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Now I'm banned! More planner drama!


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Wow, this Well Planned Day planner saga could not be more ridiculous.  Home Educating Family / HEDUA customer service told me that they completely deleted my planner account for the comment "Respectfully Lea Ann, it's hard for us to consider this a place for information when we are receiving so little of that at the moment," on their Facebook page.  Had the program actually worked throughout the year, that would have erased all of my records. Luckily, that brand spankin' new interface they promised for spring, then July, then *definitely* before the end of August still hasn't materialized by mid-September, so I'm not missing out on anything.


I am so embarrassed for this company.  There sure are a lot of homeschool companies and publishers that associate with them that ought to be notified of the unethical way this company acts.

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I was so tempted, but didn't buy.   I was banned from their wall when I suggested they didn't actually have the money for refunds and that's why they basically stopped giving them.  I'm so angry for all you guys that did buy.  It's fraud, plain and simple.  I would contact my CC company if I paid that way.  

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I bought their online planner and it has been a huge bust.  I emailed them for a refund and they completely ignored me.  I was out the $40 or whatever it was.




Did you go ahead and post on your wall how you were treated?




I have something I'm planning on posting.  


The most frustrating part is that they have said *nothing* about the planner.  I mean, look at their Facebook page, which is the only way they are communicating.  https://www.facebook.com/MyWellPlannedDay  Okay, the program has *never* worked the way it is advertised.  But that isn't your customer's fault, and they shouldn't be treated poorly because of that.

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I was so tempted, but didn't buy.   I was banned from their wall when I suggested they didn't actually have the money for refunds and that's why they basically stopped giving them.  I'm so angry for all you guys that did buy.  It's fraud, plain and simple.  I would contact my CC company if I paid that way.  


Yeah, unfortunately they bought themselves enough time with their promise of a second year to replace the first year (that didn't work) that a lot of people are past the end of the subscription that they purchased. Nevermind that my freaking shopping list didn't even work correctly, let alone the problems with the actual meat of the planner. They are still selling the program that they admitted doesn't work the way it should - for $65!

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star a facebook group for people who have been burned by this company.  Once you get enough support from actual people who have purchased it threaten to file a class action suit against them :) They stole your money and although it is not a large amount of money they are now treating you poorly for doing so and are stringing others along from what it sounds like.  They likely don'thave the fund to refund the money and got in over their heads and now don't know how to manage the backlash

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It's funny that they misspelled it as "Well Panned Day" in one of their Facebook posts. Most of the comments on the Facebook page are negative. Am I understanding correctly that you paid for an online planner and they deleted your account and did not give you any money back?


Uhm wow....considering this in combination of other issues, they are heading towards a class action suit against them. At the very least, small claims court with individuals.

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Well I posted a buyer beware on my fb page and on one of the homeschool groups I am in.  I see on their fb page they are still promising a subscription to those who bought for that 13 month period before, yet still nothing up.  Time to spread the word, they can ban it from their own page but can't prevent word from running though homeschool circles on fb to hopefully prevent anyone else being robbed that way.

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It's funny that they misspelled it as "Well Panned Day" in one of their Facebook posts. Most of the comments on the Facebook page are negative. Am I understanding correctly that you paid for an online planner and they deleted your account and did not give you any money back?


Here's the general timeline.


I paid at the end of July last year for a year long subscription.  The planner was supposed to come out of beta at the end of the summer last year, but they just said the beta period was over without providing most of the things they promised.  There still isn't an app even though their sales page says they have one.  They slowly released a few features here and there, but in late fall/early winter last year they stated they were starting over with a new development team because so much hadn't been completed.  In February they promised everyone a free second year with the new version because the program had been unusable for the first year.  That new version should have been released in the spring, but still hasn't shown up.  The year I paid for expired at the end of July this year, although I hadn't been able to use the program the way it had been sold.  I was able to continue accessing my planner under that second free year until last week when they banned me.  Deleting my account contradicts the way they said that former customers would be able to access their records but not add new material, but that's so par for the course it barely registers anymore.


A different user who might be a member here did have her account deleted while she was still in the beginning of the year that she had paid for, and they didn't refund her anything because they said it was beyond their thirty day trial period even though she didn't initiate the account closure.

