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Growing Boys


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the nike ones or adidas ones? I bought the L in nike and they were perfect for two weeks. Then took them back to exchange for XL last week. Noticed adidas were longer and bigger overall.


I don't know what I will do by spring. My guess is he will be WAY too skinny for mens anything for some time.

Fila. They are the only ones he will wear. He has had this style since he was 8. He needs them to be flexible when skating and working out the ones that were flexible enough were not warm enough or vice versa.


My son is on the chubby side due to medication. He is not fat but he has enough that I do not have to worry about pants falling down on him. He gets pissed off about it but I figure with as active as he is if the meds didn't add weight he would be a stick and nothing would fit.

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OH, yes, I remember those days well.  For me, though, being able to pass the clothing along to brothers helped.  Today I find myself pushing the large pots and pans to the back and bringing back the small 2 person size cooking equipment.  And thankfully they have quit growing (for the most part).  


Truly, the way to a fella's heart is through his stomach :)

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yeah, I hear ya! This is one of the reasons I'm glad we live in California and not North Dakota. My boys wear shorts about 10 months out of the year. My problem now is my 11 year old ds's fluctuations in the amount of food he eats. Some times I think I make a lot of dinner and there's not a bite left and he's asking for more. The next day, I make a lot of food and he eats a pittance. And then I'm trying to figure out what to do with all the leftovers. This morning, I make a ton of French toast for breakfast because they all love French toast..... and I have quite a bit left over. Sigh!

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yeah, I hear ya! This is one of the reasons I'm glad we live in California and not North Dakota. My boys wear shorts about 10 months out of the year. My problem now is my 11 year old ds's fluctuations in the amount of food he eats. Some times I think I make a lot of dinner and there's not a bite left and he's asking for more. The next day, I make a lot of food and he eats a pittance. And then I'm trying to figure out what to do with all the leftovers. This morning, I make a ton of French toast for breakfast because they all love French toast..... and I have quite a bit left over. Sigh!

French toast can be frozen and then reheated. It was one of my favorite premade breakfast items. :)

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I think ds1 went through two years only wearing pajamas, shorts and sweat pants because he kept growing out of his regular pants. That was a solid benefit of homeschooling, lol.


Now that he is in public high school I have lost my excuse, and I have to buy him actual clothes on a regular basis, very annoying!

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yeah, I hear ya! This is one of the reasons I'm glad we live in California and not North Dakota. My boys wear shorts about 10 months out of the year. My problem now is my 11 year old ds's fluctuations in the amount of food he eats. Some times I think I make a lot of dinner and there's not a bite left and he's asking for more. The next day, I make a lot of food and he eats a pittance. And then I'm trying to figure out what to do with all the leftovers. This morning, I make a ton of French toast for breakfast because they all love French toast..... and I have quite a bit left over. Sigh!


This is where we are. Brotherman is almost 11 and it varies day to day if he is a bottomless pit or barely eats at all.


Of course if he takes after his dad in 2 more years I won't be able to keep food in the house. The way MIL talks about how much dh and his brothers ate... :svengo:

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Buckle up. If your son is anything like mine, the "phase" lasts a while.


I spent the day with my son yesterday. He was off campus for the day doing scholarship auditions with a state-wide dance organization, and I had opted to stay in the area to drive him from the college to the audition venue and back to campus at the end of the day. I also figured that way I'd be able to bring him lunch, since brown bagging it would be tough under the circumstances. 


At lunch time, I brought him a falafel wrap with chips and a box of cookies. (I should specify that he did not eat all of the cookies.)


Then I took him to dinner. He ordered:


The guacamole appetizer and requested a second serving of tortilla chips. 

A full-sized serving of pasta with marinara.

A side order of french fries.


He also ate the entire basket of bread.


We were initially seated at a table for two, but when the waiter brought the pasta and fries, he moved us to the four-top next to us, because it became clear that there wasn't enough space on the smaller table for all of my son's plates.


He's 16 now, not quite six feet tall, and still weighs less than 130 pounds.

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Calvin never really did that.  He always ate three balanced meals a day, with the odd snack, but it was no more than the adults in the house.   He's around 5'11" and about 110 pounds. Hobbes, on the other hand, grew several inches over the summer, and has days when he can't be filled.



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During a growth spurt, DS11 will literally wake up for a midnight snack. And not just any snack - it has to be a full meal.


So sometimes I find him during the wee hours cooking in the kitchen. Things like chicken stir-fry, turkey bacon and eggs, bean salad, french toast from scratch, etc.  :lol:


Poor guy is tall and skinny, no matter what he eats and how much he eats.

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I'm lucky that only one of my boys seems to be the stereotypical bottomless pit. Ds13 is about 5'10, 135 lbs, and rarely eats more than two helpings of a meal, but has 4-5 meal-sized "snacks" throughout the day. Ds12 is 5'1, maybe 90 lbs, and still eats like a bird. 


My boys have gotten into a habit of wearing leggings/tights under their track pants in the rink and when it's colder outside. Would your so be open to that option if you can't find warm enough track pants? 

