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Prayer request for dh....going back for an mri -

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We go back to the radiologist later today to get MRI's done again of his back - we'll see if his tumor has grown or not - and we'll get to see how "things" look -since I think some of the inflammation has gone down.


If nothing else - we will hopefully be able to see, from the mri's, if dh will need surgery.


I don't know what to expect.



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The tumor has not changed in size. The doctor recommended that dh have surgery. I will be calling the neuro-surgeon tomorrow am to set an initial appmt with him. The head radiologist has offered to contact the surgeon's office to help expedite the process. Hopefully he can be soon!


We are sooo ready to move forward with this. I guess it's good to know finally where things are headed. That helps to some degree....


thanks for the prayers & thoughts

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wasn't going to post this but.... here I am....


.....many of you have maybe read what has been going on with dh's health problems - with the tumor on his spine vertebrae. We decided to go to Johns Hopkins for a surgery consult (thank you GVA for that link!) - just had that last Thursday.... and now surgery is scheduled for Tues (1 wk from today - March 4). The surgeon is the best we could have found - he is head of the Hopkins Spine Institute too. He seemed like a great guy and a very experienced & knowledgeable surgeon so I think dh will be in great hands. He even emailed dh directly when he found out dh had graduated from Hopkins with his phd! (thought that was neat)


Since nobody can tell exactly what is wrong until surgery he gave us 3 scenarios: 1. it is a disc fragment, 2. it is a benign tumor (which in removing most of it will probably cause nerve damage in dh's right leg - so he will prob need a leg brace), and 3. it is a malignant tumor (in which he will have to cut out that whole section of nerve - leading to loss of leg use, etc etc). He would definitely need radiation if it is malignant but may also need it if it is benign because of trying to get rid of the tumor entangled in the nerve. Hard waiting to know what is going on.


We have family coming to stay with the kids - their uncle will try to do "school" with them - and will take them on already scheduled hs field trips! lol I will be able to stay with dh while he is in the hospital in Baltimore, MD.


Everything has been stressful - staying busy is good because I keep my mind off things. Dh is actually flying up this Thurs - Fri for pre-op stuff concerning anesthesia and stuff - guess he is high risk because of the brief seizure he had out of the blue in Oct. He's going to fly home to spend the weekend with the kids (and me). He and I fly back up on Mon.


So....that's the latest. I'm glad tho we are finally getting somewhere after all that he has gone through~ the pain and everything is definitely wearing on him..... I can't wait till we get back home and get in a home groove again. I just pray & pray it all works out~ kwim?

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We sat them down to talk to them a couple nights ago but....they kinda had their minds on doing Disney with their cousins on Thurs..... lol - oddly enough dh's brother and family & his parents are all in town for his brother's "disney" vacation. We are doing disney with them on Thursday. Dh will be in a wheelchair so he can come too! (~ not sure how that will go)


I explained it simply - they don't know how serious it could get. Maybe we will try to explain it again when they can be a little more focused on what we are talking about. Disney & cousins first I guess~

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I'm convinced recognizing a problem is half the battle. I'm so thankful your family is on the road to officially figuring what is really going on in there. I know the waiting is downright painful at times. Know that you have prayer support from your cyber friends. We appreciate these updates as you are able!



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And to your family too. I'm glad things are moving ahead. Somehow, the dread involved in waiting can just eat a person alive. I bet the hospital has web access available through patient liaison people (sometimes Social Workers take care of this). So you know, you can keep family in the loop. And maybe us too. ;)


We'll be praying here.

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We decided to go to Johns Hopkins for a surgery consult (thank you GVA for that link!) - just had that last Thursday.... and now surgery is scheduled for Tues (1 wk from today - March 4).


I know you're glad to finally have a direction for this. Please know that you have my wishes for all good things to come of this. My brother underwent surgery for advanced prostate surgery at Hopkins a couple of years ago now. They have a remarkable team there -- you'll be in good hands.




