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who pays in your home for the care of small pets??


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we have 3 guinea pigs who are basically my 2 son's pets.  They both have had a lawn mowing job this summer (still doing it weekly) so they have some money.  We are trying to decide if they should spend some of their money for the food and upkeep of their pets?  If so, how much...25%, 50%, all? 


How do you handle this in your home??

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We pay for everything for our kids' three guinea pigs.


The only exceptions we've made are when they wanted some items for the cage that were above and beyond what we were willing to spend and if they do not inform us that supplies are running low (forcing an emergency trip to the EXPENSIVE pet store).

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I pay for needs, they pay for toys and treats. 


Eta: of their choosing. If I want to buy a toy, I pay. If a kid wants to buy a toy, he pays.


My view is that our pets are family members and ultimately my responsibility. But the kids are welcome to assist in their care. They do all the work. I supervise, instruct, and provide supplies.

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It depends. Did they know they were going to be financially responsible for these pets when you got them? That type of discussion needs to happen before pets are purchased because no kid would assume they'd have to pay even if it is deemed their pet.


I see nothing wrong with making a kids financially responsible for an animal they want but it would be unfair to change the rules after they could no longer decide they didn't want the responsibility.

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We have mice and I pay. When I was a kid my parents paid for my cat although I don't think they would have paid vet bills beyond speying or putting to sleep. When I had a horse I paid for everything except grass and hay. It took all the money I earned to keep it shod and worked etc.

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We pay for the care and upkeep of the pets (fish).  The only way I would expect them to pay is if it was agreed before getting the pet.  We discussed ahead of time cleaning the fish tank duties and such so that they knew what was expected from them going into getting a pet to take care of.

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My daughter pays for all the expenses related to her rats. But that was the agreement before she got them.


Susan in TX

Punk has wanted reptiles for years. We have said he could have one when he:


1) saved enough to buy everything he needed cage/environment wise

2) could prove he could afford the monthly food bill


He has yet to take me up on it- WIN FOR MOM!


Let's just say that mom likes small mammals a lot more than reptiles!

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I guess if my child had been begging for a pet and we had agreed ahead of time that if they got that pet they would be at least partly responsible for the cost of upkeep I would have them contribute but I agree with others, if this wasn't agreed to ahead of time it doesn't seem like it would be fair to suddenly start charging.  Maybe just have them cover minor costs of extra things if they really, really want those extra things.  


If you are wondering about this because you are seeking ways to teach them good money management, maybe, instead, if they aren't already, they could put a specified portion of what they are earning into a long term savings account to get used to putting something in savings right off the top every time they earn money?

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Pets are the ultimate responsibility of the adult in the house.

If there's some older child/parent agreement to have the child pay for costs that's a separate thing but when push comes to shove, the adults in the home are responsible.

I volunteer for several rescues & one of the big irritations is when parents are refusing to pay for vet care for an animal in their home & the tween/teen contacts a rescue for help. 

The other huge one is when adults want to dump a pet at the rescue because the kids are not taking of it anymore. Um? Way to model responsibility, dear parent......

BTW, small pets can be just as expensive to vet as any other animal.  Our rats were just at the vet for an upper resp thing & one of them is doing a course of antibiotics now.....

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I pay for needs, they pay for toys and treats. 


Eta: of their choosing. If I want to buy a toy, I pay. If a kid wants to buy a toy, he pays.


My view is that our pets are family members and ultimately my responsibility. But the kids are welcome to assist in their care. They do all the work. I supervise, instruct, and provide supplies.


Same here, although one of my dc sometimes buys the food too.


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We pay for pets we agree to purchase for them.  They pay for any pet they really want but that we don't agree to be responsible for.  Oldest is dying for a bearded dragon but I don't want to deal with one.  She has been told that when she can afford to pay for it and it's monthly upkeep she can have it but the full responsibility will be hers.  If it isn't properly cared for without nagging it will be rehomed and she will be out the money she has spent (plus have no pet).  

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