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ugh, how did you do it?


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I am only 6 weeks pregnant and sick as a dog - I am sick literally all the time. I woke up at midnight the other night needing to throw up!

I have ordered some preggie pops (?) and some morning sickness tea from Earth Angel Mama, but they won't be here for several days. In the meantime the only thing keeping me half alive is the CD Morning Wellness (which I'm currently listening to for the 4th or 5th time today) - it takes enough of the edge off so that I am not actually throwing up but I still feel absolutely terrible and mostly useless all day. 


I don't know how to function though - I've prioritized, which means I have piles of laundry and dishes, and no chores are getting completed. The only thing I am accomplishing is homeschoolig essentials and feeding and basic caring for the kids. How in the world am I going to survive another 6-8 weeks of this?? I thought exhaustion would be the worst thing I had to deal with b/c of no time for naps, but boy was I wrong!! 


I've tried ginger candy, which isn't helping, and no amount of snacking/avoiding snacking is helping. all my previous pregnancy tricks are not working this time and I just want to crawl into a hole and cease to feel anything until I'm past the first trimester. And we have a field trip coming up next week... the idea of which just makes me want to cry!


How did you do it, if you had terrible morning sickness???

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Zofran helped me a little at the worst of it with baby #3.


Unisom/B6 helps for some people



Trying to keep something in my stomach worked somewhat. Eat a peanut butter cracker before getting up. Small amounts of protein with carbs. Ice cold water.


There's a website for hyperemesis gravidarum: http://www.helpher.org


You may need to crawl in a hole! It's okay. There will be other field trips. :grouphug:


Oh, and DH can do laundry (and basic chores)! Maybe your other kids too... I can't see ages on my phone if you have them listed.

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Call your doctor and get a prescription.  I took phenerghen during my first pregnancy.  This was before zofran became more widely used.  


I had hyperemesis and had to be hospitalized twice for dehydration.  I didn't do much at all until about 20 weeks.


 It was awful.  I sure hope you feel better soon.  

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Phenergan is less expensive than Zofran, but it made me very sleepy. Zofran was the best at controlling morning sickness, but I noticed in the last pregnancy that the doctors (in two states) were reluctant to prescribe Zofran until I'd tried other measures.

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I keep a puke can nearby at all times so as I go about my day I have quick access.


Being in the van is the worst.


Relief bands set in high. Yes, it blisters the crap out of the inside of my wrist, but it takes the edge off sometimes.


Zofran when desperate bc they are expensive.


At night or when dh is home, no scent phenegran cream that you rub into the inside of your arms so you don't have to swallow a pill or um.. Other things with it. NO SCENT. Stupid compound pharmacist. It is for nausea! Do not add peach scented lotion! Grrr.


Peppermint helps some but I developed such a strong association with it to my puking with the first couple kids that I can't smell it pregnant or not without feeling really nauseated.


Ginger or papaya chews. Didn't do anything for me, but some say it helps.


Itty sips of whatever fluid is least aversion and Itty bites of any protein cravings throughout the day. Might only keep it down for 5-10 minutes, but that beats not at all and can stave off another trip to the hospital for dehydration.


Rest. LOL. (((Hugs)))

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I'm so sorry!  That is terrible.  And, for me, I found that nothing helped but time...  I did find that if I laid on the couch and didn't move a muscle, I was able to throw up less (not a cure, but less is better.)  I remember saying that the only laundry/dishes/food prep that happened were all done by my sweet dh.  It just wasn't possible for me to do.  


That was something that my mom just totally didn't understand.  She had 7 babies and no morning sickness.  She didn't understand why I couldn't just throw up and get on with the rest of my life.  I'm not sure if I understand it either, but that's just the way it was for me, and if that's how it is for you, then I think that is okay!  Listen to that CD as many times as you need to if it's helping... Let everything else go - get help!  Let your kids watch way too much TV.  It will be okay.  This is survival time!  I know for me that the new baby is a piece of cake compared to surviving the first trimester.  I don't need dinner brought it then, I need help at the beginning of the 9 months.


One pregnancy I found that I could nibble on almonds.  And that helped with the "taste" in my mouth.  I'm not sure what it was, but there was always an bad taste in my mouth... So carrying around almonds and sort of just nibbling on them kept the taste away.  That was the pregnancy where I ate only ramen noodles and koolaid for the first trimester - so healthy!


