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What are good gifts for knitters/crocheters?


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Gift certificate to KnitPicks

Knitting chart keeper, unless you prefer digital like I do.

Ball winder

Nice needles, like the interchangeable ones from KP

Needle case

Stitch markers, folding scissors, retractable tape measure, gauge checker/needle size checker, tapestry needles, row counters and more row counters -- the little gadgets and gizmos that go missing easily

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The Yarn Harlot is in the midst of her daily "gifts for knitters" posts at yarnharlot.ca . She has a lot of interesting ideas over there.

That was my first thought, too. She does this every year.


Personally, I'd like cool stitch markers. I always lose mine, and then end up using twist ties. After that, I'd like a swift and ball winder.


Online yarn places are having sales on gifts for knitters now. You (or she) could browse places like Knit Picks for ideas.

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Addi turbos


Addi turbos


But then I hate my Knitpick needles.


Also never underestimate the fun of a bunch of cool toys, especially if they are pretty and not just utilitarian- like darning needles in an attractive holder, gauge rulers, stitch holders, handmade buttons if she does sweaters, bracelet row counters, etc. all tucked into a new bag.  Now I'm just daydreaming...


I second the idea to gift certificates to yarn places- but do you know the kind of projects your mil prefers to knit?  If she's a machine washable baby blanket by the dozen knitter/gifter she may prefer a nice gift certificate to a more lowbrow yarn shop like Hobby Lobby.


ETA that obviously I need to read more carefully- I thought you were buying FOR your mil. 

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I am buying a copy of Jonathan Toomey for my favorite knitter, along with several skeins of expensive red yarn. It is her first Christmas as a mom, and she is a sap just like me, so I have a feeling she will love it.

Oh, that's going to be a lovely gift!


New bag! Yes, great idea. I have a big Bagsmith folding bag that DH picked out one year, and I love it, but with so many small people around, I don't use that one to cart my stuff around; it stays in my room, and I pull things from it as needed. A few years ago my MIL got me a KP gift card and tucked it into a small KP bag. The bag held enough for a couple of projects and had a couple of external pockets for my water bottle and keys, so it could double as my purse too. It's gotten a bit beaten up, but I can always use stuff like that, small bags for projects.


I also have a little bag that is perfect for small projects, also a KP item; it holds one ball of yarn and hangs on my wrist, so I can knit while walking. Mostly I just use it to hold small projects, but it's a handy little bag of a good size.

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I love the idea of a yarn bowl as a gift. It wouldn't be something I would buy for myself but I would adore having one of those beautiful bowls.

I agree!  This is the first time I've even heard of a yarn bow, and OH MY there are some beautiful options out there.  What a lovely way to have your work sitting out on a table.

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A lantern moon crochet hook. If she likes lace work, a small one, if she does a bit of everything, a medium one. I adore the 2 I have, but at $16-22 each, I only have 2. ;)


Interchangeable knitting needles. If you can't afford to gift a set, some brands have sampler sets and that's a nice why to find out if she likes them.


Yarn store gift certificates. Some online suggestions.


Webs is at yarn.com






A swift and ball winder is AWESOME.


Locking stitch markers (they sorta look like safety pins) are used for crochet.

Little closed ring stitch markers in various sizes are used for crochet.

Either in colors or whatever she would like are fun and always useful.


You could custom order some fabric labels for her with her name on them to use for her items.


Some Lavishea lotion bars. I LOVE them. I have almost every scent they make. They are the only thing I've been able to use that works and allows me to go straight to my yarn without greasy hands. And they last a long time.


A general visa gift card they can use to buy ravelry patterns.

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With LID?? Shut. Up. :svengo: awesome.

You know what I get tons of comments on?


The Frankoma pottery soup turine I use as a yarn bowl. It was a little notch in the lid for a ladle that my yarn pulls through. The first time I showed up with it at a knit night, four women about twice my age were really ticked off they hadn't thought of doing that. LOL Mine is an old one passed to me from a grandma on my dh's side. Also? Tea pots! Just pop your yarn in and pull the yarn through the spout. I have an elephant ceramic teapot (I don't drink hot tea, but I love elephants) and that's what I use for my little skeins.

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