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Anyone else in the SF Bay area feel the earthquake?


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Yes, it's the middle of the night but I'm up, thanks to seismic activity. 


Anyone else feel that? Everyone okay?


Preliminary report is 6.0 at American Canyon.


30 minutes later and my heart is still beating fast. Our house shook pretty hard. 



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Yep, adrenaline still has me up!


We're not far from American Canyon- 30min drive (Marin) and it felt like a high 4 here. I've heard that marin is on granite bedrock which makes us shake less. I didn't believe it till today. That would have felt a lot worse in So Cal. It wasn't a hard shake, just LONG. It's our first earthquake in this house and it sounded really weird. It sounded like a heard of rodents was running on the roof. I've never heard an earthquake make that type if sound in a house before.


2 of the kids woke up. It's their first real quake. I was already awake because I had just gone to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one still up.

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My sister lives less than 20 miles from the epicenter.  I'm anxious for her because I remember what Loma Prieta was like for her.  For many months, she slept in clothes with her shoes next to her bed in case she had to bolt in the middle of the night. She's had a rough month, and this middle of the night quake won't help.  :(

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There was a lot of damage and there are (obviously) a lot of fires, because of Natural Gas. I sent an email to my cousin who lives in Marin County and I hope she and her DH are OK. There was also a 6.4 in Chile, South America.

Not to minimize, but the damage is limited to a very small area. Napa is not a big city. It sounds like the majority of the damage is right in Napa and the fire was in just one mobile home park. It the realm of earthquake damage, this isn't bad.


This area is a mystery to me. The loma Prieta quake (the big sf quake in 89) was actually centered something like 70m from the SF, over a small mountain, and yet something about the ground that sf and Oakland are built on, and the features of that earthquake, resulted in huge shaking here. Then you have this quake, which is much closer to SF, and it really was mild outside of the immediate epicenter in Napa. This one was a lot smaller, but I've been this close to a 6 before and it felt a heck of a lot stronger than last night's shaking.


I hope that is all we have for awhile. The Hayward fault freaks me out. I don't really want to be around when that one blows.

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Is there power and cell service in SF yet?


dd hasn't checked in yet, but I'm sure she's fine and am very impressed with my Guardsman, who just walked out the door.


I remember telling my little baby girl, "Go back to sleep, it's just an earthquake." when Loma Prieta hit. I had no idea how serious it was and thought a bunch of baseball fans were overreacting so I tuned them out in annoyance until I saw all the pet owners on the streets with their furbabies in carriers and then I knew something must be up.


#momofadultkidproblems #imsuchadork

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Was awake until 6:00 am and finally managed to get some shuteye.


I live in the east bay, a few miles (4-5?) from the Hayward fault. It freaks me out. We are not on good solid bedrock, more on soil subject to liquefation (see below) but we do have good earthquake insurance!


I lived very close to the Loma Prieta epicenter. I'm not joking that I still have some PTSD from it. I also still carry earthquake supplies in my car, wake up scared during the night if a loud car walks by or the bed moves in a particular way if DH rolls over. At that time I didn't have kids or own property. Those make it worse.  :(


Seesenach, it has to do with the types of soils/artificial fills. The area in SF that experienced so much damage so far from the Loma Prieta epicenter, plus the Bay Bridge anchors, are in sandy soil containing lots of water. It's subject to liquefation. The Marina area of SF that had such a hard time in 1989 was not on real land. It was a swamp that had been filled in with all the debris from the Great Quake of 1906, and then paved and built upon. 


ETA: My friend on American Canyon is okay! Just heard...

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We're about 35 minutes from Napa over in the East Bay. It woke DH and me up, but the kids slept through the whole thing. It felt different from previous earthquakes I've been in because it was more of a rolling motion and it seemed pretty long.


I agree. Loma Prieta was a horrible jerking back and forth motion which made me crawl to the doorway because I couldn't get my balance. Much prefer the rolling.

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How scary. Hope everybody's O.K. 


See, this is why I chose Florida. I like my natural disasters with lots of warning. ;)  When there's a hurricane coming…we hear about it for at least a week.  Time to put up the hurricane shutters, buy supplies, and leave if you desire.  


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Kolbe Academy is based in Napa.  They have a message up asking for prayers, and help from local families who are available today to join in the clean-up.  No injuries, but their book department is in a shambles.  


On the positive side, I'm guessing they've already sent out most of the orders for the new school year.  But still, with the size of their book catalog, that sounds like quite a mess.

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Umsami, I freak out over hurricanes way too much to criticize anyone for overreacting to a quake.


Baby boy is undoubtedly heading to Napa, not SF. I'm so proud of him!


The niners are playing at 1 PM today right on schedule so I'm not overly worried about my San Franciscan daughter, she's just like this and always has been. I hope everybody else's loved ones are safe and accounted for.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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We're in Richmond (about 20 miles south of the epicenter), and the earthquake woke me and my husband up.  The kids all slept through it.  It was longer and quieter than other earthquakes I've felt, and there wasn't enough shaking to knock things off shelves or cause damage here.

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If you don't hear from your SF daughter, it is probably because other than some people feeling it in San Francisco (while others slept through it) there was no damage here.  We're talking about it, but didn't lose water or power or anything here in the city.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!


dd is the one I don't brag about as much (even though she is very bragworthy) because our relationship is still a work in progress. Your post means more to me than you may understand.

