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Alternative board self?

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No...I'm very talkative in real life and quite a character.

My online personality is much more reserved.


The real life me would have 10,000 posts and would be telling you stories about about the funny thing my youngest just said, the socks I'm kniting, my driveway drama, and the fact that someone hit my van....again. I can talk to anyone about anything.


I'm not sure why I'm so much quieter online but I am fairly quiet in all online communities. It's not like I'm just quiet here.

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Absolutely NOT! :smilielol5:I am shy until I really get to know someone very well (then the silliness comes out) The computer allows me to hide that shy part of me and allow the more outgoing self to emerge somehow. If you met me in person, you would think that I was very boring person:D.

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For the most part. The main difference is like Sheila I am more reserved, as in I do not make a thousand posts about the day to day stuff, I bore my mother with that info lol also I tend to have a sarcastic way in the way I speak normally, and online sometimes is comes across the wrong way because their is no facial features/tone of voice to go by. That said over all though yes I am. I am who I am and whether IRL, online, on the phone etc, that's all I know how to be. I would be horrible trying to be someone else, I am online in too many venues to keep online personalities straight, so best to just be me.

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No, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we are usually looking for honest opinions on the boards. IRL there is a lot of "polite talk" where my inside voice needs to be kept inside. But here we often ask each other for sincere opinions or advice so I feel safe voicing my opinion with the understanding that we can disagree without offending each other. In real life things are a bit more careful and people often feel that when someone disagrees with them they also judge. I normally will not chime in with my thoughts unless someone bluntly asks for them.


Basically, our purpose for chatting on this board tends to be more to the point than real life chatting. So my inside voice gets a lot of talk time here.


That being said, I do have certain friends IRL who hear a whole lot of my inside voice : )

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Absolutely NOT! :smilielol5:I am shy until I really get to know someone very well (then the silliness comes out) The computer allows me to hide that shy part of me and allow the more outgoing self to emerge somehow. If you met me in person, you would think that I was very boring person:D.


:iagree: Me too. The boards let me open up a bit.

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I'd say I'm more me here than irl. Irl, I'm really shy, self-concious, & guilt-riddled. About everything. Stupid stuff. And I read too much into people's facial expressions & gestures & tone. I may even be right about what I see, but whereas other people shrug it off or ignore it or miss it, I worry about it. And analyze it.


Who I am here is more what people who really know me see, but beyond dh, I'm not sure anyone's quite that close.


I've noticed something interesting, though. The more I post here, the more comfortable I've gotten w/ myself irl. I think y'all are helping me be more confident, to blossom as it were. Y'all let me say what I think & don't really seem offended. So I've been saying a *little* more of what I really think irl, & so far...it seems to be going over just fine. People seem more comfortable w/ that than w/ the awkward silences. Go figure. LOL

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Hey Sheila, are you on Ravelry? If not, it's a great spot for knitters and crocheters! :) Peek is my hero!


I am but I'm not in the WTM community. (Is the a WTM community?)

I'm "me" backwards (Zaliehs) on Ravelry. I have to confess that I haven't posted any projects in a month or more but I am knitting. I just haven't taken any pictures.:sad:

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I'd say I'm more me here than irl. Irl, I'm really shy, self-concious, & guilt-riddled. About everything. Stupid stuff. And I read too much into people's facial expressions & gestures & tone. I may even be right about what I see, but whereas other people shrug it off or ignore it or miss it, I worry about it. And analyze it.


Who I am here is more what people who really know me see, but beyond dh, I'm not sure anyone's quite that close.




Wow, you just described me. :blushing:

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I am much more thoughtful online. Meaning, in real life I blurt things out, joke a lot, and am more spontaneous. Online I spend way too much time trying to format the perfect response, and I'm usually more serious because I'm scared if I joke about something it may come across as offensive. My worst fear is offending someone and having the proof of my rudeness right there for all to see. :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Virginia Dawn
The computer allows me to hide that shy part of me and allow the more outgoing self to emerge somehow. If you met me in person, you would think that I was very boring person:D.


This is me to a certain extent. I type the way I think, but I don't always talk that way.


Some people I know might be surprised at some of the things I say here because I find it difficult to jump into real conversations. Here it doesn't matter if a conversation is a month or a minute old, you can just speak up.


I have about as many friends here as I do in real life.


