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Texting and Driving

Miss Peregrine


296 members have voted

  1. 1. What is "texting and driving?"

    • Typing only
    • Reading only
    • The whole process(reading and typing)
    • Nathan Fillion

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If you want to be technical then "texting" is probably typing in something on the keyboard to communicate with another person.  But yes, when people say "texting and driving" I consider it to mean even just reading something off of the phone.  Both are distracting and dangerous.


Of course, so is someone trying to read a book, eat a bucket of chicken and drive on a highway at 65, which caused a rather horrific accident for my college boyfriend and his mother.  Thankfully they were in a really sturdy car or they would not have survived.  


Drivers of any generation/era can be idiots.  But people are becoming so accustomed to instant communication that it is almost an addiction.  They cannot seem to stop themselves from immediately responding or immediately reading someone else's response.  


I don't have statistics and maybe I am wrong but it seems to me I have seen far more people texting on their phones than I ever saw reading books or eating buckets of chicken while driving.  I have been guilty too of texting when it involved an emergency with the kids.  And it was a mistake.  I nearly had an accident myself.  It scared me terribly.  What if something had happened to me?  Where would the kids be, then?  Or some other poor person and their family because of my lapse of judgement?  No.  It just isn't worth it.  Whatever is happening, it can wait or you (general you) can pull over.  Don't text and drive.

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I went to elementary school with two kids who weren't nearly killed; they were killed. 2 separate incidents. Put the phone down. Pull over. I really don't care what you do, but my kids and your son are more important than anything in the world that could ever be said. Anything.

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I'm just stunned that anyone would think there is any reason for this ever.  I am cautious about changing the radio station while driving.  Meaning I'll wait until I'm stopped at a light or I pull over because I'm that cautious and I think it takes my attention away.  I'm sure that's overkill.  But reading and typing?  WHAT ON EARTH?!

No it isn't,  You are right to be this cautious.  It only takes a moment....My great aunt, who was only in her early 60s, was driving 70 on the highway, adjusted her radio, lost focus for that one critical moment, and lost control of her car.  She died.  The day after talking with me on the phone about all the fun we were going to have when she came for my high school graduation.  

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That's awful.


No text is worth dying over. Again, I just can't understand this. I read some stat that claimed 70% of adults surveyed admitted to checking texts or texting while driving. ADULTS. I know kids do dumb shit, but adults?! And that many?! I don't get it.


Makes me not want to drive really. Unfortunately, it's a little hard to get places without driving.

I have never actually seen a teen texting while driving. I see a LOT of adults doing it. And several police officers.


I did notice the other day that my driving is much worse when my kids aren't fighting, the radio isn't on, and I've got both hands on the wheel. I kept drifting out of my lane for absolutely no reason. I wonder if multitasking when not driving throws me off when I have to focus on one thing, the road, without distractions.

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Do you mean Nathan Fillion?   :)




Buffy the Vampire Slayer (not one of the leads)

Desperate Housewives (not one of the leads)


Can someone else pitch in?  I am forgetting some I know....


I've never seen any of these. I only watch "clean" things so I can watch them in front of the kids, otherwise they swear at church. I did get hooked on OUAT and had to watch it after they went down.

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I actually saw someone flossing and driving! She was steering with her elbows. I honked at her and yelled at her to pay attention.


My mom used to steer with one knee because she had a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. She was very proud of how good she was at it, and that she'd never been in an accident. She's also, oddly enough, not allowed to babysit the kids.

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I hand my phone to my teenager and have him read/type for me. Lol. I voted "the whole process" as well.


This.  If one of the kids isn't in the car with me, the message can wait.  

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My mom used to steer with one knee because she had a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. She was very proud of how good she was at it, and that she'd never been in an accident. She's also, oddly enough, not allowed to babysit the kids.

Really? Why not? ;) ;) ;)

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The whole shebang. 


Hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Always. 


I don't even like touching the radio when driving. The smallest distraction can injure or even kill you and others around you. 


When you are driving, you are operating heavy machinery. I think people fail to realize this - your car is a danger to yourself and others if you cannot properly control it at all times. 

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I actually saw someone flossing and driving! She was steering with her elbows. I honked at her and yelled at her to pay attention.

To her credit, she was paying attention... just not to the road. :glare: I hate that!


It's bad enough when I see people doing stuff like putting on mascara when they're stopped at a light, mainly because I'm always wondering if they'll put an eye out in their hurry, but it really bugs me when I see people things like that while the car is in motion. I haven't seen any flossers, though -- yet.

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I've never seen any of these. I only watch "clean" things so I can watch them in front of the kids, otherwise they swear at church. I did get hooked on OUAT and had to watch it after they went down.

