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Cosmos- Evolution Episode


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I didn't get to watch the whole thing, I saw close to 20 minutes.  It seemed well done.  I'm a big fan of Neil Tyson Degrasse, so I've been trying to catch the show, but lately I haven't had much time for any tv. 


I did watch an hour of the live show of the men in the space station.  Did anyone else see that?  I enjoyed it.  It was fasinating to watch them in space!  

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We enjoyed it a lot, especially the "creature's eye view" in the evolution of the eye section. We also liked the hall of extinction stuff and talked about how some people, including Sir David Attenborough, believe we are entering a sixth mass extinction.


I liked this episode better than the first.

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We don't have a tv so we watched the first episode on Amazon, no ads :D I found it a little over the top with the special effects, as though they were trying really hard to make the astonishment and mystery of our cosmos even more thrilling through technology. The curious and engaged adult in me took umbrage at that though I imagine there's a sense of having to compete with the accessibility of various planetarium/IMAX etc shows at museums and science centers. But the subject matter was accessible to the whole family and we all enjoyed it. We'll likely watch the next episode.

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We are on slow internet for the rest of the month, and sadly the station locks episodes of shows when the new one comes out so we missed the first episode of cosmos, but I am hoping to maybe park in front of the library with dd14s laptop and have the family watch this one at least, 

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It's an immediate hit in our house. We **love**NdGT, and so far the show has been excellent. It's inspired so many great conversations already. I was super impressed in this recent episode with how he dispelled myths and told the facts straight up, while remaining respectful.

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We haven't seen this one yet. I will try to convince the boys to stream it on Friday or Saturday.


I've seen the original Cosmos, and it comes across as dated. It was also a PBS series, not a commercial broadcast show, so they had different standards etc.  My boys are enthralled by it, and that was my hope.

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I've never seen the original so can't compare.  I'm a fan of the graphics in this version.


I look at it this way --


Cosmos v1.0 aired in 1980.


The Hubble was launched in 1990, but had to have it's near-sightedness fixed on a subsequent mission, so we didn't even get the best images until much later.


Pixar's first feature film (Toy Story) came out in 1995.


Gotta wonder if Carl were alive, would he do a George Lucas and go back to re-do Cosmos with the newest animation and digital techniques, and release it straight to DVD as a "director's cut."  I kinda doubt it.


Add 34 years worth of advancing science, and there would have to be a lot of updates.  Then again, I found Sagan's narrative to be a bit more dreamy, a bit more philosophical, so it has it's place.  Neil dGT has a different style, befitting the polarized times, IMO, that pairs the philosophical with the slam-dunk facts needed to cut through the chatter.


Cosmos II lives in a post-truth world in which anyone can find sources, no matter how remote, dubious, or unchallenged, to back up their own worldview, which is the promise and the curse of the web.

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Another fan of Neil deGrasse Tyson.  I think the programs are well done but find the commercial interruptions to arrive at odd places.  Ugh.  Maybe I just prefer public television.


:iagree: :iagree:




Would have been better on PBS -- this is gonna be a must-buy when it comes out on DVD.

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It airs too late for my kids so we've been watching it on Hulu the day after. It ends up being better that way because even though there are commercials, it's less than when they air it live. I tried watching the first one on our local Fox station, but it was obnoxious so count me among those who would have preferred it on PBS.


We're using Intellego's Evvolution unit study right now so I'm finding Cosmos dovetails nicely.

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I just found a great (and short) site that lays out why some things are called theories while others are laws.  Relates directly to Episode 2, when NdGT used evolution and gravity as examples of facts, but this adds some needed background to the language scientists use, yet the public tends to grossly misunderstand:


Happy Scientist

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We are on slow internet for the rest of the month, and sadly the station locks episodes of shows when the new one comes out so we missed the first episode of cosmos, but I am hoping to maybe park in front of the library with dd14s laptop and have the family watch this one at least, 



Just an FYI: we are watching this on Amazon (not Prime, it's $1.99 per episode, but well worth it IMO) - no commercials.  In case anyone is dying to see it sans commercials.   :)


It's on Hulu. I don't know where it's available but it's free and at home.

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We have been watching it in Hulu streaming via the Wii since we don't have cable. Hulu plus is about $8 a month. The commercials are way less and shorter.


Both of my sons are absolutely transfixed by it. The cartoon stuff is a little odd but on the whole I think it is a great program.

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:iagree: :iagree:




Would have been better on PBS -- this is gonna be a must-buy when it comes out on DVD.

I think putting it on regular network TV was purposeful, that Tyson and his team wanted to reach an audience that never watches PBS. I swear I heard somewhere (but I can't find the article or broadcast for reference) that the sorry state of general scientific knowledge in this country was of such great to concern to him that network TV this was one a promising avenue for reaching more people.

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I just found a great (and short) site that lays out why some things are called theories while others are laws.  Relates directly to Episode 2, when NdGT used evolution and gravity as examples of facts, but this adds some needed background to the language scientists use, yet the public tends to grossly misunderstand:


Happy Scientist


We love the Happy Scientist! We subscribe to his site and ds10 is a huge fan. He used to live near us, and ds was bummed when he moved to the midwest.


We have Cosmos in the hulu queue. I was just telling the boys I want to watch it tonight.

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Watching Tyson on Cosmos makes me feel like I am cheating on PBS.  It just feels wrong.


It's okay - Carl Sagan died in 1996, and he would want you to move on with your life and continue to learn with a new scientist. Even Fox is made of star stuff. 

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