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7 hours ago, Junie said:


I actually just finished it a few days ago. 

I knew nothing about Dietrich Bonhoeffer when I started the book.  I really enjoyed it.  It was really long, but it was very well written.  I'm so glad I read it.  

It is really well written. And I am learning a lot about Germany. I just never knew the profound depth of meaning and feeling and reverence that the German people had toward Martin Luther. The German people are different. And I don’t mean that in a bad way.

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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

So is it weird that I would have a consultation with an endocrine surgeon before seeing the endocrinologist?  Everybody has all my test results and scans and stuff.  Do I need to make another phone call?  I don't want to.

I’m sorry, Susan. You probably should make another phone call. 

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Morning.   I'm not responsible for anything having to do with Thanksgiving Dinner so I'm just having my normal morning.   Mostly.  Tea, granola bars for breakfast.  I am doing some laundry since clothes will be needed.   We are heading down to MIL's this afternoon.   Only a couple hour drive and she's all by herself, dh is the one who goes down and helps her out every couple of weekends so she's already part of our group.   

Everyone seems to really like this picture from our kayaking day.  I find it calming.


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Good morning!

Way to not spackle the dog, Jean!  

The wind is really blowing right now - a wet rainy day.  But it looks like things should clear up for tomorrow.  We are planning to go to the Big Used Bookstore this afternoon.  Otherwise, just story time and lots of Thanksgiving dinner prep.  Our turkey is a little bigger than usual, so I may see what I can do with it a bit tonight if it's thawed.  I should also do laundry.  And clean my room.



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Good Morning!!!!


Humph Day!!

Thanksgiving Eve.

Nothing much planned for the day. I’ve had a mild intestinal bug all week, which has kept me laying around. Gotten some good reading done, though. And of course making good use of the Friendly Ap. Three Hallmark Channels. Awesome Christmas movies. 

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So dd11 and I are in the kitchen putting the turkey dressing together and listening to a song I am supposed to make an arrangement of for a wedding - "Let Me Down Easy" by Gang of Youths - and it's a sort of peppy/mildly angsty song and we're bouncing along to it and then oops...that was a BAD word they snuck in there! 😳😅 Better do my arrangIng with headphones. 😁

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13 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I need something else to do besides laying around watching Hallmark Christmas Movies. This has become a real problem In my life. I blame Angi.

It's always Angi's fault!  She is such a stinker! Lol.
This is why I am glad for my new arranging project.  The wedding isn't until June, and as things are it may or may not happen, but it's at least something.  Of course, it would also be good for me to get started on Christmas presents and Advent Calendar stuff.  But I will wait until after tomorrow to do that.

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22 hours ago, Junie said:


I actually just finished it a few days ago. 

I knew nothing about Dietrich Bonhoeffer when I started the book.  I really enjoyed it.  It was really long, but it was very well written.  I'm so glad I read it.  

I love reading books about brilliant people.

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23 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Who is it that mentioned Metaxes’ bio of Bonhoeffer?? It is such a good book.

Hmmm, I think I will start reading it as well. It's available on Hoopla through our library.


23 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

So dd22 recommended this yummy spice mix called "tajin" - chili pepper, lime, sea salt.  It is so yummy!  I've sprinkled it on popcorn and rice so far.

Tajin is a staple in our home. Dh and dds mostly use it on fruits and raw vegetables. (Which is the Correct way to use it, but I'm not judging... 😂  jk). Dh puts regular chili pepper on popcorn.

There were some other posts I was going to quote, but my computer died and I lost everything.

Other happenings...

Right, dh's truck died in October. Like DIED died. He missed two weeks of work because of it. This is his 3rd vehicle. Every time, he says we need to finance. Every time, I say no. It's almost winter and construction work slows down. Why the heck do we want to be worried about a car payment? Thankfully, the good Lord gave me sense to put away money, even though all the talking in the world can't convince dh he needs to do the same. I paid cash for a car (less than $3K), went through two mechanics that have issues with one another and wanted to charge us over $1k for repairs, then found a 3rd who figured out what actually was going on and fixed it for $350. I knew there would be a simple repair because I was at peace with buying the vehicle, even though I wasn't at peace with dh not wanting to get it checked out first. Oh, well it works, and we were able to do it and still pay household stuff. Why? Because I save money. What a concept...

