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Am I old or is this creepy?


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DH keeps up with the latest technology by mostly reading about it.  We aren't anti gadget by any stretch, but we don't have smart phones.  We don't have everything connected to our computers.  So he sends me stuff about it in e-mails sometimes.  Some of the upcoming gadgets just creep me out.  It's like every aspect of your life can be controlled with your phone or some other electronic gadget including electronic jewelry.  Oh and everything can constantly be on camera.  I don't like that idea.  What happens when your phone breaks?  Or the power goes out?  Or I dunno you just want some damn privacy?





I feel like my 80 something year old grandmother who refuses to get a computer. 




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What on earth is "electronic jewelry"???


I like that many things are possible technologically: GPS navigation, setting my thermostat by phone when traveling, etc.That does not mean I have to use all technological capabilities of my device all.the.time.


I am not entirely sure what exactly you find creepy. I find tracking people via their GPS locator creepy - but I appreciate the capability of my phone to transmit location, because it could be a life saver in an emergency.

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Meh. I like technology. I know every jot is being recorded somewhere, but that's a lot of data for someone to sort through just to figure out anything "incriminating" about me. I don't worry about it. Maybe I should, but I've always been an optimist. I'll enjoy my technology until I have a good reason not to.

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Our house has been automated for about five years now. It's especially helpful when we're on vacation. We can set almost any of the lights to turn on and off, can check sensors to see if the basement is flooding (common around here) and check the security system. If the power goes off -- it has -- we just log into our account and read the alarm system messages to determine whether it's serious or not. Everything has a battery backup, and when power goes back on, the system resets itself. The only time we have had a problem is with our patio door when the temp falls too low (-20 or below) and the alarm sensor turns off. We know what it is now, though, and my husband has figured out how to keep it on. We don't have cameras set up but we do own them. My youngest brother set cameras up in his house to make sure his two savannah cats are not creating too much mayhem.


I also LOVE GPS tracking. We use Google to track one another and it's been very handy. My youngest is starting to travel into Chicago by himself and I like seeing where he is. About three weeks ago, he and his girlfriend walked into a neighborhood in the evening where there is a fair amount of gang activity and where a medical student at Loyola was recently murdered while walking with some friends. We saw where ds was on the GPS and called to tell him to turn around and head back to Evanston. I don't care that he explores. I just want to make sure he's not wandering into areas that tend not to be safe.



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I was discussing this with some senior ladies at sewing club last night. One of the women is REALLY into genealogy and was so excited to have found a letter written by a great grandmother describing a fire that my friend has a newspaper article for. It was like a rare treasure for her to have not one but two pieces of confirmation about a family tragedy. I jokingly said that our great grand children will just be able to log onto the internet to see great grandma's post on FB for a particular day, read her food log on Myfitnesspal, see how she slept on her Fitbit, see where drove based on gps tracking on her phone, etc. It was meant as a joke, but really, it IS kind of scary. Every little bit of our lives is out there for anyone who has the skills to look it up.

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Yeah, I tell my kids to always assume they're being videoed ... act as if kind of thing.  I do the same unless I'm inside my house.  I keep wondering how the whole camera/video thing ends.  I can't imagine how it will progress when I try to follow it through time. 


And the pressure to get the latest and greatest is constantly there.  Fellow employees are always telling my dh he 'needs' to buy this or that current gadget/phone - for whatever reason.  Even though his job doesn't even require any of these gadgets for him to do it, and do it well.  Plus, he rarely uses any electronic things when he's home.  Says he spends all day in front of a computer and doesn't want to spend his free time in front of one. 


I guess that shoves us over into the "old" category.  ;)


My husband's boss harps on him for not having a smart phone.  He doesn't need one for work.  My thought is if his boss wants him to have one so badly, go ahead and buy him one.  He would not use something like that beyond having a toy.  And he has toys (tablets, laptops, computers, etc.). 

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Our house has been automated for about five years now. It's especially helpful when we're on vacation. We can set almost any of the lights to turn on and off, can check sensors to see if the basement is flooding (common around here) and check the security system. If the power goes off -- it has -- we just log into our account and read the alarm system messages to determine whether it's serious or not. Everything has a battery backup, and when power goes back on, the system resets itself. The only time we have had a problem is with our patio door when the temp falls too low (-20 or below) and the alarm sensor turns off. We know what it is now, though, and my husband has figured out how to keep it on. We don't have cameras set up but we do own them. My youngest brother set cameras up in his house to make sure his two savannah cats are not creating too much mayhem.


