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Odd sights that make you smile?


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Yesterday I was at the grocery store and saw a woman wearing camo capris and a white tank top- not odd around here- but then she had her hair in this beautiful upswept style that looked rather formal. It made me smile. Have you seen and appreciated

anyone with their own sense of style or personality lately?

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I saw a young family at the grocery store one day. The mom was picking out cereal. The dad was holding the toddler. Dad had one earbud in his ear, one in his daughter's ear and he was dancing in the aisle with her. It made me smile enough that I backed up and went down that aisle to thank him for the smile. He seemed surprised, but then he smiled as well.


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My chickens running full-speed across the yard.



There is something delightful about sprinting chickens. We don't have any of our own, but I love it when our neighbors' chickens go for a run across our yard.


In fact, most of the odd sights I like involve animals. I amused myself yesterday watching a deer make a little hollow for herself in one of my (unplanted, thankfully) raised beds. She pawed the dirt, nibbled a rogue weed, and finally settled down for a nap. 


Or the rabbit who seems to have a contract out on a particular squirrel. He leaves the brown squirrels alone, but when he sees this big, fat gray squirrel, he attacks. Usually this is accomplished by charging full-force into the squirrel, knocking him down. I don't know why Aggro-Bunny has this vendetta, but it's certainly entertaining.

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Lots of things make me smile. The odd things that most people would probably not smile about include:


Today's surprise photo of The Stig. He reminds me of what could have been a catastrophe but turned out fine in the end.

Cloudy days




ETA: took out stuff that isn't specifically visual.

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HAD to go to Target today. Saw a grandmother dealing with a horrendously upset 5 or 6 year old. Screaming, banging etc, didn't want to get in his booster seat etc. Watched her pretty much drag him out of the store. He had his heart set on a certain toy, and it was not in stock. This grandmother was so  nice...didn't yell at him. I asked if she needed any help. She thanked me nicely and said she was ok. She also said, "He never acts like this. He's really heartbroken."  She didn't hit him, she didn't yell at him; she kept saying, "we'll find it, but not if we don't get into the car."  Finally, finally, she got him belted in.


I felt sad for both of them, but she was so nice, and he had a booster seat! They made me smile. I hope he finds the toy.

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My youngest is a girl (my only girl after several boys).  She's a fabulous mix of tomboy and girlie girl. 


When she was 2, my younger set of boys were 6, 7, 8, and 9.  Some of my older set of boys would take the younger set to the fields behind our home and play war. The older boys were usually the generals who ran the show, and the younger boys played the grunts.  The little ones wore play BDUs, boots, the whole deal. They took their play seriously LOL.  My daughter started asking to tag along, and we had old, outgrown play BDUs she'd have fit in but she had her own War Outfit in mind.  She'd dress up in her play heels, dance leotards, tutus and boas then get in line for her camo face paint and play gun.  What a sight! Then she loved when the two groups would fight over who got her on their team (I love my boys). And she'd run around right alongside them, fighting just as hard but looking way more fabulous.  She did that for years, until the younger boys outgrew those games.


She still has her own sense of style, and pairs her Chucks with nearly everything - even her frou frou dresses.  Our deal is no Chucks to church, but other than that she definitely has a distinct sense of style. She's definitely Project Runway material ;)

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HAD to go to Target today. Saw a grandmother dealing with a horrendously upset 5 or 6 year old. Screaming, banging etc, didn't want to get in his booster seat etc. Watched her pretty much drag him out of the store. He had his heart set on a certain toy, and it was not in stock. This grandmother was so  nice...didn't yell at him. I asked if she needed any help. She thanked me nicely and said she was ok. She also said, "He never acts like this. He's really heartbroken."  She didn't hit him, she didn't yell at him, she kept saying, "we'll find it but not if we don't get into the car."  Finally, finally, she got him belted in.


I felt sad for both of them, but she was so nice, and he had a booster seat! They may me smile. I hope he finds the toy.


This story highlights my own experiences, and is why I love when grandparents have (and take, depending on the situation) the opportunity to be an integral part of their grandkids' lives.



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Last Saturday night I was at a local "My State's Got Talent" type of competition. One of the performers was doing a cover of the Queen song, We Will Rock You. And along the side of the audience, two very grandmotherly types were there, fist pumping and chanting, "We will, we will, rock you!" They were wearing nice slacks, sweater sets, and sensible shoes. They totally looked like the last people one would expect to be singing along to that song, but they were completely into it!

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My youngest is a girl (my only girl after several boys). She's a fabulous mix of tomboy and girlie girl.


