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What's all the hype about the Frozen movie?


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We watched it on OnDemand this weekend and all really liked it.  Indy and James Bond really, really liked it.   :confused1:  I'm not sure what it was, but something about it really appealed to them.  I liked it a lot too.  It was funny and sweet and beautiful to watch.  I really love all the blue shades in the movie.  It was nothing like Snow Queen, which I really like, but that's okay with me.

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I have six daughters. My second, third, fourth and fifth girls grew up particularly close. We moved quite a bit when they were little so they grew up best friends. All if their memories involve each other. They are now teens and they're all growing up and starting their lives and will probably settle in various areas of the country. I thought the beginning of the movie was too tragic for words. This poor child is rejected by her best and only playmate, believes it to be her fault, then loses her parents as a teenager so that she is completely alone in the world with no companions and yet she's supposed to be well adjusted and chipper as if nothing has ever happened? Maybe I'm over identifying, but just couldn't get past the premise to enjoy the rest of the movie. I still can't. I really hate this movie.

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I have six daughters. My second, third, fourth and fifth girls grew up particularly close. We moved quite a bit when they were little so they grew up best friends. All if their memories involve each other. They are now teens and they're all growing up and starting their lives and will probably settle in various areas of the country. I thought the beginning of the movie was too tragic for words. This poor child is rejected by her best and only playmate, believes it to be her fault, then loses her parents as a teenager so that she is completely alone in the world with no companions and yet she's supposed to be well adjusted and chipper as if nothing has ever happened? Maybe I'm over identifying, but just couldn't get past the premise to enjoy the rest of the movie. I still can't. I really hate this movie.

My two youngest daughters are really close, as well, and I had a hard time with the opening, too. I cried tears several times imaging my girls never playing together again! I did end up liking the movie, though. Listening to those girls sing all the songs together is a delight.

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Whew. I thought I was the only one. I saw the movie. I liked it OK but it didn't knock my socks off. There were definitely positive elements but it just wasn't as amazing for me as it seems to be for everyone else. The snowman was kind of funny, I guess. But even the music wasn't that awesome to me. 


I like Mulan better.  :thumbup1:





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I thought the beginning of the movie was too tragic for words. This poor child is rejected by her best and only playmate, believes it to be her fault, then loses her parents as a teenager so that she is completely alone in the world with no companions and yet she's supposed to be well adjusted and chipper as if nothing has ever happened? Maybe I'm over identifying, but just couldn't get past the premise to enjoy the rest of the movie.

I agree!

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I began to swear Disney must have finally weaved mind control into their movies. The amount of friends and kids that are obsessed with it (including my youngest 2) are over the top. I have friends who took their children to see it in the movies 4-6 times and planned to go back for the sing a long. I finally took DD to see it right before it stopped playing in the theater and she sang the songs non stop from youtube.  It was a cute movie and on par with the Disney standard but I don't understand the pandemonium.

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See,now I found the beginning especially poignant, and I think it is why my younger boy loves the movie so much. My boys are 5 years apart and about 2 years ago there was a major re-alignment of their relationship. My older boy used to bound out of bed and announce to his little brother what the game of the day would be. They would spend the day being pirates or elves in a forest etc. He started this pretty much as soon as my younger boy was able to toddle behind him. He would spin huge stories and create costumes and plot lines. My friends agreed that he was the best big brother in history.


Well, a dragon lives forever but not so little boys, right? My oldest is a teenager now and he still spends a bit of time in that fantasy world to 'indulge' his little brother (not because he likes it, right?) but things are not the same. My poor younger son really hit the wall hard. I remember him sobbing "I don't know how to live in my house if he won't play with me. I don't understand my life anymore".  It was a really tough time for them both. My older boy was never cruel or anything like that. He is still the best big brother. He was just growing up. I can't make a 14 year old into a 9 year old.


So,  'do you want to build a snowman' really speaks to my younger boy, as does a story about love between siblings. Even though things have changed, because life is change, they are still the best of friends.

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I saw it and it was ok. I thought Rapunzel was better. There were weird plot holes in Frozen that bugged me. Here's the honest trailer for it (honest trailer tells what movies are "really" about, pointing out plot holes and stuff. They're funny.)




We love Honest Trailers even though they destroy some of our favorite movies. :D

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There's a theory out there that the King and Queen were going to Rapunzel's wedding when their boat wrecked, and that that's the shipwreck that Ariel is exploring in the beginning of The Little Mermaid. 



The seagulls from Finding Nemo was in it, too.