I also LOVE GPS tracking. We use Google to track one another and it's been very handy. My youngest is starting to travel into Chicago by himself and I like seeing where he is. About three weeks ago, he and his girlfriend walked into a neighborhood in the evening where there is a fair amount of gang activity and where a medical student at Loyola was recently murdered while walking with some friends. We saw where ds was on the GPS and called to tell him to turn around and head back to Evanston. I don't care that he explores. I just want to make sure he's not wandering into areas that tend not to be safe.


Yeah I suppose I could see the allure for vacation, but seen as though we don't go on many vacations that would seem like an expensive thing.  I'm home most of the time.


When we moved here I printed out directions and got maps.  But I admit now that I have a GPS that is much easier usually.  Emphasis on usually. 

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Meh. I have very little interest in all the new technology. I find it creepy that a parent would track their child on GPS or knowing that abusive people can use it to keep tabs on their significant other. But I also think it could be quite useful in certain instances. My friend learned that one of his employers was stealing from the company through GPS tracking and had the evidence to fire him without dispute when the guy tried to say he was being discriminated against. The tracking saved his company thousands of dollars in future thefts.


So really, like everything else, it has more to do with who and why they are using it than the product itself that I find creepy.

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Tech can be wonderful.  Really, really awesome...until it isn't.  We as a society live in a fish bowl now.  It will only get more so as time and technology advance.  The next generation will be so used to it, though, that I doubt most will even think it strange.


DH has our house wired like Fort Knox.  Tech is his thing.  Everything is tied to tech in some way.  We both have Smart Phones.  He thinks it is wonderful.  He loves adding more tech, tying everything together.  And even movement within the house is recorded.  I live in a fish bowl.  Honestly, there are days when I dream of moving into a grass hut by a creak under a canopy of trees, far from any kind of tech.  


I remember the movie with Parker Stevenson years and years ago where the house was decked out in tech.  It achieved sentience and it managed to kill lots of people.  I admit there are days when I look around all the tech in our house and realize that if our house ever achieved sentience I'd be in deep trouble.  :laugh:

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Tech can be wonderful.  Really, really awesome...until it isn't.  We as a society live in a fish bowl now.  It will only get more so as time and technology advance.  The next generation will be so used to it, though, that I doubt most will even think it strange.


DH has our house wired like Fort Knox.  Tech is his thing.  Everything is tied to tech in some way.  We both have Smart Phones.  He thinks it is wonderful.  He loves adding more tech, tying everything together.  And even movement within the house is recorded.  I live in a fish bowl.  Honestly, there are days when I dream of moving into a grass hut by a creak under a canopy of trees, far from any kind of tech.  


I remember the movie with Parker Stevenson years and years ago where the house was decked out in tech.  It achieved sentience and it managed to kill lots of people.  I admit there are days when I look around all the tech in our house and realize that if our house ever achieved sentience I'd be in deep trouble.  :laugh:


When we bought the car recently the sale's guy was asking what we do.  Blah blah.  So DH is in IT.  Then the guy starts talking about all the stuff the car can do (bluetooth, this port...blah blah).  I said, "We aren't really into any of that."  The guy was like...but you are in IT! 

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I'm just concerned and wondering to what end all this monitoring leads to. I mean if someone googles cancer symptoms will their health or life insurance be cut off the next day with no reason given? Is that in the future (or happening already?) If someone checks their phone while waiting at a red light, will their vehicle insurance company send them some sort of warning email or charge more to insure this driver?

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I like technology and I don't find any of those things creepy.


I do think it's strange how some people seem to really enjoy wearing what is essentially a beeper and tracking their entire life in numbers.


Life is too beautiful for numbers.



I mean if someone googles cancer symptoms will their health or life insurance be cut off the next day with no reason given?


If they repeal Obamacare, maybe. Then we'd all have the right to be refused health care due to pre-existing conditions.



If someone checks their phone while waiting at a red light, will their vehicle insurance company send them some sort of warning email or charge more to insure this driver?


