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Ask an INFJ essential oil using kombucha drinking tornado alley living midwife...

Heather in OK

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Do you use the kombucha drinking alley for an essential oil? And how does that fit in with midwifery?

I can drink my kombucha while sitting in my hallway waiting out the threat of a tornado.  


I drink kombucha while at births….???




Do you work at a BC or independently?

Independently.  I am an INFJ after all.  :p  j/k  Actually I do have my own practice but I work in collaboration with two other midwives.  We assist each other at births and provide back-up if needed.  

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I can drink my kombucha while sitting in my hallway waiting out the threat of a tornado.  


I drink kombucha while at births….???


Independently.  I am an INFJ after all.   :p  j/k  Actually I do have my own practice but I work in collaboration with two other midwives.  We assist each other at births and provide back-up if needed.  


very nice!  It must be hard too.   3 of my 6 births were with 2 different independent midwives.   I was so sad when the first one moved away.  BC are lovely too, very nice... but there's a different relationship when it's just one mw to work with.

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Now I want kombucha! I home brewed it for a few months from at scoby I got from someone off freecycle, also got kefir grains from someone off that sight. Then I went on vacation for 2 weeks and dh wasnt up for the task of dealing with it. Now I want to start making it again. The store bought stuff is no good.

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You're wearing glasses! That belongs in the thread title too. I have nothing to ask. I use essential oils. I used a midwife. I used to drink kombucha tea. I don't drink anymore. I live in tornado alley. I haven't seen a tornado but if I would have driven fast enough I might have caught up to it. :( I have felt hot and cold air at the same time from different directions and saw the clouds over my head swirling in many directions and coming down and then heard the tornado siren. :(

I decided yesterday not to get on here anymore but it is addicting.


ETA: What's an INFJ?


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Have you ever seen a tornado?  I have never seen one, but I've had nightmares about them. 

The closest I've ever come (Thank God) is seeing cloud rotation.  Last Spring a tornado passed about a mile from our home.  



Have you ever caught twins? With or without kombucha? :)

No, not yet.  



You're wearing glasses! That belongs in the thread title too. I have nothing to ask. I use essential oils. I used a midwife. I used to drink kombucha tea. I don't drink anymore. I live in tornado alley. I haven't seen a tornado but if I would have driven fast enough I might have caught up to it. :( I have felt hot and cold air at the same time from different directions and saw the clouds over my head swirling in many directions and coming down and then heard the tornado siren. :(

I decided yesterday not to get on here anymore but it is addicting.


ETA: What's an INFJ?

And I'm an only child.  And we have seven chickens.  And I knit.  So many things…not enough room in the title space.  :p  


INFJ is a personality type.  It stands for Introverted iNtutive Feeling Judging.  



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:lol:   I just want to say-so cool.  I really wanted to be a midwife.  I'm an INTJ, though. And my kombucha starter died a horrible death. ;)


I am an INTJ who has had two midwife assisted births. I have killed kefir grains. Not all that easy to do, I might add. 


This is beginning to sound like some kind of "six degrees of separation" thing.  :tongue_smilie:

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I drink store bought, yuppie kombucha flavored with raspberry and pomegranate.  Will you still talk to me?  Or will you throw me into the tornado?  


Do tornados look like they do on the Wizard of Oz?  (We don't have tornados where I live.)

I can't speak for OK, but here in IL they're not that cool.  Not even any flying witches.  *sigh*


P.S. I drink yuppie kombucha, too.

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I'm inspired. I shall start an Ask a Low Maintenance Woman thread. It WILL be boring.


It was the Ask a Mom of an Only thread that confused me. My first thought was that we ALL know what ONE child is like. It's the logistics of raising 10 kids that have me staring in wonder and fascination.

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I make kombucha at home. We live in an area that can get to F105 in the summer and every summer I am scared my scoby could die. Since OK gets pretty hot too, I was wondering what you do? Do you dare refrigerate it??  I don't know why I am scared of refrigerating it but evidently I'd rather tremble over it and cover it up with cold towels than have it go to "sleep" in the fridge and never "wake up" again...Oh, we have cra&&y air conditioning - old farmhouse - hence my concern.

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I've had a midwife-assisted homebirth (almost hubby-caught.)


I'm a birth junkie - I always wanted to be a midwife, but I couldn't figure out how to be a mom, homeschool and attend births that happen when they happen.  Instead, I became a childbirth educator and taught for 12 years.


