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Breaking news on Fox... 17yo Bristol Palin is pregnant and will marry the father


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Personally, and this is just MY opinion, I think Sarah Palin needs to step down. Not because of politics, not because this will be a distraction for the Republican party, but because her family needs her now. It just seems like they have so much as a family, right now. Maybe it would be better to wait a bit to enter national politics?


But that is just my middle age mom of teens opinion bubbling up. If this were to ever occur in my family I am pretty sure that I would put aside any personal interests I have (not that my interests would ever include national politics, but still...) and just be there.


Yes, yes, and yes again. I can't fathom putting my own personal ambitions (even if they are wrapped in the flag) ahead of just being there ~ really being there ~ for my family. I posted below and said if I were the young woman, I'd want my mother to be able to support me. Not just in word. Not just when time permits. But really be there.

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Personally, and this is just MY opinion, I think Sarah Palin needs to step down. Not because of politics, not because this will be a distraction for the Republican party, but because her family needs her now. It just seems like they have so much as a family, right now. Maybe it would be better to wait a bit to enter national politics?


But that is just my middle age mom of teens opinion bubbling up. If this were to ever occur in my family I am pretty sure that I would put aside any personal interests I have (not that my interests would ever include national politics, but still...) and just be there.


Despite my enthusiasm for what Palin meant to the McCain ticket, I agree Kelli. If I were in her shoes I'd step out - NOT because of shame but because my children come first.

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There but by the grace of God go any of us.


This isn't the 1950's where pregnant teens were hustled off under the cloak of darkness to homes for unwed mothers. Teen pregnancies aren't as scandalous (are they even scandalous at all anymore?) as they were 60 years ago.


I don't see how anyone can judge Palin for her 17 year old's actions. I'd think those who'd judge her in this situation wouldn't be voting for a ticket with a woman running, anyway.


I don't applaud premarital sex, but I do applaud the girl for taking responsibility for her actions. She's going to have a tough road ahead of her.


I do find this curious. Have we not just had a number of threads wondering what's wrong with parents today, pre-teen bikini waxing, ten year-olds wearing make-up, etc. I see a lot of judging going on about the parental choices of others, when it does not jive with the views of the majority here. I really wonder how this would be playing out if it was Obama's or Biden's 17 year-old daughter who was pregnant.

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I'm saying that if the Democrats and Obama supporters leap on this to discredit the Palin family, they are treading on thin ice.


I doubt it. The dems are generally very accepting of families whether gay, straight, trans and teen pregnancies are generally viewed as something that is not a character flaw but something that can happen (which is why they are so adamant about education and birth control) so I really would be surprised if the dems make a big deal of this.


The press is a different story because controversy/sex/politics sell.

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I agreed with Abbey.


The "internet rumors" started in the Alaska press back in March. It speaks poorly of both Sarah Palin and John McCain's judgment that the babygate rumors were not laid to rest on the day Palin's selection was announced--a matter-of-fact mention of Bristol's pregnancy during the family introduction would have prevented a lot of pain for the girl.

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Personally, and this is just MY opinion, I think Sarah Palin needs to step down. Not because of politics, not because this will be a distraction for the Republican party, but because her family needs her now. It just seems like they have so much as a family, right now. Maybe it would be better to wait a bit to enter national politics?


I guess that I'm of the leave and cleave mindset. It seems like, to me, that Mom would be better off being busy about her own business so she wouldn't get too involved in her daughters marriage.

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What an emotional roller coaster that teen must be riding right now. Pregnant, special needs sib, mom running for VP, and getting married. I hope she has a loving boyfriend/fiance, family and friends who can comfort her through this all.

I gasped when I read this initially, but she has no bearing on my vote. If anything, it makes me think her parents raised her to stand behind her choices. Keep the baby (or adoption) is more honorable than abortion IMO. But it would have been so easy to run and hide from this choice.

I hope that NO politician or media chooses to make this an issue in any capacity. It's personal, not political.

And, heaven help anyone who crosses a hormonal woman!;)

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I totally agree with Abbey also.


I would add this - I read that the Palin children were surprised by the vp announcement. They thought they were going to a surprise 20th wedding anniversary celebration for their parents -when they were on their way to Dayton. They only found out when they got there.


I would go so far as to speculate that perhaps the Gov. and Mr. Palin didn't know this beforehand. As Abbey speculated McCain didn't really know beforehand, although he claims to.


I cannot fathom they would throw their 17yo to the national media wolves in this way. Cannot fathom. They must not have known before. That's the only possible explanation in my view. Of course, that means they are ALL lying. I'm depressed.

