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I don't get the Miley Cyrus debacle from VMA's.


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Here we are, joking about Miley, when textbook publishers everywhere are racing to update their history books with this momentous and profound new information.  ;)


Good thing it's only September.  Plenty of time to update and print 2014 calendars with Miley Cyrus Day, which will henceforth take place on August 25 of every year.  Instead of a moment of silence in remembrance, maybe we can have a national moment of twerking?   :lol:

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Defined lines, a feminist parody. Not safe for kids. Lots of bad words.



Thanks. I was a bit timid to link this. I loved some of the blog comments I read from men about objectification after they saw this.

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Gave in and watched the performance.  Um.  Ok.  That was...something.  


Trying to be great and make history doesn't make you great or history.  You don't get great by wanting to be great.  I think all involved are trying too freaking hard to be the next Michael Jackson or Madonna.  I am sorry people, you can't be the "next (insert legend)" by being talentless, badly produced tripe.  I don't blame Miley because I personally don't think she has one bit of artistic control over her act.  She is a marketed product and a badly designed and packaged one at that.  Her song was rejected by Rihanna and I think she has said she is "trying for a black" feel to her new music.  Um ok skinny white chick.  No.  Just no.  


When you don't compare even vaguely favorably to a "classic" NSYNC mix with Justin Timberlake et al, then you can never ever really be the next anything.  (Said by someone who was never an NSYNC fan, lest there be any doubt.)




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Miley comes off about as authentic as a 13 year old kid from a wealthy suburb flashing gang signs in their class trip pictures.  I watched her video for that song and she just seems like she is trying on something and hoping it fits so she'll have a sense of being/belonging.  Child stardom is too often exploitation and damaging. The drug references in the song weren't surprising.  I wonder if they were just part of the song or if she is popping pills.  

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Ok, watching all of it was totally worth it for the Blurred Lines parodies.  "A creepy wannabe Timberlake" sums up Robin Thicke perfectly.  


And the fake TI's lines will be stuck in my head for awhile.  It's hilarious.  


"someone please tell me what the h8ll am I doing in this vid I mean, went from rapping on tracks about the streets to brushing white girls' hair like a total creep.  And what the h8ll's up with Pharell's outfit?  He looks like he from outer space in this silver sh!t.  This video's wack and the song's overplayed, come on dude stop hashtaggin your name."


And a hashtag cop?  Priceless.  I totally snorted my coffee because of that.  

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Seems Vogue Magazine is dropping Miley Cyrus from an upcoming cover it had planned (and already done the photo shoot for), due to her performance at the VMA's.


The world of fashion is getting all judgy now?  It was just a "performance," not actually Miley. Although, she WAS the one who performed the performance.


So confusing.


Blurred lines!

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Seems Vogue Magazine is dropping Miley Cyrus from an upcoming cover it had planned (and already done the photo shoot for), due to her performance at the VMA's.


The world of fashion is getting all judgy now? It was just a "performance," not actually Miley. Although, she WAS the one who performed the performance.


So confusing.


Blurred lines!

I don't see anything wrong with the decision to take Miley off the cover of Vogue. The fashion issue is a huge thing for Vogue, and if Anna Wintour thinks that Miley's image on the cover will hurt sales, I don't blame her for making a change.


I wonder if Miley was going to be sticking her tongue out like an imbecile on the cover of Vogue, like she does in every single other picture I have seen of her lately.


Probably not. ;)

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Seems Vogue Magazine is dropping Miley Cyrus from an upcoming cover it had planned (and already done the photo shoot for), due to her performance at the VMA's.


The world of fashion is getting all judgy now?  It was just a "performance," not actually Miley. Although, she WAS the one who performed the performance.


So confusing.


Blurred lines!

I agree.  I think it's odd.

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I don't think it is odd. Magazines put celebrities on the cover that people want to emulate. Right now there are few people who want to emulate Miley. But don't worry, I saw her on the cover of lots of Tabloids so she's getting the exposure she wanted.

Yeah, Miley Cyrus doesn't exactly personify the fashionable Vogue woman, what with her tongue lolling out of her mouth all the time.


And her fashion choices for the VMAs... Tragic.


Unless Vogue wants their fashion issue to feature a young woman who always seems like a little girl playing a trashy version of dress-up, I think they made the right choice in taking her off the cover. And realistically, it's mainly a financial decision -- the fashion issue is the biggest one of the year and Vogue doesn't want to lose sales, nor do they want to upset their advertisers and subscribers, so why take a chance on wacky Miley when there are so many other choices available to them?


It's unfortunate, too, because she is an attractive young woman when she's not making ridiculous faces like a two year-old. The Vogue cover could have been a classy way for her to remind the world that she is an adult, without having to resort to "making history" by acting like a complete and utter fool.