The almond trick didn't work for the next pregnancy, but dried apricots did.  I would just nibble on them throughout the day.  Not that it kept me from throwing up, or that it made me feel better, but it did help with the "taste".


Call your doctor.  you may need an IV to level out your fluids. My sister was able to use Zofran.  A friend recommended 2 over the counter meds for morning sickness that she said helped her... I can't remember what they are... (like a vitamin and a cold medicine? I'll see if I can find that info - see below - edited) and they didn't help me at all...


Sorry. Throwing up is a terrible thing.  I would come clean your bathrooms and fold your laundry if I could!


edited to add: This is the otc med combination that my friend recommended - Vit. B6 and Unisom. This article gives suggested amounts.  http://www.drwalt.com/blog/2009/12/09/my-recommendations-for-eliminating-nausea-and-vomiting-morning-sickness-in-pregnancy/

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I tried the Unisom with one of my pregnancies per the advice of my midwife. It was awful! My body was dead but my mind was racing. I felt even worse the next day. The only thing that has ever worked for me is just time. I didn't have the puking but just the feeling that I would puke. I have friends who have to take meds throughout the pregnancy.  :grouphug:

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B6 helped some.  I didn't think it was helping, but then I missed a couple days and discovered it had indeed been helping.  There were these anti-nausea preggo pops I had that helped a lot... as long as I was sucking on them.  Sniffing lemon essential oil and/or fresh cut lemons helped a lot, too.  Mostly I laid in bed, didn't worry about the messy house, and read to my kids without moving.  At all.  I'm sorry you are dealing with it.  All-day sickness sucks.

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Call your doctor and get a prescription.  I took phenerghen during my first pregnancy.  This was before zofran became more widely used.  


I had hyperemesis and had to be hospitalized twice for dehydration.  I didn't do much at all until about 20 weeks.


 It was awful.  I sure hope you feel better soon.  


:iagree: Hope you're feeling better soon.....


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The Relief Band (not to be confused with Sea bands) was the only thing that kept me okay during my last pg.  I wore it from the moment I woke up until right before drifting off to sleep.  Once I ran out of batteries and ran through Walmart ripping off the back of the thing to insert a new one as soon as I paid at the check out lane.  I had a love-hate relationship with that darn thing, but I had to wear it for five months.

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Also, during one pg, if I ate a huge, greasy meal (like a Sonic breakfast sandwich), with a Dr. Pepper, it kept my stomach settled for hours.  Taco Bueno bean burritos and Dr. Pepper were also good for this.  Sounds counter-intuitive, but it worked.  I would gain 100 pounds with each pg if I ate like that every day, though, thus the Relief Band.


If something sounds tasty, do eat it because it might make you feel better.  I craved Chili's Asian lettuce wraps during one pg, and I would eat half the order and save the other half.  It settled my stomach.  Weird, I know.  Whatever works.

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I had terrible sickness - for months. When it was unbearable, phenergan (at night only) helped a lot. The other things that calmed my stomach were lemon Italian ices and having my husband massage my hands, especially below the base of the thumb. For some reason that pressure point worked. You can massage your own hands but it feels a lot better when someone else does it.

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The Relief Band (not to be confused with Sea bands) was the only thing that kept me okay during my last pg.  I wore it from the moment I woke up until right before drifting off to sleep.  Once I ran out of batteries and ran through Walmart ripping off the back of the thing to insert a new one as soon as I paid at the check out lane.  I had a love-hate relationship with that darn thing, but I had to wear it for five months.

Yes this. A relief band is NOT the same as sea bands.


And I share that love/hate.


Being very still as often as possible too. The sofa or recliner or bed are my thrones as much as possible and the kids learn quick how to cuddle up without disturbing my delicate puke balance much.


And that time is really the most to be done.

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No suggestions here, just :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


One thought:  Do activate your support system!!   If I lived near you, I would be happy to come clean your house, bring the rest of your family a meal, go grocery shopping or drive your kids places, or whatever else you need.  However, being a bit slow on the uptake, I probably wouldn't realize that you really needed help unless you were specific with me - so be specific with your friends!!


