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A house I've always loved just went on the market... *UPDATED*


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I have a house like that. Fortunately, it's not on the market, because I know we are not in a position to buy, either. (And dh isn't in love with it, so I guess I could put it in the "Pipe Dream" category) Actually, I don't know if I really like the house, I've just seen it from the road, but the setting is marvelous. In the country, set off from the road a bit, small river running behind, huge old oak trees and other trees surrounding it.... I'll go out of my way just to drive past it.

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A house that I've drooled over in my neighborhood is for sale right now. Wooded lot, walkout basement (hard to come by basements around here), lots of big, beautiful windows. They just lowered the price by over 10 grand!!! It will probably sell now. We are actually hoping to list our house sometime in the next few months so... maybe... I breath a sigh of relief everytime I drive by and the sign is still up.

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This is my never-to-be house.  When we saw it, it was in a poor state and we didn't have deep enough pockets to take it on.  It was resold about four years later, and I'm pretty sure the owners did not recoup the renovation costs when they sold it.  If I ever build a house, it will be called Blinkbonny (it is Scots for 'good view').  Fly away pretty house.

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It doesn't help that I am desperate to get out of our current home. This was supposed to be a short-term stop for us on the way to building our dream home (which wasn't in any way a fancy home, but still our dream). Seven years -- and three layoffs, one difficult pregnancy, and a decision to become a one-income family so we could homeschool -- later and we're still here. My bedroom is literally in the basement. Our neighbors/landlords (who also happen to be my relatives) are nuts. The lot my parents were going to give us free and clear is no longer an option for us to build on. There is very little for sale that I like in the area we want to live in. Nothing, actually, that I would even have considered buying until this one came along. Sigh.


A house I loved since I was a child went on the market a few years ago. I was so excited to finally see inside!

It was...meh. The inside had all been updated/torn apart and didn't match the old and charming exterior. It was disappointing.


I hope hope hope this happens to me. We did put in a call to the agent for a showing. I just really want to see what it's like. This house was built in 1930 but has been completely redone. I hope I hate it. But the pictures online so far are pretty gorgeous... except that I can't tell for sure if it has a kitchen that's open to the living area. That will be a deal-breaker for me.


This is my never-to-be house.  When we saw it, it was in a poor state and we didn't have deep enough pockets to take it on.  It was resold about four years later, and I'm pretty sure the owners did not recoup the renovation costs when they sold it.  If I ever build a house, it will be called Blinkbonny (it is Scots for 'good view').  Fly away pretty house.



This is really lovely. I don't blame you for wanting it -- although it sounds like you made a wise decision in holding back!


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You could do what the guy in towns doing. He really wants to buy the house next door to him.  For some reason he's not in a position to right now. So his solution? He goes over there every time someone comes to look at it and tells them what a crummy house it is and how the sellers are ripping people off. Maybe that's an option? JK



wow - what a self- centered jerk.  he may or may not be in a position to buy the house in the future - but in the present the owners *need* to sell it and he's making their life much, much harder for *his own* selfish desires.


anyone advocating that needs to grow up.  have some consideration for other people.  I guarantee no one thinking this is a good idea would think it was a good idea if someone was doing it to you and hindering your selling a house.

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wow - what a self- centered jerk.  he may or may not be in a position to buy the house in the future - but in the present the owners *need* to sell it and he's making their life much, much harder for *his own* selfish desires.


anyone advocating that needs to grow up.  have some consideration for other people.  I guarantee no one thinking this is a good idea would think it was a good idea if someone was doing it to you and hindering your selling a house.


I promise I don't think this is a good idea nor do I advocate it. I was just sharing a story with the op in the way of a joke to lighten her mood. Really it's not funny and I do feel for the sellers.


eta typed buyers meant sellars

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it did not come across that way in your post.  and it's definitely not funny.

I promise I don't think this is a good idea nor do I advocate it. I was just sharing a story with the op in the way of a joke to lighten her mood. Really it's not funny and I do feel for the buyers.


