed less crowded this year.  There were also missing vendors.  SCM.  I think they may have been at Teach Them Diligently in Atlanta (makes sense as they are from Georgia, I think).  Also, the used curriculum booth wasn't there this year.  And it seems like some others were missing too.  I heard MCT for the first time and enjoyed his talk on poetics. 


OhE, I saw you across the way once, but didn't get a chance to speak.  Hate that we didn't get a chance to catch up.  Hope you had a good time. 

I was wondering if you were there!!!!  Well bummer!  I hope your year is going well.  We're doing our adjust what is/isn't working, wow are we really going to graduate in 2-3 years, how is this going, freakout thing!  You could have spoken some peace to me, lol.  So are you going up to TTD/Sandusky?  I'm thinking about it.  I haven't made a reservation.  It's on my wishlist, which isn't always the same as my get list.  

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