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darn, missed it.


ARGH!  (out of likes argh)  and


*victory dance*



Okay, really going to go teach now.  The natives have gotten restless here.

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Please see the Keens/Texasmama was right thread for my early morning adventures.

Ain't nobody got time for that.



Are we taking a vote? I vote for the move to Alaska. I'm selfish like that. 


Don't burn down the house.


#snakeandscorpionfree #Alaska

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my daughter does lol leaving here in 12 minutes actually to get to her appt. It better not turn into an adventure lol

You weren't here yet for my disaster. I went to have a tooth removed and instead they broke it in half and told me to go home. Long story. Lots of Percocet ridden posts from moi. All is better now.

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Dh is on vacation the rest of the week, so today is a museum field trip for him and the kiddos, and a sort-clean-shop-plan-conquer-the-world day for me 




(He is a good man.  5 kids under 8 + an art museum.  And if they don't all get kicked out, they will come back with sketchbooks full of what they saw and tummies full of pizza.)



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Are we taking a vote? I vote for the move to Alaska. I'm selfish like that. 


Don't burn down the house.


#snakeandscorpionfree #Alaska



I could go for Alaska!  Especially when the northern lights are at their peak, like in mid-March.  Which part of Alaska?

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Seriously?  My kids have watched me ALL YEAR LONG using sticky tabs for bookmarks in the school books.  I have marked sections they were to read with sticky note tabs, sometimes with page ranges on them.  They saw me TODAY still using sticky tabs in my teacher's references to keep track of where we were.


Younger DD asked me for more help on something, so I gave her my teacher reference in that topic as an additional resource (cumulative review prior to the final test).  I opened the book to the pages needed and told the kids to share.  The page had a sticky tab marking it.


"Eldest DD accidentally knocked the book closed and I don't know what page that was."


*sigh*  I showed her the sticky tab.


"Oooooh.  Thanks."




Seriously?  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

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I'm not that organized with school stuff. School depends too much on them and the day and oh Daddy's home let's go to the zoo or I want to write in Spanish today. Maybe I'll be more strict when they're older. I think that if I planned that tightly I'd feel pressure to always get it done. When it became apparent that John needed more schooly stuff I planned the entire year and he was like nope, we're doing this instead. I guess that's easy when they're 4. :P

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:confused1: :confused1: :confused1:   How do you twerk someone else?  I thought it was a "dance" move.  Did you twerk at her, or ....


Twerking (shudder).  Just say No.




Good grief.  Now my brain went to the "Erk Off" concept (yeah, sounds bad in that way, too) in which one "dancer" twerks and one does the Jerk, and then Stephen Erckle pops in....


*must sanitize brain*  What has been seen (even in imagination) cannot be unseen....


I was being a smart aleck and shook my booty at her and called it a twerk. It was not a real twerk - those are gross. It was a mama twerk. Just enough to have been embarrassing if we had been in public. :D She was still sufficiently indignant to have been twerked by her mother.

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I'm not that organized with school stuff. School depends too much on them and the day and oh Daddy's home let's go to the zoo or I want to write in Spanish today. Maybe I'll be more strict when they're older. I think that if I planned that tightly I'd feel pressure to always get it done. When it became apparent that John needed more schooly stuff I planned the entire year and he was like nope, we're doing this instead. I guess that's easy when they're 4. :P

It's all because my kids are older. I've had two in middle school for a couple of years. It is a ramp up, for sure!

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I'm not that organized with school stuff. School depends too much on them and the day and oh Daddy's home let's go to the zoo or I want to write in Spanish today. Maybe I'll be more strict when they're older. I think that if I planned that tightly I'd feel pressure to always get it done. When it became apparent that John needed more schooly stuff I planned the entire year and he was like nope, we're doing this instead. I guess that's easy when they're 4. :p


If it's any comfort, Slash, DD is in 7th grade and we've never before been so gosh darn flexible.  We're so flexible we make wet noodles look rigid. Nana was here in December and for most of May.  School was math and something that resembled writing. That's pretty much it.  (And, sadly for my little Boo, she is at an upswing when the BM kids are DONE. This week has been the last week for 2 online classes:  AoPS Algebra A and Brave Writer, Literary Analysis of Twelfth Night. :scared: )

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I don't know if I'm looking forward to it or not.  :001_unsure:


Sure you are.  There will always be a part of you that doesn't want to lose the young versions of your kids, but I can guarantee you will enjoy seeing the people they become all along the way as they grow.  Even when they are teen twerps who drive you to distraction.

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If it's any comfort, Slash, DD is in 7th grade and we've never before been so gosh darn flexible.  We're so flexible we make wet noodles look rigid. Nana was here in December and for most of May.  School was math and something that resembled writing. That's pretty much it.  (And, sadly for my little Boo, she is at an upswing when the BM kids are DONE. This week has been the last week for 2 online classes:  AoPS Algebra A and Brave Writer, Literary Analysis of Twelfth Night. :scared: )


We've been right along with you this year in the flexibility department (grades 7 & 5-ish).  What with replacing flooring (requiring several days of disruption/relocation of homeschool), 2 funerals (both requiring overnight travel), dog-sitting with issues, various illnesses (one severe enough to land me in an ER for several hours) -- we've had a lot of unexpected interruptions and easy days.  We are just now finishing up most of the stuff we persevered on, and are going to homeschool for real over the summer to catch up on history and science (and get in a little more math and spelling).