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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys have been in prayers for quite a while now and I'll continue to keep you there. I'm glad you have some family around to support you while dh is in the hospital. Please make sure you're taking care of yourself while all of this is going on - it's so easy to let "you" go and it's not good for you or your family (ask me how I know). I'll be here praying for the very best outcome for you and dh. ((()))

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Their family has been on my mind (and my prayers). I'm just wonder how the surgery went and how things are going. DH has had six neurosugeries and just got back to work after five months at home on medical disability, so I'm wondering how things went for them...?


She hasn't posted since before the surgery.

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hi everyone~ I haven't really been at the computer but once I did log on and went so far to check the WTM site - I was touched to see some of the posts -


Ok ...here is our latest update:


Dh had surgery on Tuesday - we had an excellent surgeon - dh went into anesthesia at 5:30am - they started cutting at 8:50am - and I got to see him in recovery at 2pm - so it was about a 4 hour or so surgery. He wound up getting 2 rods in his back with screws and plates in that area.


guess what the BEST news was? dh did not have a tumor!!!!!:eek::) the surgeon went in - I guess looking for one - didn't see anything obvious - dh's sciatic nerve was extremely swollen & inflamed but get this.... before the dr decided to cut his nerve to try and find where the "thing" was that was the root of dh's pain he looked one last time up and under the nerve he was facing and lo and behold stuck between the nerve within that circular hole of the vertebrae was a disc fragment the size of his thumb nail!! - it was wedged in there between the nerve where it passes thru the vertebrae!! how it got lodged there of all places is just bad luck I guess! I asked how on earth all the dr's in Orlando were looking at dh's scans and seeing a tumor and the surgeon explained that at the site where the disc fragment was there were lots of broken blood vessels & the disc fragment itself started to get a coating of something on it so.... that soft tissue would absorb the dye from the mri.


It really was shocking to have the surgeon come out and tell the family that following dh's surgery because dh and I were expecting it to be *some* kind of tumor. So it really was miraculous to say the least that it was not. A prayer was answered!


Dh has had some "wrinkles" to his recovery following his Tues surgery.... there was a knick in his spinal column during surgery so he did leak some spinal column fluid. (it was repaired during Tues's surgery) - but that leak lead to a severely painful headache with sensitivity to light for him since that afternoon. He had to lay flat from Tues till this am. And then.... they did do a cat scan and found that one of his screws did not go in straight and came out the side of the vertebrae and so it was recommended that they re-do it to make it right. He had his 2nd surgery this am first thing. That seemed to go well and he seemed to be doing much better after this surgery than that first one. However.... while all this spinal fluid leak and screw surgery has been occurring - he has also struggled with a low oxygen level in his blood. They decided to keep him in neuro-ICU to monitor him tonight because of that. Hopefully THAT is all cleared up by tomorrow and he is back in his regular room.


My in-laws have been with me a lot and that has been a huge support to have them there. The day of surgery his older brother and his best friend were with us too so that was super. His mom will leave this weekend to take over watching the kids.


I've spoken to the dc daily but being away from them has been really, really hard. To hear my dd cry on the phone that she misses her mommy & daddy and wants us home just totally breaks my heart. With these recent set backs he has had the last couple days his release date keeps getting pushed back but it'll prob be around Thursday this coming week. Agh - another week! I am so anxious to take him home and for us to be with the dc again!!!


So thanks for the well wishes - dh will hopefully being doing much better when I see him tomorrow & will continue to progress!


(hope this post made sense - I'm kinda tired and my thoughts aren't very clear!)



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Pster, my critical care nursing background includes surgical and neurosurgical ICU and I just want to say that I think you did a marvelous job of communicating the info! :-) More importantly, I am jumping up and down with glee (figuratively if not literally) at your family's tremendously good news. As I've said before, our family is all too familiar with "ruling out malignancy" and I have felt your pain. I can MORE than imagine the joy with which you received the post op news!!!!!! Praise the Lord for He truly does reign!