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I'd assumed Wintour was only teasing with Cyrus to further taunt Victoria Beckham. It wouldn't be the first time. :P Poor Posh is never going get her cover.

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Yeah, Miley Cyrus doesn't exactly personify the fashionable Vogue woman, what with her tongue lolling out of her mouth all the time.


And her fashion choices for the VMAs... Tragic.


Unless Vogue wants their fashion issue to feature a young woman who always seems like a little girl playing a trashy version of dress-up, I think they made the right choice in taking her off the cover. And realistically, it's mainly a financial decision -- the fashion issue is the biggest one of the year and Vogue doesn't want to lose sales, nor do they want to upset their advertisers and subscribers, so why take a chance on wacky Miley when there are so many other choices available to them?


It's unfortunate, too, because she is an attractive young woman when she's not making ridiculous faces like a two year-old. The Vogue cover could have been a classy way for her to remind the world that she is an adult, without having to resort to "making history" by acting like a complete and utter fool.

I totally agree with this assessment.

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the very first concert my dd went to was a Hannah Montana one "Best of Both Worlds".  It was a cute concert (Jonas Brothers was the opening act).  My dd never missed a episode of the tv show and even one of our cats is named Hannah Montana. Dd has changed the cat's name to just Hannah and dd never talks about Miley anymore.

Dd's other 2 favorites were Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez.  She now thinks Taylor is wacky with all of her past boyfriends and Selena is wacky for going with Justin Bieber.  I think she has given up on liking any celebrities any more.

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It gets worse! Miley released a video this week to a new song called "Wrecking Ball!"  It's worse than the VMAs.  She's naked riding a wrecking ball for parts of it, and in other parts in scanty underwear licking a sledge hammer.  I think Vogue made a good call given Miley's artistic trajectory.

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It gets worse! Miley released a video this week to a new song called "Wrecking Ball!"  It's worse than the VMAs.  She's naked riding a wrecking ball for parts of it, and in other parts in scanty underwear licking a sledge hammer.  I think Vogue made a good call given Miley's artistic trajectory.

Oh my. Sexy videos are one thing, but this is all just stupid and poorly done. Like if Playboy and the Onion met up to make something, but then let a 3 yo edit it.

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It gets worse! Miley released a video this week to a new song called "Wrecking Ball!" It's worse than the VMAs. She's naked riding a wrecking ball for parts of it, and in other parts in scanty underwear licking a sledge hammer. I think Vogue made a good call given Miley's artistic trajectory.

Well at least a wrecking ball has some connection to her song, unlike giant teddy bears and French fry heads for her last single.


Though who is writing her lyrics? From the nuance and flow of them, my money is on the sledge hammer being the lyricist.

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It came to my attention today that the beginning song of the water Zumba class, attended by many 70-somethings and held at the same time my kids have swim practice, was Blurred Lines. All those little old ladies with big smiles on their faces, exercising their hearts out. I tried very hard not to laugh.

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The Talk was discussing her yesterday. Bleck. I turned it off.


I'm sorry.. I dont see her as a marketing genius, I don't see her as the next Madonna, and I DO NOT think "this is the way the music performances are headed." At least I hope not. If you don't have a problem with her performance then that is just fine by me.. but there are a lot of people trying to kiss butt and justify her in the PR today. As far as I'm concerned she behaved like trash.


There are a ton of people claiming its not her responsibility to be a role model. "I'll get famous by starring on a kids show on DISNEY and then when I'm done with all that, Ill try desperately to shock and awe the world to lose that image." It really bothers me when kids stars, or other celebs say they aren't a role model... Its not a job you sign up for--it comes with the territory. The Talk also showed a clip of her new music video... where shes naked... :confused1:  I just think its obvious shes trying too hard, and its all too much. I dont think for a second people are going to look back and think of her as being original in the way of Madonna... they are just going to see a hot mess on stage. I'm tired of hearing about it. Don't give her credit she doesn't deserve Hollywood! If everyone continues to try and push the envelope and go one step further to shock audiences.. I can't even imagine.



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Oh my. Sexy videos are one thing, but this is all just stupid and poorly done. Like if Playboy and the Onion met up to make something, but then let a 3 yo edit it.

It seems that the director has had a lot of unsavory accusations against him: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-miley-cyrus-wrecking-ball-terry-richardson-20130909,0,166600.story

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Seems Vogue Magazine is dropping Miley Cyrus from an upcoming cover it had planned (and already done the photo shoot for), due to her performance at the VMA's.


The world of fashion is getting all judgy now?  It was just a "performance," not actually Miley. Although, she WAS the one who performed the performance.


So confusing.


Blurred lines!

I think part of the issue wasn't the controversy but how bad her performance was. Her singing was pitchy, her dancing was awful...She's a pop star performing on an awards show and she can't do a better job? I suspect that would weigh more on Vogue then any controversy.

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