One thing I never realized before we had this format: there are people (a person?) out there who have decided they don't like me, for whatever reason. Maybe I am naive, but it was kind of a shock to me to find that out. It has made me more cautious about what I say. Most of the time. ;)

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Are you exactly the same on the board as you are in life?


Yup. Minus the cussing, belching and scratching, of course.






I think I'm about the same. A bit less shy than I would be at first IRL, but more reserved than I am when I know someone well IRL.

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I am much more thoughtful online. Meaning, in real life I blurt things out, joke a lot, and am more spontaneous. Online I spend way too much time trying to format the perfect response, and I'm usually more serious because I'm scared if I joke about something it may come across as offensive. My worst fear is offending someone and having the proof of my rudeness right there for all to see. :tongue_smilie:


This is me also. My written word is not as expressive as my spoken word. I have often read something I've typed and though "Whoa...loosen up, chicky."

IRL, I am lot more fun.

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I'd say I'm more me here than irl. Irl, I'm really shy, self-concious, & guilt-riddled. About everything. Stupid stuff. And I read too much into people's facial expressions & gestures & tone. I may even be right about what I see, but whereas other people shrug it off or ignore it or miss it, I worry about it. And analyze it.


Who I am here is more what people who really know me see, but beyond dh, I'm not sure anyone's quite that close.


I've noticed something interesting, though. The more I post here, the more comfortable I've gotten w/ myself irl. I think y'all are helping me be more confident, to blossom as it were. Y'all let me say what I think & don't really seem offended. So I've been saying a *little* more of what I really think irl, & so far...it seems to be going over just fine. People seem more comfortable w/ that than w/ the awkward silences. Go figure. LOL


I can so identify with what Aubrey wrote. I am very self-conscious, somewhat shy, and definitely guilt-ridden irl. I think I might have a social regret problem. I always seem to think that people must have thought what I said was offensive, judgmental, stupid, silly, unnecessary, too self-centered, etc. I also read a lot into people's expressions and I am constantly analyzing and re-analyzing conversations in my head.


I am a lot better in print, where I can analyze, delete, edit, and revise all before I hit the "submit reply" button (and with the new boards I can even edit afterwards!) I'm a lot less socially awkward here (at least I think I am).


I find that I am more outgoing here than irl. And I sound more intelligent. I think it's because I have an easier time translating my thoughts and inner life (I am very introverted) into words when I am writing to a large group of strangers than when I am speaking with someone face-to-face. And because I am constantly feeling the need irl to make other people feel comfortable. And because I am like an onion, with many layers, and under each layer lie ever-deepening complexities, but most people only get to see the outside. If they saw the inside, it might make them cry!

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The same, but condensed online, so I think I'm more misunderstand, and I feel the need to clarify more b/c I get to the point...then feel like saying the point so briefly makes me seem too dry...it's a vicious online cycle....


IRL, those who know me, know my heart, and receive me better...online can be frustrating for me....so, I am the same, but I come across differently. Does this make any sense? See what I mean!

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I think that I'm pretty much the same.

I'm a tiny bit more subtle here, I think, because I actually try to keep certain things private on this board, although in person I am very open.


If anyone who knows me IRL reads this thread, please answer. I don't think I can be objective about myself.

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Yes and no.


There are things I have shared on the board that I haven't even discussed with my extended family (having our mentally ill ds hospitalized for one.) There are certain topics that are simply too hurtful to bring up with those IRL. THe ridicule, judgement, and lack of understanding has caused dh and I to keep it totally to ourselves. Our dc might mention things to extended family (it isn't like it is taboo.....simply we don't want to subject ourselves to more stress than we already have), but it is not something we ever share anymore.


I am very vocal in general, both IRL and here. :) I tend to process before I post so usually I am more articulate on the forums than I am IRL. But......as far as what I express and how I express it.....I would say, yes, I am the same.

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To answer my own question.


I'm the same just more open on the board. I'm not half as reserved and analytical of myself as I am IRL. I'm the same on the phone as well, let 'er rip! When I'm meeting someone new, person to person I'm as shy as they come. I really have to make a sincere effort to get to know people IRL, here it's just getting to know others post by post, situation by situation.


My sense of humor does not shine here at all.

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Are you exactly the same on the board as you are in life?


Yes for the most part. I had to change my ID because of privacy issues, but if I type it, I'll say it in real life.


I'm also a quiet one until I get to know you. But here, I'll answer questions and try to help with situations that I feel I have something to offer way before I would in real life.

