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Childhood friends

Night Elf

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I am still very close with my best friend I met when I was 12. I moved away from Illinois when I was 18 and she is still there. We were not as close in our 20s, but never lost complete contact. In our 30s, we became closer with free long distance being available. The last 12 years we have seen each other at least once a year. We meet in Florida a lot because she has family there and I used to live there. We talk each week for a long, drawn out 3 hour phone call. She, seriously, talked me though some very hard days after I lost my son. I don't know what I would do without her. I can't even believe we have known each other for 30 years. I love that she knows me from forever and that she basically knows my whole life. It makes it so comfortable to just be with her.

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I moved after elementary school.  I have found a few of my young childhood friends on FB, but that's it.


I'm still pretty close to a small group of my high school friends.  I see most of them once or twice a year when we're in the same place.  One of them lives farther away and we've visited each other's houses a few times.  My kids know my friends' kids.  It's sort of fun.


I really struggled for a long time in my young adult life to find good friends.  I do have many now, I feel.  However, there's something special about those people who knew you when, you know?

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I had a best friend from elementary school that I stayed in touch with until we were 21. Then it just seemed like we changed and didn't have anything to talk about anymore.


I met up with another elementary school friend when I was 27 and divorcing my first husband. She was my Legal Aid attorney. That was rather embarrassing. We didn't talk about our prior relationship at all.

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Are you still friends with your childhood friends? I lost touch with everyone after graduation.


Yes, mostly due to the internet.  I stayed close with two of my best friends from high school though.


The internet is funny.  I tracked down a couple of old best friends before Facebook and we resumed an online friendship.


I have a few dozen FB friends from elementary through high school.  We are all FB friends with each other.  Some I was great friends with, others not so much then, but we are friends now.  There are a few that I wasn't very nice to back then, in the sense that I didn't speak to them in high school because we were in different circles, but they have been very gracious. (Of course they probably didn't speak to me then either, it wasn't an aggressive meanness.)


I'm grateful for these resumed friendships. Some are closer, some are shallow.  But I appreciate the shared memories, that connection that no one else can give me.

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Yes.  There was a group of us who grew up together.  We were in kindergarten together, bluebirds, campfire girls, in every class in elementary school, and then experienced high school and our first two years of college together (we lived in a city with a junior college that was free, so that's where most of us went).  We went through a lot together.  I don't think -- besides my husband and family -- that I will ever have friendships that close (although I do have some great friendships with other people!).  It's just that we shared every aspect of our lives together, and saw each other grow and struggle and mature.  It's a wonderful thing to share!


I was the first one to move out of state, and then others did.  There are about six of us who keep in touch consistently;  we each live hundreds of miles away from each other, in different states and across the country.  My very best friend from childhood and I meet every year for a few days in a state somewhere between us. 


What amazes me is how much we all have in common still.  Three of us even ended up homeschooling!

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I reconnected with a friend from elementary school a few years ago when we both moved back to where we had been living when we were in school. Her son is the same age as my older son, and her daughter the same age as my younger son. When she moved back she became good friends with a good friend of mine, coincidentally, so we have spent quite a bit of time together over the last 8 years or so, despite my moving away. I'm not sure I would be friends with her if it were not for the shared connection, though, because we're quite different and because her dh annoys me (won't work, lets her work and run the house). Recently it's become clear that her son (nearly 13) and mine are on very different educational paths, largely due to parental choices, and she disapproves of my choice for my ds and makes that clear through the occasional pitying comment about him (poor boy! he has to wear a uniform!). It makes me a bit sad, because I'm happy we still have a friendship that goes back so far, and I wish our sons would be able still to be friends in a few decades. They are so clearly headed in different directions, though, that I don't think it will be possible.

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I am in touch with a handful of childhood friends through Facebook. But, I have never lived near my hometown since college. I have had dinner with them while back home or when they happen to be in my neck of the woods once in a very great while.


But, I think I would have to answer the original question no.

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This is one of those moments when I remember that I'm old. I graduated from college in 1986.

In that case, you are only about five years older than me.


Errr...if/when our children start asking question here for their kids should we request a WTGs board? ;)

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my best friend from when I was 14 is still my best friend. Some rough patches but she's very dear to me.


I'm still friends with my husband. We met at high school when I was 15. :)


other than that, no. I'm purposefully hidden on fb to keep it that way.

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I've known my best friend since middle school.  We weren't that close and she moved around a lot.  We got in contact about 20 years ago when I found out she worked nearby.  We both ended up having children around the same time and quitting our jobs.  We got together now and then.  About 12 years ago, I moved near her and we hung out a lot. As time went on, my busyness with homeschooling my kids and her busyness with her kids' sports and her family business  keeps us from actually seeing each other, but we talk almost daily.  


We share secrets, sorrows and worries and save our husband's thousands in therapy.  Honestly, we don't have much in common except loyalty to each other. 

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My best friend since Kindergarten stopped wanting to talk/hang out when I started homeschooling.  She is a public school teacher and strongly disagrees with homeschooling.  It has been hard, especially since her husband is my DH's best friend.  The three of us still hang out and talk, but former best friend always has something she needs to do.  They were the ones that set up DH and I on a blind date.  I miss her and hope that at some point she comes around.

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I had one childhood friend that I considered to be my best friend. I moved, and that was kind of it. 

Same thing happened to me with my one friend from my teenage days. 

Now it's happening with my one friend from college. 

I guess that means I'm fixing to make my one friend (aside from DH!) as an adult...I never could handle more than one friend at a time!

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I keep track of several people I grew up with on Facebook. But other than that I really don't have contact with anyone (other than family) that I knew before college. Dh on the other hand has had the same best friend since 2nd grade, we see him all the time. We are friendly with several of his other friends from as well childhood since we still live where he grew up and people often stay in the area.

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Dh and I moved away from our childhood homes more than 20 years ago so we're not really friends with any of our childhood friends. Except Facebook- and the girls I was best friends with are just casual Facebook friends now. When we reconnected, we spent a few days messaging and getting caught up but since then, nah. 


My sister had a best friend when she was in junior high and her first two years of high school. Then our parents moved us far away and they didn't see each other for years though they mostly kept in touch.  Now both are widows and sis's friend has moved in with my sister. It's sweet that they have each other - and that's pretty cool to have such a longstanding friendship. 


Most of their neighbors think they are lesbians, though. 


My bf and I always joke that if we are ever widowed/divorced, we will move into a little trailer and live out our golden days together.  She is Mary Kay Place and I'm Louise Lasser.  I'm sure the neighbors will think the same of our arrangement.

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