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Giant OOPS shopping w/dh!


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So, dh really wanted new, good quality silver wear to replace most of the carp I buy .......


I wanted a new everyday set of dishes (plates/bowls, etc.) to replace the plastic carp I bought...

 (in my defense we have two boys who are not careful, *cough* break everything

and our dd somehow on a regular basis manages to send our silver wear through the garbage disposal. :banghead: )



So, after much discussion , we head off the Bed, Bath & Beyond to spend Christmas money.


   Dh wants to get in and out ( because I had outpatient surgery on my big toe yesterday),

and very quickly (never happens!) we agree in less that twenty mins. on both items!!! :hurray:


We grab two sets of each item, checkout, come home. The entire trip takes less than an hour.


He brings the dish sets in while I weigh the silver wear. (He said the silver wear was too heavy

for me to carry :001_rolleyes:  when I carried it in)


So, I really examine the sets, then call dh over. It turns out that we bought TWO PLACE SETTINGS!!!

 Not  complete sets! :svengo:


 At thirty bucks a setting! (I'm cheap, so that's a lot for me)


Dh said we can buy two more settings now, then for me to go back once a week and buy

a setting until we have eight settings total. Ha! Ya right, he'll have to do that, I'll cheap

out, hence the reason why we have carp! :laugh:






Wanna see my new dishes?




And for those that are wondering, the silver wear weighed 8.2 lbs :001_smile:


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Wow! Those are seriously lovely! I'm a bit cheap, too, but I would go with the add-one-a-week plan. It is worth it.


A few years ago, I chucked all the miscellaneous mish-mash of dishes I had and bought 4 full sets (4 in each) of Correll. I am SO glad I did that! 

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I love the dishes too!


We are also due for new dinnerware.  I am hoping to find some with smaller plates - like an old-fashioned size, before portion sizes (and plates) grew enormously.


In terms of being CHEAP - I am, it sings in my blood - I seriously considered just using my "good" china as everyday dinnerware, because who cares?!? AND I already own it. Unfortunately, I had to reject that idea as the plates have a metallic edge, so they couldn't be used in the microwave or dishwasher, and the set does not include bowls. It's just not practical for a modern family with kids. 

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My DH and were both married before so when we got married we combined households. Neither one of us had a complete set of anything. When we bought our house three years ago I wanted to get a nice set of dishes and everything to match. I had Pfaltzgraf and it lasted for years. I bought two full sets of dishes and all the things to go with it only to find chips in my plates within days. I emailed the company and found out that my first set was stone-wear, and my new set was earthen-ware which does not hold up to everyday use. I was so upset. I love my dishes but cannot use them on a daily basis. I wound up buying a full set of the pfaltzgraf melamine set to match and I'm very happy with them.

This is my pattern:


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I would buy 2 more to have a set of four.    Since you will use them every day, you will get your money's worth if they hold up and you love them. 


Then I would find a plain white set less expense set that will go with everything and buy 8 or 10 place settings. 


If my DH and I agree on something and it is something we use daily, then I say it is worth the money.    



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Love the patterns your picked out!


We have a no-fuss set of Corell in clear glass.  Easy for DH to tell if it's clean or not.  And I only buy cheap utensils. I refuse to buy good expensive stuff until the kids are moved out.

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Sign up for their e-mail or direct mail. They'll send you coupons for 20% off an item. That should save you a bit on each set.


They will also honor expired coupons, so save them if you don't use them right away. They will allow you to use one coupon per item and you can use multiple coupons in one transaction.

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Will you use all of the pieces in the place setting?  If not then maybe buy the pieces you will use more (i.e. the plates) separately?


That is often more expensive than buying the full place setting. Especially if you want more than one part of a place setting.

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Bed, Bath & Beyond has coupons that are easy to find, there's usually one in our paper every week. They also allow you to use more than one coupon per purchase, so you can save the coupons up and then buy multiple items at once, each with a coupon. Here the coupons are usually 20% off of the regular price. 


If you have a smart phone, you can get Coupon Sherpa, a free app, and it will find all of the available coupons for you - there are hundreds of stores. I always use it when I shop at craft stores because they honor each other's coupons. I just pick the best coupon for what I am purchasing. 



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BTDT at BBB. Not with flatware. It was a beautiful set of Noritake dishes. It's not fun to have expensive tastes and Wal-Mart price expectations!


I was once at a Pottery Barn and heard a young woman tearfully pleading with her husband about a purchase- after much drama, he agreed and told the clerk ok - and it turns out, what they thought the price was for the couch/chair/table set was just the price for the couch. I felt so bad for them.



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So, we ended up having to return one set, as the salad plate was broke. Should've opened and checked in the store. They only had one set left.


I cleaned out my cabinets, junked all my plastic, etc, that my neighbor (she runs a day care),and my mom didn't want. When my children went to get a glass a water, they were bummed the plastic was gone. Ds said "Awwww, now I have to be careful!" :)

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GRRRRRRRRR! Why are all of the cool patterns on square dishes? I love that design. I say keep them and enjoy them. Buy one set a week/month until you have 8. It's not like you have to take out a loan for them! They're practical and lovely.

They come in round. :) I'd post the link, but can't on this.

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