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What are you doing Dec 25 if you don't celebrate Xmas in any way?


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We're in Chicago in the middle of a family reunion. Tomorrow (soon today) will be Xmas.  We're Jewish (our immediate family is Orthodox, the rest of them not).  Nothing (touristy) is open as far as I know except in the Jewish community (we're going to celebrate our wedding anniversary a couple of days early in one of the kosher restaurants which will be open).  What will you be doing if you don't celebrate Xmas in any way at all?

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The zoos are open; but the weather isn't so conducive to hanging out for long periods with little ones and older ones. :)


They ice skated already  Maybe they'll be up for it again, but since it's so #$%^&* cold, it won't be for long.


The kosher Chinese place is closed (it's in a grocery store which also closes).  We don't have the kids watch movies (we're fanatics that way!).


I did laundry and am going to go to bed!  


Have fun everyone!  

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Dh is off work....dss12 is here and ds13 has a friend visiting. So sleeping in....I am making a big breakfast....and dh is taking the boys to gather some wood for our fireplace.....we may go to a movie later. I am putting on a roast potatoes carrots and onions with homemade bread for dinner. I made a cake today so we will finish that off.

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We do celebrate Christmas but not necessarily in a traditional way.  We have usually opened presents by today anyway so we do other stuff on Christmas Day. We deliver Meals on Wheels then go to a Chinese restaurant.  Often the kids and I will play lots of board games, snack and watch movies.  This year we are at a hotel with a water park having a blast.  We will still go to the Chinese restaurant for lunch :) 


I know a lot of these hotels with water parks will let you buy wristbands even if you aren't staying the night.


I 2nd going to a movie.  I think that would be a lot of fun today.  I want to see "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty".


Have fun with whatever you do!



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I have a friend who volunteers at the NICU on Christmas. She brings a big dinner to share with the families there. Her daughters were in the NICU on Christmas one year, and even though they don't celebrate, they really appreciated the volunteers that evening.


I have another friend who volunteers in a hospital laundry. It is something her synagogue does. They get enough volunteers to man the laundries of many of the local hospitals so more people can have the day off (with pay) to spend with their families.

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Also Jewish.  Absolutely everything here is closed.  DH is home so the original plan was to cut school short and go hiking or maybe biking, but he seems to have come down with a cold and is cloistered in the bedroom hacking away.    I guess we'll just do school and go to the park.  It is chilly but the kids are definitely going to need to get out.  In fact, I can hear them already downstairs ....


Happy early anniversary to the OP, and hope everyone -- celebrating or not -- has a lovely day!



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DH has today off work so he'll be home. My sister is visiting family in town so she'll stop by. It was really cute when I talked to her last week. She said, "And we plan on being out there on Wednesday." I was like "Wednesday? In the middle of the week?" She just said, "Uh, yeah." Then I put it together that "Wednesday" was Christmas. I was SO confused as to why she & her fiance wouldn't be working on some random Wednesday. Duh. Anyway, it was cute that she's sensitive to my not celebrating, but I had to tell her that "Christmas" is not a bad word and that she needs to spell things out for me next time. :laugh:

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DH has today off work so he'll be home. My sister is visiting family in town so she'll stop by. It was really cute when I talked to her last week. She said, "And we plan on being out there on Wednesday." I was like "Wednesday? In the middle of the week?" She just said, "Uh, yeah." Then I put it together that "Wednesday" was Christmas. I was SO confused as to why she & her fiance wouldn't be working on some random Wednesday. Duh. Anyway, it was cute that she's sensitive to my not celebrating, but I had to tell her that "Christmas" is not a bad word and that she needs to spell things out for me next time. :laugh:

Lol...that is cute. I have friends that are like that.....if they accidentally say something about Christmas they are mortified......as if hearing the word offends me.

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I planned on staying in my pajamas but then I remembered I had to walk the dog  :001_smile:


We have gone to the movies in the past but the theaters are packed. 


I have two movies to watch. I'm reading a really good book I am going to finish. Help my daughter with her sewing. Scrapbook and knitting. 


Finish the day by baking a 3 layer cake with my son (with cookie dough filling and cream cheese frosting……his picks).

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We have a mixed household, so we have stockings and opening gifts with DW#2 in the morning. Then in the afternoon my 2 kids and I go hang out with friends for a potluck get together which happens at most holidays for anyone in the particular social circle not bound by family obligations. Lots of years, DH and his brother go to the movies.

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We're going to go on a hunt for Chinese food.  Not sure yet what will be open.


Try to find some way of getting some exercise (the Y is closed and it's near zero F out there).


Play some games or play some music.  It's a day off, after all.


Bake something.  It is pretty cold outside and the house could use a little extra heat.


Light the candles in the ice globes out front -- it's winter.  More light is always good.

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We're having a pajama day. The special thing about this day for us is that it is mid-week and yet both DH and I are off work. I live in the Bible Belt, so there is pretty much nothing open. That means there is nowhere to go and no reason to get dressed.


We got up, made omelettes, have been doing read alouds, taking turns through the shower/bath (I still like to be clean even if I do just get dressed in pajamas!), and DD and I will bake a cake together soon. We'll get some schoolwork done and I think we'll open up Qwirkle since it just arrived. 3yo DD has never seen a movie so I'm thinking today would be a great day for popcorn and Finding Nemo.


It's actually pretty awesome to have such a relaxing, chilled out day. I can't remember the last day when there was nothing we HAD to get done!

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I planned on staying in my pajamas but then I remembered I had to walk the dog  :001_smile:


We have gone to the movies in the past but the theaters are packed. 


I have two movies to watch. I'm reading a really good book I am going to finish. Help my daughter with her sewing. Scrapbook and knitting. 


Finish the day by baking a 3 layer cake with my son (with cookie dough filling and cream cheese frosting……his picks).


Don't mean to steal the thread: which book are you reading, Gingersmom?



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We're just hanging out. Kids are catching up on some lessons and alternating with minecraft.


I'm reading, cleaning, not doing much.


Yesterday we made cookies.


Tomorrow we have to go to NY and play nice while I listen to how I'm ruining my kids.


The kids will stay overnight and come home with my father on the 27th and he stays until the 30th and I have the privilege of listening to how I'm ruining my kids some more.

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OK, who cares about the book!   :drool5: What is the recipe for the cake!?!?! :drool5:


I'll get home next week and make one of those for Shabbos!


Its from this cookbook-




Its an amazingly tasty yellow cake (but so much tastier) with a cookie dough filling (we doubled the filling), a chocolate ganache (we left it out this time, too much work) and it has a buttercream frosting. I was not a huge fan of the frosting and my son adores cream cheese frosting so that is what we are substituting. 


The cookie dough is egg free so we can eat with reckless abandon!


Its a huge 3 layer cake.

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We opened a few presents we received from the Christian part of the family and called them to wish them a merry Christmas.


Then we cleaned the house, ate lunch, did Singapore and DS is finishing WWE. Kids will go to the neighbors to play with their presents later.


I will be watching Die Hard later, my favorite Christmas movie!

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