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I'm watching "19 Kids..."


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And here's what I'm thinking about this episode. Jill and Derrick look like The Real Thing. (They are not married yet in this episode.) They look "right" together. She has that sparkle in her eyes and he looks like he can't believe his good fortune, LOL!


Ben looks intensely uncomfortable. He looks not at all excited that Jim Bob offered him to move nearby. I know Jessa has a more reserved personality, but she doesn't look "so in love" the way Jill does.


So there's your cliff notes. :D

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I don't know I'm inclined to believe more people would act like Ben and jessa if their first relationship was televized for the world to see than would act like derrick and Jill. I know I would not show my true feelings for my dh if it were being recorded for anyone to analyze. I would also be extremely nervous about being recorded while trying to decide if this guy is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.


I don't particularly think how they behave on camera is any indication of how they feel about one another.

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I don't know. Jane Bennet was so reserved that Mr. Darcy didn't even believe she liked Mr. Bingley and convinced Mr. Bingley to step back from the relationship. It wasn't until Elizabeth Bennet talked to Darcy about how upset Jane was that he changed his mind and pushed Mr. Bingley back in the other directions. Some people are more reserved on the outside. It is impossible to say what her real feelings might or might not be.


edited because it posted before I was finished, then I had to referee a home kerfuffle.

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DH and I wouldn't look like a good match on camera and we've been happily married for 20 years. In person we'd seem OK, but on film for thousands of people to analyze and criticize? We'd be so reserved in an effort to give them nothing. I can't imagine my relationship served up as a feast just because my parents were into that sort of thing. DH and I would be terrible reality show participants. We just don't have the personality types to do it in the first place.


Of course, I'll own up to not having seen this episode so I really don't know what I'm talking about :-)

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I wanna waaaatch!!! No TLC here.

I have felt that Jessa just isn't that much into Ben from previous episodes. Why are they treating him like he's family so soon?? I that might be putting pressure on them to act like a couple.

In this episode, when JB said he wanted to offer the guest house to Ben, he said that he hoped it would "accelerate their future." (They were four hours drive apart.) I did think that was a strange desire to advertise.

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I wanna waaaatch!!! No TLC here.

I have felt that Jessa just isn't that much into Ben from previous episodes. Why are they treating him like he's family so soon?? I that might be putting pressure on them to act like a couple.


Aren't they engaged? They are a couple, aren't they?

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I used to enjoy the show, but I don't anymore. I couldn't believe that the moms in my homeschool group wanted to read a book together this summer and chose the Growing Up Duggar book. I don't think I want to take relationship advice from a bunch of 20 something girls who haven't lived in the real world. 


I just can't imagine having my whole life put out there for the world to analyze. I hope they don't live to regret all of this. If just one kid goes astray, their whole family name is going to be ruined. They have no idea how all this fame is going to affect their small children who are being raised in the midst of it. 





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I used to enjoy the show, but I don't anymore. I couldn't believe that the moms in my homeschool group wanted to read a book together this summer and chose the Growing Up Duggar book. I don't think I want to take relationship advice from a bunch of 20 something girls who haven't lived in the real world.


I just can't imagine having my whole life put out there for the world to analyze. I hope they don't live to regret all of this. If just one kid goes astray, their whole family name is going to be ruined. They have no idea how all this fame is going to affect their small children who are being raised in the midst of it.

Same here. I liked the show a lot years ago. I am reading the Growing Up Duggar book right now. It's not a good book. I was hoping it would show more of what might be an internal conflict for any of them, being on the show, fame, or even just being in a huge family. I guess it's no surprise that there's no such thing in this book.


As to your second point about if any kid goes astray? I was thinking JB's "generous" offer to move Ben to their guest house and employ him in their businesses looks rather a lot like control. If Jessa moved to where Ben is, she would be farther from their influence and farther from their monitoring. Plus, if he's employed in JB's businesses, there is a better chance they won't live in poverty, whereas if Jessa moved to where he is working as a windshield replacement guy, it's hard to say how that will work out financially.

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No, just courting.


I love how they pretend that these crazy kids "decide" not to hold hands til engaged and "chose" to save their kiss for the wedding as if we do not all know that no choices and decisions were made except to comply with the ATI standards: these are Gothard prescriptions for how to behave.


I feel so sad for these kids. I have such happy memories of holding hands, sneaking kisses, flirting and getting to know DH before we were married. These kids never get that.

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In this episode, when JB said he wanted to offer the guest house to Ben, he said that he hoped it would "accelerate their future." (They were four hours drive apart.) I did think that was a strange desire to advertise.

It's also incredibly creepy and controlling.


Whose dad does stuff like that??? :ack2:

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And here's what I'm thinking about this episode. Jill and Derrick look like The Real Thing. (They are not married yet in this episode.) They look "right" together. She has that sparkle in her eyes and he looks like he can't believe his good fortune, LOL!


