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So our palliative rattie died. He hung on till dd came home from her exam (which, because this board is SO in tune with my life, was on Stats. And she thinks she aced it....) and then he passed in her arms. He was the bestest sweetest boy & he had a good life & gave us much joy.


it was this boy http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/534498-hamster-for-christmas/?p=6038987



I'm not a fan of rats, but that fella sure was a cutie. RIP

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Schools on 2-hour delay tomorrow. Yay.


They'll probably cancel eventually. Temperature are going nowhere near above freezing, roads won't be safe regardless how much sand they put on the ground. I was missing half my morning class today because of conditions.

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Good Morning Susan! 


I need to decide in the next 20 minutes if I'm running or not. 


Worse than that, I've got to decide what to do about going on this field trip we signed up for.  The kids don't want to go on the field trip.  I didn't find out for sure what time we're supposed to be there until this morning.  I think I'm about to become one of those flaky homeschoolers who doesn't show up for stuff.  :leaving:  Will I feel guilty all day?  All week?  Can I show my face on the board or the ITT thread or my homeschool group ever again?  Should I make the kids  go?  This crisis may preclude my running, which is a bummer since it's about to get cold again.

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Good Morning Susan! 


I need to decide in the next 20 minutes if I'm running or not. 


Worse than that, I've got to decide what to do about going on this field trip we signed up for.  The kids don't want to go on the field trip.  I didn't find out for sure what time we're supposed to be there until this morning.  I think I'm about to become one of those flaky homeschoolers who doesn't show up for stuff.  :leaving:  Will I feel guilty all day?  All week?  Can I show my face on the board or the ITT thread or my homeschool group ever again?  Should I make the kids  go?  This crisis may preclude my running, which is a bummer since it's about to get cold again.


I believe the Queen has already ruled on this.  If they really wanted you to go, they would have made you pay upfront.  ;) 


(I also think Ellie would advise not to flake out on commitments, but since she's one of us, I think she'd let that slide.)

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:eek: You said it in public!


We were watching a Mexican comedy show, and one part a woman wrote her number on a book page and tore it out to give to some guy. Both dd16 and I dropped our mouths to the floor. She said, "I can't believe she ripped a page out of a book!" I said, "I was just looking at the shoulders and arms" (of the dude.) :D

You all make me very bold:-)


You know you are a homeschooling family when...

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Dear ITT folks, I am pretty sure I have forum stalkers, so this is a message for them. Just so y'all know I'm on to you. And it's OK with me. I get your purpose, but it IS a little pathetic. ;)

Now back to your regularly scheduled discussion.

Are you sure it isn't one of us? (Bwahahaha)


Seriously, that seems weird. They aren't being mean right? Cuz if they are... (Said in the tone of, "Why, I outta...")

Edited by Professormom
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So happy Renai gets some or all of a snow day. I wish we had some of that snow. I feel all Bizarro world because we ALWAYS have snow by this time.


And glad that Lynn's kids want to go on their field trip. Now you don't have to fear the shunning:-)


Morning, Dawn.


I have many.things to do today. Kids have piano, tennis, and Knights in the pm. So, this morning we need to get lots of school done. Ds needs to take a bio exam... That should be interesting lol. The house needs some tidying:-) (I think Slache needs to come over. I can feed her junk food, and she can tidy up. It is a win win.)


I think it mostly feels messy because I have 2 sets of Christmas gifts for over 20 people in our "cozy room." That is what we call our music/living room. Everyone who sits in that room calls it the cozy room, so it has been officially been renamed.


And I need to tackle Mount Laundry... Again.

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Well, we did pay upfront.  I was willing to eat the cost.


But the good news is, I have a couple of willing kids, so we are going to go!  So, Ellie, if you felt a disturbance in the force, it's all okay now.  We are not going to flake out.  :hurray:   :hat:

  :hurray:  :hurray: :hurray:  :hurray:  

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Can we pretty please have the picture?


i has the sads here. sorry2.gif


Alrighty.... here it is.  Not a very good one cuz this was a stealth operation, but then again, is there really a bad kilt picture, ever?  


I feel guilty since I don't know the guy, so no quotes, pretty pleasies.  I'll delete it in a while.  



Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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Monday, Monday (da da, da da-da da)


The wind blew over the Christmas tree last night, even though we tied it to the two porch chairs.


We are kinda sorta on break now, except that we still have science to catch up on, literature, and music stuff to do.


I also need to order flowers for MIL's birthday. It occurred to me this morning that MIL has had 2 hip surgeries in the past year and she is still alive. This is significant because she put off having the surgeries for YEARS after an Indian shaman told her sister that she would die from the anesthesia.


And get a hotel for the trip back from NY. And floss. And ride my bike.


I am sure I need to do more Christmas shopping but I first have to figure out what I have already, ala Lynn's Closet Plan.


The mention of the closet plan got me to thinking:  in this imaginary house I am designing the closets are going to be quite well set up for easy viewing of the contents.  I'd better design in some hiding spaces for presents!



