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I get to wait for Sherlock until it is on Netflix.




We also have an antenna, and I'm pretty sure we could have watched it had we remembered and weren't watching something else. We'll also wait for Netflix. Or Hulu. Whoever gets it first.

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I watched it.



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I did not. I worked on 1st grade. I didn't know it would be this involved. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. How do you all do it?


Math, English and Spanish are do the next thing. I make notes on things to review as we go and sometimes take breaks to play math or phonics games.


Science and History are devided into 36 chunks. I've made a list of every possible book and audiobook I might want to use and all memory work so I can grab what I need as we go instead of derailing the entire year with one tangent, or being under prepared for the second week.

Edited by Slache
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I did not. I worked on 1st grade. I didn't know it would be this involved. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. How do you all do it?


Math, English and Spanish are do the next thing. I make notes on things to review as we go and sometimes take breaks to play math or phonics games.


Science and History are devided into 36 chunks. I've made a list of every possible book and audiobook I might want to use and all memory work so I can grab what I need as we go instead of derailing the entire year with one tangent, or being under prepared for the second week.


Sounds like you're doing it right, to me. 

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I did not. I worked on 1st grade. I didn't know it would be this involved. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. How do you all do it?


Math, English and Spanish are do the next thing. I make notes on things to review as we go and sometimes take breaks to play math or phonics games.


Science and History are devided into 36 chunks. I've made a list of every possible book and audiobook I might want to use and all memory work so I can grab what I need as we go instead of derailing the entire year with one tangent, or being under prepared for the second week.

Allow tangents. Moving on for the sake of your plans is a sure way to kill his love of history and make it seem like drudgery, imo. If every time he is interested in something you say, but we have to learn this now, he is going to say, what's the point of being interested in any of it?


I like that you want to be prepared! But you're headed for burn-out.

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Sounds like you're doing it right, to me. 



Allow tangents. Moving on for the sake of your plans is a sure way to kill his love of history and make it seem like drudgery, imo. If every time he is interested in something you say, but we have to learn this now, he is going to say, what's the point of being interested in any of it?


I like that you want to be prepared! But you're headed for burn-out.



Maybe I read too much into her post. :D



I think you're both right.   :D

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Good morning!


Rise and shine! It's Monday!! :hurray:


I did not watch Sherlock because I was having a temper tantrum over the stupid printer which decided to get all confused over coverstock paper. I did not kick the thing, though I wanted to. I only needed 7 pages and managed to get 4 of them done. So much for having new chore cards today.


Dh's company is closed today but he is going to work anyway to get a head start on things, work on a couple problems, and enjoy a day of getting things done without people bothering him with more issues every 3 minutes.


Here at home the kids will do music practice and math and storytime. Dds18&14 will need to do tutorial science also. I will cook a turkey and try not to kick the printer.


Krissi, I like both your cat name choices. My kids would go with Rick the Cat; I am partial to Chester. Probably you need to round up another cat.:)



Edited by Susan in TN
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Ricky is a good name for a cat. So is Chester. Both rhyme well, so you could say Rikki-Tikki, or Chester Sylvester. Because all cats get middle names eventually.

Our feathery guests came with some alarm clocks built inside. Roosters went off at four this morning, then at the more appropriate hour of seven.

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Allow tangents. Moving on for the sake of your plans is a sure way to kill his love of history and make it seem like drudgery, imo. If every time he is interested in something you say, but we have to learn this now, he is going to say, what's the point of being interested in any of it?

I like that you want to be prepared! But you're headed for burn-out.

I have a loose frame for the whole year. I will plan out readalouds, audiobooks, memory work and projects every 6 weeks. Anything that doesn't get done due to tangents can go in the next six weeks or be discarded.


I'm collecting resources and memory work for the whole year now so I'll have a simple list to pull from for my six week planning.

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Ricky is a good name for a cat. So is Chester. Both rhyme well, so you could say Rikki-Tikki, or Chester Sylvester. Because all cats get middle names eventually.

Our feathery guests came with some alarm clocks built inside. Roosters went off at four this morning, then at the more appropriate hour of seven.



So what are you going to do with them all?  Will they eventually need to be separated, or will they continue to get along?

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Good morning! I'm up and having coffee. Can't decide if I want to accomplish anything today or just have another lazy day. I'm leaning towards lazy.

Yesterday was so nice! Went to church, then home and back in my jammies. Mostly leftovers for food, and I read and napped most of the day. I read a whole book!

We had pretty bad storms last night.

If I choose lazy, I need to find my other new book. If not lazy, then we will finish putting away Christmas decorations.

Tomorrow is back to the grind, either way!


Have a great day!



One line of storms came through here a little past 5 in the morning, and then another round came through around 8 AM, right when I headed out for an oil change.  The car wash part of the business was closed but the rest was still open.  Those guys finished in less than 10 minutes.  Things go quickly when you are the only customer!


Now it is clearing, looking like it might be cloudless by the afternoon.  That will be nice -- all of the streets can now drain.


The trash guys delayed the start of their rounds until the worst of the storm cells had passed.  Very smart!


DH took down our outside decorations yesterday (for which I am very grateful now).  Today we pack up all of the inside decorations, and the kids have music class this afternoon.  Tomorrow we resume homeschool, though there will be no Aikido in the evening -- that resumes Thursday.  Wednesday of this week, however, DD12 tries 3 different dance classes to see which she might like to try for a while....


