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All. It was banned before migraines because it always gives me a headahe. Even one note can trigger it.


I'm weird. I know. :)

Ahhhh! Yes. I completely didn’t put it together with the migraines. Completely understandable.


ETA: oh, wait, you said even before. I really shouldn’t try to multitask.

Edited by ikslo
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Here's my conversation with FIL on the phone as we were driving into town:


FIL: did you get lost?

Me: no we're in Townsville. We thought we'd stop at a store and bring some dinner up.

FIL: ok if that's what you want. We were going to pick up pizza.

Me: it's no problem. We'll get some deli chicken salad or something.

FIL: well "Pete" (dh's nephew) is on his way out the door to get the pizza. You don't want to have to go down the mountain to the grocery store.

Me: ok, we'll go with that then if it's already ordered.

FIL: whatever you want. I don't want to tell you what to do.

Me: lets go with the pizza. It will be good.

FIL: ok if that's what you want. You can get chicken salad tomorrow if you want some.

FIL (to "Pete"): go ahead and order the pizza and go pick it up. See if they have chicken salad.

Me: (sigh) See you in 10 minutes.


This is just the major highlights. :D

Edited by Susan in TN
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Here's my conversation with FIL on the phone as we were driving into town:


FIL: did you get lost?

Me: no we're in Townsville. We thought we'd stop at a store and bring some dinner up.

FIL: ok if that's what you want. We were going to pick up pizza.

Me: it's no problem. We'll get some deli chicken salad or something.

FIL: well "Pete" (dh's nephew) is on his way out the door to get the pizza. You don't want to have to go down the mountain to the grocery store.

Me: ok, we'll go with that then if it's already ordered.

FIL: whatever you want. I don't want to tell you what to do.

Me: lets go with the pizza. It will be good.

FIL: ok if that's what you want. You can get chicken salad tomorrow if you want some.

FIL (to "Pete"): go ahead and order the pizza and go pick it up. See if they have chicken salad.

Me: (sigh) See you in 10 minutes.


This is just the major highlights. :D

He’s trying.

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Tomorrow, Mr. Ellie and I will open our few presents to each other. The neighbors (parents and one adult child) are coming over for breakfast ; I'm trying to decide whether to make Quiver's rolls or not... A friend and her son, a friend from church, and one of my acting friends are coming over for Christmas dinner around three.


I'm envious of those who have big family gatherings; it has never been our lot in life to experience that.


OTOH, we never have the family drama that many people experience who have big family gatherings, so there's that. :hat:

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The stockings are stuffed, the gifts have been staged under the tree, and Jarvis the Elf even left a little goodbye gift (because the playdough was making the stockings too heavy). Now I will sit back and eat my cookies. Because I am Santa and they are mine.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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It’s 7:42 on Christmas morning. DH and I are awake, drinking coffee. I’m making croutons for the oyster-bacon stuffing since the in-laws didn’t get to enjoy it on Thanksgiving.


DS is asleep. I’d wager he’ll get up around 10. No reason to rush when you’re an only.

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Merry Christmas!!!


Dh was awake at 4 (he's always been thr one to eake us up for Christmas!) , but he waited til 5 to get me up. We have opened all the presents and dc are messing around with their things now. Ds31 went back to bed.


I'm having a second cup of coffee.

Was there a favorite gift this year?

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Presents here are done. It never takes long. The boys each got a model to put together and I got some ink for the one boy who likes drawing maps with a quill pen. I got myself a few drawing pens. DH got a gift card for lunches at his favorite sandwich place.

I might read, write and paint for the rest of the day until it is time to go to MILs.

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No. Different Jan. This Jan’s brother fell off a ladder hanging outdoor Christmas lights. They just took him off life support.



:crying:   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  to all his family.

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Here's my conversation with FIL on the phone as we were driving into town:


FIL: did you get lost?

Me: no we're in Townsville. We thought we'd stop at a store and bring some dinner up.

FIL: ok if that's what you want. We were going to pick up pizza.

Me: it's no problem. We'll get some deli chicken salad or something.

FIL: well "Pete" (dh's nephew) is on his way out the door to get the pizza. You don't want to have to go down the mountain to the grocery store.

Me: ok, we'll go with that then if it's already ordered.

FIL: whatever you want. I don't want to tell you what to do.

Me: lets go with the pizza. It will be good.

FIL: ok if that's what you want. You can get chicken salad tomorrow if you want some.

FIL (to "Pete"): go ahead and order the pizza and go pick it up. See if they have chicken salad.

Me: (sigh) See you in 10 minutes.


This is just the major highlights. :D

That’s hysterical!!!
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