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Stupid IRS


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Did you have the ACA penalty? There was a glitch with early filers with the ACA penalty. The computer system put a hold on the refunds. IRS is finally going in manually and processing the returns. You should have a direct deposit date very soon. I filed the 23rd and no update on where's my refund yet but I called the IRS and told the hold was lifted today and I should have my refund by next week.

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Did you have the ACA penalty? There was a glitch with early filers with the ACA penalty. The computer system put a hold on the refunds. IRS is finally going in manually and processing the returns. You should have a direct deposit date very soon. I filed the 23rd and no update on where's my refund yet but I called the IRS and told the hold was lifted today and I should have my refund by next week.

Yes we did, to the tune of $600 for underestimating. So that would explain it, thank you
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Didn't the head of the IRS say something a while back about refunds being slower this year because of budget cuts?

The IRS has the same expected time frame for refunds this year as they did last year- within 21 days of efiling.


There was a widely quoted "article" that claimed no one was getting their refunds until very late but it was a total hoax complete with fabricated quotes from congress people, Obama staffers and the IRS.

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The IRS has the same expected time frame for refunds this year as they did last year- within 21 days of efiling.

There was a widely quoted "article" that claimed no one was getting their refunds until very late but it was a total hoax complete with fabricated quotes from congress people, Obama staffers and the IRS.

The Wash Post and Forbes both mention it, with Forbes referencing the "satirical article" on the IRS. (Sorry I can't do the tidy links thing.)





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For levity, can I tell you about the time dh was working on the taxes and walked over to help the 5yos unstick the shredder and left the tax forms there. In the shred pile. Didn't notice until the W-2 was gone, and one1099. Yah! Another strike against thoughtless item strewing.

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I called today to see what was up. They said they needed more information or some such thing and I should be getting a letter sometime this week. What does that mean??? Are we getting audited (dh's first thought but we have a standard deduction, student loan deduction and the health care thing where they took money from us)??

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I called today to see what was up. They said they needed more information or some such thing and I should be getting a letter sometime this week. What does that mean??? Are we getting audited (dh's first thought but we have a standard deduction, student loan deduction and the health care thing where they took money from us)??


I wouldn't worry about anything.  Last year they kicked ours back because of the deduction for having kids in college. They changed our numbers to perfectly round ones...like $1000 and sent us a bill for the difference between what they said and what we said. It took MONTHS to get that straightened out, and it turns out they had no idea what they were doing and actually never did explain how they got the numbers they did. It was a pain in the butt but we knew we were right so there was no need to stress over it. 

I'm sure it's either a minor error or some other easy to fix thing. 


PS- when we got the bill for the difference, I called and asked if I should pay it while we're disputing it and the IRS agent said NO, that if we pay it there's no way they'll make any effort to find out what happened. They'll just cash the check and move on.  Now, that really bothered me. I was willing to pay them to keep from accruing interest in the event it was OUR fault but they were advising me NOT to pay it because their own coworkers would then ignore the case. Crazy, huh?


Hope the letter comes soon and that it's a big nothing.  

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We filed our taxes on 1/20 and still haven't gotten our refund or any status besides processing on Where's My Refund, I filed my mom's 1/30 and she got her refund today. Grrrrrr

If it makes you feel better, DH is self-employed so we write a fat check every year. I hate April 15th and I agree the IRS is stupid.

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I called today to see what was up. They said they needed more information or some such thing and I should be getting a letter sometime this week. What does that mean??? Are we getting audited (dh's first thought but we have a standard deduction, student loan deduction and the health care thing where they took money from us)??


We had that kind of letter when IRS lost some of our paperwork which was notarized and mailed by registered mail.  We ended up going to the local IRS center to have them notarized and internal mail the documents for us which the IRS lost a second time.  It was weird that even internal mail did not reach the main processing office intact.  We were filing 1040NR that year.  

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Well got the letter today, our return is being reviewed. Don't know why, there's nothing screaming SCAM. Hell if I wanted to scam I would have denied them their $600 in ACA fines 😡 everything is straight forward and has a paper trail. According to to paper we should either have our refund or another notification by April 9th.

This is freaking BS but then again they owe us money and be damned if they are going to pay us interest in our refund they are holding hostage.

Though dh's place of employment was audited last year and the name of the business is Patriot Dental Laboratory (if you all remember that IRS scandal)

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We went through that- in 59 days you might get a notice that they 'need more time', thus extending it another 60 days. We got FOUR such notices of extension.  In the end, they never did figure out what happened to ours, and they eventually mailed us a check for what they owed us, plus $10.91 in interest. I know how much the interest was because I just got a 1099-INT so I can add that interest and pay tax on it.  It was super annoying, and I knew we hadn't done anything wrong, but the fact that it dragged on forever and they wouldn't give any details about it just drove me crazy. 


Hope you have a much faster resolution and your check is in your hands soon!

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We went through that- in 59 days you might get a notice that they 'need more time', thus extending it another 60 days. We got FOUR such notices of extension. In the end, they never did figure out what happened to ours, and they eventually mailed us a check for what they owed us, plus $10.91 in interest. I know how much the interest was because I just got a 1099-INT so I can add that interest and pay tax on it. It was super annoying, and I knew we hadn't done anything wrong, but the fact that it dragged on forever and they wouldn't give any details about it just drove me crazy.


Hope you have a much faster resolution and your check is in your hands soon!

Oh good lord, if they take that long, dh will have a fit. If they really need an extension on stuff that they should already have (dh's W2, student loan interest and ACA paper and SS numbers for all of us) they need some serious help. We don't own a business, we took the standard deduction so nothing that they can't find a paper trail for.
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Oh good lord, if they take that long, dh will have a fit. If they really need an extension on stuff that they should already have (dh's W2, student loan interest and ACA paper and SS numbers for all of us) they need some serious help. We don't own a business, we took the standard deduction so nothing that they can't find a paper trail for.