In my state if they catch you you get a fine. Isn't this illegal already?

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Yeah I suppose I could see the allure for vacation, but seen as though we don't go on many vacations that would seem like an expensive thing.  I'm home most of the time.


When we moved here I printed out directions and got maps.  But I admit now that I have a GPS that is much easier usually.  Emphasis on usually. 


I use maps, too, because GPS doesn't always get directions right. We were recently out of the country, though, and couldn't find a good local printed map with the names of streets. Luckily, GPS came through. It was helpful because we were driving on the left side of the road and encountering a lot of roundabouts and road signs that were new to us. I still prefer maps, though.



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When we bought the car recently the sale's guy was asking what we do.  Blah blah.  So DH is in IT.  Then the guy starts talking about all the stuff the car can do (bluetooth, this port...blah blah).  I said, "We aren't really into any of that."  The guy was like...but you are in IT! 


Bluetooth is REALLY convenient. It is not safe (and in some states not legal) to talk on a  handheld phone while driving.

And using the phone to listen to TC lectures in the car through the car stereo's speakers, without the need to hooking it up with cables, is very nice as well.

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What i find interesting is that many people who are nostalgic for small town life have a problem with this. Not saying anyone here but it's something I've noticed in previous convos about technology and modern life. 

In small towns, people have so little privacy, with whole communities always knowing who is dating/divorcing/cheating, who has financial problems, who visited the doctor blah blah blah. It's one of the reasons I really & truly detest small towns & rural life. Everyone wants to talk to you and know things about you :scared:

This in many ways is no different but also way more impersonal. That grocery store club card & the airmiles mastercard are tracking my spending habits. Some computer out there knows I'm vegan & menstruating and use a lot of toilet paper. But do I really care? Nope.  My neighbours know almost nothing about me & that's nice... .

I did find the documentary Terms and Conditions interesting though & I think anyone interested in the issues of privacy & internet would like it.

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I would like to try the remote controls on the house, for locking and lights and furnace and such.  I thought that it was still a bit flakey to rely on though?  It's been in the works for a very long time.  For those of you who are already doing this, how did you set up your system?  Did  you go through a contractor or do it yourself?  Is there a company whose products you recommend as a group, or do you have to piece it together yourself?

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I just bought another tablet. It came with GPS (no data plan required). I just wonder can someone else track me? Not that I'm worried exactly, but I wonder if there is a way to shut that "feature" off when I'm not using it.

Set it to "airplane mode". However that would prevent you surfing the internet too as wifi is turned off.

No one can track you just because you have a GPS enabled tablet or smartphone. For my iPod, iPhone and my kids iPads, I have to enable find my iPhone to see where the devices are. We have a GPS enabled kindle and others won't be able to tell where our GPS enabled kindle is unless we are on the same Amazon account.

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Bluetooth is REALLY convenient. It is not safe (and in some states not legal) to talk on a  handheld phone while driving.

And using the phone to listen to TC lectures in the car through the car stereo's speakers, without the need to hooking it up with cables, is very nice as well.


I don't ever make calls in the car, but definitely that would be better if I did.  It's not legal here to use a hand held. 


I don't do a lot of driving and it's all quick city driving.  No time to listen to anything.

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What i find interesting is that many people who are nostalgic for small town life have a problem with this. Not saying anyone here but it's something I've noticed in previous convos about technology and modern life. 


In small towns, people have so little privacy, with whole communities always knowing who is dating/divorcing/cheating, who has financial problems, who visited the doctor blah blah blah. It's one of the reasons I really & truly detest small towns & rural life. Everyone wants to talk to you and know things about you :scared:


This in many ways is no different but also way more impersonal. That grocery store club card & the airmiles mastercard are tracking my spending habits. Some computer out there knows I'm vegan & menstruating and use a lot of toilet paper. But do I really care? Nope.  My neighbours know almost nothing about me & that's nice... .


I did find the documentary Terms and Conditions interesting though & I think anyone interested in the issues of privacy & internet would like it.





Some computer out there knows I waste too much time on the computer. I need its help so I can get something done today.

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I would like to try the remote controls on the house, for locking and lights and furnace and such.  I thought that it was still a bit flakey to rely on though?  It's been in the works for a very long time.  For those of you who are already doing this, how did you set up your system?  Did  you go through a contractor or do it yourself?  Is there a company whose products you recommend as a group, or do you have to piece it together yourself?