The front that came through over the weekend brought a welcome drop in temperature and humidity, but it also brought in something I'm reacting to.  I'm battling a sudden onset of congestion right when I need to be at my full faculties.  DH has to work late today, so I HAVE to be able to take DD11 to Aikido (we need to pay Sensei and give him his Christmas bonus), and the girls have dentist appointments Thursday, too.  


DH and DD11 found a fish store that will take most of the creamsicle mollies, so they are due to be delivered later this week.  The store doesn't have enough tanks to separate the youngest fry from bigger fish, so we are keeping them at home until they are big enough and will deliver them in January or February.  The older fry and the two adults, however, will be delivered to the store later this week.  I want to do that tomorrow or Thursday afternoon, but I might just put it off and let DH and DD11 do it on Friday.


The girls are showing some signs of congestion, too, and we are all quite tired.  We might not get all of the school work done by the end of Wednesday, as we wanted, so I will need to decide if we work on it Thursday and/or Friday or just let things slide until after the holidays.  We will probably concentrate on finishing some, and letting slide the stuff that's more easily interrupted and picked back up again.


I need to move about -- loosens the congestion -- and get on lessons.  I'll check back later.

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Good Morning Susan! 


I need to decide in the next 20 minutes if I'm running or not. 


Worse than that, I've got to decide what to do about going on this field trip we signed up for.  The kids don't want to go on the field trip.  I didn't find out for sure what time we're supposed to be there until this morning.  I think I'm about to become one of those flaky homeschoolers who doesn't show up for stuff.  :leaving:  Will I feel guilty all day?  All week?  Can I show my face on the board or the ITT thread or my homeschool group ever again?  Should I make the kids  go?  This crisis may preclude my running, which is a bummer since it's about to get cold again.


It would have been fine to skip as long as you had informed someone.

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Good Morning Susan! 


I need to decide in the next 20 minutes if I'm running or not. 


Worse than that, I've got to decide what to do about going on this field trip we signed up for.  The kids don't want to go on the field trip.  I didn't find out for sure what time we're supposed to be there until this morning.  I think I'm about to become one of those flaky homeschoolers who doesn't show up for stuff.  :leaving:  Will I feel guilty all day?  All week?  Can I show my face on the board or the ITT thread or my homeschool group ever again?  Should I make the kids  go?  This crisis may preclude my running, which is a bummer since it's about to get cold again.


Thank you, Lynn.  Thank you.


See, we all know that the kids are all up, dressed, packed, and ready to go.  You are in a stylish, but comfortable outfit and are ready to walk out the door.  But despite that-despite all that-you, saint that you are, thought, "Wait. I know I'm awesome, but what about all those who are, well, less awesome. That :wacko: JoJosMom comes to mind... Perhaps, out of consideration for others, I should just...stay home.  I'll just post that I flaked out and the less awesome... That :wacko: JoJosMom comes to mind will feel better about themselves. Hmm... Yep.  It's Christmas. I'm gonna do it.  My Christmas gift to the less awesome."


You are awesome. 




Note to self:  Read entire thread before posting lest one embarass oneself.

Edited by JoJosMom
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Bright and sunny and blue here. I'm trying to get my first cup of hot tea on the day, and the boys have already started in. I just had to remind them that until I've had my caffeine, it's best to avoid me. Especially when I was up too late writing the night before.

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Alrighty.... here it is.  Not a very good one cuz this was a stealth operation, but then again, is there really a bad kilt picture, ever?  



That is very cool.  And, since it's a formal kilt, not at all stalkerish.  More cultural appreciation-ish.


Unlike the time in Costco when I saw a construction dude in a utility kilt leaning against an end cap talking on his cell phone.  I actually had to stop myself from taking a picture-I had grabbed my cell phone almost reflexively (That was when we could still post kilt pictures.) The poor guy!  He was a total stranger and I seriously almost took a picture of him for the Hive. :svengo:


(Oh, and let me assure you; the look was very, very manly.  applause.gif)


ETA: Fixed it.  Need.More.Coffee.

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Worse than that, I've got to decide what to do about going on this field trip we signed up for.  The kids don't want to go on the field trip.  I didn't find out for sure what time we're supposed to be there until this morning.  I think I'm about to become one of those flaky homeschoolers who doesn't show up for stuff.  :leaving:  Will I feel guilty all day?  All week?  Can I show my face on the board or the ITT thread or my homeschool group ever again?  Should I make the kids  go?  This crisis may preclude my running, which is a bummer since it's about to get cold again.


You signed up for it? Then you are committed.


Don't make me come over there.

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Batman is certainly very dark by 1989 standards. Rewatching it--I don't know that it is any darker than Arrow or Flash. It's certainly lighter than Gotham. We aren't going to watch any of the sequels.

