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I've never been able to teach my kids how to whistle. It's not going to affect the quality of their lives, but it's just something that has me bummed. So, how do you teach someone to whistle? They couldn't get past blowing like they were blowing out candles.

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When my guys were little, they couldn't snap their fingers either. Then one day something clicked in their mind and then you couldn't get them to stop. My youngest couldn't whistle until he was in his teens so hope isn't lost that yours never will. It's just something they have to keep at until something clicks.


I can remember as a child spending an entire summer trying to whistle with my fingers (I know...so ladylike) but eventually I could thru persistence and trial and error. I'd give my bottom dollar that my parents wished I'd never have acquired that skill since I could be quite loud with it. :blushing:

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I agree with Bethany too. I was almost an adult when I figured it out. My daughter figured it out when she was like 3. Which was hilarious - it gave her celebrity status on occasion. My SIL has never been able to whistle, and was amazed when my daughter started at 3. My 12 year old son still cannot whistle though.

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I just imitated my older male cousins and learnt to whistle at around three. Somehow one of my male cousin who is three years older finds it entertaining to demonstrate how to whistle until I could do it. My boys wanted to whistle, my younger pick up the skill in a few demonstrations while my older can only now do it but not as well. It's not a skill that can be rushed unfortunately. Somehow I think of whistling more like that of blowing a wind instrument than blowing out candles,

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I give my kids a little direction on placement of their tongue and how things feel in my mouth when I whistle. I also showed them how to whistle with a blade of grass and with their fingers in the corners of their mouth. My youngest is still pretty windy and my oldest can only do it with the fingers so far, he is able to make a little noise with a normal whistle, but not much. My dd on the other hand can whistle like crazy and we 'sing' songs together by whistling a lot.

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I agree with Bethany too. I was almost an adult when I figured it out. My daughter figured it out when she was like 3. Which was hilarious - it gave her celebrity status on occasion. My SIL has never been able to whistle, and was amazed when my daughter started at 3. My 12 year old son still cannot whistle though.


My son was two when he figured it out - so funny! 

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My little one is the only one of my kids who has whistled. Taught herself at around 5 years old, and whistles all day long.....I have been known to whitstle occasionally too. :-) As far as learning, she *wanted* to learn and tried until she achieved her goal with no help (and was sometimes discouraged) from others.

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