And we JUST got word that BIL & family from further north will arrive in town tomorrow (staying at ILs' house, not ours) and will be here until Sunday.  Sorry, folks, but I can't NOT do homeschool this week.  No.  More.  Delays to this school year.  Not in our final week for most stuff.


ETA:  All this reminded me of some other distractions from school days:  northern family coming down on short notice, nearby family having events we attended to cheer them on -- I will have to start telling them No on occasion, unfortunately.

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My off-the-cuff, some not-so-nice,  answers to thread titles


How do you use consumable workbooks? We write in them.


Have you ever encountered a really creative homeschool? Yes, mine. Take notes. Except, when I'm not.


Can you help me make 1st grade fun? If you can’t figure out first grade…


Why do so many homeschoolers not show up? Because they’re pansies. I’ve given up setting up activities.


How did you end up homeschooling? We fell into it. Kind of how one trips into a muddy puddle, face first.


What are you excited about 2015-16? I’m not. Well, except for the fact that I’ll hopefully be alive.


Where to begin with Minecraft? At the beginning? (is there a beginning?)


What is covered in a geography course? Geography.


Where to start? At the beginning.


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Sure you are.  There will always be a part of you that doesn't want to lose the young versions of your kids, but I can guarantee you will enjoy seeing the people they become all along the way as they grow.  Even when they are teen twerps who drive you to distraction.

Ain't that the truth.  I always get comments about how chaotic things are for me running kids this way and that, and school time(by the way with high schools now we are actually more relaxed than ever and they are accomplishing so much more then they used to) etc.  But I love seeing who they are growing up to be, and in just over 2 years 2 will be leaving the next and I am going to very much miss these chaotic, teen filled years (probably even as much as I miss the snuggly, sweet smelling baby years).  Okay truth be told I probably won't miss it for like at least a month as I decompress from it.  But then I will miss it lol  Of course by then my 3rd will be a teen and my youngest will be a middle schooler and they will keep me plenty busy.  The day my youngest leaves the next I will be a hot mess.  My kids were cute when they were little, but they are pretty darned awesome now that they are bigger.  

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My off-the-cuff, some not-so-nice,  answers to thread titles
How do you use consumable workbooks? We write in them.
Have you ever encountered a really creative homeschool? Yes, mine. Take notes. Except, when I'm not.
Can you help me make 1st grade fun? If you can’t figure out first grade…
Why do so many homeschoolers not show up? Because they’re pansies. I’ve given up setting up activities.
How did you end up homeschooling? We fell into it. Kind of how one trips into a muddy puddle, face first.
What are you excited about 2015-16? I’m not. Well, except for the fact that I’ll hopefully be alive.
Where to begin with Minecraft? At the beginning? (is there a beginning?)
What is covered in a geography course? Geography.
Where to start? At the beginning.



Have you seen the Forum Game thread?



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I've been taking care of bunny and dogs because dd has been gone all day yesterday and today for a sleepover. Yesterday I was trying to talk to a neighbor on the phone, plus supervise a dog doing her business outside and monitor a bunny hopping around inside. I got distracted for a moment and before I knew it, Libby got past me and was with Rusty with no barrier. I rushed to them, fearing the worst but was greeted by the sight of a very annoyed bunny being thoroughly licked by the dog. I'll still monitor them but at least now I know it won't be utter carnage if something like this happens again. 

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I've been taking care of bunny and dogs because dd has been gone all day yesterday and today for a sleepover. Yesterday I was trying to talk to a neighbor on the phone, plus supervise a dog doing her business outside and monitor a bunny hopping around inside. I got distracted for a moment and before I knew it, Libby got past me and was with Rusty with no barrier. I rushed to them, fearing the worst but was greeted by the sight of a very annoyed bunny being thoroughly licked by the dog. I'll still monitor them but at least now I know it won't be utter carnage if something like this happens again. 



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My off-the-cuff, some not-so-nice, answers to thread titles


I am so glad that I'm not the only one who thinks these things. Bless you for speaking my thoughts out loud, Renai.:-D

How do you use consumable workbooks? We write in them.


Have you ever encountered a really creative homeschool? Yes, mine. Take notes. Except, when I'm not.


Can you help me make 1st grade fun? If you can’t figure out first grade…


Why do so many homeschoolers not show up? Because they’re pansies. I’ve given up setting up activities.


How did you end up homeschooling? We fell into it. Kind of how one trips into a muddy puddle, face first.


What are you excited about 2015-16? I’m not. Well, except for the fact that I’ll hopefully be alive.


Where to begin with Minecraft? At the beginning? (is there a beginning?)


What is covered in a geography course? Geography.


Where to start? At the beginning.

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I have "Karma Chameleon" stuck in my head.  Stupid Boy George.  Did you know that he's still touring?  I saw it in the paper  


Gee, thanks for sharing.  Now it's stuck in mine.


So, which method to use to disperse it?  Singing Henry VIII?  No, this time let's instead sing:


Comma Comma Comma Cameleon

We pause, then go

We pause, then go-o-o-o

When you're around

we know that the sound must halt

for just a bit

for just a bi-i-i-it...

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