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My kids now know pretty much ALL of their gifts coming


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It was easier when they were little.  The excitement, the less expensive gifts, choosing it ourselves.


Now our kids are older and want very specific things, and they all cost pretty much the entire budget I give them for gifts.


It is ok.....I am just being nostalgic and a bit sad, which is really dumb overall since I am the kind of person who hates surprises.  But I loved surprises FOR THEM!





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My oldest has already "thanked" me for her gift she hasn't recieved yet. She just rolls her eyes and laughs when I say "maybe I didn't get you that and you got this instead" :(

She did get what she thanked me for, of course.


Just glad I get to enjoy my younger ones being surprised. Especially my 3year old. Can't wait!

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Herm...I don't think my thirteen year old is going to be surprised with the new DS since we were asking what new DS games she might like (Her old ds was stolen while I was donating blood, what is wrong with people? Some lady stole it with her kids while it was next to dh and ds who were playing in the kid room) and to put them on her Christmas list.

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I am rarely surprised by the gifts people give me. We don't exchange with my extended family, and DH's family always requests a list and gets something from it. MIL usually tells me ahead of time what she is getting for me, for some reason.


I like to surprise my kids with a few things that I know they will like but that are not on their lists. I try to surprise others by listening throughout the year whenever they mention liking or needing something so that I know what to get for them at the holidays without asking and reminding them of what they wanted. But I agree it's tricky. I like surprising people, too.


SIL always has a very specific list. This year she asked for muffin tins. So I'm getting them, but I'm also picking up some inexpensive things to hide in each section so that I have something to surprise her with. Maybe you could add something inexpensive but fun to their gifts. Card games, maybe? A giant candy bar? Something that would just cost a few dollars.

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But y'know, there's also the fun of someone getting exactly what you want or need. Every couple of years, MIL replaces my favorite pair of shoes, after double checking size and color. Totally not a surprise, but man, I wear them 3/4 of the year and am really, really grateful that she cares enough to get what I really want.


But I get you. My big kids love LEGO but have specific sets they want. It's hard to surprise them. The thing DD most wants, she had to help me pick out. She doesn't know that she's getting it, but I doubt it'll be a total surprise. The littles are indeed fun! 3yo DS wants LEGO like the big kids, so I picked out some that he will like, and that's fun.

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Same here. I think dh is more disappointed that no one will be surprised Christmas morning. But our boys are older and are more into "practical" now and dd wants specific things we probably wouldn't have guessed on our own.


I still have a couple small items up my sleeve, though, so maybe there will be a tiny element of surprise to add to the fun.

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Mine also know 99% of what their getting for Christmas.  DD is getting a surprise, a bowl that you can put air popcorn in but then microwave it... If you knew DD you'd understand how amazing this is. She's only allowed microwave popcorn 1X per week because of the preservatives and never allowed the kind that has TBHQ in them :ack2: , but complains because the air popper takes too long. 


If they hadn't specifically told me what they wanted I would have had no idea what to get them.

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DD is 13 this year, and she knows pretty much everything she's getting. She picked out most of it. I do miss everything being a surprise a little bit, but I'd rather get her what she really wants. And shopping this year was a ton easier! DS is 18 and hard to buy for, so he knows most of his gifts as well. I do have a couple of surprises for each of them though!

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