Ben looks intensely uncomfortable. He looks not at all excited that Jim Bob offered him to move nearby. I know Jessa has a more reserved personality, but she doesn't look "so in love" the way Jill does.


So there's your cliff notes. :D


I thought the same thing!

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I don't know I'm inclined to believe more people would act like Ben and jessa if their first relationship was televized for the world to see than would act like derrick and Jill. I know I would not show my true feelings for my dh if it were being recorded for anyone to analyze. I would also be extremely nervous about being recorded while trying to decide if this guy is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.


I don't particularly think how they behave on camera is any indication of how they feel about one another.


Very true.  Their personalities might cause the difference in relationships.  Some people are more reserved than others.

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I wanna waaaatch!!! No TLC here.

I have felt that Jessa just isn't that much into Ben from previous episodes. Why are they treating him like he's family so soon?? I that might be putting pressure on them to act like a couple.


Right.  I didn't think that was a good idea.  I was actually quite surprised they would have him live on their property.


On a separate note, I paid very close attention to the children and their relationship with Jim Bob and Michelle.  I know people are saying they abuse their children.  I just don't get that vibe at all.  The children (all of them) seem much to happy AND comfortable (like they aren't just trying to hide it).

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No, just courting.  


I love how they pretend that these crazy kids "decide" not to hold hands til engaged and "chose" to save their kiss for the wedding as if we do not all know that no choices and decisions were made except to comply with the ATI standards: these are Gothard prescriptions for how to behave.


That doesn't necessarily mean they didn't choose it.  You could say the same about a religious book.  People can choose to follow their religion and behave accordingly.

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I feel so sad for these kids. I have such happy memories of holding hands, sneaking kisses, flirting and getting to know DH before we were married. These kids never get that.


Sorry I didn't multiquote!  I didn't think I was going to have so much to say!


If I could go back and have a do-over, I would do things the way the Duggars did.  I think it depends on the person.

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I feel sorry for Ben.  It would be hard to have one's live so fully engaged with one's potential father-in-law…as well as have it all taped for the world to see.  Very grateful that my early years with DH were not taped and broadcast for all to see.  I think, because of that, they are limiting the potential future spouses for the Duggar kids….from an already limited pool of a similar approach to Christianity/child rearing.  



On another Duggar thread, somebody mentioned the board FreeJinger.  If you want a good laugh, read the comments about the latest episode there.  There's a special board called Quiverfull of Duggars or something like that.

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Did Ben get to see the "guest house" first? It's a metal warehouse with no windows and no a/c! Is there a bathroom? I'm surprised they make Josh and Anna and the grandbabies stay there. It's not as if they couldn't afford to have an actual, decent place for visitors.

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We discussed this before.  When you are brainwashed, choice is non existent.


What makes the Duggars brainwashed compared to any other family who lives out their religious beliefs?

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The fact that ATI is a cult.


Are you going to report this thread bc it is mean to the Duggars too?


You seem to have some kinda animosity toward me.  Interesting... and odd.


When did I report a Duggar thread?  Yeah, thought so.  

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 I dont have any animosity towards you.  But I do fail to see why we need to have the same conversation over and over again.  


Don't respond if you feel my posts about the Duggar's are repetitive.  


You also implied that I reported a Duggar thread. 

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I feel sorry for Ben. It would be hard to have one's live so fully engaged with one's potential father-in-law…as well as have it all taped for the world to see. Very grateful that my early years with DH were not taped and broadcast for all to see. I think, because of that, they are limiting the potential future spouses for the Duggar kids….from an already limited pool of a similar approach to Christianity/child rearing.

I don't feel particularly sorry for Ben. It's not like he didn't know that he was walking into a reality show, and it's not like there isn't a ton of information out there about the family. He would have to have been a complete moron not to have watched some episodes of the show before getting involved with Jessa, don't you think?


Part of me is wondering if he really likes Jessa, or if he is more interested in being on television (and getting his hands on some of the Duggars' money.) Maybe he is entirely sincere, but something about him makes me distrustful of him.


It must be difficult for the Duggars to know if people really like them for themselves, or if they have other motives.

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I was hoping this was going to be a fun Duggar thread for a change.


I wish it didn't always have to turn into a religious debate. I understand that people have very intense feelings about it, but occasionally it would be fun to just talk about the TV show without delving deeper into the Duggars' religious beliefs.

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I don't feel particularly sorry for Ben. It's not like he didn't know that he was walking into a reality show, and it's not like there isn't a ton of information out there about the family. He would have to have been a complete moron not to have watched some episodes of the show before getting involved with Jessa, don't you think?


