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Weird food concoctions that ended up tasty


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I am stretching out our pantry. For dinner my DDs asked for grits. I said ok and then thought, "man, wish I had some smoked sausage to put in it" because smoked sausage and onions is delicious. I then remembered I had half a bag of pepperoni from making garlic bread pizza. So, I cook the grits, add some butter and put a pepperoni slice on top of my "sample bite." It was really good, but then I remembered I also had half a jar of pizza sauce.... so, I tried a sample with a wee bit of pizza sauce and pepperoni on my grits.


I must say: PIZZA GRITS ROCK! Delicious!


So, what have you put together that ended up being a huge hit?

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I am laughing so hard!!  I love it!  Pizza grits!


One night in desperation early in our marriage we dumped the crumbs from the pita chip and regular chip bags onto some foil, mushed up and dropped the leftover beans on top, shredded the last bit of cheese on top of that, toasted it and voila! nachos you eat with a spoon...

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I am laughing so hard!!  I love it!  Pizza grits!


One night in desperation early in our marriage we dumped the crumbs from the pita chip and regular chip bags onto some foil, mushed up and dropped the leftover beans on top, shredded the last bit of cheese on top of that, toasted it and voila! nachos you eat with a spoon...


I totally do something similar with the chip crumbs. I just dump them all in a bowl and then spoon on the salsa, cheese or beans and eat them cold....now I am going to have to heat them and try it that way!

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Some of my best work has been crap I just threw together.  LOL


The other day I was trying to figure out what to do with some last bits of ham.  I shredded cabbage and carrots and fried that up in a pan with some bacon fat and added pan fried bits of ham.  My husband really liked it.  I make something similar with ground turkey or pork, but with more of an Asian twist adding soy sauce and toasted sesame oil.  It was as good with ham though (I did not add the soy and sesame oil to that though).


Left over odds and ends often become part of soups.  I usually make one large pot a week. 


With the dill pickle thing I would have chopped that up and added it to chopped hard boiled eggs and a bit of mayo.  You can either eat that as a sandwich or boil potatoes and make a potato salad.


yes, I put dill pickle in eggs and mayo for egg salad... not with my pb sandwiches, though hahaha

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Last year when I was pregnant I came up with this heavenly concoction: grilled cheese, mustard, and mint jelly.  The whole family loved it and we still do it occasionally!


hmmm sounds possibly good. I like ritz crackers, cream cheese and jalapeño jelly... similar, not mint but similar.

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I was feeling all satisfied after eating my new concoction and now I wish I had jalapeno jelly, cream cheese and crackers (or mint would do).  :(


O.k. my concoction wasn't all that momentous as something unusual and really cool but it tasted really good and I did manage to clear out several previous dishes of leftovers.  :thumbup1:


Dinner inspired by this thread:  Leftover mushroom raviolis mixed with the remains of the red pepper humus, the leftover asparagus, the left over broccoli, the left over plan greek yogurt, a few slightly dried out jalapeno slices from the leftover pizza and what was left of the pita chips crushed up and sprinkled on top.  

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sounds good to me!


I was feeling all satisfied after eating my new concoction and now I wish I had jalapeno jelly, cream cheese and crackers (or mint would do).  :(


O.k. my concoction wasn't all that momentous as something unusual and really cool but it tasted really good and I did manage to clear out several previous dishes of leftovers.  :thumbup1:


Dinner inspired by this thread:  Leftover mushroom raviolis mixed with the remains of the red pepper humus, the leftover asparagus, the left over broccoli, the left over plan greek yogurt, a few slightly dried out jalapeno slices from the leftover pizza and what was left of the pita chips crushed up and sprinkled on top.  


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hmmm I'd try it. The mandarin oranges give me pause BUT I love a squeeze of lime. I also love cilantro lime dressing, so, I would probably adore this concoction as well... maybe light on the oranges ; )

This is not as weird as the rest of this thread. I saw the recipe on here, and I thought, "this is going to be great or AWFUL." Best salad ever! Avacado, mandrin oranges, diced serrano pepper, lime juice, and, was it salt or pepper?


