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Phrase my DS thinks he should be allowed to use in formal essays:


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"I $hit you not."


Oh, my gosh...this kid! He's the one that is lucky that he makes me laugh so hard because otherwise, I'd lose my mind.


So he said he should be able to use it and I said, "give me an example."


his reply:


"Steinbeck is awesome at foreshadowing, I $hit you not."

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Well, it is grammatically correct, which is more than one can say of many other colorful expression.  And he would spell it out completely, with no textspeak?  Leagues ahead of most of his classmates.


ETA:  In your example, of course, it is part a run-on sentence, but the phrase itself is actually grammatically correct.  You could have him diagram it to prove that he knows what he is talking about.

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Love it. My best friend managed to slip "bat $hit crazy" into one of her college psychology papers. Apparently her professor laughed until he cried.


Funny, I was thinking about it like this....can you use that in a formal essay? Technically no, but it really depends on the professor.

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Well, it is grammatically correct, which is more than one can say of many other colorful expression. And he would spell it out completely, with no textspeak? Leagues ahead of most of his classmates.


ETA: In your example, of course, it is part a run-on sentence, but the phrase itself is actually grammatically correct. You could have him diagram it to prove that he knows what he is talking about.

Our conversation was oral...so the run-on is my fault.

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"I $hit you not."


Oh, my gosh...this kid! He's the one that is lucky that he makes me laugh so hard because otherwise, I'd lose my mind.


So he said he should be able to use it and I said, "give me an example."


his reply:


"Steinbeck is awesome at foreshadowing, I $hit you not."

I absolutely adore teen boys. I sh@t you not. They are so hilarious.

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