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It’s probably not the best move to fall down the stairs when you can barely move to begin with. (I am not complaining here. It was inly a couple of steps and I landed on carpeting. ). What really affected me was doing  my 5k walk. It’s not really sustainable when I end up stuck in my armchair for five plus hours afterwards. Not really complaining again- more wondering aloud what steps I might take to improve on this. I am stubborn enough not to give up my 5ks on Saturday and driven enough to want to be functional afterwards.

Just took Aleve. I am hoping this takes the edge off my extreme achiness enough to get some sleep.  

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Good morning!

Yay for Swim Meet!  Swim ITT Kids, Swim!

Ice cream and insomnia and falls, Oh my!  We are struggling here, folks!


So Slache, I still eat ice cream, but it's one of those protein, low/no sugar, under 300 calorie pints, and it serves as one of my meals for the day.  Easy peasy.  No guilt.

Church this morning. Dd16, ds15, and dh are playing/singing in the services.  Someone has to leave during SS to pick up dd13 from her scout overnight thing.  Ds15 has orchestra rehearsal this afternoon and dh is going to work with ds24 to try to get the heat working in his car.  


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We put up our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving and take it down before New Years.  We don't have a lot of space and the tree and decorations seriously disrupt everything so we can't keep them up long.  When the kids were little I really wanted to do the year round tree but there just wasn't room for it.

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Today I need to run to the science center to clean my desk and do a couple other chores, run to BJs, more laundry, some cleaning.

MIL is probably coming next weekend to spend Thanksgiving with us. Dh will go down and get her next weekend, then bring her back home the weekend after.  So I'll have to have the whole house cleaned up before she gets here.

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After classes this week, I'm off for Thanksgiving week so I can get the weeks through the end of the year done, plan school and get ahead of things again.

I did order Excellence  Essentials in Literature and a few books of Amazon to try for ds and eventually dd.  I hope they work. 

Eta:  whoops wrong name.

and BOOYA!

Edited by Where's Toto?
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So hypothetically speaking, if you wanted to order a curriculum that usually comes with dvd/video access but you found reviews on WTM that said that you really don't need the DVD/video access and your kid absolutely HATES DVD/video programs (odd since he's definitely visual) and it cost twice as much to get it with the DVD/video access, would you check off the little box that says you have access to the DVD/videos so you could order just the workbook?

Hypothetically speaking if I searched far and long enough, I probably could find someone with access that would show it to me.    

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7 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

So hypothetically speaking, if you wanted to order a curriculum that usually comes with dvd/video access but you found reviews on WTM that said that you really don't need the DVD/video access and your kid absolutely HATES DVD/video programs (odd since he's definitely visual) and it cost twice as much to get it with the DVD/video access, would you check off the little box that says you have access to the DVD/videos so you could order just the workbook?

Hypothetically speaking if I searched far and long enough, I probably could find someone with access that would show it to me.    

Well sure!  You've got the entire ITT along with access to the vast ITT staff, so access should be no problem at all!  Bruce is usually available  to deliver various DVDs by stealth 'copter.

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1 hour ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

After years of negotiation, we put up our Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving and take them down the day after Christmas. I would put them up November 1 and take them down at New Year's, and Dave would wait until tue week before Christmas and take them down Christmas night*, lol. This is our compromise.

*He loves Christmas, but hates disruption. Christmas decorations are apparently disruption. 🤷‍♀️

This is us too, except I'm Dave and dh is you.  😂

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25 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

Good morning!  Coffee!  Blankie!  

I have bean soup on the stove and pork carnitas thawing to make quesadillas later.  Enjoying my warm coffee in dh's recliner.  Chatting (text) with our friend mama25angels.  All is well with her.  I am tempted to buy yet another book, recommended by a friend.  I'm already in the middle of reading three or four and have more waiting.  But I want this one!

Church, home, DC Christmas pictures, home, sportsball, read, Christmas movies.   Hopefully just relaxing.

Have a great Sunday, y'all!

Waving Wildly!  Tell her hello from the ITT!

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2 hours ago, Where's Toto? said:

We put up our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving and take it down before New Years.  We don't have a lot of space and the tree and decorations seriously disrupt everything so we can't keep them up long.  When the kids were little I really wanted to do the year round tree but there just wasn't room for it.

Yeah, we only have 659 sq ft of total apartment, lol! I have to make sure the tree is in a corner that is least in the way, since the tree stays up so long...


2 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

Good morning! My hands are so swollen today. They tingle and go numb, and they hurt when I try to use them. On the bright side, Dave's making breakfast 💞💞💞 so my only challenge is getting my coffee to my mouth without spilling it on my belly.