Oh, it was an interesting week last week, with two canceled pickup orders due to COVID, and me standing at another store at 6am to make sure I got what I needed (I did).

Oh yeah, someone (Kristi?) was talking about xrays coming back normal. Mine did too. So, no explanation for my difficulty breathing.

Other things happened, I'm sure... Oh yeah, I took off my employee job (ESL) for this week, so actually slept 9 hours into Monday. Pretty amazing. I only had one Spanish class on Monday and two on Tuesday, and I have the rest of the week off. I only have one semester class left to finish, and will start a couple of boot camps, with several one-time classes sprinkled through to December 18. Then I take off two full weeks from all classes!

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I bought some record albums.  Fortunately the ones I am interested in are usually 45 cents.  Right now we are listening to "Russ & Becky Jeffers & Smoky Mountain Sunshine" sing about heading South out of Bristol. Lol.

Also got a second copy of Amahl and the Night Visitors, because you never know when you will need another one.

 "Hawaii Calls: Favorite Instrumentals of the Islands" because Ellie.    
"Early American Vocal Music" by The Western Wind Vocal Ensemble because interesting.    
"Firestone presents Your Favorite Christmas Music, Volume 6", "Prairie Home Companion Anniversary Album", "Lustige Schweizer Swiss Yodel Party" (because yodeling), and the most expensive at 95 cents, "George Winston: Winter Into Spring" which I have never heard before.

Edited by Susan in TN
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33 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

My fortune cookie told me that prosperity is in my fortune.  Alrighty then.

I’m glad we’re friends. You can send a little if that prosperity my way!!


wow, looks like my prosperity is already starting.... I got the Booya/h!!

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Good morning!  
🍁🍂 Happy Thanksgiving! 🍂🍁

From C.S. Lewis, "'Ye have not chosen one another but I have chosen you for one another.' The friendship is not a reward for our discriminating and good taste in finding one another out. It is the instrument by which God reveals to each of us the beauties of others.”

You are all so beautiful in your many and unique ways and I am thankful for every one of you!


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DH forming my crescent rolls for me, ds just ran to store to pick up forgotten sweetened condensed milk (which dd’s recipe uses...never evaporated milk to her), youngest dd is finishing yearly tradition of making placecards, I am trying to ignore sad-eyed puppy...she wonders why her play mates are ignoring her!

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!!  Beautiful quote - thanks, Susan!

I am so thankful for my WTM friends!

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Morning. Don't set the house on fire with a turkey fryer, be sure to have the extra slice of pumpkin pie, and if the weather is good, get out and enjoy a walk. Unless it's not good, in which case hot chocolate and a cozy blanket are indicated.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

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2 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

Morning. Don't set the house on fire with a turkey fryer, be sure to have the extra slice of pumpkin pie, and if the weather is good, get out and enjoy a walk. Unless it's not good, in which case hot chocolate and a cozy blanket are indicated.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Looks like we are somewhere in between walking and cozy blanket.  It's wet and rainy but not particularly cold.  We are at MIL's house and she keeps the heat on pretty high too.

It's just us and MIL and I don't cook so I'll spend today working on class stuff.  I want everything completely planned out at least through Christmas.   Then I can do the rest of the year over that break.     

Happy Thanksgiving.

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Favorite Thanksgiving Music?

My all-time favorite continues to be the New York Philharmonic playing Aaron Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man, Appalachian Spring, Rodeo Four Dance Episodes, and the Billy the Kid Ballet Suite.  I know Copland has fallen out of favor in recent years, but his music makes me so happy.

I also like "Thanksgiving" and "Sounds of Wood&Steel" from Windham Hill.

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