We put everything -- alarm system, sensors, and whatnots -- in ourselves. We = husband but I endured him while he did it. :)


IIRC, the company that sold most of the stuff we used is called InsteOn, but I think my husband used stuff from elsewhere. SmartHome, maybe? If you don't mind taking the time to learn how to do it yourself, you can save a bundle, and you'll be able to fine tune it yourself in the future. It really isn't difficult, just time consuming. I'll ask my husband what else he used when he gets home and pass it along. I think Apple sells stuff now, too, and I would bet it's sleek.

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DH keeps up with the latest technology by mostly reading about it.  We aren't anti gadget by any stretch, but we don't have smart phones.  We don't have everything connected to our computers.  So he sends me stuff about it in e-mails sometimes.  Some of the upcoming gadgets just creep me out.  It's like every aspect of your life can be controlled with your phone or some other electronic gadget including electronic jewelry.  Oh and everything can constantly be on camera.  I don't like that idea.  What happens when your phone breaks?  Or the power goes out?  Or I dunno you just want some damn privacy?





I feel like my 80 something year old grandmother who refuses to get a computer. 


This morning, I got turned around coming out of the endocrinologist's building with DD, and couldn't find my car. I was incredulous, looking at a row of cars where I thought it should have been parked. DD asked, "Do you think somebody could have stolen our car?" I replied, "I don't care about the car, but my phone was in there!"  :laugh:

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What i find interesting is that many people who are nostalgic for small town life have a problem with this. Not saying anyone here but it's something I've noticed in previous convos about technology and modern life. 


In small towns, people have so little privacy, with whole communities always knowing who is dating/divorcing/cheating, who has financial problems, who visited the doctor blah blah blah. It's one of the reasons I really & truly detest small towns & rural life. Everyone wants to talk to you and know things about you :scared:


This in many ways is no different but also way more impersonal. That grocery store club card & the airmiles mastercard are tracking my spending habits. Some computer out there knows I'm vegan & menstruating and use a lot of toilet paper. But do I really care? Nope.  My neighbours know almost nothing about me & that's nice... .


I did find the documentary Terms and Conditions interesting though & I think anyone interested in the issues of privacy & internet would like it.


I have no nostalgia for small town life.  I like living in the city and wouldn't mind living in a more crowded city.  I actually feel more anonymous this way.  So I totally agree with what you are saying.  I can't imagine my neighbors knowing all about my business.  We actually are friendly with one of our neighbors, which is quite unusual around here.  We even exchange xmas gifts.  But really conversations don't get too personal either. 

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In my state, texting while driving is illegal, but checking email or Facebook is not.

Many, many people use phones as a GPS (Waze & Google maps have great apps) so no phones in cars would be difficult.


OP I didn't think you sounded like an 80 year old grandmother. More like Lord Crowley and that head butler regarding the new telephone invention suspiciously.

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In my state, texting while driving is illegal, but checking email or Facebook is not.

Many, many people use phones as a GPS (Waze & Google maps have great apps) so no phones in cars would be difficult.


OP I didn't think you sounded like an 80 year old grandmother. More like Lord Crowley and that head butler regarding the new telephone invention suspiciously.


What?!  What kind of ridiculous thing is that?!


Well I admit one of the biggest reasons I avoid smart phones is because I know myself.  I'd be glued to it and wouldn't notice the outside world.  LOL 

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As almost everything in life, there are two sides to it. Lots of advantages, time saving features, etc., and then the invasion of privacy or potentially so. I started a vent thread last summer when people at a niece's engagement party took pics and posted them willy nilly on FB and who knows where else.


I don't like my privacy (what little we have left of it) being invaded without my permission. A person replied on the other thread that it would be a safety issue for her since she keeps a low profile because she has a stalker in her past. The whole thing brings up a lot of uncomfortable feelings.

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As almost everything in life, there are two sides to it. Lots of advantages, time saving features, etc., and then the invasion of privacy or potentially so. I started a vent thread last summer when people at a niece's engagement party took pics and posted them willy nilly on FB and who knows where else.