Not much planned for today. No house elves came to clean my bathrooms, so I've still got to do that, and we'll be going to church in awhile. If my hands behave themselves, I'll do some more freezer prep this afternoon. If not...well, I'm reading The Night Gardener by Jonathon Auxier (I think?) I could always just finish that. Or take a nap. 😁

If you start feeling bad, make sure to go in and get checked.


1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:

These are the ones I'm reading.  The list waiting is too long.

In His Steps by Sheldon (this is like the fourth time reading this)

Up From Slavery by Washington

The Orthodox Faith by Hopko

Give Your Child the World

The Gift of Christmas by Macomber

Skipping Christmas by Grisham (this is probably the fifteenth-ish to seventeenth-ish time)

And the one I want:

Born Again by Colson

The only one I've read from that list is Up From Slavery. I keep wanting to read Skipping Christmas, but I need access...

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1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:

These are the ones I'm reading.  The list waiting is too long.

In His Steps by Sheldon (this is like the fourth time reading this)

Up From Slavery by Washington

The Orthodox Faith by Hopko

Give Your Child the World

The Gift of Christmas by Macomber

Skipping Christmas by Grisham (this is probably the fifteenth-ish to seventeenth-ish time)

And the one I want:

Born Again by Colson

Up from Slavery was one of the best books I read this year.  That book is just beautiful. 

I  read skipping Christmas several years ago. And then found Christmas with the Kranks in Amazon Prime. I had no idea it was based on the book. Funny movie. I love Tim Allen.

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Church was really great today. Very emotional. There is a Teen Challenge facility in our town (Teen Challenge was started by David Wilkerson, “The Cross and the Switchblade” guy for recovery for drug addicts and gang members) and once a year they do our church service. It is so amazing to hear their testimonies and see the hope and joy in their lives. There was over 100 guys in the choir singing, too. We had a combined worship service and lunch after. It was very good.

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33 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Oh no! Whatcha got? I remember your throat being sore. Did you ever go to the Dr?

I don't go to the doctor unless I think I could die. I don't know if it's a virus or...? I'm almost done.

3 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Oh, I’m sorry, Slashie! Where are the bunny slippers??

I said I wasn't moving. No sippers.

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Drafting today. My neck hurts again. I think I'm going to have to break down and just go get a massage to fix this muscle tension. Writing as much as I do right now is probably leading to tightness and strain.  I need to work on my posture and go walking more during the day.

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1 minute ago, Servant4Christ said:

I don't quite get the logic in not going to the Dr. You've been sick long enough and it's clearly not going away on it's own. Servie says: Call the Dr tomorrow and set up an appointment. If you are better before that appointment, you can always call and cancel it.

I have no insurance and no money. Most of my life I have had no insurance and no money. I remove my own ingrown toenails, treat my own flus and don't bother with testing for things like the flu or strep throat because they always go away. The only times I've ever gone to the doctor are when I have a urinary tract infection or when I'm pregnant and I only get pregnant when I'm insured.

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1 hour ago, Paradox5 said:

Back from Church. Nursery was less crazy this week than last. Quite a few were out due to illness. I'm losing 4 or 5 kids who show up to the new Spanish congregation next week. That leaves me with 15. 6 will move up in January, including Captain. SNIFF!! So that will leave 9 starting out. Probably by the end of next year what with new kids coming in, I will have close to 15 again. Did I mention this is a young congregation? 

Quiet time now with Captain napping, the boys and Scotsman are watching the live action Lion King. The Girl painted a rock and is now on her tablet. I want a nap but we all know that isn't a good idea. 

I'm thinking I made a mistake in our BJU order but oh well. I lost our bjuonline login. Guess I better go figure out how to get into it.

Dinner is Shephard's pie, if I get to it or maybe sloppy joes. Dessert is pumpkin pie.

I think we had six kids today in nursery and that feels like a large group.

I'm still hanging out there with the youngest kernel cause he isn't ready to stay alone. He's made progress though, he even ran across the room to retrieve a ball. Usually he doesn't go more than two feet from me.

People without high anxiety kids don't understand; I watched a brand new 18 month old come in today and go straight to the toys without a single glance back at her dad.

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Hugs to you, Maize.  None of mine were anxious about me leaving (at least, not in a major way) so I'm not experienced with that, but DS12 has many sensory-related quirks that really impacted us out in public when he was younger.  It can be hard, especially if you are also dealing with adults who aren't understanding about it. I'm glad you can stay with little kernel.


ETA:  It's a Snuggle-em-while-you-still-can Booyah!  

Edited by lots of little ducklings
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2 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I'm so sorry. Drs are definitely expensive without health insurance. We've had it and been without it at different points in time, too.

I'm not really worried about it. I've been sick since Monday and it's almost gone now. The bug I had before this dragged on for about 2 months but I was far from the only person with that problem. I even gave it to Maize!

I'm hoping to be done for the season at this point!

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