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How many Cuties can one eat. . .

Miss Peregrine

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I have to ration them.... or the 6# I bought would last like 1.5 days. Let's just say today is Wed, I bought 6# on Sun and I still have about 1# hidden away. I <3 that my grocery outlet carries them in in 2# bags for $1. Next Sun I think I should buy 4 or 5 bags.


And we did plant a Clementine tree, but no fruit this year, maybe next???

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I have to ration them.... or the 6# I bought would last like 1.5 days. Let's just say today is Wed, I bought 6# on Sun and I still have about 1# hidden away. I <3 that my grocery outlet carries them in in 2# bags for $1. Next Sun I think I should buy 4 or 5 bags.


And we did plant a Clementine tree, but no fruit this year, maybe next???

We can't grow citrus in our area. Sad.

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So funny. So true. One time, a pregnant friend of mine went in for her OB check-up. The midwife noted that she was gaining pretty quickly (she had gestational diabetes, so this did matter.) friend said, "Well, I have eaten rather a lot of clementines..." The midwife said, "yeah...you might want to dial that back. It may be fruit, but you know, it has a lot of sugar." :D i always think about that when I start convincing myself that they are fruit, so it doesn't matter.

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So funny. So true. One time, a pregnant friend of mine went in for her OB check-up. The midwife noted that she was gaining pretty quickly (she had gestational diabetes, so this did matter.) friend said, "Well, I have eaten rather a lot of clementines..." The midwife said, "yeah...you might want to dial that back. It may be fruit, but you know, it has a lot of sugar." :D i always think about that when I start convincing myself that they are fruit, so it doesn't matter.

So switching to Cuties instead of the Karamel Sutra kick I was on wasn't a great idea?! :D

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Hopefully my Satsuma trees will start producing more soon. This year I only got 5. :( So until then, Cuties for me!


Our new neighbor brought us about a dozen Satsuma clementines last week from his tree!  So, so good!  And what a nice guy to share the with us. I hope yours turn out well next year. 

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And you've all heard the story about the name, right? I'm not sure of all the details, but "Cuties" is a brand name for about 4 different varieties of mandarines and it was a small company that started marketing it as such. I'm not sure how it all went down, but they were sold to a large company, but they wanted to keep the name Cutie, not sell that. The big company took them to court, but the judge sided with the little guy. So the big company had to come up with another name, and now you've got Halos, too, which is not nearly as wonderful a name as Cuties. My uncle told us that last night. Which is why he only buys Cuties and not Halos. (He's a small farmer, too)

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And you've all heard the story about the name, right? I'm not sure of all the details, but "Cuties" is a brand name for about 4 different varieties of mandarines and it was a small company that started marketing it as such. I'm not sure how it all went down, but they were sold to a large company, but they wanted to keep the name Cutie, not sell that. The big company took them to court, but the judge sided with the little guy. So the big company had to come up with another name, and now you've got Halos, too, which is not nearly as wonderful a name as Cuties. My uncle told us that last night. Which is why he only buys Cuties and not Halos. (He's a small farmer, too)

We call them all Cuties. They've become generic, like band aids and Kleenex. :)

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