I wear glasses.  I've tried the multifocal contact lenses, but I just couldn't read anything in them, which meant I couldn't function.


I've never had kombacha - I keep hearing about it and how bad it supposedly smells, but I don't know why people drink it.


No chickens - suburbia here.


I've seen funnel clouds.  We had a microburst come through our neighborhood.  It picked up our metal shed (12 x 12 building,) carried it over our 6 foot fence and dropped it into our neighbor's yard.  But, on a table not 10 feet from the shed, it left a book and several rings.  I also was locked down in our high school during a tornado warning - backs against the lockers and heads in our knees.  It came that close to us.  Best tornado story ... one night when I was in high school, we went to bed under a tornado watch.  I was afraid to go to sleep as the air had that "icky" feeling.  I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a freight train and I ran through the house screaming for everyone to get downstairs.  Scared the c*ap out of my family - as it turns out, it was my alarm "wake to radio" that was between stations and set to the wrong time. 


I don't knit.  I've always wanted to learn, but haven't had the patience.  I used to crochet, but gave it up when pregnant with my oldest.  The swelling made my wrists too painful and numb. 


I use essential oils on occasion.  I was cleaning out a drawer and found my "happy smell" special combo - I had forgotten about it. 



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I drink store bought, yuppie kombucha flavored with raspberry and pomegranate.  Will you still talk to me?  Or will you throw me into the tornado?  


Do tornados look like they do on the Wizard of Oz?  (We don't have tornados where I live.)

I've never seen one, just the cloud rotation.  And I drink store bought 'bucha too.  ;)


I make kombucha at home. We live in an area that can get to F105 in the summer and every summer I am scared my scoby could die. Since OK gets pretty hot too, I was wondering what you do? Do you dare refrigerate it??  I don't know why I am scared of refrigerating it but evidently I'd rather tremble over it and cover it up with cold towels than have it go to "sleep" in the fridge and never "wake up" again...Oh, we have cra&&y air conditioning - old farmhouse - hence my concern.

My jar sits in a dark corner of my kitchen counter.  Doesn't get hot enough in the house for it to cause a problem.  And no, you don't put it in the fridge while it is fermenting…that cold will stop the fermenting process.  I bottle it, do a 24-48h second ferment, and then put it in the fridge.  



I'm a birth junkie - I always wanted to be a midwife, but I couldn't figure out how to be a mom, homeschool and attend births that happen when they happen.  Instead, I became a childbirth educator and taught for 12 years.


I've never had kombacha - I keep hearing about it and how bad it supposedly smells, but I don't know why people drink it.


It was more of a challenge when the kids were smaller (I've been doing birth work for almost seven years).  Now they are all independent, can complete school work without me there constantly, can help take care of the house, and make meals.  


Kombucha doesn't smell bad.  If it brews too long it smells like ACV.  Lots of probiotics, vitamins, etc.  Really great stuff for your gut.  :)  Plus…it's fun to make and it's yummy!  ;) 

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Just had to say that I love midwives and have used them in different capacities for all of my pregnancies. I particularly loved my CPMs because they were able to let me call the shots on my care but provided the expertise I needed when I needed it. I'm really glad women in other areas have access to midwives like you.


Have you done a breech birth? Was it exhilarating, terrifying, or both?

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Love kombucha. We go through periods of brewing our own, but then get lazy and buy some. All 3 of my kids were cnm attended births. One hospital, one fsbc, one homebirth. I sadly can't recall my Meyers Briggs type...but I am extremely tilted to the introvert side. Just did a quick one and came back istj. If I had good childcare, would have considered midwifery. I have a master's in a different health care field, but not currently practicing.

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Just had to say that I love midwives and have used them in different capacities for all of my pregnancies. I particularly loved my CPMs because they were able to let me call the shots on my care but provided the expertise I needed when I needed it. I'm really glad women in other areas have access to midwives like you.


Have you done a breech birth? Was it exhilarating, terrifying, or both?

No.  I know *how* to assist in the delivery if it were a surprise breech and baby was coming *NOW*.  But I won't purposefully do a breech delivery.  I just didn't have the training for it in my apprenticeship (we never had anyone have a breech).  I know my limits.  ;) 

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Okay, I hope that I don't offend with my question. I am just really curious if you have delivered a baby during a tornado. Did you find that kombucha helped? Were the essential oils also useful or was it too much combined with kombucha?

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