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Little kid funny


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Funny! My son is the same. He's really not picky about flavours, but he is very reluctant to try unfamiliar things. Around here lasagne is 'flat spaghetti'...


We once ate lunch at a seaside spot where we ordered at the counter. Ds had asked for chicken nuggets (of course) but fish fillets were the only option. When ds walked up and reminded me that he wanted chicken nuggets I told him that I had ordered 'one big chicken nugget'. The high-school aged server started to correct me, but I froze him with my best Motherly Stare until he caught on, and with a snigger and a smirk confirmed the 'one big chicken nugget' order. Of course, ds thought it was a delicious nugget :-) (He now eats fish fillets quite happily.)

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Sounds familiar . . .


One day our cousins were over (5 cousins plus my own two) and they asked me what I was making for dinner. I cheerfully told them, "meatloaf." They objected strenuously. There was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. There were whispered conferences in the corners of the house in panicked tones with many sidelong glances. There was wringing of the hands and yes, even tears.


I assembled the crew back in the kitchen.


"Okay, guys," I said, "you win. I will not force anyone to eat any meatloaf."


There was cheering. Then the oldest asked, with suspicion and a shrewd glance, "What are you going to make?"


"Well, I have all this ground beef I bought for the meatloaf. I have to use it up. I figured I would just serve ground beef sandwiches."


This suggestion was considered and approved by the masses.


I then made the meatloaf as planned, sliced it, and served it on bread as sandwiches. It was a hit.


The virtues of this meal were ecstatically proclaimed, and it became a frequently requested favorite over the years.

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I made schnitzel, visiting children did not look happy about weird food. Luckily for me, I had run out of bread crumbs and had used crushed crackers as an alternative.


"It is yummy, it is just chicken with crackers, you like chicken, you like crackers." They were pacified and tried it and liked it. I also tried to explain that it was like homemade chicken nuggets, but that didn't sell as well as the chicken with crackers explanation.

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When I was 16 my baby sister was four years old, and was just being bratty while we were out to eat as a family at an Italian restaurant. Even though this was a place we frequented, and we ALWAYS got the stromboli (man I miss that stromboli, LOL), she was in a funk for some reason and insisted she didn't like stromboli anymore. She was totally faking; I think she had wanted to order something else, and the stromboli is a huge family size thing, like a large pizza, and we all wanted to get that. Anyway, I don't know how I knew to do this, because my parents never faked her out like this, but for some reason I said "Ok, we won't order the stromboli. We'll get "fold-boli". Its just like pizza, only they fold it in half before they cook it." She was totally pacified, I distracted her while mom ordered the stromboli so she wouldn't hear, and she gobbled it up when it came. So fold-boli became a family legend, and my parents were pretty impressed with my fast thinking.


It's funny because now that I have my own kids, I'd never lie to them like that. But it *did* work. :D

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My son was always very picky and we had to be quite creative when introducing new foods. We still serve "Cat Pasta" (Rotini) and"Bee Bread" (French toast with honey)" though he has lost his taste for "Bulldozer Sandwiches" (cheese sandwiches). I do wonder how requesting bee bread for breakfast will go over when he is on his own, but he seems disinclined to use the proper terminology even though he knows full well everyone else in the world calls it French toast.

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Last week I made a boxed mac and cheese - it was a natural, organic brand we had not tried before. My dd picked it out at the store as a treat - we rarely have stuff like this. I made it and my daughter starts grumbling and says it's not good. She's a fussy eater, so I told her tough noogies, you picked it out, that's what you're having for lunch. She kept going on and on. DH tried it. I forgot to put the cheese in. ROFL. Bad mom.

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That's cute!


My mom told me that when she'd tell my brother we would be having steak for dinner, he'd ask if it was good steak or "that funny steak."


That funny steak was LIVER.


Blech! Smart boy, my DB!


Ewwww liver! One of the few things I will NOT eat. My mom said my oldest brother called it chocolate meat.

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Reminds me of the time that our first son didn't want ham when we were out at a club meeting; normally, they served hot dogs, and that's what we (and he) were expecting. So DH goes, "Oh, see, it's just a flat hot dog." DS1 gobbled it up (and he actually likes ham; he just wasn't expecting it that night).

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I have had this with my whole family--dh included. I made my homemade version of swiss steak. It was hardly picked at because they didn't like that meat. The next night we had stew with the "best most tender meat ever" :laugh:

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That was actually my dad. He had a "thing" about meatloaf. Would not eat it. He was not a picky man, but I think this may have gone back to something from either his days in the Air Force or his childhood, not sure. Anyways, my mom came up with a recipe called "beef ring" he would eat. (It was meatloaf in a circle LOL)

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That's cute!


My mom told me that when she'd tell my brother we would be having steak for dinner, he'd ask if it was good steak or "that funny steak."


That funny steak was LIVER.


Blech! Smart boy, my DB!

Once when my daughter was about 3, I was making some steak and portabella mushrooms. She was a die-hard carnivore and when she saw it cooking she asked if she could have some of the 'snake'. There wasn't a lot of steak and we cut her a small bit but also gave her some mushroom. She ate the steak with gusto but got to the mushroom and questioned me, "You sure this is snake?"

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