When she was 2, my younger set of boys were 6, 7, 8, and 9. Some of my older set of boys would take the younger set to the fields behind our home and play war. The older boys were usually the generals who ran the show, and the younger boys played the grunts. The little ones wore play BDUs, boots, the whole deal. They took their play seriously LOL. My daughter started asking to tag along, and we had old, outgrown play BDUs she'd have fit in but she had her own War Outfit in mind. She'd dress up in her play heels, dance leotards, tutus and boas then get in line for her camo face paint and play gun. What a sight! Then she loved when the two groups would fight over who got her on their team (I love my boys). And she'd run around right alongside them, fighting just as hard but looking way more fabulous. She did that for years, until the younger boys outgrew those games.


She still has her own sense of style, and pairs her Chucks with nearly everything - even her frou frou dresses. Our deal is no Chucks to church, but other than that she definitely has a distinct sense of style. She's definitely Project Runway material ;)

I sure hope you got video of that!

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Last night, I was laying in bed watching Great Gatsby on my Kindle while DH had the kids in the playroom watching cartoons. 
The 2yo slipped out and climbed in with me. I gave him an earbud. 
DH came to fetch him. 2yo said, "No, I watch Gatby." 

That tickled me.  :thumbup: 
He did lose interest after the party scenes were over, and went back to cartoons  :seeya:

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Or the rabbit who seems to have a contract out on a particular squirrel. He leaves the brown squirrels alone, but when he sees this big, fat gray squirrel, he attacks. Usually this is accomplished by charging full-force into the squirrel, knocking him down. I don't know why Aggro-Bunny has this vendetta, but it's certainly entertaining.


This reminds me of the time I saw a squirrel wrestling (or dancing, maybe?) with a huge rhubarb leaf. The squirrel was holding each side of the leaf in its paws and moving it forwards, backwards, and side to side. Very funny to watch!

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There is a young man who is the dad of a child at my son's school who wears a kilt all through summer and fall. Since we drop off our kids at the same time, I slow down my walk back to the car to catch a glimpse of him almost every monrning. The expressions of all the men and the women in that parking lot when he strolls along makes me smile. Most of them have either a surprised look or are smiling when they see him and some even turn their heads around to get a better look when they pass him by.

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the other week when I was doing my monthly trip to the closest big town with a shopping center.  I was in Kmart and there was a very old lady ( at least late 80s ) standing in the underwear istle holding up a bra to see if it was the right size.( She looked pretty frustrated as she had to sort of balance against her walking frame at the same time) Her husband was standing beside her leaning heavily on the shopping trolley for support ( he must have been well into his late 80s possibly in his 90s) and he was positively OOGGLING her. I have only ever seen an expression like he had in caricature type cartoons . 

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Well Wednesday night the thing I saw that had me smiling was my son mopping the floor at work.  The manager finally caught on to his mood cycles and realized if she has him work 4-10(close) then he is a happy, smiling, talking, hard worker.  If she kept him on his formally normal shifts of 11-1, or 10-2 he is sullen, mumbles into his shirt, wanders off his post frequently, sloppy work etc.  He got his 3 write ups/warnings about this before she caught on.  So although he is out of chances at work, with the new schedule changes he is like a new employee.  To see him smiling and laughing with his coworkers while mopping made me smile a huge smile.  I was still in my car watching through the big windows and was so pleased.  It may not really be an odd thing for most but for those that know my son and the issues he has they would get it.

Thursday the thing that had me smiling was seeing one of the puppies in the litter running on both front paws.  We get our yorkie friday afternoon.  There is a little one in the litter that I adore and that loves me.  Up until recently he has been walking/running on the joints of his front legs rather than the paws.  The breeder wasn't going to sell him because she thought it was a genetic thing.  I kept saying it was a ligament thing and he would end up just fine.  A few days ago I was there and noticed he was walking on the right paw normally.  Today he started on the left one.  The vet confirmed he will be just fine, it was a birth trauma.  So I sat on the lawn playing with the one that is mine, and this little guy just grinning.  The best part is there was someone who was considering getting him if it turned out his legs would be fine.  If she decides not to, the breeder has promised him to me.  I just adore that little guy.

Most of my smiles lately have come from the stories I am being told about my youngest 2 while they are at gramma's.  Hearing what they are saying and doing, especially my 9 yr old has be cracking up most days, and while that in itself is not an odd thing it is still awesome.

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One of the latest things that made me smile was a bouquet of droopy weeds from a preschooler, picked with much love and given to me with an enthusiastic hug. 


There is a black and white cat that made me smile this morning. I go out daily, early in the morning, for a walk/run and this cat is always sitting in the same place, between the sidewalk and street, a few blocks from my house. It watches me, acting all pompous and important. I don't like cats much, but this one appears to have a very serious daily mission.



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