I don't like my privacy (what little we have left of it) being invaded without my permission. A person replied on the other thread that it would be a safety issue for her since she keeps a low profile because she has a stalker in her past. The whole thing brings up a lot of uncomfortable feelings.


Although I also wonder at what point the convenience becomes inconvenient.  Like for example, although I could completely wire my house from top to bottom and check on it 100 times a day on the off chance something goes amiss, but now I'm also spending a lot of time checking on my house when prior I wasn't and had that time to you know do stuff like enjoy my vacation. 


And all the apps.  The ones that tell you when to go pee.  The other that tells you to take a walk.  The other that tells you to call your mother.  I'm exaggerating (I think since I don't have any of that), but that would all stress me out.  I don't want to be plugged in all the time.

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Although I also wonder at what point the convenience becomes inconvenient.  Like for example, although I could completely wire my house from top to bottom and check on it 100 times a day on the off chance something goes amiss, but now I'm also spending a lot of time checking on my house when prior I wasn't and had that time to you know do stuff like enjoy my vacation. 


And all the apps.  The ones that tell you when to go pee.  The other that tells you to take a walk.  The other that tells you to call your mother.  I'm exaggerating (I think since I don't have any of that), but that would all stress me out.  I don't want to be plugged in all the time.


I can just see an app: "Breathe in...breathe out."


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I can just see an app: "Breathe in...breathe out."



oh those have been around for years. Various meditation & anxiety reducing breath apps.


I actually think it might be good - like a biofeedback machine but now you can have it with you wherever you go. & if it's hooked up to your fitbit & monitoring your heart rate you get a ping that says - whoa, time to do your breathing & let things settle rather than ramping up into stress....

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oh those have been around for years. Various meditation & anxiety reducing breath apps.


I actually think it might be good - like a biofeedback machine but now you can have it with you wherever you go. & if it's hooked up to your fitbit & monitoring your heart rate you get a ping that says - whoa, time to do your breathing & let things settle rather than ramping up into stress....


I think I'd start hyperventilating.  LOL


I would like an app that does my dishes. 

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I think overall technology and its advances are exciting.  It's really changing our society fast though, and I do wonder where it's all heading.  Sometimes it's hard to know where to draw the boundaries.  My 86-year-old mother is the real techy in the family though.  She got all the rest of us started.  She has a laptop, a desktop, an iPod touch, an iPad mini, an iPhone and a Kindle.  :)



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I don't mind technology, nor do I fear it.


But I do consciously try to use it judiciously, weighing whether any new device or gadget or app will give me (us) a net benefit or not.  Will it stress us more than it benefits us?  I want technology to be a tool that helps me, not something that becomes a huge weight on my shoulders.  And I do think there are many people who maybe use technology just because they can, w/o really considering whether or not a particular thing is giving them a net benefit or not.


DH is in IT, and he really doesn't like to fool with much technology stuff.  He says what he deals with at work is enough.  So to the extent that we stay current on smart phones and apps and tablets and things like that, I'm the one who keeps us that way.


I stopped to get gas a couple of weeks ago.  A person got out of her car on the other side of the pump and was just talking away (to herself).  And I looked around and there was a car at each end of the gas station parking lot.  The man in each car had apparently pulled over to take a call.  They were talking away, no one in the car with them.  I couldn't help but wonder if someone could time travel from thirty or so years ago what they'd think of all those people talking to themselves!  They'd no doubt think the world had gone a bit nutty. ;)

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I don't mind technology, nor do I fear it.


But I do consciously try to use it judiciously, weighing whether any new device or gadget or app will give me (us) a net benefit or not.  Will it stress us more than it benefits us?  I want technology to be a tool that helps me, not something that becomes a huge weight on my shoulders.  And I do think there are many people who maybe use technology just because they can, w/o really considering whether or not a particular thing is giving them a net benefit or not.


DH is in IT, and he really doesn't like to fool with much technology stuff.  He says what he deals with at work is enough.  So to the extent that we stay current on smart phones and apps and tablets and things like that, I'm the one who keeps us that way.


I stopped to get gas a couple of weeks ago.  A person got out of her car on the other side of the pump and was just talking away (to herself).  And I looked around and there was a car at each end of the gas station parking lot.  The man in each car had apparently pulled over to take a call.  They were talking away, no one in the car with them.  I couldn't help but wonder if someone could time travel from thirty or so years ago what they'd think of all those people talking to themselves!  They'd no doubt think the world had gone a bit nutty. ;)


I notice most people don't even talk on their phones anymore.  They are doing anything but talking.  Maybe some texting.  Mostly games...

