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Homeschool teen kicked out of local prom because the male chaperones found her too sexy

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Maybe, just maybe, you aren't considering the possibility that this was out of concern for the, unfortunately, hot and sexy teenage girl. Maybe they were trying to protect her from the inevitable rape that she was risking because of said boners. Maybe we should not jump to judgement until we have heard the boners' side of the story.

Someone wearing a short dress is NOT NOT NOT NOT why rape happens. This is incredibly offensive.

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How much cleavage do you show?

Well, I'm only a 34B, and show a 34C with a trampy push up, size up bra. It's a sad pathetic excuse of a rack I'm sportin'. Best I can do is go out in a camisole and if it's really stretched out you might maybe see a flap of skin that could easily be mistaken for thigh cellulite!


But, in honor of the sport, I'm willing to do my best in this regard. I don't want to put on airs and try to appear smarter than I am.


I had a friend once with rather large booKs whose home base during her college years was a mobile home. But her major was nuclear physics and she sported a 4.0 while working with special Olympics and tutoring at a local school, so really, I'm not certain how this particular theory received scientific momentum. I must be missing something! :D

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Someone wearing a short dress is NOT NOT NOT NOT why rape happens. This is incredibly offensive.

:hurray:  :hurray: :hurray:  


If this were true, I would imagine that in Afghanistan where the burqa is required, or Yemen with it's balto there would be no sexual abuse of females or that nuns wearing habits have never been raped, or teen age boys in their jeans and tee shirts, or .....Given that the overwhelming evidence is to the contrary, the myth needs major debunking.


Then again, an awful lot of people think that rape is about sexual pleasure when it is about aggression, dominance, power, and the high that a twisted soul gets from deeply torturing another human being. There is no way to "dress" to avoid such a sick mind.

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Maybe, just maybe, you aren't considering the possibility that this was out of concern for the, unfortunately, hot and sexy teenage girl. Maybe they were trying to protect her from the inevitable rape that she was risking because of said boners. Maybe we should not jump to judgement until we have heard the boners' side of the story.



what?  seriously?  no no no just no


You protect young women by telling young men that they are responsible for controlling their own behavior and that rape is wrong. 


If they were certain that they were 'rescuing' this young lady they should have formed a tag team to take her home.  Somehow, kicking her out into the night is Okay?



ETA: Sorry Sadie my sarcasm detector must be failing. I apologize for the hasty reaction.


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Someone wearing a short dress is NOT NOT NOT NOT why rape happens. This is incredibly offensive.


I wish we could like something repeatedly. Like, like, like, like.


ETA: I have since read the posts saying SadieMarie's post was sarcasm. Still, the point itself is deserving of likes because that sentiment plays a big part in rape culture.

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Sorry, if it was sarcastic! I have seen one too many serious post like that in my time. I was posting in between visits with doctors.

No problem. I understand. That is why I can't respond seriously to this kind of crap and have to try for humor, though obviously not always successfully lol. Responding straight up would eventually make my head explode with rage. Then there I would be, trying to homeschool my kids with no head :(.

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No problem. I understand. That is why I can't respond seriously to this kind of crap and have to try for humor, though obviously not always successfully lol. Responding straight up would eventually make my head explode with rage. Then there I would be, trying to homeschool my kids with no head :(.


I've started adding </sarcasm> after online sarcastic comments.

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I cuss like a sailor. Those that know me personally and professionally are aware of this yet they still take me very, very seriously. in fact, when I drop F-bombs it usually means "this is serious business and everyone best pay attention." Why? Because an attitude with a mouth to match can be a good thing, especially when standing up to injustice. Language is a powerful tool to rock boats and affect change.


Those that know you, know you.


I disagree that an attitude and a mouth are what make anyone be taken seriously.  I think you can be taken seriously in spite of them.

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What really p isses me off is that I have to send my girl out into the world with all these males who have apparently been taught that they are not responsible for their own boners, even as grown men. So here is a question, seriously with no sarcasm; what do people who put responsibility on the girl teach their sons to do when a boner happens? How does that work? I mean, I am assuming they are not allowed to, hmmmm, take care of it themselves? Sonny boy, it isn't your fault if you have a youknowwhat. It is because of that hussy over there, the one who deserves whatever she gets. What is that saying to boys?


