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Completely and totally uninterested in the Apple watch. I think Steve would have hated it. :)  What is it with so many companies trying to make that work?  Maybe this one will.


I will be getting the new iPhone 6 but not the 6 Plus.  I like the size of my 5 but I don't want one any more than a tiny bit bigger.


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I think the watch looks very cool, and that type of technology has never interested me before.  I won't be buying it because I don't wear a watch at all, but if I did, I'd consider it.

I'll be getting the iPhone 6 as soon as it's available for pre-order on Friday, but the 6 Plus is too large for me.  Even dh's LG2, at 5.2 inches, is too big to be comfortable in my hands.  

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I'm going for a 6 Plus 64 gb when I'm eligible for upgrade around Thanksgiving. I am waiting skeptically about the watch. I hope Apple Pay takes off. I always have my iPhone out to record transactions and the thought of merchants not getting my card number makes me happy. :)

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Well I'm excited for 6 for a completely different reason.  I do not have a smartphone but I'm hoping that enough people will upgrade and/or buy a 6 that the price of the 4S will drop.  I'm hoping to pick up a used 4S somewhere but right now they are selling for $150 dollars.  I can't afford that much so I'm hoping with new models the old ones will come down in price and maybe I can afford for my first smart phone (although I will turn off data as I use a pre-paid service and data is expensive too, I'll just synch the devices when I'm hope and can use the wifi in my house).  I know there are lots of other choices out there but since I own an ipad2 and several apps I'm really attached to, I want something that can talk to it.  Also it has the best camera as far as I can tell I would like to actually take pictures of my kids when I'm out because right now I can't even do that (unless I bring my separate camera but I never remember to do that)

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I have yet to see an Apple product I didn't like. That said, I don't feel a need to see or have every Apple product that comes on the market. I still have an iPhone 4. If it isn't broken, there's no need to replace it. I refuse to fall for a marketing scheme. Newer isn't always better and when it is, it doesn't mean the old doesn't also meet the need. 

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I have a failing battery in my 5. It's been recalled and I could get it replaced, but I'm looking for a bit bigger screen because even though I've had LASIK and can see distances well, my ability to focus on fine detail is still limited. I don't want something as big as an iPad mini. I think the 6 plus will be just what I'm looking for.

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I have yet to see an Apple product I didn't like. That said, I don't feel a need to see or have every Apple product that comes on the market. I still have an iPhone 4. If it isn't broken, there's no need to replace it. I refuse to fall for a marketing scheme. Newer isn't always better and when it is, it doesn't mean the old doesn't also meet the need. 


Until new iOS and OS releases make it obsolete, anyway, a point that my otherwise functional older-generation iPod Touch has nearly reached.

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I have an iPhone 3. About a year ago, I updated some apps on the iPad, not realizing that updating meant they would no longer work on my phone. DH has been after me to get a 5 like him because the camera is soooooo much better. Like a previous poster, I may do it once the 6 comes out and the price of all the older models drops.

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I have yet to see an Apple product I didn't like. That said, I don't feel a need to see or have every Apple product that comes on the market. I still have an iPhone 4. If it isn't broken, there's no need to replace it. I refuse to fall for a marketing scheme. Newer isn't always better and when it is, it doesn't mean the old doesn't also meet the need. 


This is me, as well.  I've been strictly an Apple user since about 1983…  

But I still have a perfectly functional iPhone 4, too.   


Much as I love checking out their new gizmos and whozits, I am happy to wait a while to get certified refurbished via the Apple store, or even downright used on eBay.   

Like Hoppy, I also like to own my phone outright so I don't have to be trapped in a contract with my cell carrier.

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I was waiting for the watch...cuz I'm in the market for a Fitbit and wanted to see what comparable features the Watch would offer. For the price, it doesn't matter though...Fitbit it is!   I don't wear watches....cant imagine it offers anything more than an iPhone does.   People, including me, are already so tied to their iPhones....I certainly don't want to have to WEAR it!


I might go for the iPhone 6.   I like the screen being a bit bigger.  Right now I have the iPhone 4s....it is functioning fine, and I gave my upgrade to my son last year...so I'm on year 3 with this phone.   But it's my turn to have the upgrade (I'm going to use his), so maybe that will be my Christmas present!  Then he can get my iPhone 4s (cuz my upgrade that I gave him...he got the iPhone 5c...stolen two months later!!  Now he's using an old iPhone 3...wow, what a clunker!)

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Until new iOS and OS releases make it obsolete, anyway, a point that my otherwise functional older-generation iPod Touch has nearly reached.


That would be a case of the old no longer meeting the need and would be a necessary replacement. That's different than getting the shiniest toy just because it's the shiniest in my opinion. 

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Personally, I like the size of the 4 as a phone I carry around in my pocket or wallet...  


I do WANT a bigger device though, which is why an iPad Mini has been in my wish list for over a year.  (And a 64G refurbished is currently $379 at the Apple store as well as 6 months same-as-cash via BillMeLater.)



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After having my card compromised first at Target, then at Home Depot, I am really interested to see how the Pay works. I would like to see what the 6 looks like, but I am not very excited about the 6 plus. I get the appeal of the bigger screen, but I am not sure how portable it will be. Sometimes I put my iPhone into my jeans back pocket. 


I have to say, we are an Apple family, we have iPhones, iPad, a big Mac, a Mac pro, but I don't get the watch. Is a smart watch that much of an innovation that everybody got so excited about it? But I do not wear a watch and I only found what a FitBit is here in the forums, so I am not the target audience!

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My brother was sporting Samsung's(?) watch when I saw him last week.  A Google engineer, he always has the latest and greatest because they hand out Android devices to employees like everyone else does Post-Its or free pens… :rolleyes:

Frankly, I wasn't overly impressed.  And his still needed to have the phone handy as its "base."

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After having my card compromised first at Target, then at Home Depot, I am really interested to see how the Pay works. I would like to see what the 6 looks like, but I am not very excited about the 6 plus. I get the appeal of the bigger screen, but I am not sure how portable it will be. Sometimes I put my iPhone into my jeans back pocket. 


I have to say, we are an Apple family, we have iPhones, iPad, a big Mac, a Mac pro, but I don't get the watch. Is a smart watch that much of an innovation that everybody got so excited about it? But I do not wear a watch and I only found what a FitBit is here in the forums, so I am not the target audience!


Pay creates a one-time only transaction number for each payment you make. Your card information is never given to the merchant or transmitted in any way. 


I'm skeptical of the Watch, too, even being an Apple family. Right now I don't see where I would make use of it. Even using Apple Pay, I still have to pull my phone out to record the transaction in my budget app so it doesn't really save me anything.

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I'm excited that Apple now has NFC.  I've had it on my phone (a Galaxy) but hardly use it.  I've only seen the option for it at McDonald's (at least near us).  I imagine with Apple now having it more retailers will go that way. :)

My dd20 has an iPhone 4 which will not work well, or at all, once the new update comes.  I had been planning to get her the 5s when the price dropped, but I'm considering the 6, only so that in 2 years she will not need to upgrade.  Buying the cheaper one now means she will have to upgrade in 2 years (my guess). She is paying her own phone bill, but I thought I would splurge and get her the new phone.  My other dd (who is 16 and not paying her own bill) is also getting a smartphone, she will get the cheaper one.  

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