I believe ours took so long because they couldn't figure out why it was tagged in the first place.  They knew it was because of the deduction for college expenses but had no idea WHAT specifically they were looking for.  I'm sure our wait was abnormally long. 

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I heard on the local news radio station that there are some delays in getting back refunds due to tax fraud this year.  Was that the hoax mentioned above?  I don't want to continue to spread false info, so take this with a grain of salt:


The story was that the recent internet hacks (Anthem, Target, etc) led to people filing fraudulent returns, which would not be discovered until the actual person files a (second) return, at which point it would be flagged as fraud, and then there would be a delay while it's investigated and resolved.  It was on our local news radio station - WTOP - although I don't have a link.  Will try to find one.

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Dh is mad, he thinks we were targeted because he's a manager (he's on all the accounts incase something happens to his boss/cousin)


Keep in mind that they also select some randomly, and you could simply be a part of the random selection.

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Last month we received a letter from the IRS asking for 22,000 by March because our 1099 didn't match. My figure was (something like) $6258 and they said that there figure was $62580. My mom was the one who I got the 1099 and the original filed version was $6258. So, we are waiting to see if how long it will take for them to realize they they moved a decimal point. 

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I filed, and was accepted on 1/21. Last week the bars on the WMR site disappeared and Saturday I got a letter asking for all this extra info. Some of it I have questions about how exactly they want me to prove certain stuff. The letter says if we have questions call this number..... I've called three times, it asks for me to go through this whole process of punching in numbers....then says the lines are too busy and hangs up on me!!!! 


Very frustrated with the IRS!

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Yes, as stated above I filed electronically on 1/22. 


The website switched from the normal processing page to a different processing page about two weeks ago.  Last week was 21 days - the limit for waiting for the deposit.  It took me about 45 minutes to figure out which combination of extensions to push to get a live person.  It took about 1.5 hours for the live person to actually find our tax filing and determine that they don't know why they are holding it.  She said that it would take an additional 4-6 weeks to process, took my telephone number, and said that someone will be calling us.  I've still been checking the website every day, and it still says it is processing.  I guess I will try again this Friday if I still haven't heard back from them by then. 


Argh!  We need that money.

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Last week the bars on the WMR site disappeared and Saturday I got a letter asking for all this extra info. Some of it I have questions about how exactly they want me to prove certain stuff.

Check where your local IRS office is. A trip there was a lot faster for us than doing phone tag.


Link to IRS office locator


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Dh is mad, he thinks we were targeted because he's a manager (he's on all the accounts incase something happens to his boss/cousin)

Hopefully it's just a delay. Someone we know was audited. Took her a trip to the assigned IRS office with her documents, about 3hrs including waiting time and she was done.

It was the income documents that were checked and verified especially the work bonuses.

Good luck

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Last month we received a letter from the IRS asking for 22,000 by March because our 1099 didn't match. My figure was (something like) $6258 and they said that there figure was $62580. My mom was the one who I got the 1099 and the original filed version was $6258. So, we are waiting to see if how long it will take for them to realize they they moved a decimal point.

A mismatch between a return and a 1099 can trigger an automatic letter without anyone actually looking at your case. If you haven't already done so you need to be proactive and tell the IRS about the mistake. They won't figure it out on their own. If you don't respond you could be assessed the tax owed, and then you would have to file a petition with the Tax Court. (Or pay the tax owed and sue for a refund in District Court.) No one wants that. The earlier this is resolved, the better for everyone.


I would write a letter and call. Cover all your bases.

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A mismatch between a return and a 1099 can trigger an automatic letter without anyone actually looking at your case. If you haven't already done so you need to be proactive and tell the IRS about the mistake. They won't figure it out on their own. If you don't respond you could be assessed the tax owed, and then you would have to file a petition with the Tax Court. (Or pay the tax owed and sue for a refund in District Court.) No one wants that. The earlier this is resolved, the better for everyone.


I would write a letter and call. Cover all your bases.


Thanks we already did. Now we're just waiting for the next step. I'm going to have my husband follow-up this week. 


I definitely don't want this hanging over us and leading to paying penalties that we don't owe. 

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Thanks we already did. Now we're just waiting for the next step. I'm going to have my husband follow-up this week.


I definitely don't want this hanging over us and leading to paying penalties that we don't owe.

Excellent! Be persistent. The IRS has the burden of proving additional income. It may take forever, but this can and will be resolved.

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Yes, as stated above I filed electronically on 1/22.


The website switched from the normal processing page to a different processing page about two weeks ago. Last week was 21 days - the limit for waiting for the deposit. It took me about 45 minutes to figure out which combination of extensions to push to get a live person. It took about 1.5 hours for the live person to actually find our tax filing and determine that they don't know why they are holding it. She said that it would take an additional 4-6 weeks to process, took my telephone number, and said that someone will be calling us. I've still been checking the website every day, and it still says it is processing. I guess I will try again this Friday if I still haven't heard back from them by then.


Argh! We need that money.

Yup this is us, we got a letter after I called though they wouldn't tell me anything over the phone.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent! Be persistent. The IRS has the burden of proving additional income. It may take forever, but this can and will be resolved.


Here was the original issue: 


"Last month we received a letter from the IRS asking for 22,000 by March because our 1099 didn't match. My figure was (something like) $6258 and they said that there figure was $62580. My mom was the one who I got the 1099 and the original filed version was $6258. So, we are waiting to see if how long it will take for them to realize they they moved a decimal point. "



Just an update. We received a letter this week stating that our documentation was enough to close the case. Woohoo!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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