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...and dh and I are not in a position to buy right now. :(


His company is facing a major merger next year and he thinks we need to wait and see what happens with that. He's absolutely right. I'm still sad.


Just an out-of-the-box suggestion: if the sellers ask too much money, they won't be able to sell in this market. You can offer to rent the house and buy it later when you're ready.


And then rent out -- or sell -- your current home.


We rented a home in our last state that the owner couldn't sell. And we're doing it again in this state. Each time we've considered buying, but because we live in the home, we know the problems that require money. So, that's our story.



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decided to delete so no one would take me serious.


I am sorry. That must be frustrating. I hope the house will still be available when you all are ready to buy.


Dear TWTM,


Flowing Brook told a really funny joke and gave dh and I a great laugh just now. We totally caught that Flowing Brook was kidding and not serious. But she must have offended someone and took down her funny joke. So that's one laugh you'll miss.


Flowing Brook, of course you weren't serious, and of course, you feel badly for the seller in that particular situation. In reality it's an awful situation (it's literally criminal what the neighbor is doing so thankfully the sellers have a route to address the problem), but on this forum you were just being plain funny.


We all need to chill. I thought your joke was great.



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Dear TWTM,


Flowing Brook told a really funny joke and gave dh and I a great laugh just now. We totally caught that Flowing Brook was kidding and not serious. But she must have offended someone and took down her funny joke. So that's one laugh you'll miss.


Flowing Brook, of course you weren't serious, and of course, you feel badly for the seller in that particular situation. In reality it's an awful situation (it's literally criminal what the neighbor is doing so thankfully the sellers have a route to address the problem), but on this forum you were just being plain funny.


We all need to chill. I thought your joke was great.






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I pet sit for someone who has my dream house. The layout is perfect, the land it is on is perfect, and the location is pretty good. I desperately want out of my current home but refuse to move until we are ready to buy the house we'll stay in for the long long run. I pray that of and when they sell there house in the future we can afford it. If they did so now we couldn't but in a few years we may be able to.

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I promise I don't think this is a good idea nor do I advocate it. I was just sharing a story with the op in the way of a joke to lighten her mood. Really it's not funny and I do feel for the sellers.


eta typed buyers meant sellars


FWIW, I didn't take what you said seriously. It gave me a good chuckle, and I appreciated that.



Just an out-of-the-box suggestion: if the sellers ask too much money, they won't be able to sell in this market. You can offer to rent the house and buy it later when you're ready.


And then rent out -- or sell -- your current home.


We rented a home in our last state that the owner couldn't sell. And we're doing it again in this state. Each time we've considered buying, but because we live in the home, we know the problems that require money. So, that's our story.




That's something we could consider. Fortunately we wouldn't have to worry about our current house. We rent month-to-month from my dad and his sister (my late grandmother's house) so we can move when we need to, or not. Our rent is so ridiculously low that dh feels like it makes sense to stay here until we know how the merger shakes out. He thinks it will be a good thing for him in the end, but we've been through several surprise layoffs and so we're a little jumpy.



PeachyDoodle, can you post a link to your dream house?


The house we hoped (and still hope, someday) to build was custom-designed so I don't have pics of the plans, but it was similar to this: http://www.homeplans.com/house-plans/hp/styles/country-home-plans/homepw76708.html. Ours is more like 2200 sq ft on the main level. Like I said, not fancy, just my little piece of the world. :closedeyes:

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This is my never-to-be house. When we saw it, it was in a poor state and we didn't have deep enough pockets to take it on. It was resold about four years later, and I'm pretty sure the owners did not recoup the renovation costs when they sold it. If I ever build a house, it will be called Blinkbonny (it is Scots for 'good view'). Fly away pretty house.

That is a lovely house, Laura!

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I know the feeling! My dream house went on the market a few years ago. We did not have the money to buy it but checked it out anyways. It was beautiful! Then the person who bought it turned it into a duplex. I can't even imagine.


