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Would you go/bother???? (immediate advice needed)


Go or don't go  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we go?

    • Yes, 200-300 dollars would be worth it for sure and the boys will benefit
    • No, find another way to earn the money
    • Good luck with that!

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Everytime our scout troop has a major expensive trip, we hold a huge yardsale to make $$.


I much prefer this to selling things in front of a store or door to door.  We have participated in the past yardsales with enthusiasm.


This time I am just not enthusiastic.  


The trip has already happened.  This yard sale will just be some reimbursement for what we have already spent.  (You sign in/out on a sheet and all proceeds are divided by total number of hours worked and then you are given the portion of hours you worked, so it will be cash in hand.)


But this time I am just not enthusiastic.  We are busier.  I have something to do Saturday late afternoon/evening, so getting up at 4:30am isn't appealing to me.


But OTOH, it is very beneficial for my boys to actually work to earn back some of the money we shelled out for their trip.


Dropping them off and driving away isn't really an option.  It is 45 min. to the location, so that would mean 3 hours of driving AND with my Aspie son I don't feel comfortable just dropping off.  


The gain would most likely be a couple of hundred dollars if we go and work from 5:30-3pm, which are the hours I can donate.


I can't decide.


Decide for me please.



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If you/they have done it before, do you have to do it every time?    I understand that it would be a good lesson for them.  But perhaps they don't need to go every time to get the lesson learned?    It's also good for people to learn that time is also worth something.  Maybe on this occasion, your time is worth more than the money you will get back?  I'm sure I'm not saying that well. 


It also depends on how badly you need the money back, as well.  If it's money spent, and didn't break the budget, I'd be inclined to skip it under the circumstances. 


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If you/they have done it before, do you have to do it every time? I understand that it would be a good lesson for them. But perhaps they don't need to go every time to get the lesson learned? It's also good for people to learn that time is also worth something. Maybe on this occasion, your time is worth more than the money you will get back? I'm sure I'm not saying that well.


It also depends on how badly you need the money back, as well. If it's money spent, and didn't break the budget, I'd be inclined to skip it under the circumstances.

If I could do without they money I wouldn't force myself this time.

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Personally, 45 min away, I'd skip it.  For that matter, if I was that interested in the kids earning money to pay for their trips, I think the lesson is much better learned BEFORE the trip. 


I think having the kids earn money towards these things is great, but I wouldn't drive 45 minutes to do it, and I wouldn't do it at the crack of dawn, either. 


Also, I'm not sure how much earning the KIDS are actually doing at a yardsale, given that the stuff is donated by the parents.  If it were my kids, I might pay them a little to assist, but the proceeds of my yardsale would go to me, not them.

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Let me clarify.


The parents aren't donating items, unless they choose to.


90% of the items were donated by others.  One of our scout dads has a connection with families where the parents have been moved to an elderly facility OR have passed away.  The children don't want to be bothered so they ask our troop to come clean out the homes and tell us we can sell whatever we wish.


Yes, before is typically how we do it, but this particular summer, after is the only time that worked with the schedule we have had.





Personally, 45 min away, I'd skip it.  For that matter, if I was that interested in the kids earning money to pay for their trips, I think the lesson is much better learned BEFORE the trip. 


I think having the kids earn money towards these things is great, but I wouldn't drive 45 minutes to do it, and I wouldn't do it at the crack of dawn, either. 


Also, I'm not sure how much earning the KIDS are actually doing at a yardsale, given that the stuff is donated by the parents.  If it were my kids, I might pay them a little to assist, but the proceeds of my yardsale would go to me, not them.


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I think it depends on troop dynamics. If there will be resentment that you didn't show up, then I would go....but if it's simply an opportunity for boys to raise money and your time is more valuable than money at this point; I'd skip it. 1.5 hours in the car and you're already hoping to move by this time next summer, right? I wouldn't go...

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I think you've already decided you can give up getting the money or you wouldn't be considering skipping it. In that case I'd look at the other 2 important factors already mentioned.


1. Do your boys usually go, and will skipping be an exception rather than a rule for your family?

2. Are the dynamics of the group such that there won't be fallout from not having gone and helped this one time?


If both of the above are yes, I'd skip it this time. If you do skip it, don't feel guilty. I know from previous posts in which you've mentioned scouting, that your family is very involved. It doesn't seem like your boys are the show-up-for-the-fun-stuff-and-skip-the-work kind of scouts.




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It would depend upon whether or not I needed the $200 back. If your time is more valuable than that, then no.


Totally agree.


I think it depends on troop dynamics. If there will be resentment that you didn't show up, then I would go....but if it's simply an opportunity for boys to raise money and your time is more valuable than money at this point; I'd skip it. 1.5 hours in the car and you're already hoping to move by this time next summer, right? I wouldn't go...


I do think this is another consideration - obligation to the troop.  Will you be missed if you're not there?  If it's a completely neutral thing and people don't care if you show one way or another, I'd skip it.  Will other people need to scramble to pick up the slack if you're gone, I would go. 