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I have to agree here. I would feel a lot better about this if all of the adults were blind sided. At the moment I feel like they are either lying, or showing incredibly poor judgement. Either way, my vote is in jeapordy at the moment, not because of the pregnant teen, but because of the decisions of the adults. I want to see McCain himself answerthese questions before I pass judgement.


Okay, here's what gets me. Two things, I guess...


First, I think the McCain people *have* to be lying when they say they knew before announcing Palin as the VP choice. I mean, I just can't *imagine* they would take her own -- controversial choice as she is -- knowing her teenage daughter was pregnant and what a distraction that could be.


Second, I'm sort of horrified that Palin would be willing to throw her daughter in the spotlight more than she already was (by accepting the VP nomination) while she's going through something so private, at such a young age. It *seems* terribly callous to me.


I really don't know what to make of this yet. It will take time, and I'm sure that a lot more information will come out... But right now... I'm just a little concerned about the adults' choices in all of this. Bristol, well, I just hope she's getting the love and support she needs, and that she and the boy are right for each other.

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I guess that I'm of the leave and cleave mindset. It seems like, to me, that Mom would be better off being busy about her own business so she wouldn't get too involved in her daughters marriage.


Yeah, in terms of daily life, I can agree with you there. But by accepting the VP nomination, Palin threw her whole family into the spotlight -- including this young girl. Gosh, talk about stress to throw at a young marriage!

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I don't feel comfortable at all with her being 2nd in command because of her experience and her judgement leaves much to be desired, IMO. She appears to be dishonest as well. Why lie and say that she never approved of the Bridge to Nowhere? What else has she lied about?:confused: This latest issue is just one more "thing" and the announcement was just made Friday. Geez.

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Yeah, in terms of daily life, I can agree with you there. But by accepting the VP nomination, Palin threw her whole family into the spotlight -- including this young girl. Gosh, talk about stress to throw at a young marriage!


I agree with you. That is a lot. But, who's to say that this stress wouldn't have been there anyway. Sarah Palin is a governor. It would have made national news, believe me. Now that they have addressed it, maybe can be put to bed quicker and we can all get on with our lives.

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Dick Cheney's daughter is a Lesbian. Remember what happened to Edwards when he brought that up during the VP debates? Biden better step carefully.;)


So far Obama and Biden have led a very tasteful and respectful campaign. I see no reason why that would change.

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First, it (in all likelihood) will not change my vote.


Second, I'm adding up all the factors on those stressor charts that Sarah Palin has undergone in recent months: stressful job as governor, pregnancy and birth of special needs child, VP nomination and thrust into the public eye, her husband taking a leave from his job, her dd's pregnancy, her dd's marriage, her first grandchild . . .!


If she makes it through all of this, she's got some kind of stamina.



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I guess according to most here it just comes down to a mom can't be in politics? I don't know what to think about all this but I don't believe a man would be told to step down. Teenagers get pregnant. How many women here were teens pregnant before marriage?


I never realized before how bad Hillary must have had it. I feel ashamed I didn't speak up more for her now. :(

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An infant with special needs, her sister's messy custody battle (and her involvement therein), her son's deployment, and now this. None of these are Palin's "fault;" indeed, they can individually be seen as positives in her life. But all of it together is just too much. All of it together raises the question of whether she's putting her family first.

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Should she resign as governor too? Should any mom who has a high-powered job quit when her almost-adult dd gets pg?


It's possible she might be more available as VP than as governor.


OTOH, I got pg at 17 and became a mom at 18. I did not need my mom to quit her job or hold my hand.


Wow, there's an awful lot of judgments being made here on very little actual info.

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I would say that in all honesty being a parent myself two concerns come to mind...First and most important as regards the VP a newborn with special needs is a huge commitment of both emotional and physical energy. Secondly , caring for a young lady not even graduated from high school and her new baby and marriage to a very young man is another huge drain on one's physical and mental energy -she cannot serve two masters so to speak. I really think it is a sad commentary on a troubling pattern in our society that we always put personal achievement /employment before family needs.



Did you hear that her husband has taken a leave of absence from his work to care for the children? This was a lurking question for so many, even those who think it's perfectly appropriate for women to hold these high positions. They apparently had already made plans for the care of their family.



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I never realized before how bad Hillary must have had it. I feel ashamed I didn't speak up more for her now. :(


Hillary had all her ducks in a row when she ran. Palin was foisted upon the national scene way too early.

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I guess according to most here it just comes down to a mom can't be in politics? I don't know what to think about all this but I don't believe a man would be told to step down. Teenagers get pregnant.