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I'm lucky that only one of my boys seems to be the stereotypical bottomless pit. Ds13 is about 5'10, 135 lbs, and rarely eats more than two helpings of a meal, but has 4-5 meal-sized "snacks" throughout the day. Ds12 is 5'1, maybe 90 lbs, and still eats like a bird. 


My boys have gotten into a habit of wearing leggings/tights under their track pants in the rink and when it's colder outside. Would your so be open to that option if you can't find warm enough track pants? 

When he was 7 and playing hockey I had him doing this. When he was old enough to dress himself he stopped. I will have to bring it up again. Any preferred brand that you can recommend? I see the Mondor tights at the rink but they are $$. 

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I don't know if this thread is intended to be a request for sympathy, but no dice.  You brought this on yourself, sister. 


As I am making breakfast my wonderful son comes into the kitchen, makes himself a sandwich and between bites informs me that he does not think what I am making will be enough and requests I double it.

I just bought his winter clothes.


Everyone knows that buying clothes triggers growth spurts.  If you want him to REALLY grow, buy shoes. Expensive ones. :glare:

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I don't know if this thread is intended to be a request for sympathy, but no dice.  You brought this on yourself, sister. 



Everyone knows that buying clothes triggers growth spurts.  If you want him to REALLY grow, buy shoes. Expensive ones. :glare:

I did that last year. I thought his foot was done for that growth spurt and I was being smart buying the expensive shoes that were narrow, provided the support he needed etc etc since he would not grow for a while. They lasted less than a week. I was talking to another mom in the parking lot after skating and he came over and said his shoes were too small. I scoffed and insisted that he was mistaken. I bent down to feel and what do you know, they were too small. I about cried. Then I had to buy new skates. That made me cry.

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I did that last year. I thought his foot was done for that growth spurt and I was being smart buying the expensive shoes that were narrow, provided the support he needed etc etc since he would not grow for a while. They lasted less than a week. I was talking to another mom in the parking lot after skating and he came over and said his shoes were too small. I scoffed and insisted that he was mistaken. I bent down to feel and what do you know, they were too small. I about cried. Then I had to buy new skates. That made me cry.


I went to like your post and realized that wasn't quite right. :grouphug: My daughter once grew three shoe sizes in 6 weeks.  Kid. you. not. That was before we moved to the land of snow and ice, so it was tennis shoes only, but still. :sad:

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Everyone knows that buying clothes triggers growth spurts.  If you want him to REALLY grow, buy shoes. Expensive ones. :glare:


My son is well aware that one of the surest ways to make me weepy is to tell me that his dance shoes are too small or wearing out. Because we're ethical vegans, he doesn't wear leather, and the annual search for dance shoes that are 1) leather free, 2) of acceptable quality, and 3) large enough to fit his huge, man-sized feet nearly drives me to drink every time.


Currently, his ballet slippers have to be special ordered from Russia and take anywhere from eight weeks to four months to arrive. About half the time, they arrive in the wrong color and have to be dyed before he can wear them. (Every time, I wonder who the manufacturers think will be wearing the vegan ballet slippers in the equivalent of a men's street shoe size 11 in that lovely pink color.) They also cost about twice what it would cost me to order a mainstream pair of men's shoes from Discount Dance.


Now that he's living on campus, I don't see his dance shoes regularly, which means I am even more likely to get caught by surprise when they reach a critical phase. This past weekend, he had a full day of scholarship auditions with a state-wide dance organization. He waited until about three days before the audition to mention that the ballet shoes he has at school had blown out the toes completely. I remembered seeing another pair of the ones that we had dyed that hadn't turned out to his satisfaction sitting here. They, too, had rather large rips and holes in the toes, but I texted him a picture and he said they were in better condition than the ones he had with him. 


I ended up sitting up by myself much of Saturday night in a hotel room near campus doing my best to patch them and touching up the color with a Sharpie. 


Telling this story does remind me that I still have to call the dance store tomorrow to set the wheels in motion on a new order. Sigh.

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When he was 7 and playing hockey I had him doing this. When he was old enough to dress himself he stopped. I will have to bring it up again. Any preferred brand that you can recommend? I see the Mondor tights at the rink but they are $$. 

My boys are way too into brand names for me to recommend their favorites. One wears mostly Nike and the other Under Armour, so I'm sure there are much more affordable options out there. 

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During a growth spurt, DS11 will literally wake up for a midnight snack. And not just any snack - it has to be a full meal.


So sometimes I find him during the wee hours cooking in the kitchen. Things like chicken stir-fry, turkey bacon and eggs, bean salad, french toast from scratch, etc. :lol:


Poor guy is tall and skinny, no matter what he eats and how much he eats.

LOL....this sounds like God's attempt at making things even cause men don't have to go through pregnancy.

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Well, if it makes you feel any better, I had to order my son's shirts from the Kohls big and tall section.  He's only 14 and around 6"2!  I have three boys and they eat me out of house and home!!


Wow my4cowboys, that's a lot of milk!!!  I get three gallons a week, on my weekly shopping trip.  I'm sure when we get snow or inclement weather people think I'm the crazy one buying up all the milk, but it's what we always get. 

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