Part of me is wondering if he really likes Jessa, or if he is more interested in being on television (and getting his hands on some of the Duggar's money.) Maybe he is entirely sincere, but something about him makes me distrustful of him.


It must be difficult for the Duggars to know if people really like them for themselves, or if they have other motives.

I get a fanboy vibe from Ben.

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After all the bruhaha here about the Duggars, I decided to watch last night.


Did anyone else find it strange that she was even allowed to court with Ben since he didn't have an established job that could provide for a future wife and family? It's great that he gets to be part of the family business now, but I thought they were supposed to be self-reliant to start with. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.


And yes, the guest house left a lot to be desired!

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After all the bruhaha here about the Duggars, I decided to watch last night.


Did anyone else find it strange that she was even allowed to court with Ben since he didn't have an established job that could provide for a future wife and family? It's great that he gets to be part of the family business now, but I thought they were supposed to be self-reliant to start with. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.


And yes, the guest house left a lot to be desired!

I'm thinking that maybe Jim-Bob wants his sons-in-law to be part of the family business so he will be able to maintain better control of them than if they had their own careers.

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I don't feel particularly sorry for Ben. It's not like he didn't know that he was walking into a reality show, and it's not like there isn't a ton of information out there about the family. He would have to have been a complete moron not to have watched some episodes of the show before getting involved with Jessa, don't you think?


Part of me is wondering if he really likes Jessa, or if he is more interested in being on television (and getting his hands on some of the Duggar's money.) Maybe he is entirely sincere, but something about him makes me distrustful of him.


It must be difficult for the Duggars to know if people really like them for themselves, or if they have other motives.

I don't think that of Ben at all. If anything, the show last night gave me the feeling that internally, he might be struggling with what being a part of that family is going to mean. They will not be able to just marry, live wherever they like, and fade out of the death-grip, I mean, "tight family bonds" of JB.


I do think Jessa is clearly a prize; what young guy with half a chance would not consider it? So much easier than having to screen the other young ladies one knows, trying to discover what sort of lifestyle they've been living, LOL!

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After all the bruhaha here about the Duggars, I decided to watch last night.


Did anyone else find it strange that she was even allowed to court with Ben since he didn't have an established job that could provide for a future wife and family? It's great that he gets to be part of the family business now, but I thought they were supposed to be self-reliant to start with. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.


And yes, the guest house left a lot to be desired!

No, I agree with Cat. I think it is preferable (for JB) to have a son-in-law in his own business and living nearby. He can control and influence them far more this way. I know all about being in a family business and, while in some ways it is quaint and homey, in other ways, it's very constricting.


They are also "giving" (temporarily) a beautiful, large rental home to Jill and Derrick. I don't know from where Derrick hails and I don't know what he does for money, but I think even this generous gift is devised to keep Jill nearer by.


The most interesting clip in the whole show was only about four seconds long. If I had decent internet, I would find it and watch it again. It was a view where Derrick, Jill, and JB were walking side-by-side, Jill in the middle. In one smooth motion, JB stepped behind them, wedged his way in the center and put what any body language analyst would call a "possessive arm" around Jill! That short clip says an awful lot.

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I was hoping this was going to be a fun Duggar thread for a change.


I wish it didn't always have to turn into a religious debate. I understand that people have very intense feelings about it, but occasionally it would be fun to just talk about the TV show without delving deeper into the Duggars' religious beliefs.

Yeah. I'll make an effort to keep it there. I kinda wanted that, too. I think it turns this way because their religious beliefs inform everything they do, so it's hard to discuss how different individuals behave without it.

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No, I agree with Cat. I think it is preferable (for JB) to have a son-in-law in his own business and living nearby. He can control and influence them far more this way. I know all about being in a family business and, while in some ways it is quaint and homey, in other ways, it's very constricting.


They are also "giving" (temporarily) a beautiful, large rental home to Jill and Derrick. I don't know from where Derrick hails and I don't know what he does for money, but I think even this generous gift is devised to keep Jill nearer by.


The most interesting clip in the whole show was only about four seconds long. If I had decent internet, I would find it and watch it again. It was a view where Derrick, Jill, and JB were walking side-by-side, Jill in the middle. In one smooth motion, JB stepped behind them, wedged his way in the center and put what any body language analyst would call a "possessive arm" around Jill! That short clip says an awful lot.

Is this after Derrick and Jill are already married?

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Is this after Derrick and Jill are already married?

The show was taped before their wedding. They were going over to the rental to get it ready for them to move in. I'm sure they did not live there together before the wedding, but he may have. I don't know.


Oh, duh. You meant the other part. The "possessive arm" part. If it was before they were courting...well, I doubt it. They were walking very close to one another; derrick may have even placed a hand on her back for a moment before JB moved over and separated them.