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Since us not going will mean more profit for those involved, they definitely won't care if we are there or not!



I think it depends on troop dynamics. If there will be resentment that you didn't show up, then I would go....but if it's simply an opportunity for boys to raise money and your time is more valuable than money at this point; I'd skip it. 1.5 hours in the car and you're already hoping to move by this time next summer, right? I wouldn't go...


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Very true.  If their recent trip were dependent on making this money as reimbursement, I wouldn't be asking, it would be a no brainer.


Yes, we usually participate.


But this particular time, we are far busier and stressed out.



I think you've already decided you can give up getting the money or you wouldn't be considering skipping it. In that case I'd look at the other 2 important factors already mentioned.


1. Do your boys usually go, and will skipping be an exception rather than a rule for your family?

2. Are the dynamics of the group such that there won't be fallout from not having gone and helped this one time?


If both of the above are yes, I'd skip it this time. If you do skip it, don't feel guilty. I know from previous posts in which you've mentioned scouting, that your family is very involved. It doesn't seem like your boys are the show-up-for-the-fun-stuff-and-skip-the-work kind of scouts.


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Very true.  If their recent trip were dependent on making this money as reimbursement, I wouldn't be asking, it would be a no brainer.


Yes, we usually participate.


But this particular time, we are far busier and stressed out.


It sounds like you really don't want to do this. So just skip it and don't give it a second thought.

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You know, it sounds like it would be a burden to you and recouping the money isn't imperative to your family.  So, for me I would skip it and try not to feel guilty. 



:seeya: Waving my hand wildly to add a little :thumbup: two-thumbs up for the sale vs. door to door sales funding.  Those were a big pain in my you-know, and I would consider going just to support keeping the option.

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I hate selling and now refuse.  


We have to sell $300 in popcorn PER BOY or donate $100 per boy to our troop.  Selling makes us nuts, so my boys have agreed to do other things to come up with the $100 each rather than sell popcorn!



You know, it sounds like it would be a burden to you and recouping the money isn't imperative to your family.  So, for me I would skip it and try not to feel guilty. 



:seeya: Waving my hand wildly to add a little :thumbup: two-thumbs up for the sale vs. door to door sales funding.  Those were a big pain in my you-know, and I would consider going just to support keeping the option.


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Our neighborhood/area and my house do not lend themselves toward yard sales.  We live a bit far out and our house is VERY far uphill from the street.  We don't have curbs since we are a bit country and it drives DH NUTS if people park on our yard, which they will if we have a sale.  It is a LONG area to cover with rocks or whatever and we don't have them on hand, so we would have to go get them.


Plus, that is MY stuff I would have to sell.  This is someone else's stuff so I didn't pay into it to start with.


Last yard sale our troop made about $3,500 total.  Our immediate family of 5 worked a total of almost 100 hours between all of us.  We made $500, so about $5/hour per person with no taxes taken out!


But we can't count on that amount ($5/hr) because sometimes we make less.



I'm still trying to wrap my brain around how that much money can be made for each family. What a huge yard sale!!!


maybe you could do a yard sale on a smaller scale at your own home? If you have anything to sell. You wouldn't make nearly as much money probably, but you could control the hours, wouldn't have to drive, and allow the boys the experience. Live on the edge, do a late afternoon yard sale ;) Seriously, I don't think I'll ever understand the point of yard sale hours.


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We spend about 15-20 hours SORTING the warehouse prior to the day of the sale.  And that is with about 10-15 people per hour working!


Then we get there at 5:30am and start taking things outside.  The sale starts at 7am and goes until about 3pm.  Then we have to load the surplus either back in to the warehouse OR on to the Salvation Army truck to  donate.  Then we clean up the grounds and the warehouse area until about 6pm.


It is a HUGE deal.





100 hours split between 5 people. 20 hours per person? 20 hours at a yard sale? Was it a whole weekend thing? I can't imagine a yard sale lasting 20 hours.


Well, if you can't do it, you can't do it. I was suggesting selling your own stuff but stuff you don't care about anymore. Then it doesn't matter if you paid into it or not because you don't want it anymore. Old clothing, etc. I understand this option is not realistic for your family now. It was just an idea, if it was applicable.


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Got it.

We have actually be going through things recently as we are going to be listing the house in a few months.


I have really just donated clothing as they are almost not worth selling after 3 boys have gone through them!  


We have sold old toys, etc....and will continue to do so.



100 hours split between 5 people. 20 hours per person? 20 hours at a yard sale? Was it a whole weekend thing? I can't imagine a yard sale lasting 20 hours.


Well, if you can't do it, you can't do it. I was suggesting selling your own stuff but stuff you don't care about anymore. Then it doesn't matter if you paid into it or not because you don't want it anymore. Old clothing, etc. I understand this option is not realistic for your family now. It was just an idea, if it was applicable.


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THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!


We have decided not to go.  I have two down with a cold now and DH says there is no way he has time, so it would just be two of us and we really will just find another way to earn the money.


We are exhausted!



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