Ok, my blood pressure is rising now.

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I can think of a couple but I'm pretty certain SWB would and company would.not.be.amused. :D

Well we made tank tops for the "Happy Trampy Mommy Club", so maybe we could get megaphones for speaking to boners that are particularly .........hard of hearing?

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Well, I'm only a 34B, and show a 34C with a trampy push up, size up bra. It's a sad pathetic excuse of a rack I'm sportin'. Best I can do is go out in a camisole and if it's really stretched out you might maybe see a flap of skin that could easily be mistaken for thigh cellulite!


But, in honor of the sport, I'm willing to do my best in this regard. I don't want to put on airs and try to appear smarter than I am.


I had a friend once with rather large booKs whose home base during her college years was a mobile home. But her major was nuclear physics and she sported a 4.0 while working with special Olympics and tutoring at a local school, so really, I'm not certain how this particular theory received scientific momentum. I must be missing something! :D


I would join your club, but the only place I've managed to lose weight in is my bookshelves.  I am sad.  :001_unsure:

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Rats!  Just when I thought we had found a new target for the group's ire.  


An entire page has gone by.  I'm pretty sure it's time to rag on Minniewannabe's comment some more.



Eh.  The first few replies had good points.  


But once you're the 6th or 14th in line, it's just a bunch of hens gathered around to peck at the one with the bad eye.   :rolleyes:

I am confident of two things:


1) Minniewannabe has been around the hive long enough to know that those comments would draw serious fire.


2) Comments like those going unchallenged allows the rape culture to persist.

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I would join your club, but the only place I've managed to lose weight in is my bookshelves.  I am sad.  :001_unsure:


My! Your IQ must be over 200 by now then!


Colour me impressed!

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What really p isses me off is that I have to send my girl out into the world with all these males who have apparently been taught that they are not responsible for their own boners, even as grown men. So here is a question, seriously with no sarcasm; what do people who put responsibility on the girl teach their sons to do when a boner happens? How does that work? I mean, I am assuming they are not allowed to, hmmmm, take care of it themselves? Sonny boy, it isn't your fault if you have a youknowwhat. It is because of that hussy over there, the one who deserves whatever she gets. What is that saying to boys?


Ok, my blood pressure is rising now.

Can I be honest with you? In my experience with the patriarchial crowd, arousal is something that happens to males OUTSIDE the movement. Seriously. I'm not making that up. They just simply do not broach the subject and act like it doesn't happen. Their focus is on "impure thoughts" and of course those only happen because every female they've ever seen in their lives is classified as a tramp if she has any bodily attractiveness regardless of what she wears.


There is a very strong sense of denial and a disconnect in their thought processes. One mom told me her husband would never need to tell their son about such things because he was raised properly and would never have an erection until his wedding night.


Don't know what cool-aid she was drinking but me thinks that even a marginally decent anatomy and physiology book would set that straight! But, being set straight is not the name of that game because the point of the game is to blame all male woes and in particular, anything to do with male minds and male genitalia on females.


I've known several parents from the more conservative forms of patriarchy (not to be confused at all with Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy) and they consider anything remotely related to human reproduction as "taboo" subject material. As one woman put it, "They'll figure it out on their wedding night I'm sure." Another mom and dad said they would write notes to their children explaining what was about to happen and place them in their luggage before they left the reception. I don't know what their own backgrounds were, but the mind set that if they even gave their kids the slightest information about how their own bodies worked, those kids would be running around having orgies was very real. So, sometimes I have to wonder if people who did have regrets or very unfortunate experiences end up attracted to the worldview because they think it offers their kids protection from whatever it is they suffered through or experienced. It might not be that way. But, I do wonder about it.


The hang ups are very real. The determination to believe that specific things do not happen, cannot happen, and are farthest from their children's minds and bodies is paramount. The public humiliation and scorn for having a child that doesn't maintain the illusion is huge.