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The clip to which Quill is referring is from when JB and Jill visited Derrick in Nepal, so before even being engaged. Maybe before courting even. I think they started courting at the end of the Nepal trip.

Yes, this. Still super weird to me for a 23 year old, but definitely not as weird as it would be post-marriage!

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The show was taped before their wedding. They were going over to the rental to get it ready for them to move in. I'm sure they did not live there together before the wedding, but he may have. I don't know.


Oh, duh. You meant the other part. The "possessive arm" part. If it was before they were courting...well, I doubt it. They were walking very close to one another; derrick may have even placed a hand on her back for a moment before JB moved over and separated them.

Here's the thing. I don't remember at what point in the Nepal show that clip occurred so I can't remember if it was before or after they talked of courting.


However...I really don't believe the stated timeline of Derrick and Jill's relationship. I find it very difficult to swallow that JB took Jill to Nepal to meet someone to see if they were compatible enough to court. It just seems off to me.

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Here's the thing. I don't remember at what point in the Nepal show that clip occurred so I can't remember if it was before or after they talked of courting.


However...I really don't believe the stated timeline of Derrick and Jill's relationship. I find it very difficult to swallow that JB took Jill to Nepal to meet someone to see if they were compatible enough to court. It just seems off to me.

Yes, I agree. That would be quite far-fetched. I mean, I told ds I'm not willing to go see what Michigan Tech is like, because it's 17 hours drive! :D

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Here's the thing. I don't remember at what point in the Nepal show that clip occurred so I can't remember if it was before or after they talked of courting.


However...I really don't believe the stated timeline of Derrick and Jill's relationship. I find it very difficult to swallow that JB took Jill to Nepal to meet someone to see if they were compatible enough to court. It just seems off to me.


It seemed to me they kept showing that clip as they left the show for commercial break or came back from commercial break, but I don't think it ever played as part of the flow of the show.  I think they just used it as a "tease" that there would be some tension during the episode which never came to fruition. 


I don't know a lot of recent Duggar details, but I did see that episode and I think it said Derrick and Jill had been video-communicating (skyping?  whatever) for 3 months?  So, while I'm not sure I'd go to Nepal after skyping for 3 months, it's not like they went over knowing nothing.   


The thing I find annoying about watching is that you get the same sound bites over and over again going to commercial and coming back again every.single.time.

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After all the bruhaha here about the Duggars, I decided to watch last night.


Did anyone else find it strange that she was even allowed to court with Ben since he didn't have an established job that could provide for a future wife and family? It's great that he gets to be part of the family business now, but I thought they were supposed to be self-reliant to start with. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.


And yes, the guest house left a lot to be desired!



I don't know full details, but I do know he was working and going to college. I believe he will work for them while he continues with his college.


I'm still on the fence about Ben. I don't know what I think of him. I have, however, seen some kinda cozy photos of him and Jessa, and feel like they seem to have less of that lovey-dovey thing, but maybe a bit more physical attraction going on. I'm not judging or faulting (obviously those feelings ARE normal). It's just what it seems like to me.

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Here's the thing. I don't remember at what point in the Nepal show that clip occurred so I can't remember if it was before or after they talked of courting.


However...I really don't believe the stated timeline of Derrick and Jill's relationship. I find it very difficult to swallow that JB took Jill to Nepal to meet someone to see if they were compatible enough to court. It just seems off to me.


The arm thing took place shortly after they arrived in Nepal to meet Derrick; they were not yet courting.


I don't know about the timeline because shows are obviously aired much further behind, but they had been communicating for a good while, and Jill asked to be able to meet him because she didn't want to continue the relationship if she wasn't sure they would be a good match.


He asked her about courting right before she left Nepal, and he came back to Arkansas a couple months later; they got engaged shortly after.

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The arm thing took place shortly after they arrived in Nepal to meet Derrick; they were not yet courting

I am not sure I believe they were not yet courting when she went to Nepal...maybe there was a "pre-courting" discussion in which she (or he) said, "well, if we are going to look towards marriage, we need to spend some time together IRL." Any practical person would want that. When I was dating dh, there was a point when it looked to me like marriage was where we were heading and I suggested we needed to commit to an additional day of the week to spend time together.


Honestly, Arm Gate bothers me no matter the timeline. Of course, it would be much weirder if they were already married! But it seems weirdly possessive to me in any case.

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Here's the thing. I don't remember at what point in the Nepal show that clip occurred so I can't remember if it was before or after they talked of courting.


However...I really don't believe the stated timeline of Derrick and Jill's relationship. I find it very difficult to swallow that JB took Jill to Nepal to meet someone to see if they were compatible enough to court. It just seems off to me.


It was before the courtship.  He asked her to officially court at the end of the show when she was leaving Nepal.

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