I squeezed the last of the lemons, and apparently didn't wash my hands well enough -- they are slightly itchy.  Must go wash now.


And only my laundry is still being done!  Everyone else has run all of theirs!

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On the subject of pantz.  I got some "pull up" pants from J Jill for Christmas.  Oh.my.word.  I'm never owning another kind of pantz again.  These are the most comfortable things I have ever worn.  My too-tight, no-good, very bad jeans are going in the donate pile immediately.  



I found my other new book! I think that means I HAVE to choose lazy!


I did take care of work via text messages and emails.



Outta likes again, ARGH!

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I understand DD12 wants to play online and Skype with her cousin.  I understand it is the last break day before school resumes for everyone.  I understand they are having technical difficulties on the other end, and as soon as Uncle D. gets them resolved the cousin will be calling.


There is work to be done, and I am NOT willing to have DD12 put everything else on hold while waiting for undetermined spans of time.  I told her to message her cousin that she will check back in 10 minutes and set her to helping her sister unwind the banister light strings.  This is NOT an unreasonable request or order.

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So what are you going to do with them all?  Will they eventually need to be separated, or will they continue to get along?


If they are all males, as long as they stay in an all male group, most roosters get along surprisingly well. Add girls and things can get ugly unless there are enough girls to go around. Right now nobody is fighting and everyone seems to be eating well and feeling okay about their lodging arrangements. 

We are putting up signs today. If nobody claims them we'll have to decide how we want to handle the birds. I don't really like giving roosters away for some obvious reasons. One reason I usually get hatchery birds--I can get only hens, and if I get a rooster by accident, I only have one to deal with. 

Oh, well. I needed to come up with an isolation/new bird area anyway.

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  Cheddar was actually a name suggested.

Pete the Cat.  Named after Pete the Cat.  Because Pete the Cat is so coooooool.


 I like Pete, too. And I liked Ricky, but elderly cat is named Nikki and we might get mixed up. 

No, you don't. You want an Instant Pot.

I know. I have never ever bought anything off an infomercial. But I tell you, this guy was a good salesman.  

Actually, Krissi can have my instant pot. :D  Because #cookingchallenged


no, no, Lynn! I know you can do it!
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I need the break, too, and didn't get enough -- too much other stuff taking up my break days.  But I'm not delaying our restart because that would simply cause more problems than it would solve, and the girls, with no cousins to interact with, would simply plug in and rot their minds; they wouldn't get started on anything on their own.


So I will have to work out ways to get some of the stuff I really wanted break time to deal with done while we are schooling.  Because life.



One of my coping methods is to increase what the kids have chore-wise.  It's a time sink up front, but hopefully will pay off in the long run.  Besides, it's one of the duties of a parent to teach them how to do these things and give them opportunities to practice when they can get assistance and feedback, isn't it?


Some of the new habits I'll be setting this year are the kids'....

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I am ignoring the piles of stuff that have accumulated on the homeschool table.  That will be part of tomorrow's restart.  The kids can help me deal with it all, instead of Mom magically making everything extraneous disappear so they can get on with other things unencumbered and undistracted.  It's time they get another dose of the realisms of everyday life.



Where are the cranky pants?  I need chocolate, too....

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I tricked the printer into believing it could print on cardstock by holding in the paper tray, printing a copy on regular paper, then making two requests on the cardstock. Eventually they all got printed. Dh was rather worried when I got up this morning and went straight for the printer. Now it has a paper jam but I don't care because the chore cards are done. Ds21, who was up most of the night playing games with his best friend, has just come upstairs for food and I will make HIM clear the paper jam. :D


It's storytime! (We just started The House of Sixty Fathers - it is a new book to all of us.)

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It is tough being a teen.  Mom has been just sitting at her computer a lot the past few days, so why is she fussing that she has no time to think or concentrate?  It's not like her computer will go away while she gets up every few minutes to take care of other things.  She's not even playing anything or in danger of dying online, and isn't Skyping with anyone, so no one is waiting on her, either.  Now she's insisting we each actually DO laundry and clean bathrooms and think for ourselves about getting out of bed and eating and bathing.  She just doesn't get it -- we have more interesting and important stuff to do!


And really, why does she get so fussed when it's time to go somewhere?  It's not as if we don't have better stuff to do than sit around waiting.  If we get started getting ready before everyone else is all ready we end up sitting and waiting on others.  Instead we can just SAY we are ready, and go plug back in.  Then we can simply finish when it's time to head out the door -- it will only take 20 minutes or so.  And of course Mom certainly already knows what all we wanted to bring with us and knows exactly where it all is at, especially once we already get where we are going.  And the calling out of time -- if we have 10 minutes left before we go then we have 10 minutes (or more!) to do our own stuff, don't we?



I suspect this is something they inherited from my Dad, too.  We used to tell him that things were scheduled for 30 minutes earlier than reality, just so there was a chance he'd be on time.  Yet he was the "14-year Marine" and "punctuality-driven airline pilot".



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  I ranted and assisted and squeezed and oiled and copped out (supper will be a pan of sandwiches MIL sent over the other evening) and soon will be chauffeuring.  Must undecorate, too.  Oh, and I am laundering.

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Now I am frittering.  I have less than 30 minutes before the next thing, and don't want to start anything because I'll just be getting into a groove on it when I will have to leave it.  So I am frittering away the time because I have no short-term tasks that I care to even contemplate at the moment.

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