Sure they do. Personally, though, I believe there is a distinct role for mothers, different from but no less/more important than a father's role, and that is why I would have no problem with Sarah Palin stepping aside to nurture and support her daughter through her first steps of motherhood and marriage.

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I guess according to most here it just comes down to a mom can't be in politics? I don't know what to think about all this but I don't believe a man would be told to step down. Teenagers get pregnant. How many women here were teens pregnant before marriage?


I never realized before how bad Hillary must have had it. I feel ashamed I didn't speak up more for her now. :(


I don't think that's what any of us are saying.


I'm concerned about deceit and poor judgment shown on the part of the adults in this matter. It doesn't actually bother me that her teen is pregnant (well, despite general concern for the girl and her baby, 'cause it's tough in today's world to be a mother at 17), but it does bother me that the McCain campaign either had the poor judgment to select someone with this hanging over them and not mention it from the start, or the deceit to say they knew when they didn't. It bothers me that a mother, knowing her daughter was going through this, would thrust her daughter into the *national* spotlight (without even warning her!)... Or, alternately, she's lying about knowing too...


It raises all sorts of questions for me. About the character and honesty of this ticket.


I'm really happy Sarah is pro-life. But in all honesty, there's not a lot else going for her in my book right now. And believe me, I *want* to really, fervently support someone in this campaign.

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I do find this curious. Have we not just had a number of threads wondering what's wrong with parents today, pre-teen bikini waxing, ten year-olds wearing make-up, etc. I see a lot of judging going on about the parental choices of others, when it does not jive with the views of the majority here. I really wonder how this would be playing out if it was Obama's or Biden's 17 year-old daughter who was pregnant.



I hope it will inpsire current and future leaders to return to comprehensive, practical sex ed instead of insisting upon abstinence-only sex ed.

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I guess according to most here it just comes down to a mom can't be in politics? I don't know what to think about all this but I don't believe a man would be told to step down. Teenagers get pregnant. How many women here were teens pregnant before marriage?



I'm quite surprised by this attitude here, too.


Why can't Todd and Sarah Palin be given the unjudged opportunity to make their own decisions about what is right for their family?


Just as we on this board like having the opportunity to determine what is right for ours?


If Sarah Palin was a man, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

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I have decided on who to vote for and the information about Gov Palin's daughter will not change that decision. Here is my take on why some might think this could have an impact.

1. If she can't keep here family on the right path how can she keep the country on the right path.

2. Maybe she need to be concentrating more on her family and not own personal advancement

These are not my personal opinions just what I think people will be thinking.

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An infant with special needs, her sister's messy custody battle (and her involvement therein), her son's deployment, and now this. None of these are Palin's "fault;" indeed, they can individually be seen as positives in her life. But all of it together is just too much. All of it together raises the question of whether she's putting her family first.



This is not just an issue of a "mom" being active in politics. Many of the same questions could have been asked of Biden when, just before he took office as senator, his wife and infant were killed in a car accident and two of his sons remained in critical condition. Left as the sole parent, he apparently thought hard about foregoing his Senate seat, but took advice to keep it and commuted 1 1/2 hour from his home each day.



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I'm quite surprised by this attitude here, too.


Why can't Todd and Sarah Palin be given the unjudged opportunity to make their own decisions about what is right for their family?


Just as we on this board like having the opportunity to determine what is right for ours?


If Sarah Palin was a man, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.



Umm ... didn't we actually have a discussion here about how Edwards should have stepped down in light of his wife's illness?

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would have done:


Since McCain announced he would give his VP choice on his birthday, he was stuck with the date. When the news of the hurricane was marking LA as a probable target, then it would give Gov. Jindal an opportunity to shine or fall. So, he picked Palin knowing how much controversy she would bring. Then when Gov Jindal proved himself as an organized leader with Gustav, Palin would step down before the official kick off of the Primary and McCain would announce Jindal as VP.


Maybe not possible, but I am not a political expert, just a theorist. (This still doesn't change my vote however).

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I am sorry, but this has got to be the most selfish persona I have heard about. To accept the VP-nomination while not only having young children *and* a special needs BABY, but knowing that her own dd would be publicly humiliated and scrutinized.


Plus, I am confused here. Aren't republicans usually Christians and consider themselves to have a higher moral ground than liberals? How come it is just OK, too bad, brave choice for her not to abort? Why is nobody thinking how can it be OK to have pre-marital sex at age *17*? No morals? Why should that be all shyss'ed about? Am I just being old-fashioned and unrealistic?