Flowering Brook ~ I also new you were joking. Don't feel bad.

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There is a house I have loved since I was 14. I don't think the house has changed hands in those 20 years and if it did we couldn't afford it (it's in an area where even a tiny house is north of 1/2 a million dollars and it's a large home- it would probably be north of a million). We wouldn't want it even if we could afford it because it's on a small lot just off a busy street and it's way too large for our family. But I still smile when I see it and I was actually, truly, a wee sad when they painted it beige (it had been a lovely soft green.) it's funny how attached one can get to a building that they will never own, lol.


ETA- I looked it up online, apparently this house did sell, in 2001, for north of $800k. It's not a super fancy house or anything, a rambling craftsman from the 1920s, but a very pricey neighborhood. Now I am sure if it were on the market it would be closer to 2 million than 1 million if it's been remodeled on the interior.

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The house we hoped (and still hope, someday) to build was custom-designed so I don't have pics of the plans, but it was similar to this: http://www.homeplans.com/house-plans/hp/styles/country-home-plans/homepw76708.html. Ours is more like 2200 sq ft on the main level. Like I said, not fancy, just my little piece of the world. :closedeyes:


So is this link similar to the house you said you have been in love with in your original post?  I guess I assumed your "dream house" was the one you said recently went on the market, but this implies you hope to build some day.  In any case, I immediately liked the look of the house plans you linked.  It has great curb appeal and the layout looks great too. 


I hope the one you're viewing will work out for you.

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Well, we went to see it. And of course it's beautiful. Although it was not the fantasy I'd made it out to be in my head -- which is a good thing, as I'm now back to reality. The renovation is gorgeous, but it is definitely an old house that has been added to over the years, so the layout is wonky in places. Closets are terrible.


I still want it. I think. I'm no longer 100% sure I can see us living in it. I'm not sure it's "home." But that may be a defense mechanism.


Realtor says she's been showing it every other day and already has two more scheduled for this week. Somebody has even made an offer, although she said she doesn't think they'll be able to negotiate it, as they are too far apart on price.


So is this link similar to the house you said you have been in love with in your original post?  I guess I assumed your "dream house" was the one you said recently went on the market, but this implies you hope to build some day.  In any case, I immediately liked the look of the house plans you linked.  It has great curb appeal and the layout looks great too. 


I hope the one you're viewing will work out for you.


Oh, sorry... I referenced the dream house we were going to build until our land fell through in an earlier post, so I thought that's what you meant. I'm kind of leery of linking to the posting for the one we're looking at, since it lists the address and all. On the off chance some miracle occurs and we wind up buying it, IYKWIM. :glare:

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I found our dream home when we moved here.  However, it sold from under us and we couldn't buy it.  The new owners sold half the land to someone else, so the property isn't that private anymore, and they messed up some of the home renovations.  They now want almost double for it and it has sat on the market for 3 years because they won't come down.  It may have sold now.  I haven't looked for a long time.  But it helped to know it was not my dream home anymore.



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I have a house like that. It has been up for sale twice in the past six years, and neither time were we even in a position to look. The first time, we were in the process of moving out of state. We eventually moved back, and I kept hoping it would go up for sale while we were looking. We eventually decided to build, on family property. That means we are stuck here forever and ever, amen. Anyway, just a few months after we finished building, "my" house went up for sale again. It is probably for the best, as it is an old Victorian that needs a lot of updating.

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 I did have my dream home, the home I wanted for six years since the first time I saw it and many, many people told me that it was their dream home too. It was a cozy farmhouse in the middle of subdivisions with a big shop and a large lot. It was a LOT of work to keep up that stupid lot, and the shop fed into dh's hoarding tendencies, and I was relieved to sell it when we moved to CA.

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My dream house is in the neighborhood I grew up in. When it came on the market a few years I tried to get dh to take av transfer...but he just can't handle New England winters. The house here we said we'd buy if it ever went on the market. Sold fast I guess as lot of people had the same thinking.

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