Understood.  DH and I don't watch prime time anymore.  But we are both big science fiction fans from way before we had kids.  We started watching Firefly on DVD because we liked the movie Serenity (continues the story), then just followed Nathan Fillion on to other things because we like his acting.  But we watch when the kids are in bed, either pre-recorded or off of DVD.  

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I thought you were asking in the legal sense. Reading a text is not allowed either under California's no texting law


"Q: Does the “hands-free†law allow drivers 18 and over to text message while driving?

A: No; sending, receiving, or reading text while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited as of January 1, 2009 (VC §23123.5)."

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Guest submarines

I remember a similar discussion here some time ago, I think I might have even started it, but now I can't find a record of it. I was dismayed at how many people thought nothing of reading their text and checking the phone while driving to see who texted them. Obviously I belong to the camp of "the whole thing" and I'm terrified how many people think nothing of checking their texts while driving on the highway. :cursing:

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I thought you were asking in the legal sense. Reading a text is not allowed either under California's no texting law


"Q: Does the “hands-free†law allow drivers 18 and over to text message while driving?

A: No; sending, receiving, or reading text while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited as of January 1, 2009 (VC §23123.5)."



What exactly is 'receiving a text'?  Mine still come in while I'm driving, I don't know how to prevent that except by turning off my phone. 

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What exactly is 'receiving a text'?  Mine still come in while I'm driving, I don't know how to prevent that except by turning off my phone. 


From now on you either need to to turn your phone off or text everyone you know and tell them not to text you until you text them again and tell them you've reached your destination.

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What exactly is 'receiving a text'? Mine still come in while I'm driving, I don't know how to prevent that except by turning off my phone.

Our phones have a "action" something or other that will send an ,"I'm driving" text if someone texts you. You set it up to cone on when you are driving.

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Our phones have a "action" something or other that will send an ,"I'm driving" text if someone texts you. You set it up to cone on when you are driving.


No way would I remember that. My phone stays in my purse while I drive so I might hear a 'ding' but that's it. Usually I have music on or I'm talking to someone in the car and don't even know a text came in. But no way am I going to remember to turn on an 'I'm driving' setting.   Do you really remember to do that every time you get behind the wheel? I'm impressed. 


I'm just shocked that the law would prohibit a text even coming in to a phone while driving.  That sounds really hard to police. 

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No way would I remember that. My phone stays in my purse while I drive so I might hear a 'ding' but that's it. Usually I have music on or I'm talking to someone in the car and don't even know a text came in. But no way am I going to remember to turn on an 'I'm driving' setting. Do you really remember to do that every time you get behind the wheel? I'm impressed.


I'm just shocked that the law would prohibit a text even coming in to a phone while driving. That sounds really hard to police.

Yeah. I would be interested in knowing if anyone has ever faced criminal charges for having a phone receive a text that they never looked at or even knew came in. Sea hard to enforce and unnecessary.
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No way would I remember that. My phone stays in my purse while I drive so I might hear a 'ding' but that's it. Usually I have music on or I'm talking to someone in the car and don't even know a text came in. But no way am I going to remember to turn on an 'I'm driving' setting. Do you really remember to do that every time you get behind the wheel? I'm impressed.


I'm just shocked that the law would prohibit a text even coming in to a phone while driving. That sounds really hard to police.

I haven't used it yet but it turns on automatically when the phone connects to Bluetooth or gets plugged into a charger. You decide the trigger.
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Do you mean Nathan Fillion? :)




Buffy the Vampire Slayer (not one of the leads)

Desperate Housewives (not one of the leads)


Can someone else pitch in? I am forgetting some I know....

Also in Whedon's version of Much Ado About Nothing :)

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In our city they have been trialing using police on motorcycles to specifically target drivers using mobile phones. That means, as far as I know, holding the phone while moving or stationary on the road.


I had not thought about this at all until recently!  I will check while I'm sitting at a stop light but found out this is also against the law because my car is turned on and I'm technically "operating" it.

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Our phones have a "action" something or other that will send an ,"I'm driving" text if someone texts you. You set it up to cone on when you are driving.


Are people really that used to receiving responses immediately that you have to send an "I'm driving" message? If somebody texts me and I don't respond, I trust they will be able to figure out that it is not possible or convenient for me to respond, period. I could be in the bathroom, at work, in a meeting, driving... I can think of many situations where they would simply have to wait. But I guess "wait" is a four letter word nowadays... in the figurative sense

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Are people really that used to receiving responses immediately that you have to send an "I'm driving" message? If somebody texts me and I don't respond, I trust they will be able to figure out that it is not possible or convenient for me to respond, period. I could be in the bathroom, at work, in a meeting, driving... I can think of many situations where they would simply have to wait. But I guess "wait" is a four letter word nowadays... in the figurative sense

I totally agree. People gets so miffed if you don't respond right away. It's like call-waiting. What's so wrong with a busy signal?

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