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I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I would be livid!

My thirteen year old self must hijack the thread:


The shoes in your avatar are so cute!!!


Back to the thread. To the OP, I think you've done the right thing by getting the word out. I hope the company responds appropriately by refunding your money. I'd definitely dispute the charge.

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star a facebook group for people who have been burned by this company. Once you get enough support from actual people who have purchased it threaten to file a class action suit against them :) They stole your money and although it is not a large amount of money they are now treating you poorly for doing so and are stringing others along from what it sounds like. They likely don'thave the fund to refund the money and got in over their heads and now don't know how to manage the backlash

That's an awesome idea. Call it Well Planned Day Planner Victims.

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I feel badly for SWB and their use of her book title. I thought it was pretty tolerant of her to allow them use use the phrase 'well planned' anything especially related to homeschooling. Now, I know 'allow' is stretching the idea of what she could do about it, but I am pretty sure she could have made a stink. Heck, one might think Norton would have something to say about it.


I think she should trademark the phrase...you know, in all her spare time with all her spare money :lol:

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star a facebook group for people who have been burned by this company. Once you get enough support from actual people who have purchased it threaten to file a class action suit against them :) They stole your money and although it is not a large amount of money they are now treating you poorly for doing so and are stringing others along from what it sounds like. They likely don'thave the fund to refund the money and got in over their heads and now don't know how to manage the backlash

There is already a support group on FB. It's called Well Planned Day Ladies


My account was deleted last year with no warning. I had emailed tech support a couple of times because I was having trouble entering students and having them stay entered, and then I emailed them again when I had entered a test student and couldn't get that one to stay deleted. All three times I got a "be patient we're working on things" form email, but other people on the FB page were being able to enter and delete students just fine, so I assumed the problem was me and asked on the FB page for help, was told to email tech support, I said I had, but the problem was not solved, then my posts were deleted and I could no longer log in, I posted on the FB page that I was having log in issues, I was told to email tech support. I emailed tech support and got no reply. I emailed Jenny and was told that since I was having so much trouble, my account was closed and I would be refunded. But I was never refunded. :/


I am now banned from their FB page.

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There is already a support group on FB. It's called Well Planned Day Ladies


My account was deleted last year with no warning. I had emailed tech support a couple of times because I was having trouble entering students and having them stay entered, and then I emailed them again when I had entered a test student and couldn't get that one to stay deleted. All three times I got a "be patient we're working on things" form email, but other people on the FB page were being able to enter and delete students just fine, so I assumed the problem was me and asked on the FB page for help, was told to email tech support, I said I had, but the problem was not solved, then my posts were deleted and I could no longer log in, I posted on the FB page that I was having log in issues, I was told to email tech support. I emailed tech support and got no reply. I emailed Jenny and was told that since I was having so much trouble, my account was closed and I would be refunded. But I was never refunded. :/


I am now banned from their FB page.


Wow. Ask them if they are willing to go to small claims court.

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I am so glad to see this thread!  I paid cash for my subscription in June of 2012. This program has never worked properly, and was always a disappointment.  Early on when we alerted them to the issues, they begged us to be patient while they worked out the kinks.  After all, it was still in Beta at that point.  When many of us were still within the 30-day window, we decided to be merciful and patient, and to wait.  We thought that if they could iron out the wrinkles, this would be a great program, and indeed it would.  Unfortunately, whoever is doing the programming seems woefully ill-equipped to do that job, and the wrinkles have remained for an unacceptable period of time.  Now if any of us ask for a refund they tell us that that window closed a long time ago, and we are stuck.  A few people have pushed for refunds, and received them, minus a restocking fee.  Yes, a restocking fee for web-based software!  


The last time they published an update on their website was in November, 2012.  And now they ban people who complain on their FB page.  I agree that people should join together and start a FB group for disgruntled users, specifically for the purpose of taking legal action.


My theory is that they don't have the money to give refunds, and that they themselves are the "new tech team."  You'd think that a family-based business would offer better customer service, but this is the worst I've ever experienced.  

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I don't see that group as being a place to complain.  It looks like it is just for people who use their planner.