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Another very shy introvert here! My super-outgoing, life-of-every-party, honorary-mayor-of-everywhere-we-live DH says my life's motto should be, "Don't bother crossing the room to shake my hand: I only like people I already know." ;)


So I'd say that I'm definitely more outgoing online.


We IRL-introverts should have a little IRL party! Only, just think how awkward, guilt-inducing, and quiet it would be.... Hmmm.... I know: BYOB!! (Bring Your Own Book.)

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Yes, I really think I am, though I do think my softer sensitive side probably comes across more in real life just by nature of real life relationships. You can see facial expressions and such in real life. I am a very passionate, opinionated person in real life too, but I'm also very emotional.

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Yep, this is me, goofiness and all. Shocking I know. I'm quiet at first but then I open up.


Pretty much the same here. I type the way I think and talk. I do have more time to think out things online. I express myself better in written form, but I do temper my sarcastic nature somewhat, it doesn't always come across online as it would IRL. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm the same just more open on the board. I'm not half as reserved and analytical of myself as I am IRL. I'm the same on the phone as well, let 'er rip! When I'm meeting someone new, person to person I'm as shy as they come. I really have to make a sincere effort to get to know people IRL, here it's just getting to know others post by post, situation by situation.


My sense of humor does not shine here at all.

This pretty much sums up my answer. Thanks, Trivium Academy! I use much less humor online, because I'm afraid it might not come across as I intend.

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I think I'm more apt to talk more here. IRL I'm rather reserved and quiet. I'm not comfortable sharing because of past experiences with negativity and my children being hurt. Here I'm not apt to run into any of you in the grocery store or church. It's a safer haven. I'm not dishonest IRL, just more reticent.



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more of a sense of humor. I don't think humor can come out well on the boards because it is easily misconstrued. Well, maybe that is my kind of humor.... Other people get me laughing here...


My rep score is almost nonexistant here and I actually am much quieter here than IRL. Perhaps because I've been on the boards for a long time and know how things can be taken wrong or go up in flames.


So, unless you go on a women's retreat with me or hang out in my real living room you probably don't know I'm half comedian/ half madly driven perfectionist homeschool mom teacher.

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quote----"I'm kidding. That kind of humor is me IRL though. I don't let it show too much on message boards. Chucki"


You mean you're not 50? ;)


Yep. Pretty quiet here, just as in real life among a bunch of folks I don't know well. I do try and show my sense of humor tho. :) IRL, I can get a bit more lively once I know folks.

I have plenty of days that I feel overwhelmed by how academic most of you are, tho I am college educated! My low self confidence coming out in a crowd...


But, this is the first (and some days only) forum I check out. You ladies have so much to share. I am thrilled when I can help someone else out!


BTW, the few times I've gotten a perm, I've gotten more outgoing IRL. This happen to anyone else? Then I want to go back to the quieter me, so I cut the curls off. I've done this three times I think. Time for another perm?? :lol:

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I feel like I can be myself here more than on other boards. There is also a board I go to and say a lot of things I would never say IRL. Like, I curse there and that's something I hardly ever do IRL. On some boards, I am more reserved, just because they are more serious. I think this board is a nice balance of serious and fun.

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Absolutely NOT! :smilielol5:I am shy until I really get to know someone very well (then the silliness comes out) The computer allows me to hide that shy part of me and allow the more outgoing self to emerge somehow. If you met me in person, you would think that I was very boring person:D.


Now Kysha, I've met you and I do not think you are boring!!!! :tongue_smilie: I think you are funny, friendly, and you laugh easily! You're very easy to be around!



For me, I do think I'm the pretty much the same on here as in person. I try to be encouraging, I wouldn't want to hurt some one's feelings, and I avoid conflicts like the plague. I'm shy in big groups of people and even here, I pick and choose when I want to speak!:lol: Only someone pretty close to me would see my dry sense of humor. I can be very sarcastic, but would never do so on here because I wouldn't want it misunderstood.

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In real life I am rather shy. A hard-to-get-to-know kind of gal. But once I open up, you get me in all my quirky glory.


Online I find it easier to open up, be *me* faster than in real life.


I think I do stick my foot in my mouth more often online than in real life though. I do more 'say what I'm thinking' online. In real life, I don't talk as much. And I am much more afraid of confrontation and being in disagreement with anyone in real life. Online I will more frequently pop in with my dissenting opinion. Because then I can walk away..I don't have to 'listen' to the opposing side :p I know, terrible isn't it?

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