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I thought the sauce was going to taste similar to a tsasiki (sp?) sauce...until I read the maple syrup hahaha

Cold flank steak (cooked) cut up and tossed with chopped cucumbers with feta cheese and dressing made of oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce,lemon juice and maple syrup. It is amazing!


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Canned tuna scrambled with eggs. Used as a sandwich filling with miracle whip. On white bread:). I usually just have it when dh is not home because he doesn't like it At All.


hmmmm I could see this potentially working.. I put hard boiled eggs in my tuna salad so why not scrambled?

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DH eats Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. And I have to admit they are not too terrible.  :blush:


We discovered as children that chocolate crackles and tomato sauce are a tastier combination than we imagined. I don't know if I still think so. :lol:

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We discovered as children that chocolate crackles and tomato sauce are a tastier combination than we imagined. I don't know if I still think so. :lol:

I can see this.  I always wigged Mom out when we would go to Jason's Deli because I would get the chocolate mouse with chocolate chips for dessert...then sprinkle my leftover tomato soup on top of it.  Yummm!!!!


And in college when the school ran out of milk, and well, pretty much everything, one day, I took one of those little boxes of Cocoa Pebbles, poured orange juice in it and ate it.  Tasted really good as long as I didn't stir.  :)

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Makes me think of the time my younger son asked me if I'd make him a ham and Nutella sandwich.  I think he couldn't make up his mind between a ham sandwich and a Nutella sandwich.  I thought that sounded really gross.  Well, he ate it all, but then he did say not to ever make it again.  LOL


I love ham, and Nutella is one of the few chocolate things I enjoy on occasion, but I don't think I would combine the two.  Yes, it's sweet and savory, but it's also chocolate pork!  Yuck.

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Did anyone else eat cream cheese and green olive sandwiches growing up?  I used to LOVE them.  I wish I could still eat them - would need to find a dairy free substitute for cream cheese!


I didn't eat cream cheese and green olive sandwiches but I did eat cream cheese and green olives spread on doritos.  Yummy!!


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The other night I was making a grilled fish and some baked zucchini, but I needed something else. I found a bag of hash browns in the freezer, and I thought potatoes and fish sounded good, but hash browns???  So I melted butter with rosemary, chives, garlic, and a small bit of chipotle powder. Then I dumped the hash browns on top and browned them. At the very end I grated sharp cheddar on top and flipped them so the cheddar melted and got a bit crusty.  They were awesome!


One from growing up: hot dog with ketchup, mustard, and cheese rolled in a tortilla toasted on a skillet.  

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Well, I didn't cook it, but when I got my first job someone gave me a dark chocolate milky way bar (can't remember what they are called) and I thought it was too sweet...so I spread butter all over it.  It actually tasted really good. (Lord knows what the caloric and fat content were...)


My brother loved mashing up banana in his baked potato.


I liked putting prunes on a toothpick as a kid and dipping them into my ice cream.



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Well, I didn't cook it, but when I got my first job someone gave me a dark chocolate milky way bar (can't remember what they are called) and I thought it was too sweet...so I spread butter all over it.  It actually tasted really good. (Lord knows what the caloric and fat content were...)


My brother loved mashing up banana in his baked potato.


I liked putting prunes on a toothpick as a kid and dipping them into my ice cream.


ok, I'm starting to think you are just trying to see what silly stuff you can make me do by suggestion alone?! I shall refrain from the candy bar with butter and the potato and banana... the prunes and ice cream... my grandmother would have loved ya! She also ate frosted flakes and buttermilk!

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Fish Fingers and Custard.  Thanks to the 11th Doctor, this is the only way my dd eats fish sticks.  {"They aren't fish STICKS, Mom.  They're fish FINGERS."}  I think it's disgusting, but I still make the custard.


like, what kind of custard? When I think of custard, I think of crème brulee, etc.

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like, what kind of custard? When I think of custard, I think of crème brulee, etc.


Birds Custard powder.  We have a British food section at our Kroger so I get it there.  Because, apparently, we need the REAL British custard to enjoy our fish fingers. :glare:

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