I'd certainly have a fit if any of my kids had pre-marital whatever and you bet there'd be consequences. I cannot imagine people saying this could happen to anyone, because no, it wouldn't. Not if the family was involved and healththy. Yes, I also had a brother who went way wrong (dies of an over-dose), but there were definitely family confusion and mental illness involved.


Are we supposed to stand up and ovate the family and the presidential runner because they are *not* choosing an abortion? That's lame. I am anti-abortion (except if the mother's life is at stake) so the issue of abortion is not a main consideration for me.

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I understand the need to use everything you can to win an election, but I pray this little girl isn't persecuted as a result of anyone's ambition. Poor kid (and her family) must be going through a lot right now. My kids are young, but I know as I look into the future that I can't control their every move and I pray that I won't be judged for my kid's behavior. We are all doing our best and I think as moms we need to support each and encourage each other. I figure we're all just one decision, sometimes one a child makes, away from being a "them" and we need to be compassionate about others struggles.


I think it's a great time for a little Plato, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


Amen to that sister!



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Why can't Todd and Sarah Palin be given the unjudged opportunity to make their own decisions about what is right for their family?



Because she is running for a national position in which she will be making decisions about what's right for our families.

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It raises all sorts of questions for me. About the character and honesty of this ticket.



John McCain is a maverick. He doesn't care what you think about her daughter being pregnant. Its a non-issue. It will not affect his nor Palin's ability to govern -- and govern well.


How is their character and honesty in question?

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Personally, and this is just MY opinion, I think Sarah Palin needs to step down. Not because of politics, not because this will be a distraction for the Republican party, but because her family needs her now. It just seems like they have so much as a family, right now. Maybe it would be better to wait a bit to enter national politics?


But that is just my middle age mom of teens opinion bubbling up. If this were to ever occur in my family I am pretty sure that I would put aside any personal interests I have (not that my interests would ever include national politics, but still...) and just be there.


I agree with you, Kelli. But the thing is, the girl is 5 months pregnant, so the decision to run was made with all the knowledge we are just now getting. Sarah Palin won't be stepping down I don't imagine.


I would feel the same about a male candidate, too. If you've got so much going on in your family, maybe Vice President of the United States of America is a bit too much to add to the load.

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I don't think that's what any of us are saying.


I'm concerned about deceit and poor judgment shown on the part of the adults in this matter. It doesn't actually bother me that her teen is pregnant (well, despite general concern for the girl and her baby, 'cause it's tough in today's world to be a mother at 17), but it does bother me that the McCain campaign either had the poor judgment to select someone with this hanging over them and not mention it from the start, or the deceit to say they knew when they didn't. It bothers me that a mother, knowing her daughter was going through this, would thrust her daughter into the *national* spotlight (without even warning her!)... Or, alternately, she's lying about knowing too...


It raises all sorts of questions for me. About the character and honesty of this ticket.


I'm really happy Sarah is pro-life. But in all honesty, there's not a lot else going for her in my book right now. And believe me, I *want* to really, fervently support someone in this campaign.


Her pro-life issues were never the big draw for me. I don't think it changes anything honestly.

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Umm ... didn't we actually have a discussion here about how Edwards should have stepped down in light of his wife's illness?


In my mind, that was a different situation. Elizabeth Edwards has a life-threatening illness, and would have possibly left a president with no one to care for his own children except for him.


Sarah Palin has a pregnant daughter who is soon to be married.

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This is not just an issue of a "mom" being active in politics. Many of the same questions could have been asked of Biden when, just before he took office as senator, his wife and infant were killed in a car accident and two of his sons remained in critical condition. Left as the sole parent, he apparently thought hard about foregoing his Senate seat, but took advice to keep it and commuted 1 1/2 hour from his home each day.




He was the family's sole breadwinner at that point. And you suggest he should have quit working? To cease providing family an income would be quite irresponsible in my opinion. If I had to be sole provider for my family in crisis, I would hope that another family member or friends could help me out with the children.

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I guess according to most here it just comes down to a mom can't be in politics? I don't know what to think about all this but I don't believe a man would be told to step down. Teenagers get pregnant. How many women here were teens pregnant before marriage?


I never realized before how bad Hillary must have had it. I feel ashamed I didn't speak up more for her now. :(


Nope. If her dad were the new VP candidate I would think that he needed to step down and be there for his daughter.


But those are just my family values.

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I guess according to most here it just comes down to a mom can't be in politics? I don't know what to think about all this but I don't believe a man would be told to step down. Teenagers get pregnant. How many women here were teens pregnant before marriage?


I never realized before how bad Hillary must have had it.:(


I have to agree and I am really shocked at the amount of speculation and judgement flying around here.