There is already a support group on FB. It's called Well Planned Day Ladies

My account was deleted last year with no warning. I had emailed tech support a couple of times because I was having trouble entering students and having them stay entered, and then I emailed them again when I had entered a test student and couldn't get that one to stay deleted. All three times I got a "be patient we're working on things" form email, but other people on the FB page were being able to enter and delete students just fine, so I assumed the problem was me and asked on the FB page for help, was told to email tech support, I said I had, but the problem was not solved, then my posts were deleted and I could no longer log in, I posted on the FB page that I was having log in issues, I was told to email tech support. I emailed tech support and got no reply. I emailed Jenny and was told that since I was having so much trouble, my account was closed and I would be refunded. But I was never refunded. :/

I am now banned from their FB page.


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Hey all!  My Well Planned day is an utter disaster and then some.  It's horrible.  I've documented much of it here.



and then I updated here...




I do think I need to add some info about people who have their accounts deleted.  That just makes me sick! 

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I am another one who has been duped by this company. I also wrote and asked for a refund and was ignored. How these people sleep at night is beyond my ability to comprehend. My budget is so tight and the money I lost could have been put to good use to buy curriculum  that I needed this year. I am also disgusted at the way they treat customers that have legitimate complaints. They are banning everyone who speaks out!

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I am another one who has been duped by this company. I also wrote and asked for a refund and was ignored. How these people sleep at night is beyond my ability to comprehend. My budget is so tight and the money I lost could have been put to good use to buy curriculum  that I needed this year. I am also disgusted at the way they treat customers that have legitimate complaints. They are banning everyone who speaks out!


Oh, they sleep at night because they think they are right and we are all just complaining for no reason. I responded to their "banishment email" with a message saying that they haven't offered their customers any information and that I would be obligated to warn anyone who asked about this company's unethical behavior.  Their response? A one-liner. "Your email validates our point. "

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Oh, they sleep at night because they think they are right and we are all just complaining for no reason. I responded to their "banishment email" with a message saying that they haven't offered their customers any information and that I would be obligated to warn anyone who asked about this company's unethical behavior. Their response? A one-liner. "Your email validates our point. "

Wow. What point do they believe they're making? I'm guessing it's not the one they think it is.

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You know, it takes some gall to market a product and continue TO SELL it when the majority of your customers are not getting what they paid for in the first place. It would be so much easier to simply admit they don't have the money for refunds than continue down the road they're taking. They need to quit hiding their heads in the sand and wave the white flag before their business is shut down and they face lawsuits. Considering this is fraud could they do jail time? 

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Since the product they are "selling" is online, I wonder if you could use this form to file a complaint? Not sure if this falls under FBI and National white collar crimes jurisdiction, but worth looking into for those that are not getting responses. 


Internet crime complaint http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx

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I have gone out of my way to be patient with them, I've never asked for my money back, I've believed that they would eventually make good on what they promised.  But, this is just ridiculous!!!  I've never seen such poor customer service.  I also understand that they probably can't afford to give refunds, but they should at least be honest with their customers and let us know.  I would be MUCH more sympathetic if they actually said that!!  I'm officially fed up now and plan on sending them another email.  It doesn't matter if I get banned because I'm not able to use the product ANYWAYS!!

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My thirteen year old self must hijack the thread:


The shoes in your avatar are so cute!!!


Back to the thread. To the OP, I think you've done the right thing by getting the word out. I hope the company responds appropriately by refunding your money. I'd definitely dispute the charge.


Thank you!  i have tried to get an avatar for awhile and obviously am dumb but it worked today! (Happy dance) and now I see mom in high heels has a pink high heel avatar too. Now I feel dumb.  Sorry mom in high heels!  And sorry for re- hijacking the thread. :)

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Thank you!  i have tried to get an avatar for awhile and obviously am dumb but it worked today! (Happy dance) and now I see mom in high heels has a pink high heel avatar too. Now I feel dumb.  Sorry mom in high heels!  And sorry for re- hijacking the thread. :)

Re-hijack: in my book, shoes are always appropriate as an avatar. I'm now tempted to go find the another pair of shoes so I can change my picture. 

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Wow. Ask them if they are willing to go to small claims court.

I actually posted this on their FB page a couple of weeks ago, and it was quickly deleted.