It's funny. I know they wanted to capture the darkness of the originals, but I remember really not liking it because it was so dark. And now, everything is made that way. Dark in tone, dark in fiber, dark in color. I wonder if anyone will ever do a study on whether there is a correlation between darkness in movies and tv and depression? :D


I also wonder if they teach anything else at film school, lol. The edgy, raw thing is getting super old. There is enough edge and darkness and rawness in real life.


I think that is something we appreciate as we age though. When we are young, it seems like everything is super high or super low, but even the lows don't capture the heaviness that can come with life. The lows are more exciting when you are young, if that makes any sense. As I get older, I appreciate anything that focuses me on the good because I see all of the bad with so much more clarity.


PSA to the media industry: happiness and light and joy and goodness and courage and clever humor and LIGHT are not pedantic.


Stepping off of the soapbox now. Jeez, I must be feeling super philosophical today. I think I am going to go watch that pony again.


Eta: Apparently, I need to take an iew class. Super seems to be my (very poor) adjective of choice today:-) Pudewa would be peeved.

Edited by Professormom
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Good Morning!


We survived a really busy weekend.  The Christmas programs went well and Bride and Groom are happily married.


Two more programs this week, but the rehearsals have already happened and one of the programs is during a regularly-scheduled church service.


So, not so bad.



Mark, Great costume!!  Jedi Junie would have been thrilled to have been there!


Oh, and I could have used your stilts for our choir production this weekend.  The original seating plan put me behind a 6-foot tall tenor.  Um, I'm short.  Choir director moved a half-dozen people around and Voila!  I could see!


Not sure how much homeschool we'll do this week.  The dc want to be done.   ;)



Mine want to be done, too.  I have declared that some lessons will wait until after the holidays, and enumerated the ones we really should finish before we stop for break.  It's less than half the load, and I think we can get it done.


I am now reading ITT while the kids finish eating, then it's back to work.


Hooray for everyone's accomplishments and good fortune!  Commiserations for all misfortunes and illnesses.  Gratefulness to be back on ITT, even if I'm spotty and a little behind.


I keep retyping because I keep making mistakes.  One should not take decongestants and type, I guess.

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School is cancelled! Back roads are too dangerous for busses. But, I already knew that. The highest temperature will get today is 25F. It snowed an inch last night, on top of whatever was on the ground. Thus, 1+ inch ice. Duh!


This superintendent takes forever to announce stuff. I knew this last night checking the forecast. But, he must live on a road that actually gets SANDED, thus, does not know these things. Seriously? Half the population lives in the mountains or private roads, and roads here were created by donkey routes, not city planners (no straight line blocks here). Of course a bus can't pass. Sheesh!



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Do you all have a "map in your head" of where your fellow ITTer are located? When I think of Ellie and Tex, they are in Texas, of course, on a flat map with different colors for the states. Texas is pink. Sometimes Ellie sneaks over to Hawaii. Lynn is Northeast of me, but for some reason my brain puts Slache down in Louisianna. I know it's wrong, and I have to move her back West. Renai is often in Washington with Jean and sometimes in

Canada (?!?) but I know that is also wrong and have to slide her South. Is there anyone here in Canada? I don't know where that comes from.


Clearly I am suffering from fever-induced delirium. Carry on.



I'm in SE TX, so Tex is mentally to my northwest, in the central TX plains on my map.  Ellie is on a throne somewhere vaguely in Tex's direction holding luaus and traveling frequently to the parts of Hawaii I have visited, and Slashie is in Oregon, in Portland because I've been there and can imagine it (though most of what I remember is a hotel).  Renai is in an anonymous/generic big city somewhere (I keep putting her in an apartment for some reason), Susan is in Tennessee (imagined to be near where my sister used to be there, in Knoxville), somebody is in Seattle but I can't remember who.  I suspect Jean is nowhere near Tex, but I keep imagining them driving each other's kids places, so mentally she's over by Tex on my map.


I would like to imagine Canada, but have a hard time doing so without a clue as to whether whoever is there is in territories or provinces, east or west.  I'm also feeling brain-dead at the moment because I can't remember who we have in Canada.   :confused1:


For some reason I also thought we had someone in the TX hill country, but I can't remember who there, either.


Do we have anyone from outside North America & Hawaii?  I'd love to add in other continents to my mental ITT map!

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Do you have a fever again?  Go to bed! 


Map!  Yes!  Just last night.  And I often have Ellie in California (because she used to be there), and I have to move her over.  Ducklings is northeast/New England?  maybe?  Dawn is north west of me by a little bit?  JoJosMom is in a frozen tundra of some kind but I don't know if it's east or west, US or Canada.  For as long as she's been doing frozen poop aerobics, I'm suspecting it's not US. 




Okay, I've added tundra to JoJosMom, and Dawn is now linked to the upper left of you.  You are all still floating unlanded, however, since I don't have an anchor point (don't know what part of the world you are in, though I'm assuming contiguous U.S.).  I'll put Ducklings in New England until I hear otherwise.



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