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I am sorry, but this has got to be the most selfish persona I have heard about. To accept the VP-nomination while not only having young children *and* a special needs BABY, but knowing that her own dd would be publicly humiliated and scrutinized.


Plus, I am confused here. Aren't republicans usually Christians and consider themselves to have a higher moral ground than liberals? How come it is just OK, too bad, brave choice for her not to abort? Why is nobody thinking how can it be OK to have pre-marital sex at age *17*? No morals? Why should that be all shyss'ed about? Am I just being old-fashioned and unrealistic?


I'd certainly have a fit if any of my kids had pre-marital whatever and you bet there'd be consequences. I cannot imagine people saying this could happen to anyone, because no, it wouldn't. Not if the family was involved and healththy. Yes, I also had a brother who went way wrong (dies of an over-dose), but there were definitely family confusion and mental illness involved.


Are we supposed to stand up and ovate the family and the presidential runner because they are *not* choosing an abortion? That's lame. I am anti-abortion (except if the mother's life is at stake) so the issue of abortion is not a main consideration for me.


There are way too many generalizations and assumptions here.


I don't know anything about what the Palin family knew/didn't know. I know Christian Democrats. I know Republicans who are atheists. I know plenty of Christians who don't consider themselves to have a higher anything. I don't know of any people who encourage or think sex at 17 is okay. I know a wonderful family who are Christians, deeply involved at our church, whose 18 year old daughter is unwed and pregnant and deeply loved/protected by our church family because they came to the congregation for forgiveness and help. It CAN happen to anyone. If any of us think our children are protected or inoculated against sin (or errors in judgment or mistakes or whatever you want to call it), I'm afraid we're in for some serious shocks. Our children will make their own choices, sometimes they will go completely against all we think we taught them, some will have to suffer serious consequences for it. But don't delude yourself into thinking "MY kids would never ___ because *I* raised 'em RIGHT..."

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I'd certainly have a fit if any of my kids had pre-marital whatever and you bet there'd be consequences. I cannot imagine people saying this could happen to anyone, because no, it wouldn't. Not if the family was involved and healththy. Yes, I also had a brother who went way wrong (dies of an over-dose), but there were definitely family confusion and mental illness involved.




I sincerely hope that all of your children turn out as you hope them to.


It is true that involved, healthy parents have the best chance at turning out healthy, moral children. It is also true that sometimes, the children of involved, healthy parents still make bad choices. It is also true that sometimes the children of unhealthy parents turn out to be very healthy people.


Your statement here is untempered by experience. May you never walk that road.

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There are way too many generalizations and assumptions here.


I don't know anything about what the Palin family knew/didn't know. I know Christian Democrats. I know Republicans who are atheists. I know plenty of Christians who don't consider themselves to have a higher anything. I don't know of any people who encourage or think sex at 17 is okay. I know a wonderful family who are Christians, deeply involved at our church, whose 18 year old daughter is unwed and pregnant and deeply loved/protected by our church family because they came to the congregation for forgiveness and help. It CAN happen to anyone. If any of us think our children are protected or inoculated against sin (or errors in judgment or mistakes or whatever you want to call it), I'm afraid we're in for some serious shocks. Our children will make their own choices, sometimes they will go completely against all we think we taught them, some will have to suffer serious consequences for it. But don't delude yourself into thinking "MY kids would never ___ because *I* raised 'em RIGHT..."



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But isn't that what we as Americans value? The right to make our own choices? As long as those choices don't infringe upon the rights of someone else?



If Governor Palin becomes Vice President of the United States, she will have the duty of casting the deciding vote over issues deadlocked in the Senate.


She would be making choices for US, not just for her little family.

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I don't see how anyone can judge Palin for her 17 year old's actions.


I'm not judging Palin for her daughter's actions; I'm considering and reacting to her own actions. Those actions ~ rushing headlong into the national spotlight, campaigning day and night for the next two months and potentially serving as VP, while nursing one infant and nurturing a daughter who will soon be doing the same ~ speak volumes to me. She's displayed what I consider poor judgment and a high degree of selfishness.

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I sincerely hope that all of your children turn out as you hope them to.


It is true that involved, healthy parents have the best chance at turning out healthy, moral children. It is also true that sometimes, the children of involved, healthy parents still make bad choices. It is also true that sometimes the children of unhealthy parents turn out to be very healthy people.


Your statement here is untempered by experience. May you never walk that road.



From your lips to God's ears.


Until one has walked the path of being the parent of a child who rejects the value system he or she was raised with, one has no place judging.

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