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Initially, I just thought it was a pretty good movie. I thought it was pretty to watch. Had a bit too much singing for me. Then... My 15 year old daughter told me why she loved it. Oh my goodness... It brought me to tears. She is the proud owner of being diagnosed with depression. Since her brother died, it hit her hard. It took me awhile to see it and even then it was more because she told me that she needed help. She has spent a year working on finding a better place. She told me that the Let It Go song summed up how she felt perfectly. I told her that made me sad that she suffered. She told me that I shouldn't be sad because I saved her just as Anna saved Elsa in the movie. She said true love saved her. Oh... It still makes me cry when I hear the song. I bought her the DVD and gave her a card saying I would walk to the ends of the earth to save her.


Kari that made me cry, how beautiful.  For my chronically ill and depression, anxiety and panic attack kid it is Katy Perry's Roar that is our "hang in there" anthem.  Make me cry everytime I hear it because I think of her and and I tell her, "that's going to be you!"

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Whew. I thought I was the only one. I saw the movie. I liked it OK but it didn't knock my socks off. There were definitely positive elements but it just wasn't as amazing for me as it seems to be for everyone else. The snowman was kind of funny, I guess. But even the music wasn't that awesome to me. 


I like Mulan better.  :thumbup1:


Love Mulan.  "Dishonor on YOU, Dishonor on YOUR COW". :)

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We liked it.  It was fun to watch.  It had a good message, the sisters saved themselves, there were cute characters and funny moments, there were cute sometimes catchy songs, we liked the plot even with some annoying holes, we will almost certainly watch it again...but I do not see how it is the best Disney movie ever.  I just don't.  I can think of several that I thought were beautifully done and I don't see Frozen as topping them.  Why the hype?  No clue.  It was good.  But I just couldn't see it as the be all and end all of ALL Disney movies ever created.  Maybe the issue was that we watched it late in the game and heard all the hype ahead of time.  We may have walked in with expectations that were subconsciously just too high so it suffered by comparison?

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We liked it.  It was fun to watch.  It had a good message, the sisters saved themselves, there were cute characters and funny moments, there were cute sometimes catchy songs, we liked the plot even with some annoying holes, we will almost certainly watch it again...but I do not see how it is the best Disney movie ever.  I just don't.  I can think of several that I thought were beautifully done and I don't see Frozen as topping them.  Why the hype?  No clue.  It was good.  But I just couldn't see it as the be all and end all of ALL Disney movies ever created.  Maybe the issue was that we watched it late in the game and heard all the hype ahead of time.  We may have walked in with expectations that were subconsciously just too high so it suffered by comparison?


We saw it on what must have been the opening weekend?  I hadn't even heard of it before, but the boys were going to watch the Hunger Games movie with DH and I didn't want dd to feel left out so I took her.  So no hype here, and still meh.

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I have six daughters. My second, third, fourth and fifth girls grew up particularly close. We moved quite a bit when they were little so they grew up best friends. All if their memories involve each other. They are now teens and they're all growing up and starting their lives and will probably settle in various areas of the country. I thought the beginning of the movie was too tragic for words. This poor child is rejected by her best and only playmate, believes it to be her fault, then loses her parents as a teenager so that she is completely alone in the world with no companions and yet she's supposed to be well adjusted and chipper as if nothing has ever happened? Maybe I'm over identifying, but just couldn't get past the premise to enjoy the rest of the movie. I still can't. I really hate this movie.

Well, she was certainly chipper, but not very well-adjusted. As evil Hans put it, she was so desperate to be loved that it impacted her judgment. Who gets engaged to a man she's just met, after all?


But I get what you're saying. Both girls recovered a bit too quickly from their horrible childhood.

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I thought it was a very pretty movie. I was unhappy with the sexiness of the Queen in her new dress. Where I'm from, we'd say she had quite a hitch in her giddy up. Can we not have a normally proportioned Queen??


My 11yo is obsessed with it. She's quite the drama queen so I suspect she identifies herself with the poor girl who no one understands.

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I like it a lot. Sure, it's not the perfect movie and there are parts that annoy me...

It's exciting though. I had 5 boys in a row then 2 daughters. It's the first girly movie that my oldest daughters were old enough to go to the theatre to see and to be very excited about. So, that's why I'm so excited about.

I remember seeing the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the beast, Lion King and Aladdin in the theaters when I was a kid/teenager. I hope my girls have the same fond memories.

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I haven't read any other replies.


I did NOT think it was the best Disney movie ever. I probably wouldn't even put it in my top 3.


Is it a good movie? Yes. I like the story of it. Overall I like the movie.