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Where's the proof that the Dads were responsible for this at all? A woman may or may not have said something to that effect, but was it true? No male person ever was heard speaking in any of the stories, right?


All I can think about is how hard my husband sacrifices for our ability to homeschool, how tired he is all the time after a long day at work and his subsequent attention to his family. His life, basically, sucks. And now it seems like "homeschooling Dad" is synonymous with pervert and patriarch?

Now *my* blood is boiling, because I really don't like this at all.


I'm starting to read more and more about how men should avoid college because women will accuse them of things and they won't get a fair hearing. I'm so sick of it all.

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I am confident of two things:


1) Minniewannabe has been around the hive long enough to know that those comments would draw serious fire.


2) Comments like those going unchallenged allows the rape culture to persist.


Like I said, the first few replies were relevant and made a point.  

But after the 47th comment, it's just a gaggle of women being b*t¢hy.



I've never had a whole lot of use for women in packs, though, so that might just be my perception.  lol

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Where's the proof that the Dads were responsible for this at all? A woman may or may not have said something to that effect, but was it true? No male person ever was heard speaking in any of the stories, right?


All I can think about is how hard my husband sacrifices for our ability to homeschool, how tired he is all the time after a long day at work and his subsequent attention to his family. His life, basically, sucks. And now it seems like "homeschooling Dad" is synonymous with pervert and patriarch?


Now *my* blood is boiling, because I really don't like this at all.


I'm starting to read more and more about how men should avoid college because women will accuse them of things and they won't get a fair hearing. I'm so sick of it all.

What? Don't you know that the vast majority of people discussing this are partnered with persons known as "homeschooling Dads?" So obviously, as logic dictates, we don't think homeschooling Dads are perverts and patriarchs. We just think perverts and patriarchs are perverts and patriarchs.


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Where's the proof that the Dads were responsible for this at all? A woman may or may not have said something to that effect, but was it true? No male person ever was heard speaking in any of the stories, right?


All I can think about is how hard my husband sacrifices for our ability to homeschool, how tired he is all the time after a long day at work and his subsequent attention to his family. And now it seems like "homeschooling Dad" is synonymous with pervert and patriarch?


Now *my* blood is boiling, because I really don't like this at all.


I'm starting to read more and more about how men should avoid college because women will accuse them of things and they won't get a fair hearing. I'm so sick of it all.

I don't think anything about this thread implied that all homeschool dads or even a small percentage of them are pervy. Yes, many have had negative experiences with encouraging of perviness within the patriarchial movement, but given that the vast majority of us are married to good and decent men and we homeschool, it doesn't stand to reason that anyone was claiming all homeschool dads are pervy.


Given that millions of men and male teens attend college every day without incident, it also does not stand to reason that males should  avoid college. Can you site an article from a reputable news source, law enforcement officials, etc. that makes such a statement?

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Like I said, the first few replies were relevant and made a point.  

But after the 47th comment, it's just a gaggle of women being b*t¢hy.



I've never had a whole lot of use for women in packs, though, so that might just be my perception.  lol


Interesting that you are more concerned about the number of people that called her out than about the gross comment she made.

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Can I be honest with you? In my experience with the patriarchial crowd, arousal is something that happens to males OUTSIDE the movement. Seriously. I'm not making that up. They just simply do not broach the subject and act like it doesn't happen. Their focus is on "impure thoughts" and of course those only happen because every female they've ever seen in their lives is classified as a tramp if she has any bodily attractiveness regardless of what she wears.


There is a very strong sense of denial and a disconnect in their thought processes. One mom told me her husband would never need to tell their son about such things because he was raised properly and would never have an erection until his wedding night.


Don't know what cool-aid she was drinking but me thinks that even a marginally decent anatomy and physiology book would set that straight! But, being set straight is not the name of that game because the point of the game is to blame all male woes and in particular, anything to do with male minds and male genitalia on females.