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I think it's kind of creepy. And the conspiracy theorist in me hates to think how it all can be used. Anything that can be used to good can be used for bad. I told dh he needs to keep his '69 Pontiac simply became it doesn't have a computer in it, so it's harder to track.

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Although I also wonder at what point the convenience becomes inconvenient.  Like for example, although I could completely wire my house from top to bottom and check on it 100 times a day on the off chance something goes amiss, but now I'm also spending a lot of time checking on my house when prior I wasn't and had that time to you know do stuff like enjoy my vacation. 


And all the apps.  The ones that tell you when to go pee.  The other that tells you to take a walk.  The other that tells you to call your mother.  I'm exaggerating (I think since I don't have any of that), but that would all stress me out.  I don't want to be plugged in all the time.



Having a monitoring system doesn't mean a person needs to check on their home 100 times per day instead of enjoying vacation. We have ours set up to contact us if something goes wrong, so there's no need to check at all. If we wanted to log into our account, it would take about a minute or less. This past month when we were gone, we heard nothing so didn't check at all. I'm not giving up valuable beach time to check anything electronically if I don't have to.

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Having a monitoring system doesn't mean a person needs to check on their home 100 times per day instead of enjoying vacation. We have ours set up to contact us if something goes wrong, so there's no need to check at all. If we wanted to log into our account, it would take about a minute or less. This past month when we were gone, we heard nothing so didn't check at all. I'm not giving up valuable beach time to check anything electronically if I don't have to.


Does that work internationally too?



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And all the apps. The ones that tell you when to go pee. The other that tells you to take a walk. The other that tells you to call your mother. I'm exaggerating (I think since I don't have any of that), but that would all stress me out. I don't want to be plugged in all the time.

Um...there is an app called Run Pee. You use it in a movie theater when you're watching a movie. The app will tell you what times during the movie nothing much is happening so you can run to go to pee before something interesting happens in the movie.

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Um...there is an app called Run Pee. You use it in a movie theater when you're watching a movie. The app will tell you what times during the movie nothing much is happening so you can run to go to pee before something interesting happens in the movie.


I was going to say this comes in very useful during The Hobbit if you get the stupid large drink on your way in the door & then have to sit for 2.5h ..... but then I remembered that the Run Pee app would ping constantly throughout that film. Seriously NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENS.   :leaving:

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Eh. It's just one more reason my last name is not Duggar. I saw a couple of weird kissing pictures and...well, it makes me glad nobody seems to think it's photo worthy if dh and I kiss.

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I was going to say this comes in very useful during The Hobbit if you get the stupid large drink on your way in the door & then have to sit for 2.5h ..... but then I remembered that the Run Pee app would ping constantly throughout that film. Seriously NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENS.   :leaving:


This would be useful when you buy the popcorn and soda with free refills.  I always think I want to take them up on that one of these days.  LOL

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Does that work internationally too?


As long as you can get your phone to work internationally, then yes. Where we were, the cell service was iffy, but my husband's phone worked so that's what we used. You have to plug in the phone number but that's about it. Ours will also send an email when anything goes wrong, like a power outage, and it will say there was a power outage at whatever time and then if power comes back on, it'll say power came back on at whatever time and the system was restored. You don't even have to open the emails because the info is in the title.




Just sayin' for anyone wondering, home monitoring doesn't necessarily involve cameras. Ours just uses motion detectors. software that turns lights on and off and sensors to see if doors or windows are open or the floor is wet.



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Forget apps. I'm still trying to figure out how to magically download movies onto my Nook so I can watch them on the plane. How does that work? Do I have to hire a 5 year old?


More importantly, I have to run and buy some booze. LOL.

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Forget apps. I'm still trying to figure out how to magically download movies onto my Nook so I can watch them on the plane. How does that work? Do I have to hire a 5 year old?


More importantly, I have to run and buy some booze. LOL.


I once couldn't figure out my prepaid dumb phone so I walked up to a kid to ask.  They just seem to have a knack for figuring that stuff out quickly.

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