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Locked in bedroom (I'm an idiot)


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The kids, dogs, and myself were just locked in my kids' bedroom for the last 3 hours!  The lock is on the outside because of when my oldest was little we had to switch the doorknob because of these terribly dangerous out bursts he'd have..  Keeping him in his room was the only safe option until he calmed himself down.


Anywho,  my dd who is 3 locked the door before closing it because she just learned doors could be locked.  The key is usually in the room but was recently taken out to unlock a bathroom that she refused to leave.  key never got put back into the bedroom.  


So I didn't think it would be too bad, since we were in there to read books and head to bed.  Dh was suppose to be home from work at 7:30, which would have meant we were in there for an hour reading, saying prayers, and what not.  Well  both kids out of diapers had to pee badly and there was only one diaper in the room.  So I put that on dd and told my ds to pee in a box! 


Well if you've read my post about my dh's work you wouldn't be surprised to hear he didn't get home till 9:15!  After all the kids were asleep and I was still in the room with a very full bladder I searched EVERYWHERE for something to unlock the door.  Found a hair clip  behind the bed, broke it in half, and got the door unlocked. DH got home from work a minute after I got out of the room!!!



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Ds locked dh and himself in the bedroom when ds was about 4 and I was at work.

Luckily, dh had house keys in his pocket and was able to climb out the window and get in the house.

It was funny from the outside :)


But you're not alone!

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My bro managed to lock the bathroom door from the inside when he was 3.  We were living in a trailer for 6 weeks while Dad was in training.  There was no key, there was this weird rubber seal all along the sides, and the hinges were on the inside.  Dad had to dismantle the door, and part of the wall, to get him out.  My parents were terrified.  He was so quiet they had no idea what was happening on the other side of that door.


So glad you are all safe!  And this will make a great story for grand kids....

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Ok laughing about it now that its been a few hours and I got to pee!! The door knob will be reversed in the morning.  If the 3 year old was on the other side she would have probably just gone in my room and put netflix on since I couldn't tell her not to, ha!!  Honestly if she were on the other side I would have found a way to get out a lot sooner if she wouldn't unlock the door (which she can do.)  I could have kicked the door down I think or opened the window and gotten someone's attention.  


The plus side of all this... my 12 month old fell asleep in his crib at night for the first time ever while we were locked in the room!!! 

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Oh my! Glad it all worked out. I got locked in a bathroom once. It was summer and I was on the dorm paint crew at college. There were 3 of us working that dorm, we had the music blasting, and I had to go to the bathroom. Without thinking I locked the door behind me. It was one of those floor bathrooms with a bunch of stalls. When I was done I tried to get out but the lock wouldn't turn. And the one "window" wasn't really a window and was way too narrow anyway for me to pass through even if I could get the glass out. Which I couldn't. I tried yelling for help but the music was blasting and the other people on my crew were on the other side of the dorm. After about a half hour someone notices I've been gone a long time and comes to find me. They ended up having to call maintenance to get the door open. At least I didn't have to worry about having nowhere to pee. :laugh:

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When oldest ds was 10 months old I had just bought my first house.  I went outside while he was napping in the swing (the only place he would sleep without being on me) to fix the arm on the storm door, and I closed the door to the house behind me (because it was raining) not realizing that it automatically locked when it was closed.  Argh!  That was some way to meet the neighbors.  It was nearly 20 years ago, pre-cell-phone, so I had to find a neighbor at home in the middle of the day and beg to use their phone to call for help.  The fire department came and broke in through my kitchen window.  Thankfully ds slept through the whole thing!

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when my older three were little toddlers and babies they all shared the same room. we went in there one day to clean up the room and the 2 year old sort of swung on the door knob and it snapped off. we were all locked in the room. after about an hour I hit apon the idea of lowering the 3 year old out the window.  He then toddled around, came in the front of the house and opened the door up from the other side.

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When my kids were 2 and 10 months we had just moved across country and were in a new to us second story apartment. It was my husbands first day of work and I was working on unpacking etc. the laundry was in a little room off the balcony. I took clothes out to wash and my two year old followed me and slid the sliding glass door shut. It locked. Ten month old inside. Second story. Long before cell phones. I had to wait for someone to walk by and then yell over the balcony for them to get maintance. For some dumb reason they couldn't just go unlock my apartment door. They used a huge ladder to come up on the balcony with me and jimmy the sliding glass door open.


Luckily my ten month old just stayed there and played with us through the glass. I was terrified she would crawl away and do who knows what.

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Sometime between 1997 and 1999, my wife (at the time we were not  legally married, because for a foreigner to get married here requires having a lot of papers authenticated, by the nearest Colombian Consulate to where they were issued, at the same time, but “living together†in Colombia gives the woman the same legal rights a married woman would have) and I were in a hotel in the city where she had lived most of her life. I went into the bathroom in our room, which was very small. I don't remember if the lock came apart, when I tried to open the door to leave the bathroom, or if there was some other problem, but I was stuck in there for awhile. My wife is good with mechanical things and she is probably the one who was able to open the door. When we finally got the legal approval to get married, we ended up getting married in that hotel, and having a Lunch for the guests after the ceremony, and she surprised me with a Mariachi band; and tomorrow is our anniversary. All of the stories in this thread seem to have had happy endings, when the people were freed from where they were trapped. :-)

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Once I locked my kid brother in an upstairs bedroom when he was being a brat.  When I went to let him out, the key broke in the lock.  After my dad came home the only solution he could figure out was propping an old cable tower thing against the outer wall, climbing up, and carrying him down.  My dad was furious, LOL. Then he had to take the door off the bedroom and whatever else to make it work again.


It reminded me of a scene in Helen Keller's Teacher, one of my favorite books in childhood.

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I locked myself and DS out of the house when he was a baby. I had my cell phone, so I was able to call DH, but no keys. DH was at work ~40 minutes away and it was a real hassle for him to come home in the middle of the day; I was lucky to be able to reach him by phone at all. I nursed DS to sleep on the screened porch.

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Glad you got out okay, and that you were in a bedroom instead of someplace like a closet!  It reminds me of the first time I visited my college boyfriend's parents.  They lived several hours away so we stayed the night there.  During the night I got up to use the bathroom and was locked in.  I had to pound on the door and wake everyone up to let me out!  It was awfully embarrassing. 

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