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S/O what do teen GIRLS do at your house?


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When dd's friends come over here they usually play Just Dance, listen to music on each other's iPod, go for walks, watch movies, and eat (a lot). Last time, though, they actually dug out all the American Girl stuff in the garage and dressed up dolls and set up some of the stuff. I was shocked.

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They like to play outside mostly, even if it's cold-- with DS and his friends if they're all over at the same time-- or building forts/fantasy habitats (their favorite is Lord of the Rings), swim, go exploring. Inside they like to watch movies, talk, make food, do Sculpey and draw anime.

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Talk, watch You Tube videos, listen to music, watch movies, make snacks and eat them, walk to the park, talk.


DD had a bday party where all the kids did was eat, talk/giggle, walk to the park en masse and hang out there, watch movies, eat and talk some more. The girls all declared it was the best party ever :confused1: I determined this must have been due to plenty of comfort food, freedom to organize their own fun (no adult-planned activities) and a mom who served food, but otherwise stayed out of their way.

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Well, I don't have a teenage girl but I was one once. :)


I spent my summers reading and working at a fast food joint.


I don't see many on either thread recommending summertime jobs. Is this a new trend ? Do teens not work during the summer any more? When I was a teen we all had summer time jobs from age 13 on. Babysitting, paper routes, lawn mowing, etc., that eventually moved to fast food places or the mall or whatever when we turned 15. Do kids not do this any more?

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Well, I don't have a teenage girl but I was one once. :)


I spent my summers reading and working at a fast food joint.


I don't see many on either thread recommending summertime jobs. Is this a new trend ? Do teens not work during the summer any more? When I was a teen we all had summer time jobs from age 13 on. Babysitting, paper routes, lawn mowing, etc., that eventually moved to fast food places or the mall or whatever when we turned 15. Do kids not do this any more?


I think it's just harder right now because so many adults are needing those same jobs. I see very few teens employed in positions that used to be almost solely filled by them.

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My DD and her four best friends have a "Writing Group": they take turns meeting at each other's houses socializing, reading aloud their short stories and doing fun writing activities (e.g. they each start a story with a paragraph, then pass the paper on to the next person to add to—I think they like this best).


They also spend an inordinate amount of time chatting about Dr. Who and other geek-girl things. And oh, my—the opinions fly! :laugh:

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Well, I don't have a teenage girl but I was one once. :)


I spent my summers reading and working at a fast food joint.


I don't see many on either thread recommending summertime jobs. Is this a new trend ? Do teens not work during the summer any more? When I was a teen we all had summer time jobs from age 13 on. Babysitting, paper routes, lawn mowing, etc., that eventually moved to fast food places or the mall or whatever when we turned 15. Do kids not do this any more?



Both of mine work-- DS at a small local garden nursery and DD as a mother's helper a couple of days a week. I thought the question was pertaining to how they spent their time when friends were over.

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Talk, watch You Tube videos, listen to music, watch movies, make snacks and eat them, walk to the park, talk.


DD had a bday party where all the kids did was eat, talk/giggle, walk to the park en masse and hang out there, watch movies, eat and talk some more. The girls all declared it was the best party ever :confused1: I determined this must have been due to plenty of comfort food, freedom to organize their own fun (no adult-planned activities) and a mom who served food, but otherwise stayed out of their way.


This and I would add trying different hairstyles, doing nails, gymnastics, lots of selfy photos and did I mention eating and more eating.

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Same as the boys. Play video games, board games, watch movies, walk to the park, they would love to play w/ water guns, one of the girl's friend always get out the yarn and makes a new cat toy (she loves cats, but can't have any), they talk books, listen to music, look at pictures on tumbler, etc. Occasionally they paint nails or do hair, but not often. Usually I have a mix of boys and girls and they all hang out and do the same activities....usually games like apples to apples, and watch movies.

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You're talking about what teen girls do when their teen girlfriends come over, right? (As opposed to what teen girls do at other times, which can be very different.)


My girls and their pals have always loved baking and creating in the kitchen. They'll spend whole afternoons doing this. They also love to sit out on the front porch and talk, or look up new hairstyles online. Our summers are so short, that they spend a lot of time outside too. They'll take a walk to the downtown and back (and stop for a coffee or ice cream on the way), or go for a bike ride. Usually they're planning some future social event, so that takes up time too. :)

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Share favorite YouTube videos.


Play music and dance.


Skype with other friends who aren't here.


Watch movies.






Walk to the shopping center and browse/shop/snack there.


Play with their hair. (My daughter is fond of recreating Star Wars hairstyles on herself and her friends. Yes, she is the queen of the nerds. Thank you for noticing!)


Play with the dog.


Play board games, especially ones intended for young children.

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Make cookies

Watch YouTube videos

Take embarrassing photos of themselves with ugly faces

Walk to the thrift store

Walk to a local restaurant for a snack

Lay on the trampoline

Write a story together that they won't show me, so it must be pretty bad

Play The Sims and create weirdo characters (and then kill them off)

Go to the river and have a mud fight

Walk to the farmer's market

Watch a movie and talk through the whole thing

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