<<Ladies, I contacted the Better Business Bureau and my credit card company. I suggest you do the same. I was advised by a lawyer that a class action lawsuit against this company would likely win, if you want to go that route.>>



I posted this to their board and to my own FB, so I still have it:


<<Fellow homeschoolers, please watch out for My Well Planned Day (Hedua) A year ago they took the money of many and promised an amazing online planning site that they have been promising in the works since 2009. In 2010 they called for beta testers to test the following Spring. Friends were chosen to beta test, but they were never followed up with. In 2011 the company said it would be released that summer. I did not get a paper planner, waiting for the release of the electronic planner. It was not released. In 2012 they took orders and money, including mine, and promised a release THAT August. They released a program in alpha mode, calling it beta, and said it would be fully functional in a month. I patiently waited that month, and it was still in alpha mode. I emailed asking for help with the calendar and lesson planning features, since I needed to get my school year up and running. They told be to be patient. Two weeks later I emailed again asking for help, and asked on their FB page. They than kicked me out of the program so that I could no longer log in to use the alpha "beta" version, which really was unusable anyway. They told me since we were past the thirty day window, I did not qualify for a refund. Now they promised those of us who purchased it last year, and this year, that we would get a free year membership and the software would be fully functional this August. I asked if this applied to those of us who paid but could no longer log in, they told me to email support. Now August is gone, and after people having paid them for one year, some people paid for TWO, there is still no working program. People were posting on their site concerned about their lost money and needing to buy alternative planners. ALL THE NEGATIVE POSTS ARE BEING DELETED from their site, so new buyers will not be aware of the problems and the issues that have been going on for FOUR years. I have been completely blocked from their site for posting this truth I have posted here. PLEASE do not give this company your hard earned money. :( I don't want anyone else to lose what we have lost.>>

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I don't see that group as being a place to complain. It looks like it is just for people who use their planner.



It's a support group that started out with people trying the software out and having issues with it, and not getting help from the company. It's not a complaint board, it's a support board... a lot of us have since been kicked out of the program, so we are sharing our experiences there.

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I don't think we'll ever get our money back.  I think that eventually they may produce a useable product, but I want nothing to do with it because of this debacle.  I will not do business with them, and I will discourage others from doing so as well.


If you go and just read through some of the long threads you'll see that there was a progression of frustration.  In early August a lot of us were still trying to reason with them, asking for a firm release date, trying to be gracious.  We warned them that in the homeschool world businesses succeed and fail based upon word of mouth.  We asked repeatedly for the owners of the company to come forward and give their side of the story.  No response, none.  They've left the moderator of the FB page to fend for herself.  When she is asked direct questions, she most often replies that she doesn't know and that we should send our questions to customer service or tech support.  I did receive one answer from customer service, telling me that they were waiting for the software to be just right before releasing it again.


This whole situation makes me believe all the more that we are dealing with a narcissist.  The Great and Powerful Oz is really just a woman whose overinflated ego has convinced her that her business will survive and even flourish in the wake of this fiasco.  Pull back the curtain, and there she is.

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Since I plunked down money for this over a year ago, I don't have hope of getting it back. I just will never be able to purchase from them ever again, and will also warn others.


I bought the Mardel paper planner this year, and I will check out their online one for next year. I am also loving the Homeschool Helper app that has great customer service and frequent updates. HEDUA is complaining that people are copying them, now, but there is a NEED for this stuff in the homeschool community and if other companies are willing and able to get the product out where it's needed, then more power to them. Sad to see such a train-wreck happen to A Christian company, though. :(

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I have no experience with this product or company, but I'm flabbergasted by what you all are describing.  That's just no way to run a company.  :confused:


I hope everyone affected gets their money back.  What a mess.  <_<


I agree.  I've been around these boards a long, long time and we've frequently shared frustrations about companies and products, but I don't think I've ever heard of customer service THIS egregiously shoddy before. 



FWIW, I have a recommendation : Homeschool Tracker makes a digital planner.  It isn't online; it sits on your computer.  However, I purchased the Plus version 7 years ago and still receive the updates.  One time fee -- lifetime of product updates and support.  I don't know how it compares to WTDay Planner, but it works very well for me and the customer service has always been good. 

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