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Low HCG--has anybody ever a healthy pregnancy outcome?


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So after repeated miscarriages in a row we found a great doctor to help us. I tested positive a few days ago and we have been both terrified/excited.


The nurse called today to tell me that my HCG levels are extremely low. As in 10. It may just be too early (not quite 5 weeks even!), but everything I am finding online leads me to believe this pregnancy will not be viable:(


I am on progesterone and B6, so it is a question of wait for now...it is the weekend of course, and I am scheduled to leave on a SB trip with family so cannot get in for another HCG check until the 17th! I know levels are supposed to double every 48 hours or so, but...


Anybody have any experience with this? Initial scares that turned out all right?

Thanks for the help. I think I might go crazy just 'waiting' whilst we are on vacation!

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I don't know my numbers, but I was apparently so low on hcg that pregnancy tests showed consistently negative until I was nine weeks along. And I was so certain I was pregnant that I took FOURTEEN of them between 3.5 weeks and 9 weeks. DD is now 3.


Eta: Good luck!

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My cousin's were extremely low with 2, and they thought she miscarried once. She's been pregnant 3 times with 3 perfect children and is due again in a few months. :) I know you can't not stress over it but it's not anything to worry about.

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I know a few people who tested negative when they were clearly pregnant - you could see it and a baby appeared at the appropriate time. My first pregnancy was in doubt because the levels didn't double but it sorted itself out. It is really just wait and see sorry. Hugs.

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I had a low level with Hobbes.  He's a strapping 13yo now and the pregnancy was completely uneventful.  The doctor speculated that it could have been due to drinking a lot of water - I was living in Hong Kong and was very wary of dehydrating.


Best wishes



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Levels should double every 2.3 days........so don't forget that 'point three'.........it matters.......


I know women who gave birth to beautiful wonderful babies and they began with low numbers.


In addition, ask your doc if they do a progesterone smear.........it's kind a like a Pap smear without a speculum. Progesterone must "clump" to be effective. The smear shows if the progesterone is clumping. If not, they usually prescribe crinone gel as well. I had that issue when I was pg with my now 13 yr old twins...so I did progesterone injections as well as crinone for quite awhile.

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My 18yo son is here today and my HGC was so low that no one thought he would make it. I also used progesterone. I lost another pregnancy where the new doctor I had would not give me progesterone with similar levels. The doctor was a big jerk, I am still angry at her.

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I had a very low level with my first child. The doctor said I would miscarry. I cried for days. He made me wait a week before he checked it again and by then it looked better. That was one of the worst weeks of my life. That doctor was really stupid and appeared uncaring at all. My pregnancy was fine and my dd21 was a very healthy baby.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words and support. I am relieved to hear that a positive outcome is still at least possible. I think this will be a very, very long week.


I bought a bunch of home pregnancy tests from Amazon, and I have been trying to decide if it would be more or less reassuring to take one or five. The first one I did prior to seeing the doctor was so very faint that maybe getting a darker result would be slightly reassuring. But of course, the opposite would just stand to freak me out even more:(


I guess I just will really need to try not to panic...and it is Spring Break vacation with the family. My daughter has been looking forward to it for a month, so I will hold her tight and do my best to enjoy the family we have at the moment.

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Update op?

Thanks for caring enough to ask:)


Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we are going to have a good outcome. We were able to get back from Spring Break early enough on Thursday to have a repeat blood test. My HCG went up to only 21...in over a week. I have an appointment with the doctor first thing Monday, but he said in Friday that he believes we are looking at yet another 'chemical' pregnancy.


He is referring us to another fertility specialist in a town 2 hours away, but we have been through so much with all of pregnancy ups and downs that we have to decide if we really can face even more:(


Thanks to all of you who chimed in with stories and words of hope.

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I'm so sorry, any updates?


I haven't ever had my levels checked, but I know of so many who are situations similar to yours. Please don't lose hope. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with losses :(

Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, we are now certain that this was/is a 'chemical' pregnancy.

And the results of many, many tests came back. At least we have some answers, even if they aren't what we hoped for. Apparently both my hubby and I carry the gene for Factor V Leiden, a clotting problem. We knew there was history in his family for blood clots, but due to adoption my history was less clear. We aren't sure where we will go from here...it IS possible, we have one healthy child. But this can result in early losses...or serious problems/stillbirth in later trimesters.

The next step will be meeting with fertility specialists to decide if/what to do next. Whilst we would love another child, I guess we will really need to gather information and discuss whether just because something CAN be done, should it in our specific situation.

Thanks so much everyone for your kind words and thoughts...

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Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, we are now certain that this was/is a 'chemical' pregnancy.

And the results of many, many tests came back. At least we have some answers, even if they aren't what we hoped for. Apparently both my hubby and I carry the gene for Factor V Leiden, a clotting problem. We knew there was history in his family for blood clots, but due to adoption my history was less clear. We aren't sure where we will go from here...it IS possible, we have one healthy child. But this can result in early losses...or serious problems/stillbirth in later trimesters.

The next step will be meeting with fertility specialists to decide if/what to do next. Whilst we would love another child, I guess we will really need to gather information and discuss whether just because something CAN be done, should it in our specific situation.

Thanks so much everyone for your kind words and thoughts...

:grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug: I am so sorry and wish you all the best as you search for answers and make decisions.  

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