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With what do you spike eggnog?


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We got some really good eggnog from a local dairy. Now I need to know how to serve it?!


I couldn't eat eggs as a kid, so I never had it growing up. We're having neighbors over for a Christmas block party and I want to serve eggnog (along with spiced cider and some cold drinks).  

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I got brandy because I thought that's what you're supposed to use in it. But it's so bitter! And, it makes me sleepy and muddles my head so I can't stand up straight or type straight. (I drunk facebooked. Thankfully, you can barely understand it.) Is Whipped Cream Vodka sweet? My sister says vodka affects her differently than brandy, and brandy does the same to her so I was thinking of trying the Whipped Cream Vodka next....

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I got brandy because I thought that's what you're supposed to use in it. But it's so bitter! And, it makes me sleepy and muddles my head so I can't stand up straight or type straight. (I drunk facebooked. Thankfully, you can barely understand it.) Is Whipped Cream Vodka sweet? My sister says vodka affects her differently than brandy, and brandy does the same to her so I was thinking of trying the Whipped Cream Vodka next....


I like the vanilla vodka better than the whipped cream vodka, personally. But I haven't tried it in eggnog. Like I said, I like to use clear rum (not dark or spiced rum).

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