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Happy Dance: Son Accepted Into Accelerated Math Academy (PS Content)

Spy Car

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Just got the (unofficial) word that our son has been accepted into the Middle School Math Academy program he's been hoping to get into for many years.


I'm so pleased for him, but can't tell him yet.


While this is a "public school" thing, I think it is the home education we've done that opened the door to deeper understanding.


Bill (one happy dude :D)

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I think playing around with Cuisenaire Rods when the boy was a wee lad really paid off :D


I'm so happy for him. But it is killing me that I can't break the news yet.


Thanks for the kind words you all. It is nice to have support on our journeys, eh?





I remember those old threads discussing C Rods and how to engage little boys inside the world of math.


This news does not surprise me one bit.  :hurray:   Congratulations!!!  



...and may he love his new school!!!

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Do tell about the academy.

It is one of those "schools with-in a school" programs. So two classes (about 70 student) per grade level in the Academy. They take almost all their classes (excepting PE and an elective) together. So they have a bit of a "bubble" inside a pretty large Middle School.


My son likes the idea of being in a big school, and I like the school overall. They have really interesting programs including a famous Performing Arts program (that bring a creative energy to the school) and a hyper-advanced Science Academy (6 AP science classes in Middle School) that we considered, but ultimately passed on in the interest of preserving some childhood. For the right kid, amazing!


I like that the Amarth Academy seems to draw very bright and well-rounded students. While it is a "math" oriented program, it is not singularly focused. It is a strong program across the humanities. It is a good fit for our son, academically and socially.


Our elementary school tends to act as a "feeder" into this program, so he will undoubtedly have some classmates he knows, which is nice too.


I believe this program (and the affiliated Science Academy) are among the very (very) few in the massive LAUSD school district that will allow for "math acceleration" (which has become a target of Common Core). The program had to fight like hell to get an exemption from the "no acceleration" policy. So next year (6th) will be Prealgebra and Algebra in 7th, essentially skipping 6th Grade math (some coverage in an eccelerated mode).


The program has always taught for depth, problem solving, critical thinking and all the good ways of learning we like (rather than racing through material for acceleration's sake). So it ought tb be a great academic fit.


Almost most happiness making for me is that there is always a really great group of students in the program. We all know how critical the Middle School years are and how the wrong influences can lead children astray. I feel like we've secured him a spot where he will be in with an excellent peer group, and just the right level of challenge.


Feeling blessed.



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I have a 4 yo dd that I plan to start Miquon with soon. I've been reading all the old threads here in the past couple of weeks and have really benefitted from your comments, suggestions and experience. So nice to see it come full circle. Congrats!

I'm glad those old thread are proving useful to you. I used to prattle on quite a bit :D


I did have a hunch that math (my least favorite of all subjects in school) did not have to be dreary, boring, or hateful, but could be fun, stimulating, and interesting.


I know there were some skeptical old timers rolling their eyes at the time, but teaching for understanding and making it fun has really paid off for my child.


Looking forward to what comes next.



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I remember those old threads discussing C Rods and how to engage little boys inside the world of math.


This news does not surprise me one bit. :hurray: Congratulations!!!



...and may he love his new school!!!

I enjoyed those days when we were virtually a tag-team.



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Bill, that's wonderful! I look forward to hearing happy middle school posts. :-)


I thought your son and my daughter were the same age, though. He's going into sixth? Did he skip a grade?

It looks like William is about nine months older than your daughter. So he is a young 5th Grader.


Hard to believe Middle School. Oy!



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Just got the (unofficial) word that our son has been accepted into the Middle School Math Academy program he's been hoping to get into for many years.


I'm so pleased for him, but can't tell him yet.


While this is a "public school" thing, I think it is the home education we've done that opened the door to deeper understanding.


Bill (one happy dude :D)




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Bill (one happy dude :D)


Congrats, Bill. I have gained much from the older threads on miquon, C-Rods, MEP etc. I have picked your brain in the cyberworld on early math education and I am very happy to see that you have such great outcomes attributed to the education you pursued after school for your son. Sending good wishes for more exciting mathy things to come your son's way!

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It is one of those "schools with-in a school" programs. So two classes (about 70 student) per grade level in the Academy. They take almost all their classes (excepting PE and an elective) together. So they have a bit of a "bubble" inside a pretty large Middle School.




Congrats! I was in a similarly structured gifted program in junior high (different area of CA). We were just a single class of 30 though, so we were an intensely bonded group. It was a wonderful experience. We only mixed with the rest of the kids for our one elective and for PE, so we were definitely in a "bubble" within the larger academic/social climate of the school.


I hope your son has a great experience.

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Awesome Bill!  My son just started public school for the first time this year as a second grader because we discovered just two weeks before the start of the school year that our new city has a magnet school program that uses Singapore Math and acclerates two years ahead and differentiates within the classroom as well.  We also have an after school math circle run by an amazing math graduate student.  It's so great when you realize that all the work at home pays off in terms of being able to take advantage of opportunities. 

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Congrats! Your posts inspired me to choose Miquon curriculum for my son and he is thriving in it. I owe my son's math success to you. I am not sure what curriculum you followed post Miquon and Singapore. Can you share what curriculum and resources you used beyond grade 5.

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Congrats! Your posts inspired me to choose Miquon curriculum for my son and he is thriving in it. I owe my son's math success to you. I am not sure what curriculum you followed post Miquon and Singapore. Can you share what curriculum and resources you used beyond grade 5.

You made me blush.


We've mixed things up. We've continued with Primary Mathematics and do Beast Academy. I really enjoy the Ed Zaccaro books (Primary Grade Challenge Math, Real World Algebra, etc) for an interesting (and well explained) change of pace.


I'm a big fan of the DragonBox apps that introduce algebra. Hand-on-Equations (only have app versions).


We are just starting the AoPS online course for PreAlgebra this week.


My son uses the enVision Math materials at school, which are not bad (not what I choose, but not bad). And he took a before school math enrichment offered (for free) by a math loving 5th teacher at our school designed to get the kids who wanted to get into the Math Academy up to speed for the exam, etc. through school they do either Khan Academy or ALEKS.


I wish we had time for MEP.


Writing it out it always looks like a lot, but (as always) I've tried to work things into the gaps in time, so play, sports, music, and just down-time have their area.


Thank you for the kind words, and best wishes.



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Well...it is official!!!


Can't wait for the rug-rat to get home, so we can break the news.


Thanks for all the support my friends. I'm really happy that all those back threads touched some of you. One never knows if one is writing, or just typing :D


We will have about 10 minutes to celebrate, then he will need to jump into his new AoPS Prealgebra class. No rest.



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Congratulations!! How exciting! I can't wait to hear about his reaction.


You helped us choose a Miquon path (which was great), and Singapore (which bored ds to tears, literally!), and MCT (which we are SO excited to start soon), but your most memorable recomendation to us was the rainbow loom. :)

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