Let that good news enable you guys to weather the "storm" of these post opt days. Oh how blessed it is to know that things are so much better than what they *could* have been, yes? Of course, that's not to say that these days are EASY for I know they are not. I'm just trusting that in the discouraging moments you'll be able to draw strength and encouragement from the peace of mind you carry knowing it was not a tumor and trust that the same Heavenly Father who saw you through the last few weeks/months will see you through these next days/weeks to ultimate victory.


Thanks for taking the time to share!


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....guess what the BEST news was? dh did not have a tumor!!!!!


Pster, I am so happy for you and your family! I can imagine the overwhelming relief you must have felt when the surgeon gave you that news. Did you just fall all to pieces right there in the waiting area?! I sure would have!


Glad to know that the subsequent "hurdles" are being managed, though I know you all have to be totally exhausted from everything that's been happening. So...still sending you healing thougths and stamina to see this through even though I know you're missing your children dearly. They will be okay -- they're in good hands. Trust in that and know that you and your dh are in good hands where you are as well.


Joy for you!



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I wasn't going to post this but.... here I am....


.....many of you have maybe read what has been going on with dh's health problems - with the tumor on his spine vertebrae. We decided to go to Johns Hopkins for a surgery consult (thank you GVA for that link!) - just had that last Thursday.... and now surgery is scheduled for Tues (1 wk from today - March 4). The surgeon is the best we could have found - he is head of the Hopkins Spine Institute too. He seemed like a great guy and a very experienced & knowledgeable surgeon so I think dh will be in great hands. He even emailed dh directly when he found out dh had graduated from Hopkins with his phd! (thought that was neat)


Since nobody can tell exactly what is wrong until surgery he gave us 3 scenarios: 1. it is a disc fragment, 2. it is a benign tumor (which in removing most of it will probably cause nerve damage in dh's right leg - so he will prob need a leg brace), and 3. it is a malignant tumor (in which he will have to cut out that whole section of nerve - leading to loss of leg use, etc etc). He would definitely need radiation if it is malignant but may also need it if it is benign because of trying to get rid of the tumor entangled in the nerve. Hard waiting to know what is going on.


We have family coming to stay with the kids - their uncle will try to do "school" with them - and will take them on already scheduled hs field trips! lol I will be able to stay with dh while he is in the hospital in Baltimore, MD.


Everything has been stressful - staying busy is good because I keep my mind off things. Dh is actually flying up this Thurs - Fri for pre-op stuff concerning anesthesia and stuff - guess he is high risk because of the brief seizure he had out of the blue in Oct. He's going to fly home to spend the weekend with the kids (and me). He and I fly back up on Mon.


So....that's the latest. I'm glad tho we are finally getting somewhere after all that he has gone through~ the pain and everything is definitely wearing on him..... I can't wait till we get back home and get in a home groove again. I just pray & pray it all works out~ kwim?


have family members that will even continue homeschooling for you!

You have probably gone to the top of the line in terms of hospital & surgeon.

Will pray it's nothing malignant and use of leg is preserved.

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Pster, my critical care nursing background includes surgical and neurosurgical ICU and I just want to say that I think you did a marvelous job of communicating the info! :-) More importantly, I am jumping up and down with glee (figuratively if not literally) at your family's tremendously good news. As I've said before, our family is all too familiar with "ruling out malignancy" and I have felt your pain. I can MORE than imagine the joy with which you received the post op news!!!!!! Praise the Lord for He truly does reign!


Let that good news enable you guys to weather the "storm" of these post opt days. Oh how blessed it is to know that things are so much better than what they *could* have been, yes? Of course, that's not to say that these days are EASY for I know they are not. I'm just trusting that in the discouraging moments you'll be able to draw strength and encouragement from the peace of mind you carry knowing it was not a tumor and trust that the same Heavenly Father who saw you through the last few weeks/months will see you through these next days/weeks to ultimate victory.


Thanks for taking the time to share!




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