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Prayer for tomorrow, please...cardiac cath on the schedule. UPDATE in #15

Halftime Hope

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Whew.  It has been a whirlwind.  Thanks for the prayers!  (The shoes just keep on dropping this year...we have to run out of shoes sometime, right?)


The cath results were that dh has major, serious blockages in two different places.  Stents or bypasses must be done, and with the rest of his history, it is likely that the best option for him would be bypasses. 


We are going to talk with a couple of alternative practitioners about other options, although I'm definitely not sure I'm convinced.


At this point, if you still have capacity to pray, we need wisdom and guidance. 


Things I'm thankful for:  1) this isn't an emergency decision.  2) He's smart enough to take it easy and really listen to his body instead of being a bull in the china shop.


Thank you so, so much for the support and encouragement.


P.S.:  I'm not troll. I wish I were:  


 - Last week of Jan, dh was in a major, damage-on-every-portion-of-the-car accident, car still in the shop but not totaled (not sure that's a good thing, but at least we aren't out the cost of a new vehicle), and he walked away only minorly banged up.  Huge reason for thanksgiving on that one.


 - First of Feb, through the 17th, my mom took a sudden turn for the worse, passed away, and we had her funeral.  Truly though, again, even though it is stressful, we have been loved, prayed for, and encouraged at every turn, and if you look at the pics from the funeral, all the family has genuine smiles, enjoying the time with friends and feeling the love.  :-)


 - Third of Feb, dh went to see the doc due to a cough that wouldn't go away.  Doc pushed the panic button on a heart scan from *last summer*  (really?  you're getting excited about something you have sat on for six months, the same report we read and  asked you about 5 months ago, and you never responded---hmmm... ) He sent dh to a cardiologist who said, "let's do a cath and stents."  Umm, no.  Second opinion, thank you, because diabetics--particularly those on insulin--don't do well with stents.  Which brings us to now, and I'm thankful for second opinion doctors who are thoughtful and listen well.  


And I'm thankful to the WTM community for their care and support.  Much to be thankful for, right? 





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