And more :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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I had terrible morning sickness for my two pregnancies.  I just suffered through.  It was a total of 24 weeks of misery in my life.  I remember my husband saying, "Well, look on the bright side.  It's probably only 6 more weeks of nausea."  The man has no clue how close he was to death.  He was trying to be sympathetic, but really?  "only" 6 more weeks???


I determined, however, that if I was pregnant again I would aggressively ask the midwife for something.  And if she couldn't prescribe, I'd find an OB to beg.  All the over the counter and homespun things didn't work.  It was awful.  I would turn to prescription drugs if I were pregnant again, for the nausea.  The actual birthing (without meds) was better than the 12 solid weeks of non-stop misery.

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Also, during one pg, if I ate a huge, greasy meal (like a Sonic breakfast sandwich), with a Dr. Pepper, it kept my stomach settled for hours.  Taco Bueno bean burritos and Dr. Pepper were also good for this.  Sounds counter-intuitive, but it worked.  I would gain 100 pounds with each pg if I ate like that every day, though, thus the Relief Band.


If something sounds tasty, do eat it because it might make you feel better.  I craved Chili's Asian lettuce wraps during one pg, and I would eat half the order and save the other half.  It settled my stomach.  Weird, I know.  Whatever works.

I just ate homemade pizza and drank a pepsi - I never drink soda - and while it took me an hour to eat two pieces of pizza, I am still riding a bit of a better wave at the moment - I even got the dinner dishes done and a load of laundry switched! I think if it meant gaining 100 pounds, I would be willing to do it if it helps me feel better! lol... I'll speak to my midwife next week at my appointment if nothing helps this week. I have a nice running list of new things to try now :)



No suggestions here, just :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


One thought:  Do activate your support system!!   If I lived near you, I would be happy to come clean your house, bring the rest of your family a meal, go grocery shopping or drive your kids places, or whatever else you need.  However, being a bit slow on the uptake, I probably wouldn't realize that you really needed help unless you were specific with me - so be specific with your friends!!


And more :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:




Yes, will do - we are planning on telling our friends within the next week, so when I do, I might see if I can get some help... unless by some miracle I'm feeling better by then! (I can hope, right?)


I had terrible morning sickness for my two pregnancies.  I just suffered through.  It was a total of 24 weeks of misery in my life.  I remember my husband saying, "Well, look on the bright side.  It's probably only 6 more weeks of nausea."  The man has no clue how close he was to death.  He was trying to be sympathetic, but really?  "only" 6 more weeks???


I determined, however, that if I was pregnant again I would aggressively ask the midwife for something.  And if she couldn't prescribe, I'd find an OB to beg.  All the over the counter and homespun things didn't work.  It was awful.  I would turn to prescription drugs if I were pregnant again, for the nausea.  The actual birthing (without meds) was better than the 12 solid weeks of non-stop misery.


I think that's what got me today - 6 more weeks of feeling like this? I don't know if I can make it!!!!! I am definitely going to ask for meds if nothing else helps in the meantime! I agree that a pain med free birth sounds like bliss right about now!

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I had terrible morning sickness for my two pregnancies. I just suffered through. It was a total of 24 weeks of misery in my life. I remember my husband saying, "Well, look on the bright side. It's probably only 6 more weeks of nausea." The man has no clue how close he was to death. He was trying to be sympathetic, but really? "only" 6 more weeks???


I determined, however, that if I was pregnant again I would aggressively ask the midwife for something. And if she couldn't prescribe, I'd find an OB to beg. All the over the counter and homespun things didn't work. It was awful. I would turn to prescription drugs if I were pregnant again, for the nausea. The actual birthing (without meds) was better than the 12 solid weeks of non-stop misery.

My OB could have suffered a similar fate as your dh. She would kind of chuckle and talk about nausea meaning a healthy pregnancy. I usually love her, but ...close to death that one was, for making light of my Hades. I had 20+ weeks of horrible nausea and GERD.

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Do call on your support network!  I have a friend who taught me how to ask for help in a way that people can easily respond.  She sent out an email when she was moving (she's a single mom) with very specific dates and times when friends could come help her pack and clean, plus some jobs that could be done anytime, like take a few boxes to Goodwill, etc.  I was so happy to help, and she made it so easy!  