I've known several parents from the more conservative forms of patriarchy (not to be confused at all with Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy) and they consider anything remotely related to human reproduction as "taboo" subject material. As one woman put it, "They'll figure it out on their wedding night I'm sure." Another mom and dad said they would write notes to their children explaining what was about to happen and place them in their luggage before they left the reception. I don't know what their own backgrounds were, but the mind set that if they even gave their kids the slightest information about how their own bodies worked, those kids would be running around having orgies was very real. So, sometimes I have to wonder if people who did have regrets or very unfortunate experiences end up attracted to the worldview because they think it offers their kids protection from whatever it is they suffered through or experienced. It might not be that way. But, I do wonder about it.


The hang ups are very real. The determination to believe that specific things do not happen, cannot happen, and are farthest from their children's minds and bodies is paramount. The public humiliation and scorn for having a child that doesn't maintain the illusion is huge.

You are NOT making me feel any better! I guess I will just strongly advise dd to look for a nice agnostic boy like her dad.

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Like I said, the first few replies were relevant and made a point.  

But after the 47th comment, it's just a gaggle of women being b*t¢hy.



I've never had a whole lot of use for women in packs, though, so that might just be my perception.  lol


So, then what are you doing hanging out with a pack of thousands of women on this board?

What? Don't you know that the vast majority of people discussing this are partnered with persons known as "homeschooling Dads?" So obviously, as logic dictates, we don't think homeschooling Dads are perverts and patriarchs. We just think perverts and patriarchs are perverts and patriarchs.


I'm out of likes, so ^^^LIKE!

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Where's the proof that the Dads were responsible for this at all? A woman may or may not have said something to that effect, but was it true? No male person ever was heard speaking in any of the stories, right?


All I can think about is how hard my husband sacrifices for our ability to homeschool, how tired he is all the time after a long day at work and his subsequent attention to his family. His life, basically, sucks. And now it seems like "homeschooling Dad" is synonymous with pervert and patriarch?


Now *my* blood is boiling, because I really don't like this at all.


I'm starting to read more and more about how men should avoid college because women will accuse them of things and they won't get a fair hearing. I'm so sick of it all.


Do you have any idea how few rapes/sexual assaults are *reported* on college campuses?

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Interesting that you are more concerned about the number of people that called her out than about the gross comment she made.

It is entirely unfair that I have no more likes left. I believe I should be an extra special snowflake who deserves a double helping of likes. :biggrinjester:

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Thank you! BTW, I never got a tank top.















None of us got the tank top. Somehow we dropped the ball on that one! But then, I never got my witch starter kit from Audrey years ago during the Ken Ham kerfuffle and I was looking forward to my goat.


That's just how it goes sometimes! :D

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Where's the proof that the Dads were responsible for this at all? A woman may or may not have said something to that effect, but was it true? No male person ever was heard speaking in any of the stories, right?


All I can think about is how hard my husband sacrifices for our ability to homeschool, how tired he is all the time after a long day at work and his subsequent attention to his family. His life, basically, sucks. And now it seems like "homeschooling Dad" is synonymous with pervert and patriarch?


Now *my* blood is boiling, because I really don't like this at all.


I'm starting to read more and more about how men should avoid college because women will accuse them of things and they won't get a fair hearing. I'm so sick of it all.

My husband works his ass off too so that we can homeschool. He is an awesome husband and father. And yet he still manages to understand that he is responsible for his own boners. I mean, I do try to take an interest of course, but ultimately he is responsible. And he manages to be good with that even while working at a university where he must interact with beautiful and even sometimes, gasp, sexy young coeds.

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My husband works his ass off too so that we can homeschool. He is an awesome husband and father. And yet he still manages to understand that he is responsible for his own boners. I mean, I do try to take an interest of course, but ultimately he is responsible. And he manages to be good with that even while working at a university where he must interact with beautiful and even sometimes, gasp, sexy young coeds.




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All I can think about is how hard my husband sacrifices for our ability to homeschool, how tired he is all the time after a long day at work and his subsequent attention to his family. His life, basically, sucks. And now it seems like "homeschooling Dad" is synonymous with pervert and patriarch?


? Most of us are married to homeschooling dads.



I'm starting to read more and more about how men should avoid college because women will accuse them of things and they won't get a fair hearing. I'm so sick of it all.

What does this even mean?!

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