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We are in Texas, but my oldest dd is enrolled in Kolbe Academy which is in Napa. We just enrolled for 10th grade a week ago. I also placed a book order that will probably be taking a long time to get to me. They have pictures of some of the damage on facebook: Kolbe Academy Facebook


Wow, I can't believe they didn't have that bookshelf bolted to the wall. That's Earthquake 101, especially with the desk there. Glad everyone's okay.

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North bay here, about an hour drive from Napa. It woke us up but felt fairly gentle, even on the 2nd story of our house. We didn't even have anything fall out of cabinets or bookshelves. I think Napa has some significant damage to older, non-refitted buildings and some roads have problems. There were a couple of fires due to natural gas lines ruptured and some power outages.

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Wow, I can't believe they didn't have that bookshelf bolted to the wall. That's Earthquake 101, especially with the desk there. Glad everyone's okay.

No kidding! I bet they'll be earthquake proofing now. There's a little but of earthquake amnesia that sets in after 25 years. One thing I've learned is how infrequent earthquakes are here compared to SoCal. I never realized how big the difference was until we moved here.

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A good friend of mine lives in Napa. No one in her family was hurt, but their house is a MESS. From her pictures, everything in the kitchen is on the floor, same with the garage, anything on shelves is on the floor. She has a huge mess to clean up.


My daughter's mother and father-in-law live just outside of Napa and they have almost no mess.

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Our family is okay. At a friend's house stuff flew out of the cabinets. Some people did get injured, I heard three people are in critical condition. Bridges are being inspected. Most people say it was nothing like the 6.9 shaker in 89 - Loma Prieta.

Even though we were over fifty miles north of the epicenter at that time, I will never forget the water of a community pool swapping out on both ends as the earth rolled back and forth.

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Right there. Hotel evacuated, no water, no electricity, glass everywhere, room of crashed lamps, wine bottles and glasses ( wine tasting getaway) broken, draws flung open, bed moved, TV crashed. Everyone in my family is fine, but after these events I just want to get out of dodge. I'm back home and the traffic was fine, but just can't imagine the mess everywhere. I haven't look at the photos yet.

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Right there. Hotel evacuated, no water, no electricity, glass everywhere, room of crashed lamps, wine bottles and glasses ( wine tasting getaway) broken, draws flung open, bed moved, TV crashed. Worst I've ever felt.

Wow!! Are you home now?  Not exactly the relaxing getaway that a wine country trip usually provides!


My girlfriends and I stay in American Canyon twice a year and our next trip is in 3 weeks.  I was really glad to have missed this event.  

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Right there. Hotel evacuated, no water, no electricity, glass everywhere, room of crashed lamps, wine bottles and glasses ( wine tasting getaway) broken, draws flung open, bed moved, TV crashed. Everyone in my family is fine, but after these events I just want to get out of dodge. I'm back home and the traffic was fine, but just can't imagine the mess everywhere. I haven't look at the photos yet.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: 


Glad you're okay. Sounds like a getaway, all right. Get away from the situation.  :)

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We got to Vacaville 9 days ago. It was only the second night sleeping in our bed!


Woke us up, but then we just went back to sleep. If downstairs was trashed, (after having just unpacked the entire hoyse in two days) I was going to wait till morning to find out!


Even though it was a pretty good shake nothing seemed to move. Of course the phone calls from the east coast started about 5am our time....

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We got to Vacaville 9 days ago. It was only the second night sleeping in our bed!


Woke us up, but then we just went back to sleep. If downstairs was trashed, (after having just unpacked the entire hoyse in two days) I was going to wait till morning to find out!


Even though it was a pretty good shake nothing seemed to move. Of course the phone calls from the east coast started about 5am our time....


Welcome to California. I mean it - this kind of stuff does not happen that often. At least it has not in the 28 years I lived here.

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East Bay here, other side of the hills from Berkeley.  The shaking woke up all of us.  It lasted a good 15 seconds; built up quickly, subsided a bit, then ramped up again.  I think I said something painfully obvious like, "This is a big one!"  The house was creaking loudly. 


No damage - not even anything knocked off any shelves.  The adrenaline rush prevented me from sleeping for quite a while after that, though.  We moved here in 1996, so although I've felt them before, this was the biggest and longest I've experienced!  I've made a mental note to go through and update our emergency supplies this week...

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We still do not have internet or cable for the house yet so we really have no clue what has gone on. But my mother called earlier to tell me that there were 42 other earthquakes worldwide at the same time.


I'm soooo over this tectonic plate model. Seriously. 

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Kolbe Academy is based in Napa.  They have a message up asking for prayers, and help from local families who are available today to join in the clean-up.  No injuries, but their book department is in a shambles.  

Just noticed that they sent out an e-mail late Sunday, saying that there turned out to be some structural damage to the building, and asking people not to come in yet.  But they apparently forgot to take down the above message.  


Probably a good idea to check with the contact person at that link before coming in! 

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We felt it in Sonoma County, but it was no biggie here.  My friends in Napa reported big messes - houses and shops look like they  were ransacked - but no injuries or major damage.  Thank goodness!


In Sonoma County too, and it was enough to wake us up, but not too bad compared to '89.


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