Would it help to have a friend (or friends) take your kids on the field trip?  Bring over meals for the family on schedule?  Grocery shop?  Come over for an hour to throw in laundry and clean?  Have your kids over for playdates, take them to the park, out in the backyard, whatever would give you a break?


Protein snacks all day long helped me, but weren't a miracle cure.  I kept food on my bedside table so I could snack in the middle of the night and before getting out of bed in the morning, which also helped a little.


Hang in there!



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I'm so sorry.  I went through that with each of mine too.  It's awful.  Zofran worked okay, but nothing ever really took that miserable feeling away.   I hope it doesn't last too long for you.  Hang in there.  It's hard but worth it.  Just think about that little one you'll be holding. :grouphug:


yeah, focusing on the baby... at least it gives me a light at the end of the tunnel! 

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when I was pregnant I had severe nausea for the first four a half months of each pregnancy. I ended up in the hospital more than once during the first pregnancy to be rehydrated because I could not keep down water. DH took to cooking everything outside on the barbecue grill, even peas, soup, whatever, in order to keep the odors out of the house. I lost 15 pounds in the first trimester alone. Luckily, I had extra that could be lost at the time.


after trying many other things, zofran was finally what did the trick for me. This stuff is massively expensive, and not very nice to take. However, because they are oral dissolve tablets I could at least get the benefit out of them before I started throwing up again. I took my prescription for zofran to the pharmacy and ask them if I could have a partial fill. Basically they gave me however many tablets I asked for at the time, and held on to the rest of the prescription for me. Doing it this way I managed to have enough on hand for what I needed, while not having a huge amount of monetary outlay in one go.


I only took the zofran every few days, only when I truly needed it for the sake of keeping down water and a bit of food. It caused massive constipation, so I was taking a lot of fiber con as well. Once the nausea updated mid pregnancy I was able to stop taking zofran.


with my next pregnancy I waited until I felt strong nausea kicking in again before asking my doctor for the zofran again. I was even more judicious with it the second time around because I didn't let myself get so bad to start with, and so I ended up having to take less.


bless you, & I hope everything goes ok. If you need to eat your meals away from other people. Have someone else do all the cooking, and do it outside of the house if possible. Avoid skyscraper elevators that have express zones. Buses could be a problem, not just for the motion and jiggling but for the perfumed products other passengers wear as well. Tell family and friends at get togethers that you can't help cook or clean up. They should understand.


lots of hugs. Hang in there.

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Yes this. A relief band is NOT the same as sea bands.


And I share that love/hate.


Being very still as often as possible too. The sofa or recliner or bed are my thrones as much as possible and the kids learn quick how to cuddle up without disturbing my delicate puke balance much.


And that time is really the most to be done.

there's something else to keep in mind: recliners. In late pregnancy recliners were the only way I ever got any sleep. If I lay on my bed invariably my lungs got crowded out to where I couldn't breathe.

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Phenergan is less expensive than Zofran, but it made me very sleepy. Zofran was the best at controlling morning sickness, but I noticed in the last pregnancy that the doctors (in two states) were reluctant to prescribe Zofran until I'd tried other measures.

I tried phenergan, and it didn't work for me. Turns out it made certain problems that were worse than the really bad nausea. I guess some people simply can't use phenergan.

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there's something else to keep in mind: recliners. In late pregnancy recliners were the only way I ever got any sleep. If I lay on my bed invariably my lungs got crowded out to where I couldn't breathe.

Oh that reminds me - Pepcid! Once a day if you can manage it. The zofran reduced how often I actually puked, tho it doesn't entirely stop it enough to stop weight loss. But I was still awful nauseated bc of all that acid just sitting there churning.


The Pepcid/zofran/relief band/dermal penegran cream combo being still as could be in the recliner throne and only taking itty sips or bites a few times a day really stretch days between hospital visits.

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I think I'm encouraged by all this... lol, at least I have a really nice list of things to try! Now to try to get through the kids bedtime... the night's DH works are going to be the hardest!


it's depressing to feel so hungry and yet have the very thought of food cause me to gag...how I haven't lost weight yet, I've no idea.

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