But the songs are not great. The 'Let it Go' song is extremely over dramatic in the movie, and it's one of those annoying ones that gets stuck in your head in less than 2 seconds. I know why all sorts of famous people try to cover it though - it's a power-voice song that is super easy to show off with, if that is your thing (which, for most famous people...yeah :) )

And the other songs are mediocre.


Everyone around here loves it sooooooo much and I'm always like, weeelllll...it's fine. It's not bad, but it doesn't live up to all the hype people are trying to give it.


And being a music person, that sort of thing matters to me. Dh went out and bought the movie Friday, and he teased me about not wanting to watch it with the fam (we had already seen it in the theater, on Christmas Eve), but in the end he was like 'well if you think the story is good and just dislike the music, that explains why you don't love the movie. And the music isn't as good as some of the others have been.'

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Well, she was certainly chipper, but not very well-adjusted. As evil Hans put it, she was so desperate to be loved that it impacted her judgment. Who gets engaged to a man she's just met, after all?


But I get what you're saying. Both girls recovered a bit too quickly from their horrible childhood.

Actually that's a good point. I guess I was just attributing that to her being a teenaged girl. But I could see that.


I remember sitting there with tears welling thinking, "Really Disney? This is the best holiday movie storyline you could come up with?"

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Whew. I thought I was the only one. I saw the movie. I liked it OK but it didn't knock my socks off. There were definitely positive elements but it just wasn't as amazing for me as it seems to be for everyone else. The snowman was kind of funny, I guess. But even the music wasn't that awesome to me.


I like Mulan better. :thumbup1:

I never tire of Mulan. Did you know Mulan almost wasn't made? I remember reading that it didn't follow the usual Disney formula and was on the kill list, but because of its lack of status the people working in it were basically forgotten and left to their own devices. If the studio heads had been more involved at the time, Mulan would have been a much different movie.

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See,now I found the beginning especially poignant, and I think it is why my younger boy loves the movie so much. My boys are 5 years apart and about 2 years ago there was a major re-alignment of their relationship. My older boy used to bound out of bed and announce to his little brother what the game of the day would be. They would spend the day being pirates or elves in a forest etc. He started this pretty much as soon as my younger boy was able to toddle behind him. He would spin huge stories and create costumes and plot lines. My friends agreed that he was the best big brother in history.


Well, a dragon lives forever but not so little boys, right? My oldest is a teenager now and he still spends a bit of time in that fantasy world to 'indulge' his little brother (not because he likes it, right?) but things are not the same. My poor younger son really hit the wall hard. I remember him sobbing "I don't know how to live in my house if he won't play with me. I don't understand my life anymore". It was a really tough time for them both. My older boy was never cruel or anything like that. He is still the best big brother. He was just growing up. I can't make a 14 year old into a 9 year old.


So, 'do you want to build a snowman' really speaks to my younger boy, as does a story about love between siblings. Even though things have changed, because life is change, they are still the best of friends.


Lol, now I'm all teary again. I think I grieved for the artificially early interruption of the sibling bond and all the lost time. My girls have done the same thing to the younger ones as they hit puberty and I know how painful that transition is.

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Unrelated to my opinion of the movie, at the point that the sister and Hans are walking around during the ball I swear I thought she was going to turn to Hans and break out into "Call me, Maybe". I knew a song was coming and I thought that one would be perfect for the scene. But then they sang something else. 

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Dh and I both loved it. Dd and ds, both older teens, loved it.


We saw it recently at 9pm and the theater was still packed.


I find it interesting how it is appealing to teens especially.


Elsa is a near-perfect metaphor for the teen years: Hiding your true self. Powers/desires that you must learn to control, and that you are often made to feel ashamed of. Isolation, fear, concealment, feeling alone in the world. Longing for the power to 'let it go' and be your true self. 

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I has mixed feelings about Olaf. What I really want to know is, am I the only one who immediately identified him with Nathan Lane? To me that made him rather cliche-ish. And yeh, I'm showing my age.

Dh caught that it's the same actor from Book of Mormon.

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I just saw the movie and I thought is was cute.  I didn't feel there was much entertainment value for adults.  I thought the parents were terrible to hide the kids from each other.  Why didn't they get more help for her?  If magic could bring one sister back to life, then you would think there was some sort of magic to help the other sisters power or help the parents understand what to do better.  


My dd7 loved it.  She keeps watching.  I'm glad she relates to it and maybe it's more for that purpose.  I wanted to know why the sister had this power in the first place and why did Olaf got created and the sister didn't realize it?  It just seemed to be missing stuff.  I guess I'm just used to having it all spelled out.  Maybe I'm just too simple minded.

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